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Meghan & Harry #63: A tyrant, a witch, a bullying bitch: Smeggy’s victims finally snitch!

I’m glad they waited until the interview was already in the can before releasing this, now they can’t cry crocodile tears on Oprah.
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Finally, the Good Ship Smeggers has hit the iceberg known as 'the truth' (no, not 'my truth' or 'her truth', that modern phrase so beloved of the narcissistic and the profundly dishonest), but THE TRUTH. Each fact will blast another small hole in the hull until the whole rotten ship capsizes, hopefully with no survivors (reputation wise).

At the end of this, she will be lucky to get work shilling hair extensions for QVC, which frankly, was aways her talent level anyway. Rarely have I seen anyone so obviously phoney and disengenuous outside of a Real Housewives show. She's nothing but a pile of obvious rank ambition, fake hair and the kind of woke word salad beloved of people who use it as a distraction from their personal misdeeds, a smokescreeen from the truth and evidence of personal worthiness, the way Jimmy Saville used charity runs. Always watch out for people who have to loudly brandish their virtues like a flag on social media or in life. It's a bit like being sexy or rich ... you're actually virtuous, people will notice, you don't have to tell them. Actions are in the final analysis louder than tweets.

It makes my teeth hurt how people fall for such in-plain- sight, professional dick-totem-pole-climbing man-pleaser, plastic build-a-ho type Hollywood phonies like Markle. I mean, Hazbollah did, but he's thick as pig shit, apoiled, and likely as entitled as she is. I hold him as much to blame for this debacle as her. Yeah, she clearly leads the way but he clearly bought into her cunning plans and utterly gross, greedy old bullshit and accepted and defended her bullying nastiness and demands (tiara gate was an early warning of that) and that, as it always is, is just weakness of character.

No shock she targeted mostly younger women with her cuntbully nature in the workplace either. Narcissistic female bullies cannot really intimidate men physically, conversely, they can usually use their sexuality to charm the pants off (often literally) men to get what they want, so that's the road they usually choose. Because it works, and men will often fail to comprehend the nastiness of such women becuase their own interactions with them are so delightfully ego-pleasing. A man who fails to respond to their giggle-flirt offensive on the other hand needs to watch their back. Bootlicking gay men are acceptable attention-wise too, to shine the old ego. Meanwhile, they always, always see other women as one of two things: either useful likeminds who'll help them achieve their goals, or sexual competition to be mercilessly stamped out. The likes of Markle talks a good game about female empowerment but wants to be the only woman in her league. You'll be scoped out and assessed for your usefulness to the likes of Markle early on, and befriended for the duration if you have something to offer them, or either frozen out or have shit rained on you if not, according to their whim. You see Smeg's female 'friends' always fit the 'useful' box - they are very rich and connected (like Jessica Mulroney) or they don't exist and once their usefulness has expired, they jettison them.

Absolute underlings though .. well. They do say you can always tell a person's character by how they treat those in positions of vulnerability or service, or people who are simply of no use to them. In Narcle's case, it's been clear from the off that she treats them badly, unless a camera crew is in the vicinity.

Fuck her, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the gloves finally coming off and the filthy old unvarnished truth leaking out, out of her control, because she's spat on or alienated every single person with an interest in keeping stumm at this point. Fuck Harry, he deserves to go down with the ship too. Sucking Cordon's dick for CBS alone should be a hanging offence.

Er yeah .. newbie here, finally decided to join after reading for months here. Thoroughly enjoyed all your posts. Hi!
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I have found my people!!!!

If this was all false and a smear campaign, what would be the point of the bullying stories coming out now? Surely if it wasn't true, or there were no witnesses, it would have been dealt with internally and that would be that. Those being untruthful would have been reprimanded or fired and they would be on their merry way.
(And no, M&H, it's not timed because this interview is airing - you're not that important.)

The fact that BP are investigating and actually addressed it publicly speaks volumes. They all know it's true. It wasn't dealt with properly at the time and the bitch was allowed to get away with murder while she was there.

Those poor members of the household who were bullied by her (let's face it, we don't know yet the full extent of how many people were victim of this bitch, and probably never will know fully) are real people. You cannot address their experiences in a statement that tries to brush this under the carpet like it's a non issue.

