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Yeah Diana threw herself down the stairs pregnant so of course M wanted to kill herself pregnant too🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ right 🙄
it's getting embarrassing now M.. she is really playing reincarnated Di doesnt she 🤮

Wanting privacy but talking about crying in the pillow.. is she gonna sue him saying that after divorce? 🤮 shes fucking fame hungry mental bitch....
(Apologies for the swearing I cant find other words for her)
I genuinely cannot believe either one of these women would say this publicly just for that extra bit of sympathy. For your child to hear someday that you almost killed yourself during pregnancy or their lifetime is one thing - a private conversation in the context of discussing mental health when they are adults or nearly adults maybe, if for some reason you felt you needed to. But to publicly share that information just breaks my heart for the child. Yes depression and suicidal thoughts are complicated and not based in reason at all but every child wants to feel like they are so precious and loved to their parent and that love is bigger than any other feeling. If there was a moment where that love wasn’t the biggest feeling, I don’t think your child ever needs to know that. And they certainly don’t need the world knowing it with them.
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I think she loathes him. Once she realized how easy he was to control and manipulate, it has just become a game to see how far she can push him. As he acquiesced to each of her new and outrageous demands, her respect for him dropped. People like her despise weak people like him. They need a challenge. Now it is just a game to her. There is no love. There is, most likely, growing hatred.
I totally agree. Her next step will be to push him over the edge until he goes under completely.
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Iconic Member
Excellent article.

“My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn't white. You wanna talk about history repeating itself? They aren't gonna stop until [Meghan] dies”

“The racism is so deeply rooted in the UK aristocratic/elite class that it could lead to death!! While wrongly portraying themselves to the world as progressive.. what a shame! #InstitutionalRacism #UK #EU”

I see lil ginger is yet again trying to rile the BLM movement up,
she died that night because she was in a car with a man who wasn’t white?
if he had been white they wouldn’t have crashed?

i can’t take the fuckery
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Title suggestion:
Harry & Meghan #107 Meghan think about what you are doing - watching Harry unravel is uncomfortable viewing

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The whole thing is like watching a car crash in slow motion and no one can do anything to stop it. For the last year I've been really angry with H&M for how they handled things, the way they left the royal family etc etc. However, I now just feel pity and worry for Harry's wellbeing, it's frightening to watch how badly things are getting for him. When you watch the clips of the Diana interview she actually says "if you truly want to break someone, you need to isolate them" - how scarily true this now is for Harry. He's in a very vulnerable place emotionally and has literally no one else there except his wife. The very person who should be helping, protecting - instead she's shoving him out like some performing monkey. You wouldn't treat a pet the way she treats him.

And this week we have seen other royals, back working, showing up in public despite the mess Harry is throwing them into. Charles and Camilla last week visiting Northern Ireland, today Her Majesty working again at age 95 and only weeks after the death of her husband, Prince William and Catherine working in Scotland all week. I admire all of them for keeping the work of the royal family going. Listening to Prince William's statement about the BBC, he doesn't play the victim. Yes, it impacted him because of the way it made his parents behave and ultimately contributed to her death, but it badly impacted his whole family, plus it's damaging for the public too. Here is someone who realises the world doesn't revolve around him all the time and I don't think he wants it to either. I really admire how he's carried himself this last 18 months, he doesn't deserve any of this shit yet never once publicly complains.
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Chatty Member
Yeah Diana threw herself down the stairs pregnant so of course M wanted to kill herself pregnant too🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ right 🙄
it's getting embarrassing now M.. she is really playing reincarnated Di doesnt she 🤮

Wanting privacy but talking about crying in the pillow.. is she gonna sue him saying that after divorce? 🤮 shes fucking fame hungry mental bitch....
(Apologies for the swearing I cant find other words for her)
I’ve had a few times where I’ve been crying in the middle of the night, but I always get up and go to a spare bedroom to weep, exactly so my husband won’t know or worry. Once I’ve managed to put myself together I go back to bed or if I can’t, I find some excuse in the morning as to why I’m in another bedroom (snoring is a really great excuse 🤣). The fact she stayed in their bed tells me she wanted him to know and wanted him to worry 😥
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I don’t have anything against Charles but would prefer it if the monarchy skipped straight to William. I think Harry is a lot like Charles, a peeved entitled man child. William seems the grown up out of the trio.
This article by Jeremy Paxman makes a really good case for why that is a bad idea.

In summary, “If you do that… well, why should it be William? Why not be anyone at all? Once you deviate from the principle of the thing ‒ however absurd it may be ‒ once you deviate from it, you could have anybody.”

In essence, Mr Paxman argued that once you deviate from strict inheritance rules, there is no reason to follow the line of succession at all

Effectively, skipping Charles for William makes the case for a Republic.
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I agree that Harry is teetering on the edge.
He is 36 now, the same age Diana was...
I have a dreadful feeling about all of this. 😔
He needs to stop with all the pity party interviews and the blame game and get away from his enabler and get some proper help before it’s too late.
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So what’s ginger twat crying about this morning.

didn’t get a puppy for his 8th birthday and it was clearly systemic racism that nobody understood until Meghan came along,

and the family refused to offer him any support at the time,
but instead got him a a quad bike and Colin the caterpillar cake.

