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What triggers Harry’s Anxiety ‘ travelling back to London!!! Thanks a lot Harry ... Don’t F##King come back then😡
If anything shows his utter lack of understanding of his own emotions, its this.

Its not that he didnt get to see (or speak ?) To his grandad before he died.

Its not that he is concerned about seeing his family after making appalling allegations from the safety of another continent.

Its not his confusion about how he now sees his family as the enemy.

Its not any realisation that his country might be a bit put out by his behavior and constant criticism of the nation he was born into.

Its not the natural grief he would feel at the passing of his family and attending their funeral.

Fuck no - Londons 'always' made him anxious.

I dont know who his therapists are / were but no-one with a recognisable qualification in the uk would be supporting his behavior because it does not help him.

The purpose of therapy is to accept and integrate your bad experiences and move on.

He is not moving on.

And he is not a positive advocate for therapy because of the nonsense he says and his appalling actions in the last two years.

I agree with others here - there is worst to come for Harry. I hope he makes it back here in time to get some actual support and therapy and not just stuff he likes and wants to hear. Therapy has not left him skilled - its left him hurt and vulnerable. Therefore his therapy is nowhere near finished and until he looks at himself, his actions and takes responsibility for it all rather than sticking it to others, he will remain stuck in this awful to watch place.

Ooh I feel better for that !

As you were Tattlers.
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Pom Bear

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So a new film coming out on Harry and Meghan..
Something not realistic about the casting of Harry though ..what would that be ..


Got it...all sorted lol 🤭


Back tomorrow 🥰 x
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What did Dax say?
Dax talked about growing up in a violent and abusive home with his mother and stepfather. He was beaten as sexually abused. His brother was violent with his stepfather so went off to live with their father and they got in to violent fights. Very harrowing stuff.

Then Harry chops says "Sounds like the movie Stepbrothers" (!)

Dax: Yeah except with out the comedy and with sexual assault

Harry: Yeah throw that in there as well!!!

He didn't give a stuff about Dax's trauma and basically made fun of it. And then went back to talking about himself. He's not interested in anything but his own issues. I'm surprised but not surprised that that didn't get more attention really because it was awful.
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The fact that Wills is in the pub with friends having a pint like a regular guy and Harry is locked up with Meghan and the only time we see him is on these weird “expose” shows or glued to meghans side says a lot about what type of people they are. Wills is the type of guy who you could genuinely go for a drink with and he would make you feel comfortable and be completely normal where Harry would moan that he had to pick up the bill because he only has “30 million left” 🤣
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so she talked of suicide because she didn't want Harry to leave her? Is that it?
No. She wanted to appear really fragile so that his protective instincts would kick in.
At that point she was likely pecking at his head about moving to Hollywood, although I bet she claimed Canada because that would be easier to sell to him. "Oh 'H'" she calls him that you know " Sweetie pie, we could be so happy in Canada. You'd love it. Lots of open space and hiking trails and fabulous wildlife. You can even use your lovely Purdeys there hunting bad birdies etc".
Hazza: "Oh I dunno babe, maybe in a year or two".

Two days later ...

"Oh H ! I'm so depressed! I'm thinking of killing myself. Maybe throw myself down the stairs like your sainted mummy did. I can't stand these dirty peasants and nasty Kate won't take me shopping. I need to get out of here or I'll top myself. I will H, I really will!" as she clutches her moon bump 'lovingly'.