If they had any sense, (which they don’t) and it wasn't true, what M&H should have said was that they are shocked to hear about the "claims" and they welcome the investigation by BP.

How can they say its "misleading and harmful misinformation". How is it misleading when Knauf emailed Case saying he was concerned about it. How is it misinformation when the head of fucking HR in BP was also aware and apparently agreed with him. They are witnesses. They can't voice their concerns or agree with something they aren't aware is happening!

M&H know they are up shits creek without a paddle. What they are still too stupid to understand is that the British Press are ruthless. They are not untouchable and the press will just keep going and going and going. Truth or lies, they will always be one step ahead.

This interview with Oprah is attempted damage limitation from the very beginning (not to mention their desperate need for money) but what they don't know is it's just going to get worse for them after this and I'm here for it!

*Disclaimer to M&H minions*

I am A WOMAN OF COLOUR. I can have my opinions (albeit negative) about ANOTHER WOMAN OF COLOUR without being branded as racist and a traitor.
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Do I have this right? this woman is saying that she had to flee the UK because of racism to return to her home country where she actively hid her ethnicity for years because her career would have been negatively impacted because of racism?
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Long time lurker, first time poster. I want to say, I used to LOVE Meghan in suits. I was a huge fan of the show and how she seemed cool. I was very excited when I heard the engagement announcement and of course for how this was a very cool milestone in the BRF. I was excited to see how things would change and I was excited to see the work Meghan would do as a Duchess and the causes she would support. I thought the wedding was pretty, loved some of the pictures and thennnnnn shit hit the fan. There's no better way to say it? I didn't see much about the work she was doing. I saw all the criticism in the papers and I did wonder whether it was a racism angle at first. And then I saw things done by her that got me questioning everything? The way she turned her back to talk to JCMH during that ceremony (I can't rmb the exact occasion, apologies) while the NATIONAL ANTHEM was playing and I found that SO disrespectful! If you see Olympics or any international games, you see athletes standing in silence while other countries' national anthems play. Like, you don't have to be a citizen of a country to understand the respect a national anthem deserves and here she is as a member of the RF, turning her back? What was that about? Ever since that I have been kind of iffy about the whole thing. And then I heard they broke away from the family to go live in Canada or something for privacy and let me just say - as someone who's not living in the USA or UK, I feel like I hear SO MUCH about their personal lives - what they eat, where they go on a hike, what they were doing when he proposed. I don't understand how someone who is trying to live a private life is also able to have so much information out in the public? Like Taylor Swift is harassed by the paparazzi, that's a given I know for sure. I know how she had to hide in a suitcase, how she walked backwards during a hike to escape them but I still don't know SO much about Taylor Swift like I do about Megan? No less see crystal clear pictures of Taylor walking her dogs with her baby strapped to her chest while trying to have a quiet life? And that's when I felt so done with these 2. For someone who wants privacy, I feel like ALL I hear about is their lives. For someone who didn't feel welcome in the RF, I only hear THEIR point of view about the RF. No member from the RF has said a word against them. No pictures of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge even though I would expect them to have as much paparazzi attention as these 2 (other than the lovely ones on their Instagram of course). Forget the moon bump drama, the way they were so hush hush about this birth of their child - I can't speak to those because I've never been pregnant and I'm not going to comment a word about it even though many of the things surrounding both pregnancies and the miscarriage had me raising me my eyebrows. The thing that has pushed me completely over the edge and has had me feeling so done is the blatant disrespect they've shown basically every single person on this planet - we are living in the middle of a pandemic and they continue to make everything about themselves. Oh? You're passionate about mental health? Well have you talked about how this pandemic can take a toll on mental health? No. Instead you're doing an Oprah interview? Whatever for? What are you hoping to achieve through it? Tell your side of the story again? More than you already have? It is SUCH a stark contrast to the RF who are remaining resolutely silent. They're acting like someone desperate to remain in the limelight and be the center of attention while having done next to nothing. Look at how the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been actively interacting with NHS workers. I'm not saying they're perfect either but this is what I expect to see from royalty and politicians from ANY country. You are a public servant and so you should be trying to serve AS MUCH OF THE PUBLIC as you can. Not yourselves by doing bizarre interviews on an open top bus. And they want to hit back with that incredibly rude public statement about how service is universal? This is not just a slap in the face for the RF, it's a slap in the face for ALL of us just out here, trying to do our best everyday and genuinely keeping the ones who have been hit the hardest by the pandemic in our thoughts and prayers. What a circus act this is!
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Good morning!

