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Sorry I'm actually raging a bit at that comment from her - "I didn't understand what it all meant". It has been nine months now.

It's a bit late to be trying to pull that you're confused about the rules.
Hasn't she been telling everyone who criticised her about her breaking rules for months now that she's well aware and follows them all and is super duper careful? How can she suddenly not know anything?
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Yes! It's like someone did a parody of Helen. How does she have such little self awareness. And where are her wolf tees now? Abandoned like every other 5 minute fad she gets fixated on.
Uh, can you not be so rude please? She doesn't vlog everything, following the acorn and howling at the moon are things that a woman likes to do in private.

(/s if the sarcasm isn't evident. I get being a sucker for fashion fads but man, I don't think I've ever seen her wear one of those wolf tees sincd the video)

Also a little early but Helen Anderson #10: Following the acorn, howling at the moon, breaking restrictions
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That ad feels so out of season too? It’s December, focus on needing to boost your vitamins and not just vibing with them. Could’ve been her out on a dog walk (with mask!) encouraging her followers to get fresh air, some exercise and boost their mental and physical health.
Nah we’re cool just do some green eyeshadow instead fuck the followers.
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Vlogmas Day 4 - Ya Filthy Animal

"I'm so blogger right now I got my Starbucks" Says Helga, coming into the room as if it was the first time, yet she already been in setting the camera up to capture this magical shot

"I never normally get Starbucks and bring it home, but I could today"

She struggles to remember that it's vlogmas day 4. She's been up eary to get her nails done at 8:15am (what's the betting that she begged to be squeezed in?) and now she's getting in the habit of treating herself to a Starbucks on the way home "it's like a double whammy of treats, nails and Starbucks."

She says that yesterday was a bit of a fail - It was the "worst luck" day of her trying to get her work done, she had a cry and her period started today.

She got up nice n early to edit her vlogmas and her computer was being fucky. So she had to go to all the effort of doing it on her laptop. What a hard life.

She the went off to PT - cue a flashback of her setting her camera up outside the gym, walking in and shutting the door yelling "HELLLLLOOOOOOO" I fucking hope one day someone will nick her camera when she does this shite 🤣Now footage of her shockingly poor form on the rowing machine while she's busy chin wagging to Kat with an over the top almost fake happiness. Next exercise and she's still yapping away saying how much she likes Kat's xmas decorations. She's enjoying being back at the gym and doing something different than running because she's 'been running LOADS recently'

She then sat on the sofa doing 'some sort of work stuff' on her laptop and uh oh! flash back to her telling her story about her camera just magically flew across the room and flip out screen is hanging off. "Luckily it's not coming off too much, too much" and Fildo is going to fix it for her when she gets home. What a good EGG.

Her highlight yesterday was doing her promo for the new JBL Party Box - she spent the evening she spent the evening serenading aka bothering Fil by screeching down a microphone with her speaker strapped around her




Fil slinks out of shot. He just wants to get dinner cooked. Fuck now she's turned to the camera and is screeching songs at us....

Why does it look like she hasn't done the zip up on her dress?


Fuck me, this wailing is going on for agessss


Life must be pretty dull if this is the highlight....

Back to present day Helga, this is her new favorite toy, she might even go busking with it.... Jesus Christ.

She spent the rest of the evening watching Sons of Anarchy and taking loads of pictures of her and the dogs on the sofa - because clearly the sofa rule was fucking stupid and didn't work.

Today, she's going to tidy the house because she's got to that point where she likes to get the house "so disgustingly untidy, where I'm almost really ashamed of myself... PURPOSEFULLY" so she can have the satisfaction of having it clean again.

"CUE MESS MONTAGE!" - which is of course in slow motion cos this video needs to get over the 10 minute mark.