Job done. Moved to canada on the way to Hollyweird and nasty Purdeys sold. No hunting lil creatures any more. The End.
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On MarkleNews there are screenshots of twatter chatter that TPerry threw them out of his house and Harpo took them in and lawyers are involved due to MMs behaviour towards currently silenced women staff. Tperry allegedly also let them use his security, and something may have happened with that team as well. Another chatter saying that their Archewell platform had initially started well, with content contracts with Spotify and Netflix, but their strategy has changed massively and is now 100percent focused on revenge: they want an official apology (think ANL) and an admission of guilt (and I guess acceptance of all other semands) from the RF and are solely focused on that. This does not bode well for their contracts with Spotify and Netflix as it takes a long time to plan and produce content. Also, bearing in mind the revenge objective, the H interview for the Apple series was a very last minute addition. It wasn't originally in the line up, supposedly. All the other interviews were filmed, edited and in the can ages ago and then the train suddenly went to a way different track and now it is a Harry whining bombshell platform.
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I am so deeply unhappy over hairy's yipping, whining and complaining about his Father's parenting and by default his Grandparents parenting. There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Both of my parents were part of the great generation, and were deeply flawed by growing up hard, in poverty and ignorance. They made many mistakes, which would be unacceptable in today's world. Although we grew up poor, we always had clothing, and we were never hungry. Yep, I ate a lot of Wonderbread (helps build strong bodies in 12 ways) fried in margarine with apple butter, or pinto beans and spam, but we were never hungry. I compare that upbringing to children enduring poverty, abuse, sickness and now covid rotting bodies in truly poor countries and I am so grateful for my upbringing,. Was my childhood difficult, you bet (and I bet yours was too), but I had the gift of knowing I was loved-JUST LIKE YOU HAIRY! And although my Mom was married before she graduated from high school, she taught my brothers and I to read at a very young age, and instilled us with ideal of education- my oldest brother has a PHD, and my other brother and I have Master's Degrees. I have made many mistakes in my life, but they were MY mistakes, I paid MY consequences, I learned and moved on. SO the moral of the story is- STFU hairless hairy, and take responsibility for your own life, and oh yeah and it's time to grovel to your family, and to your country for your unacceptable, angry, bitter, pisspot, poor behavior. And just hop off the mental health bandwagon, because any deeply depressed or troubled person who looks at you blah blah blah-ing about mental health will NEVER seek professional assistance. End of rant.
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I'm still catching up, but I saw this re hairy: He said: ‘I felt completely helpless. I thought my family would help – but every single ask, request, warning, whatever it is, just got met with total silence or total neglect.’
I think he was telling the truth about this one. Here's how it went:
Daddy, Meme and I need more money she needs some new clothes and a new car, and our water bill is due. - Response silence
Daddy, Our little archie needs you to pay for his security, because there are people taking pictures of him and there are wild bears and stuff. - total silence.
Daddy, If you don't give us more money, I, I, I uh I'm gonna tell oprah all about how mean you are and how mean gran gran is and how mean Wills is, so you better give me more money right now, I am WARNING you, and I won't talk to your secretary anymore, so you better call me. response silence and neglect. Poor wittle hairy.
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The Queen has given her life to service & duty. William seems to have adopted her attitude. In ten years H&M will be completely irrelevant. Prince George will be 17 & I assume the press will be far more interested in George & his siblings than in H&M in the same way that there isn’t huge interest in Charles’ siblings.

Prince Harry coming out saying his father passed on his pain from the way he was parented when his grandmother is in her 90s & has just lost her husband shows that he doesn’t give a toss about anyone besides himself. I’m not convinced that he is madly in love with his wife either, it comes across like her skin colour gives him more material to lash out which is his favourite hobby it seems.

He’s said his piece, can he just go away. How many people live on or below the poverty line in CA where he lives in a mansion paid for with money he didn’t earn.
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Wackie Jeaver

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oh the trouble I got into on that site for mothers who net when I used the phrase car crash in relation to the Snarkles! :LOL:
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Spot on as usual.
There are no holds barred in taking the piss out of the gruesome twosome these days!
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Iconic Member
In my head Archies first words were “victim card expired twat, get a job”
I have to believe one of the men in that family has some balls.
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We don’t know what is happening behind the scenes in the RF but I agree with you they will be dammed if they do intervene and dammed if they are not seen to be doing anything. Ideally HMTHQ should contact him and ask him to come and visit her with the 2 great grand children in Balmoral - without PW and PC being there initially - it is only if they can dupe him to come back with F&D - not her - (well she could come but be stopped at immigration and sent straight back) - that some serious intervention can happen - what can they do - apart from literally kidnapping him from the US - to bring him back to get help? The biggest question is does HE really want to be helped? The RF know him better than anyone and must despair at what is happening
I don't think he does want help. Well, not constructive help anyway. "Help" that panders to his every grievance, preferably in public, is obviously what he wants right now and there's no way the RF can be involved with that.

He's not going to give up the "12 year old boy behind the coffin" because it's become the defining point of his life. He had the entire world feeling sorry for him, even more so than William, because he looked so small and vulnerable. There was less visual impact with William who was already as tall as his father, grandfather and uncle. The closer William edges to his destiny, the more Harry wants to get back to being the centre of the world's attention again. Unfortunately, he's being egged on by a wife that wants the exactly the same, and the kids will probably be raised to resent their Cambridge relatives, unless the cycle can be broken.
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Yes he can, but at the moment with the RF saying nothing it seems like they are not bothered. I expect they are out of their minds with worry and having sleepless nights about it all.
Saying something publicly rather than 'never explain' would at least show the world they are concerned for his well being and would not be accused of doing nothing if it all ends in tears.
I think the royals are doing the right thing by ignoring anything that comes from PWB.