Well well Well, I used to be a regular on this thread back in the early days but had to pull myself away as like some of you the gruesome twosome just pushed me over the edge, but ive continued to read along now and then from the sidelines!

I think one of my last posts was something about Brenda was definitely biding her time and giving these 2 enough rope to end themselves and my oh my how they are now at end of said rope 😅 just watching GMB cackling away to the latest developments!

I'd just like to say cheers 🍻 to you all that have contributed to this thread with your posts and spectacular artwork that has made my lockdowns that much more bareable!
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The fun part for me is that The Times is one of the papers the cunts said they “would” work with :LOL:
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I'm so happy to have found this thread with a group of like-minded people who see through the lies!!
I have one person in real life who is on the same path as me in regards to it all, but maybe isn't as invested 🙈😂 so thank goodness for here!
I came on here because I’m 22, a recent uni graduate and surrounded by woke idiots saying Meghan is racially bullied and people are just scared of a strong woman. In my opinion she’s a ‘white presenting’, privileged, arrogant narcissistic sociopath and her race and sex has nothing to do with it, it’s all about her behaviour and attitude. I can’t say any of this to my peers because I’ll be ‘cancelled’. Sad really.
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Mixed race girl here living in Ireland! 🤚
I go to London all the time and I'll tell you something about that city, lots of gangs in downtown, you know, teenagers drinking, stealing, scaring people, etc., groups of 10, 12, 15 teenagers.... in each group there's always a white kid, a black kid, one Polish, one Indian, one Middle-Eastern, etc... you can say anything about the UK and its flaws, but in general they're not racist. I have never ever ever felt racially profiled in the UK.
Meghan, you are playing the wrong card here.
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Looks like BP has well and truly rescinded protection orders for the Harkles. That article is wild. Talk about burying the lead too, going on about the Duchess been a bully and planting a story about her knowingly wearing jewels from a murderous Saudi Prince in the middle. Yikes.

I actually think this is going to be the format going forward. Paper A does a story of Megs bullying but plants the bloody Saudi jewels in it. Paper B picks up the Saudi lead but plants their own second story, maybe connecting the Saudis to Meghans time in the yacht circuit. Paper C runs the yacht story but includes a reference to her connection to people like Epstein. Round and round it will go with the papers sharing information and the risk. Makes it harder for her to sue them all and builds up the legitimacy of the stories by having multiple platforms run them.

Honestly can’t wait I think we’ve barely scratched the surface of her depravity.
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Oh shit, everyone! In all this craziness, we’ve forgotten to do something terribly important.


Meghan Markle...are you okay?
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Scotch Mist

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According to this poster on Quora Meghan is going to lay into Uncle Andrew:

'Meghan is a mouth, a mouth that most of the time speaks a load of gibberish and word salad that she seems to believe shows how intelligent and ‘woke’ she is.

As far as I can remember, her major gripe as a member of the RF was that she wasn’t able to stand on her soap box and refute every little negative thing that was reported in the media. She wasn’t able to phone editors or write letters to to the papers giving her ‘side of the story’.

But BP staff apparently checked every single little fact that Meghan wanted denied - and they found there was at least an element of truth in everything that appeared. Rebuttal, therefore, was impossible.

Had Meghan really read the books about Diana, she would have known way in advance what the media could do to members of the RF. She loves everything that is said about her; negative or positive, so long as her name is appearing in print, she doesn’t seem to care, so claiming persecution by the media is a false claim from the start.

She is unconcerned that rumours have been circulating that Archie was born to a surrogate - something that must almost certainly be true or she would have sued already. Were I in Meghan’s shoes and this was the rumour, were it untrue, I would have scotched in right when they started.

As a member of the RF, she was sufficiently briefed beforehand to know that one of the penalties of the position she was happy to assume was that she could not be controversial. If she wanted her ‘voice’ to be heard, then she should have found another mate and not chosen to marry into the most famous family in the world.

Somewhere along the line, she has been told she has a ‘powerful’ voice - but that’s because she doesn’t listen to it. I have yet to hear her say a single thing that resonates with the world today.

