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Chilli pepper 19

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Sorry if this was discussed in another post but I'm struggling to get my head around the time scales. We know the Corden one was done first and at this stage all was good with his family of apparent racists who wanted his wife to kill herself. Was this last Oprah one done after the funeral, or at least some of it? This would explain the increasing bitterness at them not giving into his demands. Its interesting daddy was fine when the cheque book was open. Also didn't we call he'd use the funeral procession of PP as another pity party. Seriously I'm actually getting bored at how badly they're messing this all up

Love this guy. No doubt he'll be accused of being racist by their fans....oh 🤣

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I think this is quite significant and plays into the theory that the velociraptor is in a bit of a state. Oh, woe is me!

If this is who's left to bring the pity plea to the masses, it's all grimmer than I could ever have hoped for at this point.
For sure. She avoided any public display of any continuing friendship with her 'racist/bullying' mate Mylilpony like the plague. Kept her under wraps as much as possible. So to haul her out of the grubby past into the daylight is a sure fire indication of panic and desperation setting in. I hope her BLM cronies who battered Mylilpony are watching this play out. Smeggy is a fair weather fan. When the going gets tough she looks after number one.

No Clooneys, or Orlandos, or uncle Elton.
Oh dear, how sad. Never mind.:m
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What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course nobody knows, how could they. That’s no argument. The irrefutable fact, the only thing we do know, is that Charles was in love with Camilla when he married Diana. That was not Diana’s fault. She wasn’t a saint, far from it, but she may have equally have been 100% faithful if her husband had been.
Are you sure you are in the right thread? You seem determined to turn the thread into a "Chas is a cunt" thread. There is a Royals thread for such discussion regarding the many men St Di shagged during the marriage and when Chas first porked Camilla during the marriage.
You could start a thread on it for those interested to contribute to. Personally I'm bored with the repetitive " He cheated first" " NO she cheated first" and it's derailing the thread. But I'm a mardy cunt so, yah:rolleyes:
I'm outta here.


it wasn’t win win. It was win lose. She died.

I am not a fan of a Charles or Diana or Harry. They are all cut from the same cloth, entitled, weak and selfish. But I don’t think she was what you called her, which was a repulsive insult.
On the plus side, she left lil hazza a nice wedge of 30 million and is still in his life so yeah, win win.
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me from mid-America

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How does it help people deal with their own mental issues, if this production consists of very rich people who are obviously still depressed, angry and living a life of self pity? Harry represents what years of the most expensive therapy produces?
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Oprah is coming across like Martin bashir 2.0 . She’s exploiting this situation for her gain the fake bitch .
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Does anybody else think that Puppet is having the time of his life with all this press exposure ? He's doing it because he's a vicious and spiteful Little twunt and he's been told by his handler that all" press is good press". He has passed the point of no return and I think they are both throwing everything at this , and as for Porca / Muppet they are just the same as Martin Bashir, using him to gain fame and fortune. Utterly vile creatures.

Also with he Diana interview and the BBC who else thinks he's going to do a big sue the BBC for trillions of $$$. I can definitely see this one coming down the line? So, she's not going anywhere anytime soon is my best guess.

On a final note there is a great TV/Media journalist called Candace Owen. you can find her on Insta Gram RealcandaceOwens and on Twitter as @RealCandaceO. She's also on YouTube . This is a very clever young POC American who is so articulate and has very strong views on Porca manipulating Harry and is calling for her to stop the shit show. She's also has had a pop at the Muppet and Puppet hypocrisy and is very vocal on TV calling them out for what they are, Grifters. She's driven a campaign to stop the nasty Crissy Teigan trolling young girls on line. Have a look, I don't think you'll be disappointed in fact for one so young, it gives me hope that the wokerati and the cancel culture mob can be held to account by this young woman.
I freaking love Candace Owens. She is a wonderful example for girls and young women, and not just WOC/POC, but in general. Articulate, intelligent, and classy. She shows how to think for yourself and carry yourself with respect.
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As a millennial who can't stand the fake woke culture and the Markles, I have to say the sentiment in my age group is pretty grim. So many fake woke are screaming down with the racist RF and supporting Meghan and her idiot, and these are supposedly educated, middle class folks.

