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Would love a Black Princess, but they need to do the job and be a nice person - it’s a fairly low bar she failed to clear.
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What I'd like to know is, what on earth went wrong with her upbringing to have led to her possibly being the biggest narcissist there is? She has an ego the size of K2. How can somebody so dull and ordinary end up believing the things she does? She's so stupid as well and nothing she says makes sense. She's a total fraud. It's embarrassing.

I wish I was a psychologist and understood the mechanics of these disorders. It's fascinating in its own way. So rare to catch a live one I would think. It's fascinating in a horrible way.
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Chatty Member
Sounds like her style right enough. She did say in her actress blogs that she had no interest in befriending other actresses as they were her competition, period. With that attitude toward her own female peer group back then you can beef that up x 10 with her attitude as a royal dealing with mere underlings who are female.Her bullying seems geared toward females. Cunt.
Agreed. Anonymously and in private we see her real colours whilst her image is all compassion and ra ra. Another thing in the article is something about how she cut short a Fiji engagement because she was uncomfortable with UN Women being there - wasn't she an ambassador for them?!?

more is going to splurge out the rest of the week. Can't wait for Lady C! The Times aren't stupid. They will have checked the emails - they're about to take a legal sniping from the Sussexes. Thing is wouldn't surprise me if the entire press band together now. Her demand for front page news retraction looks even more laughable now! She is going to explode.
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cosmo girl

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I think this week there will be more leaks to the press. The palace must have recordings and security footage tucked away somewhere?
There has been a smear campaign made against the british people and the royal family. It's time to fight fire with fire 👏👏
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Royal aides have hit back at the Duchess of Sussex before her television interview with Oprah Winfrey by revealing that she faced a bullying complaint made by one of her closest advisers during her time at Kensington Palace.

The sources approached The Times because they felt that only a partial version had emerged of Meghan’s two years as a working member of the royal family and they wished to tell their side, concerned about how such matters are handled by the palace. The complaint claimed that she drove two personal assistants out of the household and was undermining the confidence of a third staff member.

It was made in October 2018 by Jason Knauf, the couple’s communications secretary at the time, seemingly in an effort to get Buckingham Palace to protect staff who he claimed were coming under pressure from the duchess. Prince Harry pleaded with Knauf not to pursue it, according to a source.

The Times was approached by sources who stated that they wanted to give their account of the turmoil within the royal household from Meghan’s arrival as Harry’s girlfriend in 2017 to the couple’s decision to stand down as working royals last year.
A spokesman for the Sussexes said they were the victims of a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation. They said the duchess was “saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma”.

Knauf sent an email to Simon Case, then the Duke of Cambridge’s private secretary and now the cabinet secretary, after conversations with Samantha Carruthers, the head of HR. Case then forwarded it to Carruthers, who was based at Clarence House.
In his email Knauf said Carruthers “agreed with me on all counts that the situation was very serious”. He added: “I remain concerned that nothing will be done.”
Sources say they were concerned that nothing was done at the time to investigate the situation, and nothing done since to protect staff against the possibility of bullying by a member of the royal family. Aides also insist that behind the scenes they did more to welcome Meghan and help her to find a role than has been publicly acknowledged.
They believe the public should have insight into their side of the story before watching the couple’s much-publicised interview with Winfrey, due to be televised in the United States on Sunday.