"I know what you're probably thinking.... 'Elen yer 'ouse is mingin' wot on earf are yer playin' at?' Well, you know what? It's a house that's lived in" she says, while strangling whatever hair she has left on her head


She ain't gonna feel bad about letting her place get into a shit hole - but DAMN ANYONE ELSE MESSING UP HER SHIT AHEM FIL AHEM JOSIE AHEM

Now she constantly repeats how she's going to clean and we're starting with the kitchen!


Now she's explaining how she uses Zoflora.

She's leaving the mess in the dining room because she's going to be editing her vlog in the house cos the internet is better in the house than it is in the office.... so much for the new office Helz...


Living room now and what she 'reaaaaaally didn't appreciate' is Fil putting his "nut crumbs" straight on the coffee table because there's a ridge in the table and when you try to scrape them off it gets stuck in the ridge and OH MY GOD THIS IS SO BORING HELEN.

"Erugh it's rank" says Helen, inspecting the ridge.


Guys, hold on to your hats. She's gunna have ta 'oover them out.

Now she's showing off all her yankee candle plug ins. She hasn't got it plugged in at the moment as her laptop is plugged in. 😴

Bed making time and we're done

She's off out now to go to do the recycling and she's taking a weight she borrowed back to bootcamp - because she couldn't possibly do that the next time she's there for her work out.

She's nattering to her self about all sorts of shite while driving around, wobbling about. Now she's back home having a celebratory cup of tea. She feels well good "creating....tidying" the house back to how it should be for the weekend ahead.

"Sometimes you've got to let it get messy, so when you do do it you just feel lovely and satisfied and great"

And that's it now until Monday. What a fun vlog. 😴😴😴
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That ‘dealing with break ups‘ video is horrific. Proving once again that she has zero self awareness and always has to play the victim. She literally says, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong, there’s nothing wrong with me, it’s the other person’s fault’. Really, Helen, you never did a single thing wrong and everything was Maff’s fault? Really? Are you sure? Your husband leaves within 6 months of the wedding but it’s nothing to do with you and all down to him and his ‘problems’. Sure, Jan :rolleyes: .

And going on about how being in a couple isn’t the be all and end all when she can’t spend half a day on her own without having a panic attack. Once again I ask the question, does she know she talks complete rubbish and just churns out what she thinks people want to hear, or does she have no idea that what she says and what she does are two completely different things most of the time?

Also, if she wants to get a decent night’s sleep she should stop drinking. Alcohol disrupts sleep, if she didn’t drink she’d sleep better.

She’s totally going to ignore it, I reckon. Or do some arsey reply about how her channel is about fun and she doesn’t involve herself in serious issues/politics etc.

I just went to have a quick look at the comments and the viewing figures and engagement on that video are embarrassingly low. Also this comment jumped out at me. I had to stop myself replying “look at Helen’s videos properly, really watch them, and then consider she is someone who is qualified to give life advice and if you really think she’s had a ‘glow up’.
Fuck me, "glow up"

Also, SO manipulative when she says she "wasn't allowed to listen to stuff on her headphones in bed"... wasn't allowed or Matt had to be up early for work (and to being her the daily cup of tea in bed - anyone remember that?!) and asked her to show a bit of consideration and not listen to shit in bed that would keep him from falling asleep.

I'm pretty chill but (pre-kids because I now have them making noise and keeping me up!) I would not want my partner listening to stuff in bed and stopping me from sleeping. And I show him the same respect. But again the master manipulator has framed it that she WASN'T ALLOWED for maximum sympathy and maximum molluscs saying "ur beta off without him hun"

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Calm down Helen, it's just juice 🤣

I don't think we've EVER seen her have one of these first thing in the morning, it's ALWAYS been a black coffee first thing to keep her farting away at bootcamp 🤣