I mentioned casually in conversation that while the Harkles had every right to break off from the RF if they were unhappy, I wish they've stop airing all their dirty laundry and upsetting his aging grandmother, I got accused of being racist and hateful. Because having common decency and family values is now hateful and backwards. These same people believe in race baiting, being a perpetual victim in life, and using sex and complaining as a leverage in life instead of working hard but that's apparently "modern and inclusive."
Don’t worry, these same people will grow up one day and get jobs, pay taxes, get mortgages, have kids etc. The anti-establishment tendencies (that many of us probably had in our youth) dissipate when there are real life responsibilities to get to grips with.

Meanwhile back on thread, never liked Markle. Had her down as a cunt from the start.
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‘California nightmare: How high taxes, rampant crime, suffocating wokery, streets littered with homeless addicts, and years of liberal policies are blamed for ruining the Golden State... as thousands of families flee to Republican Texas and Florida .......’
they missed out
‘Ginger bloke from the UK with his Z lister wokey wife have also moved here recently which has added to the numbers fleeing due to the lack of oxygen in the State ‘cos they are using everyone else's quota as no one can shut them up’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Come now. Diana did cheat but only after Charles made it quite clear she was surplus to requirements after she had the heir and spare, but she was in her prime, quite fragile, had been used as a brood mare. Was she supposed to take vows of chastity? She was looking for The One, and the great sadness is, she never found them, Charles found his. It’s a man’s world isn’t it? Diana was so much younger than this grown man, and yet she is the one besmirched.
She behaved like an absolute twat, pushing and prodding and lying and being a cunt using the paps to create a very public publicity war between her and him that he could never win because he'd never encountered that level of batshit crazy and couldn't fight back. She used every trick in the wronged-female handbook to undermine him, having cosy lunches with rugby players, wearing eye popping dresses to solo events taking the spotlight off the royal events that chas was doing. Just like smeggy is doing re the birthdays and royal events. Overshadowing, causing problems and angst to all her in-laws. She told Burrel and others that she would never ask for a divorce but would force him to want one and that's exactly what she did. She was out of the marriage mentally long before that interview. That was just the coup de grace. So I really don't blame Chas for returning to Camilla for comfort by that point.
It's fine, St Di won, she manipulated the bad situation to her advantage, got a big pay out and gained the freedom to prance around the world with who ever she wanted and Chas got the woman he wanted in the first place. Win win.
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From a previous thread by @ResidentMerkin

"PH: To me, it's always so fascinating to hear of someone's struggles. And for them to be able to be able to explain or articulate why, but then also tracing it back to sort of what happened to you, not what was wrong with you.

DS: Yeah, yeah. Yes. So what happened is my parents got divorced at three. My dad became pretty irregular and undependable. My first step dad was violent cocaine addict that beat my mother in front of me. And I desperately wanted to save her and couldn't, which then predicted my long career as a bar fighter. Anytime I think someone needs to step in. That's my calling. Then another step dad, who was Type A marathon running engineer, controlling, he my brother fist fought, he knocked my brother out. I thought he was dead. My brother got sent to my dad's. My dad [and] my brother fought so bad, they broke the coffee table. My whole neighborhood was gathered at the end of my driveway. I walk in, both my dad and my brother are bleeding profusely. My brother told me pack your sh** we're leaving here. Like, this was just all the time.

PH: This sounds like the script of stepbrothers.

DS: The non comedic version of that. And then molested along the way

PH: Just throw that in there."

He is just such a cocksucking little fucker.
He literally sounds, in that 1st paragraph, like a serial killer, a sadist relishing in the pain of others
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the musician

Chatty Member
I’m constantly in the unpopular opinion on this topic but I honestly don’t think Charles is a bad person at all. As we could see from his reaction to Prince Phillips funeral when he couldn’t hold back his emotions and was sobbing up the hill, from his public appearances and from everything we have seen from him he is a very very emotional soft hearted individual. I think the media and the public has attacked him so badly and made him out to be a worse person then he is. Yes he cheated on Diana with Camilla, but everyone else forgets that Diana had plenty of lovers who she was cheating on Charles with. Charles loved Camilla but couldn’t marry her as at the time it was unsuitable due to her reputation and her past lovers. So he tried to move on with Diana as she was what was expected of a Queen. Yes it was wrong. But we only know what the media has told us and we only know Diana’s side of the story.

