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Just because it’s been a while.

fucking ginger twat waffle.

If ever you wished your wife had shagged Hewitt it would be now right Charles 😐 feel ya.
“go collect your son Hewitt, and tell him that waffle maker is the last gift he’s getting from my mother”
These threads are totally your favourite 😂.

On another note, a question to everyone, do you think Harry knows people are taking the piss out of him now or does Smeg censor his web viewing?
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From what we now know from Blind Gossip, how much longer do you guys give Harry and his wife until they divorce? She's been awfully quiet lately, so is she preparing for it soon after the second baby is born? Or do you reckon another couple of years?
I suspect she'll milk his public appearances for all they are worth and when people stop showing interest (aka stop paying them) because there is only so much whining people can take from a privileged pair of fools, she'll pull the classic "irreconcilable differences" line and have a "conscious uncoupling" with him. She'll talk about how she has so much love and compassion in her heart, but he is clearly mentally unwell and she knows he needs to be alone to fix his fucked up mental state and wishes him the best.
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Well its very quiet in Morteshitehole. I am so hoping the surrogate carrying Dorita decides not to hand over the child., now that would be really interesting as she has a legal right to keep him if it's her egg that's been used. She could ask for a big pay out and then they'll be on the phone to Chas again.

I also heard that Tyler Perry's staff bullied by Muppet are with the lawyers so please let's hear more about this.
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And this, ladies and gentlemen (am I still allowed to say this or is it not woke enough per Harkles logic?), is why everyone should be very careful in picking their spouses. Remember the days of W&K, with Harry happily supporting them? Remember when Harry actually had a non-toxic relationship with his family? Now he's estranged from the lot of them and living halfway across the world, married to a grifter and being taken advantage of by her and her equally opportunistic friends, and selling his entire family out for a quick buck.
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İ truly think that these two just being themselves have provided case studies of multiple personality disorders and behaviours for the education of everyone globally. İ think that M & H both have multiple personality disorders and mental problems. Amongst them narcissism, covert narcissism, borderline, delusions of grandeur, histrionic, oppositional defiance, ptsd, oedipal, and probably a few more. Orca is pretty shameful in exploiting JCMH's struggles as he is clearly still not ready to heal or forgive or be simply at peace with himself and the world. The Apple shows would have far more credibility if he had come to a place where he could be happy at all that he has, and accept that he does not want to be a working royal and reject all the perks for his better life. Someone who is mentally stable and at peace would not point the finger of blame needlessly at the family who have done their best for him. M & H are deluded talking about mental health. They have zero awareness.
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Wouldn't it be funny if they had no staff in the monty shit hole because they weren't paying their wages.:m
It would be deserted, like The Overlook Hotel in The Shining, with hazza rattling around skipping from bathroom to bathroom to get away from smeggy's droning complaints and Doria making him do the Locust and Cobra yoga poses when all he wants is a 3 litre bottle of Strongbow, a family pack of Cheese n Onion crisps and a couple of hours on the X box shooting little brown people from a chopper.

Ah yes ....The Shining and Choppers ... inspiration ...

I actually had blood dripping from the axe but it seemed a bit ghoulish all things considered. So I wiped the blood off. 😇
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Pippa M

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I totally agree. Her next step will be to push him over the edge until he goes under completely.
Then she will be publically * sad * and hope that the RF will rally round to pay the bills and the education of the little ones... while he "ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms " to himself in some country institute..paid for by us of course.
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Off his tits on mental health meds most likely.
I think his reference to taking drugs in his 20’s was quite revealing, i personally think he’s been indulging in quite hard drugs for a while (who would be whisked off to re-hab for smoking a bit of weed) I wonder if it could be a stronger drug that is not so easy to let go - this is my opinion but it appears that PWB true self has been hidden whilst in the royal fold now he’s not there we are seeing his true self which frankly is not a very nice person.
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He got rid of them all when they tried to warn him about Meghan. 😒
A few of his mates told him they had slept with her...because she was an escort working out of SOHO, for Marcus Anderson. That's how PH met her. (arranged date don't cha know....)
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The fact his wife is happy to sit back and let ginge make a complete tit of himself with this latest load of crap shows that she gives exactly no shits about him. If she had a tiny spark of affection for him she would have him with real mental health professionals. Instead she winds him up and off he goes ranting about how awful his life was and how his entire family are the worst in the world. She only cares about how much cash she can get out of this breakdown that he appears to be having.
They are both too thick to realise that people even those who were on their side are now noticing that they cant keep their lies straight.
No one can help him right now because he doesnt want help he is enjoying venting and being a vile arsehole, most of all he is enjoying being the centre of attention. Once the wife is ready to be seen again she will put him back in his box and sparkle like the queen she thinks she is.
Those poor kids are going to be so screwed up, although neither parent seems interested in kids hopefully they will have a few nannies that treat them well.
And this tantrum is all because daddy wouldnt give him even more millions. Thats basically what this is for the first time in this spoilt brats life he didnt get what he wanted.
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Does anybody else think that Puppet is having the time of his life with all this press exposure ? He's doing it because he's a vicious and spiteful Little twunt and he's been told by his handler that all" press is good press". He has passed the point of no return and I think they are both throwing everything at this , and as for Porca / Muppet they are just the same as Martin Bashir, using him to gain fame and fortune. Utterly vile creatures.

