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Chatty Member
Morning Tattlers. I've not posted since forever (nothing new to add, plus real life has been hectic). But I visit every day and apart from the really fast-moving threads, I try to keep up. I joined on thread 9 and thought JCMH and Smegs were grim then but they just keep outdoing themselves.

Thank you to everyone who posts and contributes. You are so funny and fair and articulate.

I'm posting this as a chap called Jaco van Gass has just won a medal for GB in the paralympics. Atrociously injured in Afghanistan. Here's his web page. Compare and contrast with JCMH.

And if the cunt tries to associate himself with this outstanding human being, I'll implode. (Sorry for the big space below the pic - I'm a newbie at this pic editing lark...)

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President's orders were to leave everything and get out.
Makes you wonder if he's working for the enemy.

Does the man following carry an iron or garment steamer?
My heart goes out to those poor American servicemen and women who were killed how tragic.

Biden has to live with that on his conscience now what a massive cock up and we can all look forward to further ISIS attacks on our own countries now.

He looks almost deranged but the alternative for Americans is Kamala Harris and I don't envy them the more I read about her the less I like her, still it's not my place to say not my Country not my business🤫🤫

....and people thought Trump was a bad POTUS!!!!!

Say what you like about The Donald, people, but he had Meghan sussed.
I suspect that those two will be coming out with some pointless fucking, word salad platitudes next.

The families of the personnel that were killed must be distraught😢😢😢😢😢

My cousin voted for Biden purely because he wanted to “get back to people speaking politely to each other”. I think lots of people felt like that, exhausted by Trump (or more precisely by the media’s total hatred of him). That kind of sums up for me the utter banality and mediocrity of public life and our current political and media class - that you would vote for someone purely because they won’t offend your polite little middle class ears, and that’s the best you can hope for.

I on the other hand could see a lot of possibility with Trump. I also knew Biden was a fucking idiot so at least I’m not disappointed there. I make a point of loudly and boringly reminding family and friends of that because I took so much flak at the time for not voting for such a goon.
Well said for your honest opinion👏👏 he is probably going to be the most distrespected President ever and we all laughed when Trump said it was rigged well, now we know it was and what a slap in the mouth for you all.

I cannot believe such a powerful office could be so fucking stupid and such an insult for all the wonderful servicemen and women who have lost lives and limbs, we are reeling in the UK and our blind support and loyalty to America has eroded.

Biden has totally disrespected his oldest and most loyal ally and must pay the price.

He can go live with the Cali Cunts we know how she loves old people!!
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Well they left scoobie behind and forgot to disable his mouth.

Everyone saw this coming two months ago and that demented old fart insisted loudly "KABUL WILL NOT FALL!" at a presser 5 or 6 weeks ago. I sat watching it on twitter and thought "are you fucking wise in the head mister? The enemy are almost literally at the gate". No clue. Lights on but nobody home.
I'm really triggered today. Kids hiding in their rooms, so that's a blessing ....:ROFLMAO:
I might make an airport announcement. Or not.

....and people thought Trump was a bad POTUS!!!!!

Say what you like about The Donald, people, but he had Meghan sussed.
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Ahhhh yes, Wreathgate.

So despite making it very clear he wanted nothing to do with being a working Royal, he still expected all of the perks of being a working Royal?

No-one - not even Brenda - lays a "personal" wreath during the ceremonial bit of Remembrance Day. The wreaths are laid on behalf of us, the nation, thanking our worldwide military personnel past and present for their sacrifice. They are put their by the heads of those military organisations ( i.e. the RF)

There was literally NOTHING to stop him from honouring his comrades and asking someone to place his tribute there AFTER the official ceremony. Like the rest of us ordinary people do.
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If their donation comes from Archewell, isn't that the monies that others have donated? Ie therefore not from harkles own pocket
Yes, the donations from which they then deduct any expenses for themselves, leaving as little as 5% of the original amount donated which they graciously hand out with much pomp and ceremony to let the world know how magnanimous they are. BS :poop: :poop: :poop:
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Harry&Meghan#135 blackmail, lies&veiled threats galore Please shut them up We can't take anymore
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How would Scrotie know there even was a wreath or that it stayed in the box if he hadn't had any contact with the Gruesomes? Their lawyers are again saying they have had nothing to do with the epilogue - BS - unless Scrotie is lying, he wouldn't do that would he? 🤔
I remember something back then that was "leaked" that he was upset about it.

YEARS back, I worked for the firm that, at that time, did all the project managing of all the Royal events. EVERYTHING was planned to the last millisecond. Absolutely nothing ever left to chance.

There is no way in absolute hell he DIDNT know that his wreath wouldnt be put out.

Its all baiting about "poor me/us discrimination" etc.

Not strictly related but its just reminded me of one year when the Christmas Tree went up in Trafalgar Square.

We PMd that and it was always done overnight with a massive team so when everyone went to work in the morning they could "oooh" at how it had sort of magically appeared.

One year, for whatever reason mad panic on a Monday as it had tilted, full on Tower of Pisa. The ruckus to get it fixed and stable without the public realising was a sight to behold!
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William and Catherine considering moving to Windsor Castle. Did pwbw want to live there and was told no? 🤣

Yes. Smeggy wanted the Castle, saying she needed it for total privacy (bitch has no clue re logistics).
Brenda said "Sorry babe, no can do. Windsor is chocca with old retainers etc, with their own private apartments and the castle has too many entrances and is too open to the public to give you the privacy you sorely crave (snigger snigger). Very busy busy busy gaff. You can have Toad Hall Frogmore cottages. We'll get them knocked through into one large house and you can refurb it to your taste. Total privacy, only one way in and heavily guarded. Cushty(y)".