If Charles is that horrible then why is William on extremely good terms with him? We only know what we have been told. None of us were there and tbh I think it’s got to a point that Charles has been painted as a villain for so long that people miss out on all the good he has done such as his foundations and his extremely good relationship with William and his family.

The difference is Charles cheated on Diana with one person who he was in love with and Diana cheated on him with many many different people.

Now Harry is using Diana for his pity party which again is just going to push the public opinion of Charles even lower.
Charles isn't that bad of a person. In all his interviews he never comes across as a villain. My uncle used to work for The Prince's Trust and has met him a few times and said he's really nice in real life too. It's easy to judge him on his personal life, but being a royal is a job at the end of the day. Yes, he's made mistakes, but so did Diana. I think everyone seems to forget that they were actually on much better terms after the divorce and before she died.

Don't forget the fact that a lot of Diana's affairs were with married men. So even if Charles was with Camilla from the beginning (I guess recollections vary on that one since I'm still under belief that their affair didn't begin until 1986), surely Diana must have known how it would feel for the wives of those married men.

I think Harry is actually pushing the public opinion of Charles up to an extent. I actually like him even more now. But I agree, Harry constantly mentioning Diana all the time is pretty insensitive.
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Actually, this whole thing is fucking insulting. My daughter is one of many teenagers turned away for help during the pandemic because our nhs was overwhelmed with children struggling. Doctor openly admitted he just couldn’t do much other than point us towards helpful websites as they’re over run. Same for myself, multiple mental health issues and the adult mental health services where I live are collapsing right now, there are not enough staff or funds. Ten years ago I could be referred to a psychiatrist for official diagnosis. Now ten years later you’re referred to a free local talking service if you’re lucky - if you’re suicidal you’re fucked because there aren’t enough beds! People are sent home literally on the edge. Then you have this over privileged, ungrateful twat having his therapy sessions from a billionaire for the world to see and moaning about his four years private therapy. Lucky you mate! Most of us can’t even see a fucking doctor! I’m enraged by him and his inability to see what a self centred prick he is and how, instead of helping people, he’s just rubbing it in our faces. Go away! I don’t want your advice from your 13 trillion dollar home with your five therapists! Fuck the fuck off!
Yes - why isnt he setting up therapy centres for people who can't afford private treatment.
He could have donated to something like this.
And he could use his celebrity/status to obtain funding from people with loadsa money to create something like this.
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Of course she would think that :rolleyes: No wonder why Harry seems to be so jealous of his brother, his mother is the one who started it. Maybe Harry's "ease with people" was because Diana was constantly burdening William and that was all he was thinking about. That's practically a form of abuse! Plus, someone's ease with people is not the only quality needed to be a King.

Fast forward into the future and most people are so glad that William is our future King.
İ am really enjoying William's speeches lately - today in Scotland mentioning dark times and joy and the good memories they are making with the children there. Very measured like TQ's speeches with perfect delivery and the personal touch.
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OK folks there's a twitter account @StrongWrite that has blocked a lot of people who are anti Woko OhNo including me. I'd never heard of this account until today but there are rumours its Woko herself or one of her people. I'm curious who else is blocked?

I'm blocked too. I've never heard of the account before, and I never post comments about H and M.
I do "like" comments (but never post) from certain Twitter posters though (murky, taz, wally etc).
Just shows their people are snooping around.

On a lighter note. William and Catherine are on a week-long tour of Scotland, and they are coming to my town. Not sure which day yet. They are visiting my local hospital, I live right round the corner. So, if it is announced which day/time they are coming, I'm going to pop round with my kids to wave at them. They seem like such a lovely couple.
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I think both Diana and Charles had their flaws. She paid an extremely heavy price ofcourse, but Charles hasn't exactly had it easy being essentially blamed for her death for his entire life since. Not to mention people acting like she was a saint (despite sleeping with multiple men, including those who were married), whereas he is somehow evil for cheating with the one woman he has always loved. They both fucked up but I think it's unfair to expect him to miss out on his birthright and the thing he has always wanted. I don't think there's much to show he wouldn't make a good king, he certainly comes across as a very competent and kind man, just look at how well he treated Doria at the wedding. Obviously yes Wills and Kate would be more 'popular' but their time will come and surely it's better for their young family to have a bit more normality for as long as possible. He will still play a huge role in supporting his Dad anyway unlike the treacherous little gingernut.
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