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I think that the Times buried the lede: the earrings. Yes the bullying is horrifying but I’m pretty sure there’s more to the story about the earrings. Where are they now? How does an avowed feminist reconcile wearing bling from the leader of a country where women hold virtually no rights? Not to mention the murder of Khashoggi. Or the proxy war in Yemen. There’s got to be more about this.
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Carole Malone on Jeremy Vine has no sympathy "this is what happens when you sell your soul"
P.s her kitchen is fab 😁
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I'm so happy to have found this thread with a group of like-minded people who see through the lies!!
I have one person in real life who is on the same path as me in regards to it all, but maybe isn't as invested 🙈😂 so thank goodness for here!
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The thing that upsets me is the fact that people condone her behaviour and treatment of an elderly couple .. just because the queen welcomed her to BP like she did with Kate she thinks oh it’s ok I’ll treat this woman like crap.
Prince Charles walked her down the aisle they loved her and welcomed her and her mother who smokes cannabis daily.

The queen is going through heartache right now her husband of 74 years is sick in hospital and those two fools in the midst of a pandemic do this.

They ran away never helped in the pandemic where was their compassion for the people in England who died from the pandemic , the other royals worked did so much more even the young Cambridge kids.

Meghan sat in a mansion paid for most likely with Diana’s fortune and complained how hard life was and how much she suffered.

If she brings up Andrew oh Eugenie and Beatrice won’t speak to her again if she brings him up or Oprah does I hope they sue them both.
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This has to be tip of the iceberg, the royals and the media have been waiting for an opportunity like this ever since they saw Oprah trying to find her prime seat at the wedding. I wonder what they have up their sleeve for after the interview!
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So !!!! Long article and it's absolutely devastating for Meghan. She has completely denied it of course. Basically emails were sent again and again about her bullying her aides, making them shake. Harry begging them not to complain, palace suits trying to hush it up. As someone who "understands pain and trauma" she's is devastated to hear this news.

grim reading! Attached relevant bits.
Thank you for sharing this!! Fuck you, Smegma, we knew it all along! Now let’s have your victims’ voices heard.

And Harry - what a ball-less, useless piece of shit for trying to hush it up. Shame on the pair of them.
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The Times article re the bullying is clearly the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg deeper than the one which sank the Titanic.

I imagine the stuff re surrogacy and her yacht girl lifestyle will come out as a response to the
Oprah interview.
- she goes on record and has ‘her own voice heard’ about ‘the lack of support’ during her pregnancy and ‘how hard all the hand shaking was’ whilst heavily pregnant

and then the press pull apart her lies

- she makes out she was invited into a yacht girl lifestyle but declined

and then the press pull apart her lies

I’m still not going to watch (at least not during the first week) as I don’t want to influence any viewing figures and lets be honest, there will be a blow job by blow job coverage across the whole press.

And the best thing that can happen is if,
even with all this saturation publicity, ITV get similar 2.8 million or less viewers.

No one disrespects HM The Queen and gets away with it. And if we were in the court of Henry VIII ‘off with their heads’.

Might dare to watch Piers Morgan on GMB this morning, if only to see the big snide smile on his face.
I think we all need the slightest of wins after the Warby farce - do you think he knew the minge in a previous life????
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Those 2 are so full of SHIT. They backstabbed the very people who protected them at all cost. Now there will be no one to protect them because they made too many enemies. I guess she is still duchess of litigation. I'd imagine the behind the scenes with those 2 were HORRIBLE. I hope this inspire the night nurse to come out too.

Do i hear plates/tea sets smashing? 👂
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This thread is moving so fast!!!

hello to the recent newbies - great first posts. I think @icryincoffee shows exactly what is happening right now. People were welcoming at the start and it is the continual bad behaviour that eventually we can't pretend we aren't seeing that turns people against these two.

Re: the "what about Andrew" arguments. I agree with the poster who said its being used because they've run out of defences for Meghan.
But also - Andrew is not in my face all the media all the time. He isn't currently releasing statements about how he cares passionately and deeply about the plight of victims of sexual assault victims whilst at the same time hanging around with some pretty dodgy characters who may or may not have been involved or complicit in perpetrating that behaviour (plus whatever he did or didn't do himself). He's not lecturing me on climate change whilst jetting off in private planes and driving range rovers.