So smeggy threw her toys out of the pram by blowing nearly 3 million on the refurb and a tennis court for Serena and then 'fleeing' to Hollyweird via Canada, sticking Brenda with the bill.

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Do these charitable organisations regularly make a point of thanking specific donors individually? Or is just Archewell demanding some kind of recognition? I don't recall Invictus thanking the Cambridge's for their very generous £500k donation
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Out of the many, many things that piss me off about the hateful pair, this is the one that really makes me want to drop them in a rock in the middle of the ocean and leave them there. The utter bastards. Compassion? My backside.
They haven't got one redeeming feature, he trades on his title and she hawks her Haddock to the limp dicks in Hollyweird but to use donations to fund your lifestyle is the lowest you can go. The RF donates everything to their charities.

Sick, selfish shitbags with $$ for eyeballs.


Yes, the donations from which they then deduct any expenses for themselves, leaving as little as 5% of the original amount donated which they graciously hand out with much pomp and ceremony to let the world know how magnanimous they are. BS :poop: :poop: :poop:
I would love to see all these so called foundations investigated, how can you live with yourself knowing that some pot sod has donated his last £5 quid and only give 50p to the charity.

I hope they all crash and burn, I give nil to these large charities give locally except for British Legion and Salvation Army, the rest goes to animal charities.

Duplicitous, conniving grifters.
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Compare this brother:
Sean, who previously served in Afghanistan and Iraq, opened up about the letter, and revealed his amazement that the Prince had simply signed the letter ‘William’.
It hasn't even got Prince William or His Royal Highness Prince William Duke of Cambridge, it's just William. He recognises the problem and I'm honoured he's said that.

To this brother:
Wah, wah, My Cenotaphwreath stayed in a box. (Hairy didn't care about laying a wreath to honor the dead, he could have arranged the placement of the wreath after the ceremony like any private citizen) He cared about the attention he was entitled to receive for his petulant, perfidious, poppy wreath. So what do they do? They stomp across veteran's graves leaving stilleto holes in the grass, with their fashion photographer in tow, in an American Veteran's Cemetery wrongfully closed for their tantrum, and then, and then the bitch merched her outfit.

Frankly, even with all their tantrums, lies and drama, I think the RF have dodged a bullet with megxit, these are really awful people. I can only imagine the insidious sneaky remarks and actions they would have committed had they remained What kind of bridezilla fat shames a child? They are really a ghastly couple.
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Our @Pom Bear was trying to count just how many "royal experts" there are and fell asleep from exhaustion part way through the count.

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Scotch Mist

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They're a bit late, they're on the road to forgotten and they've never been more important that William and Kate.
Exactly. If they had stayed within the royal family they would have some influence, could have attended big events and would have had some fans who were interested in what they were doing. They would never be as important as the Cambridge family but talk about 'cut your nose off to spite your face'. 😄

They really do think that they can be more important going solo. Where the hell did Haznos massive ego come from? He must have some sort of personality disorder.
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🤔 However according to a new version of the book Finding Freedom by Meghan Markle's friend Omid Scobie, the reason Harry and Meghan opted not to name the person is it would simply be "too damaging" for them.
Just to dial this back …this WHOLE debacle comes from Harry’s pathetic , spoilt kid outlook on life .

IF someone said something that was racist ( probably a York , as @freda19 says 🤣) Why didn’t he go back the next day and say how offended he was , have a showdown …Nine out of ten people would apologise , acknowledge their gross error and promise never to do it again…Tell them you don’t want anything to do with them if you are that offended. Or go public when it supposedly happened .

But he didn’t , did he , he festered and festered on it , like a sulky kid …then continues to fester …and the only way to find any redemption is to flee the country for his safety ( topical Huh ! ) and find absolution on Oprah.

This all came about as he is a petulant child who does not deal with things !!!!( Eg. Moves country without working out how to financially support himself )…….Weak, spoilt .
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I think Meghan and Harry are frustrated that the mud they've slung isn't sticking. It isn't sticking because even those who supported them at first have seen evidence of so many lies that almost no one believes anything they say.
They want an apology for their perceived bad treatment. They aren't getting it, so they think if they name the person they will get their demands met.
I think the intention to announce the name reached the ears of The Firm's legal department and the Harkle 'team' were told to expect a legal fightback if a name is given.
And this has snowballed into "The Queen is 'lawyering up' against the Harkles."
That's what I think.
I think the queen called a family meeting to unearth the culprit.

Anne: Listen mummy, all I said was I hope your crotch goblins have nice caramel skin and aren't ginger like you and yer ma.

Andrew: Yah, well I told him that black is very fashionable and trendy at the moment so not to worry if it popped out rather darkish.

Edward: Well I couldn't give a shit what their sprogs look like and I hate to be a snitch but I heard Pappa Phil say it was about time we bred out the ginger gene and got some strong hard working slave genes.

Charles: I simply likened their baby making to gardening where you graft a different colour rose cutting onto a boring rose bush to get a more 'exotic' colour.

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So Hazno basically has a massive rampant ego (much like Smeggy) and he's a delusional wanker who wants everything on his terms.

They can't stand being out of the news for more than 5 minutes because they fear that they'll be forgotten and they'll be seen as less important than William and Kate.
They're a bit late, they're on the road to forgotten and they've never been more important that William and Kate.
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Scotch Mist

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Going back to the muppets saying they considered releasing the name, even if they did release it, all this person has to say is no I didn't say that, and what can the eejits do? They are the proven liars and have no credibility left.
You're right they don't have any credibility, except with a dwindling number of sugars, and Scrotie's reputation is in the bin. He certainly doesn't appear to be respected amongst his journalist peers either.

I notice that less and less people are interested in even posting about them on here, everyone has Sussex fatigue.
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