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Meghan going on like she was a star before marrying Harry yet I remember when Reese Witherspoon was invited to the wedding and didn’t go and was like “I don’t even know her so I don’t know why I was invited” LMAO 🤣🤣🤣
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Well according to gov polls Prince William is still the second most popular royal just below the Queen herself and Harry and Meghan are dropping even below Andrew in public opinion with the way they are going on recently. Imagine being that disliked that a nonce is more preferred then you are LOL
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The fact that Wills is in the pub with friends having a pint like a regular guy and Harry is locked up with Meghan and the only time we see him is on these weird “expose” shows or glued to meghans side says a lot about what type of people they are. Wills is the type of guy who you could genuinely go for a drink with and he would make you feel comfortable and be completely normal where Harry would moan that he had to pick up the bill because he only has “30 million left” 🤣
I was thinking it must be useful being future king for these pub chats. Everybody is going to find you quite interesting...
But totally agree, thought this was a great move. We know PW genuinely loves football, and I liked the informal appearance with key workers being given attention again.
Of late I am really beginning to find him quite attractive in these dressed down outfits being relatively normal. Oh dear. Think it’s the combination of the recent guns reveal and my
fluctuating hormones. Help.
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I'm beginning to think that this is all a set up with Orca to gain sympathy for Smeggy. Hazno exposes himself as a man who is mentally unwell with anger issues 🙄 cue loads of support for Smeggy when she finally admits that she can't handle him and he needs to be sectioned so she can get access to his inheritance!
I agree. I think porka knows there is a 'best before' date on this marriage so she is backing the one she can best promote, the sister, the one with half a brain and who idolises her and can be used best. Porka has a hair up her arse re the royals because they've carefully yet politely managed to avoid her requests for an interview with any of the big guns for years ... and that doesn't sit well with her. Nobody disses the orca.
Also, this recent shitfest re his mental health was done last year and that Liar-Liar interview was done long after that and I noted that in the interview porka seems impatient with hazza and somewhat dismissive, only just barely including him in questions and actually relegating him to the final half hour, like a little kid at a school football match where the coach takes pity on him and pops him onto the field for the final 10 minutes so he can feel part of the game. I really get a vibe that she knows he's just the puppet and that smeggy is the one who makes all the decisions so that's the horse she will be backing for that "EXPLOSIVE!!!" :rolleyes:post divorce interview.
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Chatty Member
Still catching up so apologies if already answered

I'll bloody well tell you what triggers his anxiety about returning back to London and the UK - it's the sure and certain knowledge that his family and the whole nation are very disappointed and angry at him.

That he "royally" f*cked up with his constant whining and bleating and throwing his family under the bus.

And because he won't have all his supportive woke friends and wifey around him to back him up when he has to face his family, 'cos the nasty b*tch is as spineless and two-faced as he is!

The main trigger to his anxiety about returning to London is the certain fact he will be booed to Hell and back. His ego couldn’t handle that
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He's always been a mardy lttle cunt.
Very disappointing, he is. She saw him coming, thought " Ill bag myself a real-life Prince" ( cue Disney-styleee musak and nonsense) and have a baby. Thatll mean money for the rest of my life."
When she found out the workload expected of her, it was a different story . She thought, in her shallow idiot way, it would be all shopping and twattering with her cronies for lunch at Macys in New York, etc.

How stupid can you be....?

Then she made the mistake of lying on american tv about us.

He backs her up because hes in love with her.

Her biggest mistake was in thinking that Great Britain ( and us Britons) are like Americans. We aren't.

Now...... well, well- how its all blown up in their faces 😀😅😅; and it couldnt have happened to a nicer pair of cun*s.
The Archbishop himself had to intercede - on record- over her lies , and the British Press are gunning for them. ( The Daily Mail in particular wont let it go. They are too big and powerful to care. )

They are probably sitting in dismay, trying to fool themselves that they hold the upper hand- 3,900 miles away from Royalty ; Great Britain, Prestige, Heritage and the top echelon of World Society.

Enjoy those maccyd's & ' cable tv'......😀😀😀😅😅😅😅😅😅

We are well rid of them. 😎
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me from mid-America

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I think this is quite significant and plays into the theory that the velociraptor is in a bit of a state. Oh, woe is me!

If this is who's left to bring the pity plea to the masses, it's all grimmer than I could ever have hoped for at this point.
I think she is in a state.

Her husband looks like some deranged Rumpelstiltskin. It starting to appear that the biggest Royal secret bombshell was that Harry was damaged goods. His happiness is entirely on her now. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, back at the palace...the Queen is smiling and carrying on, Wills is charming people wherever he goes, Kate is being praised as the perfect Queen in Waiting...and Charles wallet is still closed.

I think they will go further down Pity Rd next. I did glance at some tabloid while waiting in the grocery store. It’s claiming that she has tapes of phone calls that she made secretly. Supposedly they will expose furious arguments etc.
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