The reason Meghan attracts this criticism is the bare faced hypocrisy of stating that you support this that and the other and 'kindness' and then bullying other people, treading all over others and using people for your own gain and blatantly behaving in ways which are opposite to what you put out there. Its her own attempts to control her narrative and "her truth" which are so obviously removed from "the truth" (credit to the thread newbie a few pages back for an excellent way of putting it).

Basically I guess I'm saying its fine to be a bad person, or an unpleasant person or whatever. Be who you want to be. You can even pretend you're nicer than you are (I usually do) but its not OK to absolutely ram your own narrative down the throats of the world when it very obviously doesn't line up with how you actually behave or think and to then call racism or bullying just because those people don't agree with you. And that is why she/they provoke this response from people. Basically - don't piss on my leg and tell me its raining!

If I could ignore them I very very happily would, but they are making it super super hard to do that.
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I think that's unfair. She has held her head high throughout the mess of her parents and has done so while enduring a nasty health issue and surgery.
She's not a show boater and is happy in the background being supportive.If she had no back bone she'd have gone to live in obscurity on a farm in the wilds. She was close to haznoballs and maybe is being used as a conduit in case of emergency, since, despite the shite fuff pieces from smeggy's PR people, I think the other royals have distanced themselves as much as they can from the loose cannon that is hazno.
Slightly off topic but did anyone watch the Channel 5 documentary at the weekend about Beatrice and Eugenie? It was called “Pampered Princesses?”
It made me warm to them because they have jobs and are also patrons of several charities. Any work/publicity they do for their charities is done in their own time without pay. A certain American actress would do well to remember this next time she makes a swipe at them.
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oh yea the "strong powerful black woman" that married the whitest man possible, that one?
the "strong powerful black woman" who put herself as caucasian on her acting CV?
the "strong powerful black woman" who looks whiter than ever on her most recent photos?
the "strong powerful black woman" who's done nothing for any of the commonwealth countries where inhabitants are mainly black and could use a bit of support from a global figure such as herself.

ok then.

Does Michelle Obama have a similar reputation for bullying? If she does I've not heard it. But surely she's very much a "strong powerful black woman" too?
Smeggy is not fit to clean Michelle Obama’s boots. I’m sure MO has had her moments, and I’m not saying I’m a stan of hers, but she manages to communicate her opinions in a way that is assertive but still grounded in maturity, restraint and eloquence. She is not constantly harping on about “poor me, pity me”.

Plus she has a much better stylist.
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First time commenting, I actually really liked Meghan when she first came onto the scene but honestly now all I can think is what a disgrace she is.
Does she want to bring down the Royal Family and then rebuild it with herself at the top?! Nutter.
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If the best that the pack of Saville Row suited sharks known as Schillings can do is say that THE DUCHESS 'is saddened' then they might as well say 'Yup. All true. But look over there. It's PRINCE ANDREW' before scuttling off to type up their next eye-watering feenotes.

Today's revelations have the feeling of Chapter One of 'War and Peace', with the emphasis on the former not the latter.
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Staying off Twitter today! That bloody Shola woman is pulling the race card on there as are all the sugars, also blaming the RF for the earrings and saying that the “bullying” is just people not understanding a “strong powerful black woman”
oh yea the "strong powerful black woman" that married the whitest man possible, that one?
the "strong powerful black woman" who put herself as caucasian on her acting CV?
the "strong powerful black woman" who looks whiter than ever on her most recent photos?
the "strong powerful black woman" who's done nothing for any of the commonwealth countries where inhabitants are mainly black and could use a bit of support from a global figure such as herself.

ok then.

Does Michelle Obama have a similar reputation for bullying? If she does I've not heard it. But surely she's very much a "strong powerful black woman" too?
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Zara was massively pregnant and probably hugely uncomfortable on wooden seats. She got filmed telling her husband she needed the loo as well - which is constant when that pregnant. The preacher went on for ages as well so will give her the benefit of the doubt. As for the others, they should have been better behaved, it was embarrassing as they were on camera being rude. I’ve been to plenty of weddings with cringe speeches and really long services and you have to just think of the food you hopefully will get when it’s over.
Quite frankly, that preacher was a bit much even for me, and I've heard many. The message was actually quite good, just WAY TOO LONG, and somewhat lively for a C of E environment 😂😂😂 Not sure I could have kept a straight face was hillarious. But nothing to do with rasism.
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Her bullying goes way back. Remember the case in college where she glued a girls eyelashes. Also in the early days, the many different nannies who left after only a very short time. Plus the tea throwing incident.