Just like Nuii is her fav ice creams, never seen her eat it since the advert, she went back to her mini magnums 😏
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The comment of she lets the house get disgusting so it’s more satisfying to clean. When I had my mental breakdown I used this as an excuse.
My flat was literally disturbing to the point where you couldn’t see the floor in most rooms and I always told my friends I was waiting to do a massive clean. I’m still not 100% recovered and my house isn’t spotless but Helen’s home genuinely made me feel repulsed and echoed what my place used to look like.
I know not everyone is tidy but a lot of the stuff in that video is just stuff that should be done on a daily (or immediate) basis and never left to mount up like that? She also has 2 dogs. I have 2 dogs and I know if I don’t hoover and clean daily the place can smell (they both swim every day or lay in puddles the little fucks) and will get filthy very quickly.
I don’t want to judge her because for some people a messy house is a sign of a troubled mind. But the fact it’s been like this since Maff left I think says enough really, it’s genuinely really really saddening as I was in that position for a couple of years too. However getting my dogs along with moving motivated me to clean and gave me a reason to try and get better. Helen has her dogs, Helen has a boyfriend. Is she not embarrassed of the fact she has a beautiful home that always seems to be filthy?
Idk that’s my two pence about it but I hope you guys understand what I’m getting at

ALSO editted to add that the way she uses Zoflora has actually been disapproved by Zoflora themselves (hence why Mrs Hinch now doesn’t use them because they basically called her out LOL). The careless “I always add too much”, sorry love but that stuff is highly flammable and can be incredibly dangerous along with the fact it’s AWFUL for dogs. If I use it anywhere in my house my dogs have to be in a complete separate part of the house for a couple of hours for it to completely dry. Really irresponsible.
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That Tropicana Ad...

Wtf was she on??

I've edited the qUiRkY bits

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View attachment 339554

"Tattle seyz I luk bauld wiv ma air up, so I'm gunna show dem by wearin me air up even moor... I like ta fil da breeze on ma bald patch."

Her ponytail looks as dead and lifeless as her eyes. She's in desperate need of a good hair cut.
The absolute FUCK is that face she's pulling?!


Are they actively trying to look like weird, pouting big toes? 😂 They look beyond ridiculous. How can you be that self-obsessed, spend that much time taking photos of yourself and editing the hell out of them, and STILL post such awful pictures?
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I know this discussion is as old as her ropey extentions but I neeeed to rant about it... her fucking consumerism!! Every single one of her vlogs/posts/thoughts has sponsered crap in it. On top of that, she's recommending muff lazering, expensive dresses and again, over comsumption of food. I'd rather not go bankrupt for a shiny foof thanks.
This year has really focused my mind on what's important and it's not buying shit in hopes of filling a soul shaped void. With her 'influence' she really could be making a difference; showing people how to make up shoe boxes for children, teaching us about sustainable ways and going out onto the streets and helping the homeless...and if one of her mental minions even tries to say she shouldn't be going onto the streets at the mo I will throw a sponsered mince pie at their face. Raaaarrrr.
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She.. makes.. the.. house.. disgustingly.. untidy.. on PURPOSE!?!?!

Sorry, what!?!

Sorry but that has really got on my tits. She. Is. Self. Employed. She. Works. At. Home. Is she for real?? She's in charge of her own schedule. There is absolutely NO excuse not to keep on top of the housework. I'm not talking 'bleach every surface constantly', I'm talking - finished using that particular lipstick? Put it back in the drawer which is literally located an inch away from the mirror you used to help apply it.

The fact that there's only 2 adults living there (seriously, what was the point in saying he'd moved out?), there should not be that much shit everywhere. WHY are there so many dirty dishes just plonked in/near the sink? She has the luxury of a DISHWASHER!! And all of that makeup just slung on the side - you have a WHOLE dressing room dedicated to your clothes & makeup, why is it so difficult to literally open a drawer, & put said makeup back inside it??