Also with he Diana interview and the BBC who else thinks he's going to do a big sue the BBC for trillions of $$$. I can definitely see this one coming down the line? So, she's not going anywhere anytime soon is my best guess.

On a final note there is a great TV/Media journalist called Candace Owen. you can find her on Insta Gram RealcandaceOwens and on Twitter as @RealCandaceO. She's also on YouTube . This is a very clever young POC American who is so articulate and has very strong views on Porca manipulating Harry and is calling for her to stop the shit show. She's also has had a pop at the Muppet and Puppet hypocrisy and is very vocal on TV calling them out for what they are, Grifters. She's driven a campaign to stop the nasty Crissy Teigan trolling young girls on line. Have a look, I don't think you'll be disappointed in fact for one so young, it gives me hope that the wokerati and the cancel culture mob can be held to account by this young woman.
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It's interesting that in the meantime in leftist/antimonarchy newspapers William is criticised for being "too emotional" in his statement he did the other day about the Martin Bashir interview. I have read that he is wrong to assume this interview set a false narrative and that it worsened the relationship of his parents. So Harry can say anything he wants about his family, it's all okay no one will check facts but when William dares to make a comment that's not okay. The only narrative accepted is that the royal family is bad - William included - as he follows the steps and Diana was persecuted by them. No nuances on the situation and it's an outrage that Williams reminds us Diana was also struggling mentally. Diana can be only seen as a saint and Harry perfectly understood that. Harry is actually encouraged by those who think the monarchy is useless to bash his family to weaken their position. Funny that they seem to forget that Diana was an aristocrate, living a luxurious lifestyle.

I am not British so I don't have any opinion what would the best political system in the UK and I am generally quite liberal but it doesn't make me blind - I can see clearly how Harry is used - and none really care about his mental health or the impact of his interviews on other people - like his family. I find quite sad that because William doesn't overexpose himself and keeps a lot of his emotions for himself is dismissed. Actually from the bits he says he seems to me much more mature about who are his two parents - their qualities and their flaws and in a much better state mentally. I feel sad that Harry is exploited by the same who pretends to own the motto "be kind".
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Chatty Member

Someone shared this with the-empress-7 blog over on Tumblr. I've tried looking for this Twitter account and it's not showing up for me, so I'm taking it with a pinch of salt. Apparently this Twitter account belongs to a Sunday Times reporter. Will delete if it's bullshit.

ETA: It's legit.
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Harry isn't going to know what's hit him when she files for divorce citing mental and physical cruelty, is he?
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You know what pisses me off? All that moaning and shitting about mental health and therapy. Do Malia shit around how she's neglected after that taliban shot her face? Do refugees moan around? Do anyone who's been in some dangerous situation moan around? Greenfield tower survivors? People who lost jobs and have no idea how they will feed their families? People who lost loved ones?

So people with real problems stay quiet and try to rebuild their life and privileged prick moan about it. That's why I can't listen to their vomit and why I can't take any celebrity seriously.
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He also has a good shaped head...I think if you’re losing your hair...having a good shaped head is important.
Wheeew its getting warm in here !

.........****** 😛😛😛 Prince William, RAF Man, Coastguard Air-Sea Rescue helicopter pilot, Dad, all-round good egg..... tidy body.....stunningly lovely Partner, and our future Monarch.
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