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Chatty Member
This is genuinely the happiest I've been for months! It's like the press has shone a light on her rotten character. Can't stand women who gut other women.

i would still love to know more about the UN women thing - her not being happy they were at a Fiji engagement I mean. Surely that's her bag? I did think she had not referenced her being an ambassador, which was out of character: wonder why they fell out....
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In the clip she says something like 'how could the firm expect me to be silent after all this time' or wtte.

Which is exactly what the bullied staff are now doing, not being silent after all this time
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Countdown until the stress of it all means Harry makes a statement about it affecting her pregnancy. Thing is they can't pick and choose their media. Yes she has pregnant but she has been courting daily publicity for the past month solid - not all of it was ever going to be nice, as in a free world, people can disagree with you. Just chill, concentrate on the gorwing little family, and stop launching attacks on everything that moves and blinks.
Yes you're absolutely right. We wouldn't know she was pregnant if she'd kept her mouth shut. Noone forced her to film an "exclusive no holds barred" interview. Noone forced him to piss around with James Corden courting publicity.
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First of all - ha! The times will have been sitting on this so that Oprah can’t do another amendment to the interview.
it’s unsurprising how she treated them - she seems to have the idea that she was a princess with serfs rather than a high ranking public servant with a staff of public servants who should be respected like any employee. There were enough stories about her behaviour over the years she never sued over.
I think she stole those earrings - the palace would have buried them because of the provenance and how bad it looked. She’s always been about the money.
BP look very bad - but they were indeed caught between their staff and Meghan basically saying they didn’t stand up for her, also with Harry running up and down the halls screaming that she should have whatever she wants. His behaviour is also awful but he was spoiled rotten his entire life. BP made this problem over many years and I think the family stopped the grey suits from dealing with it efficiently - HM should never have let him marry her and they should have released all their research as reasoning why.

the judgement going against ANL will also have rattled the entire press Corps - mostly owned by the same few people so they will want to respond en masse
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The dm article specifically quotes smeg's lawyer as saying this is a smear campaign orchesteated by BP. Not the press. BP. This is about to get fuglier than MMs wardrobe and it is revealing the true objective of the campaign: bring down the monarchy. Ergo Hazno saying The Crown was pretty much on the button.
You gotta laugh at her saying it's a smear campaign. When she is doing exactly that to the RF, the British people by saying we are all racist and saying the press is toxic.
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Scotch Mist

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Apparently one of the staff members who left after feeling bullied was black, so let's hope that news is passed along to the brain dead pond scum suckarse squad.


I think we should demand that Smeggy issues an apology to us everyday for 6 months just for fucking existing 😁
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Let’s not forget as well that The Times would not print this if they weren’t sure they could back it up, considering how litigious that cunt is. She’s shot herself in her bunioned foot.

And yes, it doesn’t make BP look great, but at least she can’t keep banging on about how they didn’t welcome her.

I’m just waiting for Scabies and the sugars’ responses: “the palace aides were probably white so it’s okay for our kween to bully them, she’s a strong WOC!”
Thing is BP can take the short term hit of not protecting staff, lessons learned , procedures changed etc. Maybe even say it was an unprecedented situation. It proves they protected meghan and backs up the constant staff changes during her time as a royal. Better in the long run.

Meghans spokesperson statement is bizarre, it doesn't really deny it, apologise for possible misunderstandings etc. It's almost ignoring it and belittling it.

I suspect there is enough stored up between the Palace and the media for more truth to come out. BP have already said they can't complain about stories that aren't true.

What really needs to happen is the American press to grab hold.of it and ideally interview the victims on TV.

I suspect the media will now work together, the tabloids can't do all the stories, it needs the times and serious journalists to break stories to put weight behind them
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Countdown until the stress of it all means Harry makes a statement about it affecting her pregnancy. Thing is they can't pick and choose their media. Yes she has pregnant but she has been courting daily publicity for the past month solid - not all of it was ever going to be nice, as in a free world, people can disagree with you. Just chill, concentrate on the gorwing little family, and stop launching attacks on everything that moves and blinks.
I can see that happening..a "miscarriage"...... " I knew with almost unbearable rage as I clutched my first lawsuit, that as I sank to my knees I was losing my second lawsuit ... "
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oh yea the "strong powerful black woman" that married the whitest man possible, that one?
the "strong powerful black woman" who put herself as caucasian on her acting CV?
the "strong powerful black woman" who looks whiter than ever on her most recent photos?
the "strong powerful black woman" who's done nothing for any of the commonwealth countries where inhabitants are mainly black and could use a bit of support from a global figure such as herself.

ok then.

Does Michelle Obama have a similar reputation for bullying? If she does I've not heard it. But surely she's very much a "strong powerful black woman" too?
The strong powerful black woman whose colour disappears when a hand is cleaned for henna tattoos.
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Lmao this thread is so racist 😂 We hate to see a black princess!!! They're doing to Meghan what they did to Diana. And BP doesn't tolerate bullying in the workplace but it tolerates pedos... 🤔
Please don’t be disgusting. You might make judgements based on the colour of someone‘s skin, but we’re not all bigots like you. We don’t care about skin tone, it’s a shame that you do.

Also .... a pedalo is someone who targets prepubescent children (it’s a long word, do you know what that means, lovie?) which does not include a 17 year old young woman. You insult every victim of paedophilia by misusing that word to sex-up your hatred of Andrew. How shameful.

Now, that McFlurry machine won’t clean itself. Off you pop.

*Automatically changed fo “pedalo”. You catch my drift.
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Have a feeling it truly is the aides as well - they didn't feel protected by BP and are exposing that as well. The article also says The Times understands that BP have been really anxious these allegations are coming out.
Undoubtedly the palace don't come out of this well. But I think the men in grey suits weighed things up and came to the conclusion that a bit of a hit on neglecting to act swiftly re the bullying is outweighed by pointing out how much protection smeggy had back then. It pisses on any Orca claims that the palace never supported her.
It was a tough one for the firm ... do they speak to smeggy/Harry about her needing to wind her neck in when dealing with staff or do they let the hare sit and hope it blows over. If I read things correctly, all the persons concerned are still in Brenda's employ so it's safe to assume that though the smeggy saga was hugely upsetting for them they are now comfortable enough with things at present.
Frankly I'm astonished but pleased that the Times have weighed in on this. All the papers need to form a united front. It was bad enough that Warby threw ANL under the bus, but the behaviour of the snarkles afterward has been utterly appalling. No graciousness in victory or classy reaction.They win a privacy case then within three days post a very personal image and are revealed to be about to spill their guts to Orca in a 90 minute personal interview about their private time in the Firm and why they left.
Warby will be furious, but you'll never see him admit it. Silly cockwomble.

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But she isn't a strong powerful black woman. She uses her race when it's convenient, If she was that pro black rights she would hire a more diverse team around her.

The core issue with them is they are not authentic, their actions don't match their rhetoric.

Also, victim blaming is now OK?
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View attachment 464114

Fuck me, this is grim. We all knew it, but to see it in black and white (no pun intended) is a whole different thing.
That was the part that had me 😮 as well. Just incredible, was she a plant after all? And the Khashoggi thing just cements what a fake humanitarian and despicable person she is too.

Anyway I'm like the Cheshire Cat this morning.

I am so sad for the victims, but I'm so pleased they have finally been given their "voice" and someone is "shining a light" on their ordeal.
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Chatty Member
What goes around comes back at ya smeggy!!!!!
You know what, this is going to be absolutely volcanic. Narcissistic people do not react well to exposure she is going to go nuclear!! Wait for the furious press and legal response.

I think the press are coordinating their attacks as they have finally had enough!
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