His recollections vary regarding who urged him to get therapy (was it his family, his Wife?) so how many other lies has he churned out?

I don’t know him and I have no sympathy for him or his Wife , he has shown himself to be a spoilt, entitled arsehole who just wants to bitch about his British family.
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Sean Attwood interviewed an ex policeman, and has also i/v’d ex MP Norman Baker, who was a part of the RF’s rota he told of his experience with PA, he posted the video earlier this year I believe, one incident was when they did not open the gates for his car and PA lost his temper and crashed into the gates which cost thousands to repair. He would constantly swear and shout at them when ‘lady friends’ turned up to say thay had come to see PA, but the protocol is to inform the on duty police that they were expecting visitors, he never did and would then swear and shout at them - apparently he likes to use the C word a lot. Not a nice person by any stretch of the imagination - considering what he has been getting away with for 60 years it has taken a long long time for his day of reckoning to come - I feel for B and E but they seem to have turned out ok all things considered.

I wonder if we will have to wait until PWB hits retirement age before we start hearing the truth ‘cos no one is talking at the moment - I would have thought by now we would be hearing stories / incidents from her earlier life - she couldn’t have paid everyone off to keep quiet surely - where’s all the 🫖☕ - curious that 🤔🤔
My hubby used to be close protection officer in out force area so looked after all the Royals at one time or another. PA has always been a complete cock. They'd do handover in a brand new top of the range vehicle and he'd run his finger over the back and say this car is filthy, you could have cleaned it. Brand spanking new straight off the forecourt. Twat. Of them all Anne was the best, great sense of humour and no dramas. Made the job really easy for the PO and a pleasure to look after. Also always grateful.

wb and wbfew are just pond life they really are. Orca is a disgrace and should be taken off air. I cant decide who is the biggest cunt, pwb or Orca at the moment. Him for trashing his family or her for enabling him. Absolute wastes of oxygen and I wish They'd shut the fuck up
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Every time I see that picture of Harry with his arms crossed all I can think of is Monty Python. Life of Harry, he’s not the messiah, he’s just a naughty boy 😂
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As soon as they got engaged I think everyone saw she had one eye on the titles and one foot out the door. It was a really really odd interview, they didn’t seem at all compatible and for something to be aired on national and possibly international tv she was pawing at him and clinging on in a really inappropriate fashion. I believe the stories that they ruined dinner parties by being all over each other at the table and so she got them uninvited by all his friends. And these are poshos who’ve probably shagged each other in all the stately homes, but never during dinner.
She's basically a hooker that got lucky
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Scotch Mist

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Cressida Bonas on Harry: “He'd rant and complain about paparazzi lurking where clearly there were none, she said."

Harry was delusional, paranoid and angry long before Smegatron turned up.
Apparently Chelsy couldn't handle his temper and Cressida also said he was 'mean and tight fisted'.

Remember this blind gossip

Hazno has never been a 'nice' man.
Almost makes you feel sorry for Smegatron 😆
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From the transcript... one of many nuggets of shittiness and weirdness from the ginger prick:
PH: To me, it's always so fascinating to hear of someone's struggles. And for them to be able to be able to explain or articulate why, but then also tracing it back to sort of what happened to you, not what was wrong with you.

DS: Yeah, yeah. Yes. So what happened is my parents got divorced at three. My dad became pretty irregular and undependable. My first step dad was violent cocaine addict that beat my mother in front of me. And I desperately wanted to save her and couldn't, which then predicted my long career as a bar fighter. Anytime I think someone needs to step in. That's my calling. Then another step dad, who was Type A marathon running engineer, controlling, he my brother fist fought, he knocked my brother out. I thought he was dead. My brother got sent to my dad's. My dad [and] my brother fought so bad, they broke the coffee table. My whole neighborhood was gathered at the end of my driveway. I walk in, both my dad and my brother are bleeding profusely. My brother told me pack your sh** we're leaving here. Like, this was just all the time.

PH: This sounds like the script of stepbrothers.

DS: The non comedic version of that. And then molested along the way

PH: Just throw that in there."
WHO says that about sexual abuse. "Just throw that in there". It wasn't a conversation with Dax, as it should've been. And I don't even like Dax. It's just a whole diatribe from Harry about how hard his life was. This is his equivalent to Meghan standing in Africa around enormous poverty saying that nobody's asked if she's OK. You think that Harry, confronted with a TREMENDOUSLY troubled and abused childhood, might have had some introspection but he was too busy charging ahead with how hard he'd had it. THIS is what has finally showed me he's not the innocent, led along I previously believed.
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