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I think that's unfair. She has held her head high throughout the mess of her parents and has done so while enduring a nasty health issue and surgery.
She's not a show boater and is happy in the background being supportive.If she had no back bone she'd have gone to live in obscurity on a farm in the wilds. She was close to haznoballs and maybe is being used as a conduit in case of emergency, since, despite the shite fuff pieces from smeggy's PR people, I think the other royals have distanced themselves as much as they can from the loose cannon that is hazno.
Also she designed her wedding dress to proudly show her scoliosis surgery scar to the world. That’s pretty amazing if you ask me! She’s got grit. She might be in the background but she hasn’t hidden away despite her father being a source of trouble and embarrassment. She was upstaged at her own wedding by Meghan’s pregnancy announcement, had her post baby bliss disturbed by...Meghan’s pregnancy announcement and hasn’t resorted to bitchy comments and digs in the press or on social media. Her photos are the most endearing royal baby photos I’ve seen. You can see their pride, excitement, dishevelled weariness and real happiness. The photos are so genuine and relatable.
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How can MM be all about 'female empowerment' (ahem, self empowerment) when The Times (who I must re-iterate are a fusty, suited and booted, respectable newspaper) are saying 'multiple women were destroyed'. It's sickening. And the BBC and other places reporting it as 'Meghan is saddened by...' sorry what? What about the people she made shake in fear and 'broken'. Why must we always protect the perpetrators? Yuck.
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Thing is BP can take the short term hit of not protecting staff, lessons learned , procedures changed etc. Maybe even say it was an unprecedented situation. It proves they protected meghan and backs up the constant staff changes during her time as a royal. Better in the long run.

Meghans spokesperson statement is bizarre, it doesn't really deny it, apologise for possible misunderstandings etc. It's almost ignoring it and belittling it.

I suspect there is enough stored up between the Palace and the media for more truth to come out. BP have already said they can't complain about stories that aren't true.

What really needs to happen is the American press to grab hold.of it and ideally interview the victims on TV.

I suspect the media will now work together, the tabloids can't do all the stories, it needs the times and serious journalists to break stories to put weight behind them
And it also undermines Oprah's credibility - she based the interview on the victim / racism narrative by the looks of it and now it becomes clear that she wasn't aware of all these other problems which doesn't reflect well on her and her "big revealing interview, nothing is off limits, some pretty shocking stuff had been said".

Oprah won't like it and might feel resentment against the H and M if they - which is likely - did not tell her about all this stuff about bullying and the earrings that now came out.

The interview is still a few days away... I wonder what story will break on Friday or Saturday, in time for the weekend.

H and M must be shitting themselves. This must be so stressful for them. Is it really worth it?
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Well well well....shit is starting to hit the fan....couldn’t have happened to a bigger bitch.

Doesn’t even make sense what I’ve just said 😂 but like many say the truth will always come out. She is truly vile and even that small clip of ‘life stories’ with the other narcissist who lives in America, shows what a truly shit actress she is 🤣 the pensive look, the stares. She is the fakest hypocrite and she is actively orchestrating her own downfall. Come on Queenie fight back. The Queen has a funny old way of ‘releasing’ information or bringing important information to light through the media at just the right times throughout her reign. Oh Meghan, she has seen the likes of you time and time again. There is SO much more to say; this will be just the tip of the iceberg of the views of Megs from the staff and palace. Bring it on 🙌
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I suspect there is enough stored up between the Palace and the media for more truth to come out. BP have already said they can't complain about stories that aren't true.

What really needs to happen is the American press to grab hold.of it and ideally interview the victims on TV.

I suspect the media will now work together, the tabloids can't do all the stories, it needs the times and serious journalists to break stories to put weight behind them
We are all ears, hopefully BP will have more tea to spill....about spilled tea etc 🤣
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Also a quote saying people tried to talk to her about her behaviour and her response was "it's not my job to coddle them."

This is not the Meghan she portrays herself to be and we KNEW IT!!!
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When THE DUCHESS launched her lawsuit against ANL, that lead directly to the 'Palace Four' being freed up to speak. They are Jason Knauf, Christian Jones, Sara Latham and Samantha Cohen. That must have involved some sort of limited and specific waiver of their confidentiality agreements with the Palace. Oops.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwhind.

(Anyone who left BP after 'imperious behaviour' by The Duchess would have been quietly but generously compensated. The tea-throwing incident in Australia was rumoured to have cost $250k)

An NDA doesn’t prohibit anyone from giving evidence in a trial, either civil or criminal. If it did, you’d have a situation where an employee under an NDA witnesses a murder but isn’t allowed to speak up! That would obviously be absurd.

The law trumps any kind of civil agreement - so if you’re issued with a summons and required to provide testimony, then NDA be damned. It would be entirely illegal to enforce a contract that effectively silenced witnesses to any kind of wrongdoing. An NDA, or any other civil contract, is only as good as the action taken to enforce it, which means that you’d only be in trouble if the palace (or whoever) sued you for damages.

Whoever spoke to The Times probably has an NDA but the chances of The Palace taking action are slim to non-existent, and they would know that. The information they’ve provided isn’t gossip, it’s detailing unlawful behaviour (which bullying in the workplace is) so they are effectively whistleblowers.