The couple’s lawyers told The Times that this newspaper is “being used by Buckingham Palace to peddle a wholly false narrative” before the interview.
However, The Times understands that the palace establishment is highly concerned that the allegations have emerged.
The sources have revealed a febrile atmosphere within Kensington Palace, where Meghan and Harry lived alongside the Cambridges after their wedding until the split between the two households at the beginning of 2019. Staff would on occasion be reduced to tears; one aide, anticipating a confrontation with Meghan, told a colleague: “I can’t stop shaking.”
Two senior members of staff have claimed that they were bullied by the duchess. Another former employee told The Times they had been personally “humiliated” by her and claimed that two members of staff had been bullied.
Another aide claimed it felt “more like emotional cruelty and manipulation, which I guess could also be called bullying”.
The duchess denies bullying and her lawyers stated that one individual left after findings of misconduct. The Times was not able to corroborate that claim.
The Times can also reveal that the duchess wore earrings to a formal dinner in Fiji in 2018 that were a wedding gift from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, who is said by US intelligence agencies to have approved the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The dinner took place three weeks after the killing.
At the time it was reported that the earrings were borrowed. The duchess does not deny this was what she said, despite being aware of their provenance.
On the same tour sources said the main reason that the duchess cut short an engagement in Fiji was because of her reservations about the organisation UN Women. It is not clear why she is said to have felt so strongly about its presence. The duchess denies the sources’ claims about the event.
Knauf wrote in his email: “I am very concerned that the Duchess was able to bully two PAs out of the household in the past year. The treatment of X* was totally unacceptable.”
He added: “The Duchess seems intent on always having someone in her sights. She is bullying Y and seeking to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report from people who have witnessed unacceptable behaviour towards Y.”
The email, which also expressed concern about the stress being experienced by Samantha Cohen, the couple’s private secretary, concluded: “I questioned if the Household policy on bullying and harassment applies to principals.”
The complaint was sent to the HR department. However, one source said: “I think the problem is, not much happened with it. It was, ‘How can we make this go away?’, rather than addressing it.”
After Harry was told about the complaint a source insists he had a meeting with Knauf in which he begged him not to pursue it. Lawyers for the duke and duchess deny that any meeting took place or that the duke would have interfered with any staff matter.
Another source claimed: “Senior people in the household, Buckingham Palace and Clarence House, knew that they had a situation where members of staff, particularly young women, were being bullied to the point of tears.
“The institution just protected Meghan constantly. All the men in grey suits who she hates have a lot to answer for, because they did absolutely nothing to protect people.”
Knauf‘s complaint never progressed. Two of the people named in his email are are said to feel that nothing has been done to investigate the bullying claim. The following month Knauf handed in his notice.
When the households split the following March he took up a job as an adviser to the Duke of Cambridge. He is now chief executive of the Cambridges’ Royal Foundation.
After a newspaper revealed that a PA had left after only six months, it is understood that the duchess became extremely concerned about the number of stories in the press about staff leaving. Her lawyers state that she did not read the press.
The tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga was a difficult one for staff, sources told The Times. When the duchess wore the earrings in Fiji given by the crown prince she told aides who were preparing to brief the media about her outfit for the state dinner that they had been “borrowed” from a jeweller, a source said, an explanation that was widely reported. This was three weeks after the murder of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
Lawyers for the duchess said she may have stated they were borrowed but did not say they were borrowed from a jeweller and denied that she had misled anyone about their provenance.
Although Case had no managerial responsibility for the staff mentioned in Knauf’s complaint, he is understood to have taken it seriously. He made sure it was sent to HR, and took a close interest in the welfare of the staff member still employed there.
The issue of staff — their treatment, and the fact that they were shared between William and Harry — became so pressing that William and Case accelerated the process of splitting the two households. “What was a long-term plan became an immediate plan,” a source said.
The spokesman for the Sussexes said in a statement: “Let’s just call this what it is — a calculated smear campaign based on misleading and harmful misinformation. We are disappointed to see this defamatory portrayal of The Duchess of Sussex given credibility by a media outlet. It’s no coincidence that distorted several-year-old accusations aimed at undermining The Duchess are being briefed to the British media shortly before she and The Duke are due to speak openly and honestly about their experience of recent years.
“In a detailed legal letter of rebuttal to The Times, we have addressed these defamatory claims in full, including spurious allegations regarding the use of gifts loaned to The Duchess by The Crown.
“The Duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particularly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experienced pain and trauma. She is determined to continue her work building compassion around the world and will keep striving to set an example for doing what is right and doing what is good.”
Buckingham Palace declined to comment.
*Names withheld by The Times

ETA didn't realise that this had already been posted
Duchess of Sussex
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I’m waiting for Harry to release a statement about how this is affecting her pregnancy and how stressed Meghan is.