Don't get me wrong. I don't consider myself to be a neat-freak. I have a box of wedding stuff in the spare room, waiting to get sorted out since October, some clothes that have been slung on 'the chair' (y'know that chair where it's like purgatory for clothes - neither 'clean' enough to put back in the wardrobe, nor 'unclean' enough to put in the laundry basket), some of my furnishings have gathered some dust, & I need to do a good hoover. But my reason why all of that isn't done yet, is because me & my husband both work full time (where we have to commute - we can't work from home) & we're doing some house renovation which is taking up any free time we seem to have lately. Even having that as a 'reason' still irks me, & I constantly keep saying to myself 'there's no excuses, just get it done'.

Still can't get over the fact that she still went ahead and hired a cleaner AFTER Josie moved out, even though she said she was wanting to hire a cleaner BECAUSE of Josie! So essentially, she just threw Josie under the bus, as an excuse to get a cleaner, even though it was for her own mess (evidence of where she cocks up & unawarely admits she got a cleaner if anyone wants it

- 8:25 "My cleaner wants a feather duster". Josie moved out end of March, this video was uploaded June). So assuming she still had the cleaner in 2020, I'm guessing the house has reverted back to being an almost-constant cluttered state as the cleaner wouldn't have been able to come round because of Covid.

We've all had moments where we'd like the house to be cleaner, but just not felt mentally up for it. But if she's happy as she's claiming to be, and - sorry, I might get a bit of stick for this - I know the whole "it doesn't matter how much 'stuff' or money you've got, or how satisfactory-pleasing of a job you've got, & how many supportive friends & family you have around you, you can still have mental health problems" - but I can honestly say, I've met people who are struggling to make ends meet, are a single parent to 2 kids, they are struggling mentally but have literally not got the time to take themselves to the doctors, they work 2 part time jobs, live in a tiny 2 bedroom property, but they STILL manage to keep their house reasonably clean - at the very least, cleaner than Helen's. I think it's safe to say Helen's just plain dirty & lazy.

Sorry for the long post.
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Chatty Member
What I don't get is why she's acts like this now? I swear even 1 and a half years ago she wasn't this unbearable. She was always a bit loud and a little bit rough but now she is constantly loud and overbearing and talks in that awful chavy accent. But why she has started acting like this is what I dont understand.
She's become this caricature of herself. It's almost like an act she puts on. It's like she can't be introspective or look at herself, like really look. She has to fill every second with food or drink or mindless waffle. I'm sure a therapist would have a lot to say about that. I also thinking working from home is not a job that suits her. She would be better off back working in a shoe shop and chatting with customers all day long.


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That make up look is AWFUL. I don't understand how she keeps managing to age herself with these looks 🤣

Also how has she not got a foundation which matches her skin tone?!? It's hilarious watching her skin turn lighter and lighter each transition 🤣
But the blue eyeshadow looked so good by itself!? I was like oo I really like the pared down skin and bare lips with the blue THEN she added that fucking flour white foundation and pantomime blush. WHY?! Just a bit of concealer, less blush and a gloss and her makeup would have looked banging. She always has to overdo everything and ruin it.
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View attachment 331978
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"Not every opinion needs to be shared... Just the ones I want and agree with should be shared" 🤣

Also the claim about trolls - this is a blanket name for anyone who puts a negative comment or criticism. It has to be the internet's fault, not because she's turned into a huge problematic dickhead 🙄


ohhh myyyy goooddd I can't deal with her!!!!

She was definitely either high or drunk, maybe even both. Imagine turning up to work drunk/high... tbh she should know all about turning up to places drunk ;) Mrs. I-drank-beer-at-school-bc-i'm-such-a-lad
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She's almost 30 and is still choosing to be deliberately ignorant to world news, politics and community issues. Makes me wonder just how can she even have the gall to try and talk about serious issues after admitting she doesn't have a clue what's going past her own posts and whatsapp? But... actually, the majority of her serious content is nonsensical word vomit that comes out of her mouth, and always has to revolve around her no matter what the topic is about, so maybe it's not surprising to realise that she's actually a completely uneducated moron.

Perhaps it's time for you to follow some news worthy pages instead of all the greasy food accounts you follow on Instagram, Helga. 🙄
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