The point is, I doubt any NDA’s were waived, either now or for the court action. No need, the law permits them to speak up anyway.
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The absolute irony that she was in a film called Horrible Bosses lmao

They should have given her a bigger part than delivery person, would have required zero acting skills from her
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New CBS promo. Smegs going for the royal jugular

In speaking her “truth”, she tells us in this clip that the royal family is “perpetuating falsehoods“ about them.

Wow...what an entitled little Diva

This makes me so sad/angry! The level of disrespect!!
The Royal Family, whether people like them or not, are part of British culture and tradition. If someone were to disrespect others culture/traditions, they would be called out for it. So how is it fine for her to act and speak the way she does towards them!
I don't even like to talk about the issues of racism against Meghan as I don't think her race ever played a part in how she was perceived over here, it's a bit like how some class wholf whistling as sexual assault- it makes a mockery of true victims of assault. But in the way people cry out about respecting cultures of others, why couldn't Meghan respect the British culture of The Royal Family?
This isn't me making light of the struggles of others by trying to equate the RF situation. What I'm trying to say is, she knew how the royal family worked so why get involved if she couldn't respect that?! I wouldn't go to the Vatican wearing shorts and a vest top because I respect that's their way!
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So what happened to her demand of wanting a front page after the summary judgement? She is going to get front page for at least 6months at this rate.. just not the type of front page she desired :ROFLMAO:

but on a serious note, her behaviors are undermining the works of black people, feminists, actual anti-bully campaigns. These people put their heart and souls into make improvements. She is just bandwagoning and making a name for herself. I think they should all distance themselves from her.
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The problem with Cringe is she thought she could treat British people the way she is used to treating lessers in Hollywood, where everybody does your bidding. What she doesn't realise is that the RF are very close to their aides. These are the people who will keep your secrets after all.

I'm not surprised at all, as I previously mentioned an acquaintance who used to work at Frogmore had very nice things to say about GInge but diplomatically kept quiet when asked about the Douchess
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First of all - ha! The times will have been sitting on this so that Oprah can’t do another amendment to the interview.
it’s unsurprising how she treated them - she seems to have the idea that she was a princess with serfs rather than a high ranking public servant with a staff of public servants who should be respected like any employee. There were enough stories about her behaviour over the years she never sued over.
I think she stole those earrings - the palace would have buried them because of the provenance and how bad it looked. She’s always been about the money.
BP look very bad - but they were indeed caught between their staff and Meghan basically saying they didn’t stand up for her, also with Harry running up and down the halls screaming that she should have whatever she wants. His behaviour is also awful but he was spoiled rotten his entire life. BP made this problem over many years and I think the family stopped the grey suits from dealing with it efficiently - HM should never have let him marry her and they should have released all their research as reasoning why.

the judgement going against ANL will also have rattled the entire press Corps - mostly owned by the same few people so they will want to respond en masse

Harry in my view is the real problem here. Get rid of Smeghan, he'll remain, and continue to be a problem because it's clear he suffers from Second Son Syndrome (much like that other massive bellend Andrew) and has also be pandered to and allowed far too much indulgence that William, who grew up as a future King, was not.

He's clearly got a nasty temper and probably started echoing the old useful racism!!!!! cry at every obstacle in Meghan's way, like a good little subservient echo chamber of a narc's chosen partner inevitably will.

The Queen if people remember, was mired in criticism after Diana's poor taste in Arab fuckbois (fun fact, Dodi's yacht - which hosted many, MANY a actress/model yacht girl before Di, was purchased from the dodgy Khashoggi arms dealing clan) and inability to wear a seatbelt like a grown up resulted in her untimely death. It's clear the Queen took the critique of her alleged 'coldness' and propriety to heart and I think in retrospect overcompensated with Harry and his desire to marry a shitewoke foreign yachter, his heart's apparent desire, as opposed to a 'suitable' girl who knew the royal ropes somewhat, like Diana apparently was back in her day. I think they were trying to move with the times, and be less stuffy and unfortunately, like many good deeds, it's all gone less unrewarded than horribly punished.
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They aren't wrong though. The tweet is accurate. Saying you are being bullied doesn't automatically make it so. I've seen people claim bullying just because they were being picked up on not doing their job. Just because you feel bullied doesn't mean you are being bullied.
Of course someone feeling bullied doesn’t mean they are bullied.

But it isn’t this charity’s business to decide who is or isn’t a victim, or judge what is real or imagined bullying, especially in this case where they don’t know the circumstances. Their job is to support the people who call them. This kind of comment doesn’t help anyone, and if anything, it’s the kind of crap bullying victims hear all the time: “maybe you FEEL bullied”, “it’s just a joke lighten up”, “she’s just a strong WOC, and if you can’t handle that then you’re ray-cist”.
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Ooo more juice in this updated times article. Apologies I can't seem to manage to copy chunks of text on my phone!

Ooo more juice in this updated times article. Apologies I can't seem to manage to copy chunks of text on my phone!
"The palace were too civil. When someone was uncivil they didn't know what to do. Meghan ran through them, followed by Harry."


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