He didn’t give a shit about the stress he’s caused his grandfather though, he’s playing the victim and sadly he’s lost his family.
Maybe we all should have listened to Sam Markle when she said what Meghan was really like.
Meghan can’t have her family and Harry isn’t allowed his.
He doesn’t want history to repeated umm didn’t he repeat history by marrying an ex American divorcee actress like his great uncle.
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Firstly let me say I'll be raging if the Unforgotten is cancelled for Ginge and Cringe borefest!!! Cringe - meet Nicola Walker - she's an actual actress. A fabulous, award winning actress. She's had the sort of career that was totally beyond your talent!!!

Secondly - how can they possibly sit there and say that the UK is racist? If they do, there's no way back - for her at least.

No more standing on the balcony watching a fly past.
No getting a prime place for a jubilee celebration (we've got a 70th next yr)
No getting a prime place for a funeral!
No getting a prime place at a coronation!!!

Now for her - so what - she won't be missed - but what about Archie and the new one??? Never getting to know their other grandparents or cousins - no getting to know and participate in their heritage.

Thirdly - that fecking twat going on about being glad they had each other rather than being alone.

He's got
His dad and stepmum
Brother and sister in law and their 3 kids
Step brother and sister
2 uncles - one of whom has a wife
1 Aunt who has a husband
Cousins with various partners
And aparently loads of protective friends he had for years.

He's jettisoned them all for one crackpot!!!
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Chatty Member
Those bullying articles in The Times are really something. I bet those aides have to tolerate a LOT of shitty and ridiculous behaviour and are quite accustomed to it, so the fact that M & H pushed them to breaking point says a lot.
I think that that's where Markle went wrong, she made the assumption that the BRF treat their staff badly. Most of the aristocracy treat their staff very well, it's a mark of good breeding to treat staff properly and with respect, they know where the dirt is hidden. The blow ins are the ones who don't know this, Markle has shown a complete lack of class and breeding.
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It’s only taken me 2 weeks to catch up on these threads! :m

it’s a pity there isn’t a SoHo membership list available anywhere as I’d be interested to know if the name “Warby” is on it!
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The woman hack on gmb said she's met lots of people who say nice things about M, and Reid said well maybe they should come forward.
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Thank you @Baguette for the new thread!
In honour of my thread title being chosen celebratory waffles all round. Please don’t be like Haz from the hood and have 300 different toppings. I don’t have AP court money or Prince Charles funding my lifestyle.
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Omg you guys :love: I woke up, opened The Times app to read the headlines.. and after reading about the Madam, ran straight here. This is the other side of we've all known HAS to be there. My morning workout in a minute will be fuelled by disgust and glee; it'll be a good'un:m
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This is genuinely the happiest I've been for months! It's like the press has shone a light on her rotten character. Can't stand women who gut other women.

i would still love to know more about the UN women thing - her not being happy they were at a Fiji engagement I mean. Surely that's her bag? I did think she had not referenced her being an ambassador, which was out of character: wonder why they fell out....
I feel the same.

We've been talking here at home about why we feel so invested in this whole debacle and why I'm in particular so upset. I really feel for the Queen and Prince Phillip, so many years of service with nary a foot out of place and then these two high rollers start with the high kicks.
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I really don’t understand why after the stress and heartache of her miscarriage last year, she wouldn’t just go away and enjoy this pregnancy in privacy, and stress free. Instead she’s in the papers every fucking day now stoking the fire and playing the victim while (as true narcissists do) expecting everyone she slates to just sit back and take it. I swear she loves any attention, good or bad. I can’t wrap my head around the pair of them. Two bigger gobshites I’ve never come across. I am delighted her nasty bullying behaviour is now coming to the fore and she will get exposed for the horrible person she truly is. It’s becoming clearer and clearer to me that those who have the most to hide try to cocoon themselves behind a veneer of being this ultra virtuous and morally righteous being. It’s like the ultimate protection from any accusations. “Her? A bully!? No way.. look at all the woke shit she supports”.. all while being an absolute thunder cunt underneath. And don’t get me started on her calling him Haz. Makes my teeth itch
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So !!!! Long article and it's absolutely devastating for Meghan. She has completely denied it of course. Basically emails were sent again and again about her bullying her aides, making them shake. Harry begging them not to complain, palace suits trying to hush it up. As someone who "understands pain and trauma" she's is devastated to hear this news.

