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I wonder if #6wife managed to find 40 friends to give 40 minutes yet.

Like, well, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH, that seems to have died an early death, doesn't it.

No doubt Afghanistan and Haiti will be dropped by them when the next shiny thing comes along.
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I too have found myself posting less, I am just so bored of them and there is so much else going on in the world to give them too much headspace BUT I found this last year and had to have a break, it didn't take too long before I was back here raging. We have a lot to look forward to, the release of the epilogue and the resulting inevitable fall out, the court cases, and their promise to be more visible in the run up to winter. There will be plenty of stuff for us to comment on soon enough!
Yeah, same here. I was gonna make an airport announcement a few days ago when I was struggling in general with world events and these two cunts screaming for attention through megaphone scoobie, but I know that if I bid a flowery (temporary) farewell then sure as shit the montyshithole muppets will toss a grenade and try to stir some more shit and I'll be back in like Flynn battering my keyboard.:m
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Extract from The NewZealand Herald ......

Next year, Harry is set to release his biography having picked up a rumoured NZ$28million advance for the work. Given the money involved, chances are that publisher Penguin Random House expects him to turn in an eye-popping tell-all that will fly off the shelves, which is to say, another huge serving of self-styled monarchical martyrdom.

Sure, this might all be cleansing for the couple who clearly had a rough trot during their brief 20 month of joint HRH-dom but it is also a serious miscalculation.

Harry and Meghan have managed to render what at any other time in history would have constituted mind-bogglingly huge royal stories into the blandly pedestrian and yawningly mundane.
The couple lobbing a few more verbal grenades over the palace gates is now about as novel as MAFS stars topping up their lip fillers.

The Duke and Duchess seem to be suffering from a strange form of myopia where they think that painting themselves as casualties of a cruel institution represents some sort of savvy play. Cathartic? Sure. Clever? Sorry, no.
In fact, what we have here is essentially a zero sum game. They have won over as many hearts and minds as they will to their cause with their anti-palace MO.

The Sussexes risk the world becoming increasingly blase whenever they pop their heads above the parapet ........... Her Majesty, after all, presides over a Commonwealth that is composed of more than 1.5 billion people of colour.
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Lady C's latest plunging right in.

Are Thomas Markle and Smeg partners in crime? Thomas Markle heartbroken at being dismissed in same way as Trevitty Trev. Struggles to accept enormity of rejection. Will she do the right thing and make contact wth him before he dies?
Only a sociopath thinks like Smeg. Facial expressions tell us everything A narcissist thinks they are special and unique and all attention on them - special above even TRF. Did not seem nervous at wedding - smug like the cat that got the cream. Samantha and Thomas Markle know who she truly is.
Rumours of friendly zoom calls with PW and Catherine?
Prob. PW and Catherine will attempt to mend fences at some point for appearances and civility's sake but they are too wise and have been too damaged and betrayed by H & M's behaviour to trust them or zoom them anytime soon.
What happens to Haz when Maggot dumps him? Can he return to UK and will he be welcomed and trusted in TRF again.
Hard to see how Haz would ever be comfortable living back with TRF or they be able to trust him. Background fear of Haz's suicide so they would prob. welcome him back into fold. Problems with 'resourcefulness' Haz has learnt - incompatible with being a proper royal. PW dismantled Fab Four because of distrust of Smeg.
Truth about Haz's time in Afghanistan needs to come out - Haz needs to tell truth eg gunner not pilot, guarded by ghurkas in bunkers. Lady C points out dilemmas of royals serving in military. Being protected v. carrying out dangerous duties. Haz apparently wanted to serve but was prevented. İf anything had happened to him, his comrades would have been discredited etc. so for their protection too. İn contrast Prince Andrew in Falklands was a genuine hero.
İf H re-integrated in royal duties (without Smeg) - will be problem but Haz will reach into positive side of personality to appear genuine.
Do H & M now regret supporting Biden? Biden is a metaphor for America's decline (commentator opinion not Lady C's). Smeg adept at jumping off sinking ships (sailing ships) when no longer heading towards her required destination. Smeg is concerned to find a way to milk the situation without scuppering a possible political career.
Latter part of video some discussion of current world situation, China, Republican and Democrat presidents...
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Genetics is a wonderful but confusing thing. Both my kids have dark hair but pasty skin from the Irish side of the family. My father is Bulgarian and yet none of my kids got any colour in their skin. So going in the sun for them only results in a red burn and freckles. Loads of freckles which they were bullied about in childhood. It never got bad though they just laughed it off thankfully and kids moved on. Bullying happens with children, they will latch onto something and go with it. I’ve been blessed that bullying never got bad and my kids didn’t suffer from it. But I have seen gingers being mercifully bullied, why I will never understand as I think red/ginger hair can look stunning and beautiful. Oh well, humans are a strange lot. LOL