Only yesterday I posted that the truth will always out! I think theres more to come out, and I can't wait
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Sadly I think it is too late. The highlights of her with Oprah where she looks like she did during her South Africa interview: close to tears or swollen eyes from crying, clutch her bump and Harry's had for dear life, with the Silent vs SILENCED snippet resonating around the world.... even if ITV don't show it, they have won. They won Warby. They won Warby twice (his refusal to ANL appeal), and the optics of any tea being dropped by anyone will 100perce t be deemed vindictive, racist, nasty etc. Sadly I fear itbis too late and I am so pissed at Karma right now
C'mon Resident Merkin - it's not all doom and gloom - little things are starting to leak out now and their true colours are starting to show to the wider public (and not just us tattlers and people who have had the unfortunate experience of working with them!). Just look at the photo of them in their car the other day - it's hardly the epitome of a 'young' couple living their best life!
Chin up x
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Chatty Member
Random thoughts

1) agree there is something fishy re UN women - the Times have thrown us an Easter egg as a journalist is going to hunt that tidbit out

2) agree the earrings are significant. Whether she borrowed them from a collection or they were a wedding gift, she still chose to wear them. The providence of everything is taken into account by aides for these reasons - and these were worth half a million! So relateable. Anyway another Easter egg to expand on.

3) read Dan Wooton's article about KM/staff berated again - they published because they had multiple sources. This was not an article H and M sued over - yet they went for the avocados. It was true then. They aren't threatening to sue over this either - the Time would have been watertight. They can't sue - it would be Meghan in the dock.

4) the Queen has been playing press games for nearly a century, no one manages a century of press without skill. Part of me wonders if the reason H and M were so keen to destroy press relations was to erode HMTQ position.

5) the Sussexes deny everything. They denied the KM story. It's an error. It's lying. But it's easy- only a court case or further exposure will prove that. Press haven't had balls before. Although Lady C did say BP aides had been so looking forward to the letter court case because they could have shown the real her...wonder what she said about her dad!!

6) because they have set themselves up literally two weeks ago as champions of the press, them not suing confirms the story.Their onlyPR strategy is to call it a smear campaign. If it wasn't true they'd just say "this is not true and we will be suing". Deflect and blame BP
7) oscillating whether palace leaked this - though probably didn't obstruct it. Thing is more I think about it more I'm cross with BP. They've protected Andrew (I'm not sure 17 is the same as paedophilia but equally it's grim and Epstein a monster), and now they've protected the millionaires, signing 100 million dollar contracts, above their staff working 20 hours a day for them and losing their minds over it. Employees don't come out saying they've been broken and destroyed when it's simple difference of opinion. They sue for wrongful dismissal or other matters. Those are strong comments. BP didn't even investigate? That's so wrong. JK is still employed by palace so they haven't stopped them going to press. He feels confident to do that. I would be raging if the bitch Id worked for was making a whole career out of being a victim. Even her denial statement was so wafty it has guilt all through it. Such a flowery narc-y dribble.

their position as humanitarians is getting less lucrative. There's a reason Disney didn't touch them. Netflix and Spotify are money makers. They're not ethical, they're not trying to save the world. They answer to shareholders. Cold hard cash. They bought the Sussexes hook, line and sinker and the Sussexes will get cross with those boundaries soon too. I'm just trying to think whether any similar figures have been accused of breaking their staff. And whether they were trying to bank on Diana's legacy. Really bad optics for all parties tbh.
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You have to question their end game don’t you? I mean they’re living in a country that have only just marginally got rid of Trump- look at some of the other world leaders and their track records on race and human rights! Then you’ve got Meghan sat with Oprah crying that the 90yr old head of our country who gave her a beautiful wedding, titles, a beautiful home was “perpetuating falsehoods”. What falsehoods?? She did absolutely nothing!
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