grim reading! Attached relevant bits.
Sounds like her style right enough. She did say in her actress blogs that she had no interest in befriending other actresses as they were her competition, period. With that attitude toward her own female peer group back then you can beef that up x 10 with her attitude as a royal dealing with mere underlings who are female.Her bullying seems geared toward females. Cunt.
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Fucking merchandising pair of wankers! They must think we are thick to not join the dots and realise the mention of RR twice was deliberate. Do you think we’ll get Meg making some waffles with her ‘special organic mix’ in the next Backgrid set up shots? What other brands did he mention? I know there was Netflix. Anything else to watch out for? Wonder if they’ll try it on during the Oprah show? I hope someone kindly reminded Haz that he forgot his seatbelt, the useless shit.
I think that this Orka interview is going to be a PR disaster for them and they will be widely slated in the UK press. They appear to be losing hand over fist and this is the beginning of the end. They have overreached themselves in their hubris and any mystique that protected them is gone. It's become clear that she is a psychopath and he is her enabler, and that both of them are bitter and ungrateful and are out for revenge on a family and country that gave them everything and more.
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Harry and Meghan are like a live action Shakespearean tragedy unfolding right in front of our eyes. And the script just keeps writing itself.

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I just had a thought.

Apparently, high value gifts (or anything over £150) from individuals who have no personal connection to the member of the RF have to a) be declared and b) become the property of the crown. The recipient can use it but they don’t own it. For example, a gift from the Obamas of any value would be OK because Harry knows them but from a Saudi Prince they’ve never met or ever spoken to has to be declared.

I bet Markle never declared the earrings - and when asked where they came from by staff, she lied and said she “borrowed” them.

She says she no longer possesses them. Where are they? They should be in the crown vaults if she doesn’t have them.

If she’s sold them, that’s theft. They weren’t hers to sell.
I would not put any of the above past her, sadly. Her greed would make the idea of turning over a prize like those jewels to the Crown incomprehensible to her.

She doesn't comprehend much about how royalty works, or at least why it works that way, and what she does comprehend (the facts of unpaid service, the fact that most working royals do unglamorous, routine stuff in unfashionable parts ofthe country, with people not useful to them personally, the facts of the posh houses and jewels never really being your own, but loaned courtesy of the Queen, the fact that you do not treat palace staff like shit, or rudely demand your choice of wedding tiaras from the Queen of England like she is your bitch) she rejects, and from the start has clearly refused to comply with.

She was prepared to fleece her father in law and taxpayers by returning clothes once worn and keeping the money given to buy them for herself. The amounts involved in that scam are pitiful compared to 500k jewelry. She would also know she'd not only have no right to sell them on for cash, but once out the country as planned, she'd have no access to or right to ever wear them again. Can't have that! NOT FAIR.

With Narcle, it's all about what royalty can do for her; it has never been about what she can contribute to royalty, or the nation. A rank materialistic money-grubber like her would most likely see a sparkly, precious 'gift' from a head of state as HERS, and hers alone. She doesn't 'do' rules if they don't benefit her, it's fairly obvious, and she's had Harry as her human shield within the family to help her get away with it all. It's going to be rather interesting if it turns out as you describe, and Harry knew, and knew it was wrong, and allowed it. Or defends it once exposed.
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