Thanks I voted. Got to get them down and HM up. I did notice though that the votes do seem to favour the woke side of things unfortunately.

Thanks I voted. Got to get them down and HM up. I did notice though that the votes do seem to favour the woke side of things unfortunately. Do we know what kind of newspaper Time is? Woke?..

Thank you so much for the recap. I appreciate it so much as I don’t have the time or patience to listen at the moment. 💕💋

I am so over this racist comment crap they spew. If there was a genuine racist comment made that offended them , name the person and give that person a chance to apologise, explain, whatever. Mostly everyone talks about how the child they are bringing into world will look like especially if there is a mix. Heck, my hubby and I have Irish in our background but I have a Bulgarian father so we talked about skin colour wondering if our children would get some of that beautiful olive skin from my dads side. They didn’t. LOL.

Was that racist? Was that being insensitive? I know it doesn’t compare to a mix of white and black but I find it very hard to believe that any discussion of skin tone etc was meant to be racist. I feel it was a comment made in the usual conversations about their children but has been hijacked by Megabitch.
Every time someone complains of racist remarks, it's never actually publicised what those remarks are so we can't decide whether it was actually racist or just a person being a twat. I'm not on board with the whole the victim gets to decide what is and isn't racism.
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Will here to all Tattlers, we had a family meeting yesterday with only relevant members present The Gurners Grimm and the Fat Pork as well as his Ginger ex Raleigh were excluded.

Needless to say the "ladies" all consumed lots of Fuckharry cocktails along with the new one now named baldycunt after the Kween of Kuntycal .

We needed to agree a plan for when the Ginger Cockerel comes over.

Gran wants him stuffed for a BBQ with a skewer up his arse, Caff wants to smack him in the kisser wearing a knuckleduster and naughty Cammy wants to put his dick on a serving board and stab it with a pickle fork. Annie is going to trigger him with her horses who afterwards will crap all over him and Z is going to hold him while hubby uses him as a punchbag.

The Ladies got so pissed they were all doing wanker signs to his photo while Cammy lifter her arse and farted on him unfortunately the hilarity resulted in them all pissing themselves. Thank Christ for TenaLady

When they had all sobered up it was agreed that Ginger Tom would be knighted for his service to the Crown and is now called Sir Thomas of Ginger, the rest of his squad have all been awarded an OBE and @Cassandra333 has been awarded a medal for her pussies bravery and commitment to the cause.

They all ended up singing rugby songs led by M about a girl called cringe who gave the whole team a singe with her red hot minge

Royal standards were kept at all times until Gran mooned at his wedding photo and started them all off again.

Update next week when that fucking, bastard book comes out

All Tattlers to be mentioned in despatches in gratitude from the family

@pombear Sir Tom needs a ceremony photo for his Knighthood day please can you oblige him and he promises not to piss on your flower bed🐱🐱
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Murphy Brown

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Yeah, same here. I was gonna make an airport announcement a few days ago when I was struggling in general with world events and these two cunts screaming for attention through megaphone scoobie, but I know that if I bid a flowery (temporary) farewell then sure as shit the montyshithole muppets will toss a grenade and try to stir some more shit and I'll be back in like Flynn battering my keyboard.:m
Me three. I almost wish Harry and Meghan would pipe up again as a welcome distraction from the general shittery.

Come on, Harry and Meghan. The world finally needs you. Your time is here.

Make a stupid video about Afghanistan merching various household items and asking for donations.