She isn’t exhorting people not to stand by while children in poor countries in Africa and elsewhere are starving; or suffering curable eye infections that provision of a simple and inexpensive drug could alleviate; or railing against leaders whose people are living in poverty and fear; or helping with disabled and disadvantaged children in her own country. Or any number of other burning issues around the globe.

No! She just spouts meaningless platitudes either using her own, jumbled sentences or plagiarising other people’s.

I expect more of the same from the interview but if, as seems to have been said, she talks about Prince Andrew in a derogatory way, I hope he sues her for all she has - and wins. Arrogant and rude he may be but he has not, as yet, been found guilty of any crime - and, anyway, what right has she got to talk, on a public forum, about individual members of The Firm?

Sorry, but I am hoping this interview puts Meghan Markle firmly in her place. That she proves herself to have no moral compass and, therefore, is more or less unemployable.

Through marriage, she had one of the best jobs going - an ability to influence, help and support people throughout the world. She blew it - and I hope now people realise who she is and what she stands for: and it certainly isn’t charity, benevolence, kindness and consideration of others.

Harry, I hope you’re happy with your controller!'
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Well this explains them having faces like a slapped ass in the Range Rover
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Don't forget he never appreciated any of this before Meghan either. She taught him about unconscious bias. He walked in her shoes.
And boy was he pained after that all this racism, that he knew nothing about, existed.
The useless, arrogant shit was a fucking racist bastard himself in the pre Meghan years. He was known for calling people from Afghanistan ‘rag heads’ and using the P word to describe people from Pakistan. Then there was the Nazi fancy dress outfit. And this is only what has been reported to us mere plebs. I imagine he has used far more racist terms behind closed doors. Yet he has the audacity to lecture us lot, people who have been going quietly about their business living, working, and socialising in mixed communities for decades before he ‘saw the light‘. He has lived in a cocoon all his life while the rest of us were happily mixing with people from many different cultures before he decided to become all ‘woke’. He can fuck off.
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Funny how Meghan rattles the press more than His Royal Nonceness.
Oh, how silly.

Have you forgotten the acres of front pages not to mention a car crash of a TV interview? Or are you deliberately ignoring them?

Meghan & Harry are a continually developing story - and they are making sure they stay front and centre of the media. Andrew & his alleged misdeeds are not a developing story...he has not been indicted or charged, and probably won’t be. So what do you want from the media exactly? A daily update of...nothing?

This ”what about Andrew?” shit is tiresome and comes from the same place as “You’re all racists“. It’s simply an obvious way to try and deflect criticism of the Sussexes. Won’t work, never does.
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Fuck me, this is grim. We all knew it, but to see it in black and white (no pun intended) is a whole different thing.

Is there anyone here who follows Sam Markle on Twitter? Has she said anything? Can she be reached?
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I'm not going to lie, I'm bloody living for this today, it's cheered me up no end.

Can we all just take a minute to think about the Diana statue unveiling 😁 the atmosphere is going to be beyond electrifying, bet It'll be colder than a witches tit at a Macbeth convention 🙃

Let's all hold hands this morning and sing a wee song........... kumbaya my lord, kumbaya........
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I don’t wish to derail the thread but I just wanted to say thank you to you all for being so welcoming. I’m so pleased that I took the plunge to join in and this forum has allowed me to escape the dire reality of real life, stress, mental health and COVID. I honestly love reading every single post so thanks again ❤❤
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What have the faleshood that the palace have said about her actually been ? If I recall BP haven’t ever said anything it’s the media.

As a woman of colour myself I’m actually very ashamed of her, just using her race to gain sympathy and bullying people and not having no respect for her elders.

if I behaved anyway like she did I would get beats by my mother , I was always been told just because I am of a diffrent skin colour does not mean I am any different ti anyone else we are all humans we are the same species and we are equals.

I’ve suffered racism and so much negativity sn I was always told don’t retaliate as it makes me look bad.

I am honestly disgusted by her attitude, I’m also a firm believer in karma and she will get hers and it will get her when she least expects it.

New CBS promo. Smegs going for the royal jugular

In speaking her “truth”, she tells us in this clip that the royal family is “perpetuating falsehoods“ about them.

Wow...what an entitled little Diva

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