Release a photo of Lillibet's foot accompanied by 800 words that make no sense and sound like they were written by a pretentious 13 year old.

Hire a photographer to capture the two of you clutching each other in mourning outfits at the 9/11 memorial, as you lay a replica of the wreath the BRF so heartlessly banned.

Let the world unite once more in a common goal and understanding: mocking you.
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Does Scrotie really believe the bullshit he is spewing? How could anybody actually believe the Queen has a loving relationship with the vile, vulgar, villainous, vapid sixes? Anybody?
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Shes a simpleton, and comes from a different Society that isnt our Society; the way we live, our Heritage, our Nation, its History and the British way of Life . Its not American. She was too fucking stupid and ignorant to adapt, or realise what great good she could have done , in the upper echelon of Society; for Charity ; for Americans and others too.
Ignorant, thick & a prize liar. She also thought life would be all Disney cartoonish shit. What planet does she live on?
And of course, she made sure that she told her lies to Oprah in America. No one else wouldve courted it, nor believed it, thats why.
No one I know likes her & are glad shes not in Great Britain, and thats the truth. I feel the same.
H seems to have special needs issues, and his family were obviously cushioning him. I think hes very easily led ( and a prize prick) & she certainly saw him coming.
She's a narcissist. She doesn't care about the heritage, the nations, & the history of the UK or the US, or any way of life besides what SHE wants. She is an embarrassment to the good people of both nations.
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Scotch Mist

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Ugh so plasic cunt face Scrotie thinks that naming the royal 'racist' is going to bring down the monarchy. The Harkles seem to think that people care about their lies and anything written by the melt 😆

There are people right now in actual grave danger and these two have the audacity and ignorance to whinge.
They are so tone deaf they need hearing aids.🦻

Anyway if they go ahead and accuse someone (Charles or William) I'm sure the person in question will fight back with a claim for 'defamation' against them.
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OK, you made my day now, didn't
She's a narcissist. She doesn't care about the heritage, the nations, & the history of the UK or the US, or any way of life besides what SHE wants. She is an embarrassment to the good people of both nations.
you know, if I had ever been in Smegz position, married into the Royal Family, I would keep my head low, curtsey the way Nana taught me, and Stfu. I would have turned myself inside out trying to maintain a low profile, lest they figure out I had no place there. she got the Golden Ticket, and pissed all over it. She could have done any little thing to make herself an asset. even if it was just picking up the corgies crap off the carpet.
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Innocent Hamster

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Not sure how accurate but saw on deux moi last night
View attachment 727395
If Queenie is 'lawyering up' I doubt it's just because of 6's forthcoming brainfart, but more likely because of the ongoing rubbish being spewed from wherever they're hiding.

And I'm not sure that Catherine's cousin working for the publishers would make any difference either. If something they publish is litigious, it's litigious.
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Diamond Mel

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It never continues to amaze me how two rich, privileged people with every advantage can have so little self-awareness. Their complete inability to read the room is just jaw-dropping. Preachy, do as we do not as we say, cruel to their own families, bullying to their staff, animal cruelty, they truly do deserve each other and I wish they'd get their karma sooner rather than later.
I can understand them not being able to read the room.... pretty hard when they are the only ones in it.. who the fuck else would want to be anywhere near them
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Innocent Hamster

Chatty Member
Maybe they expect the queen to do the actual investigating? Picture her as a cluedo character but add a pipe and a trench coat and an ultimate "tell me the truth or its off with your head".
Not sure what else they expect apart from maybe allowing those who are trained to do the job they need to do and investigate fully. Without the queen involved in any way so it will remain impartial. I think this may go back to megs impression of the royal family. That they can do anything they want because they are princes and princesses and queens. Like a Disney story. She/they still don't get it do they?
The queen isnt the ultimate authority, she is, in fact, the ultimate representative of the people. Not a dictator.
Her Maj as Miss Marple, sat in a corner knitting innocently while hearing everything?

From the Washington Times article linked to earlier, I very much liked the last line:

"her shortcomings are owing to her choices and motivations rather than to her skin color and, therefore, the implication that anyone who criticizes her is racist is absurd."
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