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I’m constantly in the unpopular opinion on this topic but I honestly don’t think Charles is a bad person at all. As we could see from his reaction to Prince Phillips funeral when he couldn’t hold back his emotions and was sobbing up the hill, from his public appearances and from everything we have seen from him he is a very very emotional soft hearted individual. I think the media and the public has attacked him so badly and made him out to be a worse person then he is. Yes he cheated on Diana with Camilla, but everyone else forgets that Diana had plenty of lovers who she was cheating on Charles with. Charles loved Camilla but couldn’t marry her as at the time it was unsuitable due to her reputation and her past lovers. So he tried to move on with Diana as she was what was expected of a Queen. Yes it was wrong. But we only know what the media has told us and we only know Diana’s side of the story.

If Charles is that horrible then why is William on extremely good terms with him? We only know what we have been told. None of us were there and tbh I think it’s got to a point that Charles has been painted as a villain for so long that people miss out on all the good he has done such as his foundations and his extremely good relationship with William and his family.

The difference is Charles cheated on Diana with one person who he was in love with and Diana cheated on him with many many different people.

Now Harry is using Diana for his pity party which again is just going to push the public opinion of Charles even lower.
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me from mid-America

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The Markles have monetized his mental illness. They have monetized his family issues. The general public 0n both sides of the Atlantic is really starting to notice that these are commercial deals to make more, more, more money.

Funding a building in India with their wealth... is like me giving someone a stick of gum. There is no deprivation in that kind of giving. No sacrifice. It’s like the greed-grab $500,000 baby shower. Markle sent her used flower arrangements...that they’d handled and played a hospital. That was the extent of her outreach, compassion and largesse. All the really good stuff was ALL for HER.

Markle is where she wants to the bubble of Woke celebrities...and she is contributing to their political cause by sending the Boy-Duke out to weep and whine about his benighted time in the racist British monarchy. I imagine she is quite popular among the Wokesters.

Harry, however, may be having a rude awakening. My impression from afar is that he was the UK’s darling boy. I don’t think he expected that to change. I think he believed he had the power to turn you all away from the Cambridge’s and worship himself and his WOKE Queen of hearts...instead.

‘She was so good at the job!” he says in the Oprah interview. But they expected only accolades and celebrity worship. If people laughed at her writing on bananas...that had to be racist. Any spiteful comment on the Daily Mail about Kate was of not EQUALLY hurtful, because Kate’s skin pigmentation meant it was just idle talk. But any negative comment about Markle...if not followed by constant condemnation from the Palace...or the Queen rushing down to confront the Editor of the Daily Mail...was proof of the institutional racism all around them.

Now Harry sees that much of the UK is done with him, over him. He sees that the Cambridges are growing in the public’s love and esteem. So, his answer is a child’s answer...have a tantrum and knock it all down. He’s also twigging to the fact that there’s a lot more to America than that Woke bubble...and we have starting patting ourselves and rolling our eyes at HIM.

Deliver us please from still another episode of this twisted fairy tale...of the middle aged Prince in the Tower...rescued by the Woke 3rd rate actress and her roast chicken.

My opinions only.
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I have quite a serious long-term mental health condition, and to be perfectly frank, nothing any member of the BRF have ever said about "mental health" has had any impact on me, never mind benefit. All they say is, "Yah guys, you gotta talk about it," and that's it. They let it known they've seen therapists, well bully for them. The average person can't afford that. They have confused mental health and mental wellness, and it's VERY unhelpful in my experience.
Totally agree that despite their well meaning intentions anything the Royals say about getting help, opening up and talking means fuck all for the average Brit.

One of my children had a difficult time at university ( fell into a very dark hole through stress) and when he went for advice he was told the waiting time to see a counsellor was 4 months.
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Just saw this old link posted on Tumblr.

Also on Tumblr people are posting screenshots from army guys' social media posts, saying how he had special forces on patrol with him all the time, that he had more protection than the Queen and other things about his poor attitude.

I expect he'll throw the entire British military under the bus next, for Oprah's gratification.
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I'm still only on the first page but just wanted to post this about the MH (help) for the ordinary person here in Wales.
A young father of twins, local to me was suicidal to the point he went to our local hospital begging to be admitted.

They didn't have any beds so he had no choice but to return home. He went to stay with his parents for the night. When they got up in the morning, they found him dead on their path.

He had stabbed himself THREE times in the heart. Can you imagine how desperate he must have been.

I feel H and his hag are romanticising (sic) suicide as they did miscarriage. They couldn't sink any lower.
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I agree that Harry is teetering on the edge.
He is 36 now, the same age Diana was...
I have a dreadful feeling about all of this. 😔
He needs to stop with all the pity party interviews and the blame game and get away from his enabler and get some proper help before it’s too late.

Yes and rather too much of this has been broadcast to the world.

It is uncomfortable, degrading, embarrassing and tragic.

Remember when Amy Winehouse was drinking to excess, and because of their greed, her management and promoters allowed gigs to go ahead?

There is footage of her so blootered that she can barely stand on stage.
She looks like a new born Bambi trying
to walk for the first time.
She has no clue what song the band are playing and no idea what the lyrics are.

The band and backing singers/dancers are desperately trying to keep going and attempting to look like everything is ok when it clearly isn't.
She's a mess.
She should not have been paraded in front of an audience in that state.
She was out of control and should have been lovingly helped to right herself instead of being exploited.
But her name sold tickets and merchandise so she was shoved on stage despite being unable to perform.

And look what happened there.

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Yeah Diana threw herself down the stairs pregnant so of course M wanted to kill herself pregnant too🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ right 🙄
it's getting embarrassing now M.. she is really playing reincarnated Di doesnt she 🤮

Wanting privacy but talking about crying in the pillow.. is she gonna sue him saying that after divorce? 🤮 shes fucking fame hungry mental bitch....
(Apologies for the swearing I cant find other words for her)
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She perhaps wants him to, thinking his Trust would revert to her. Let’s hope she would only edger the income and it would go to his children instead.
I hope t does go to them when they are 18 and by then they will be estranged from her.

I honestly think Charles for all his shortcomings actually seems quite decent. He walked her down the aisle when her father could not, he was often seen joking and chatting to her at early engagements.

Charles and Diana should never have married and that was the fault admitted by the queen. He loved Camilla and regardless of people's opinions the heart wants what the heart wants. He shouldn't have cheated on Diana that was abhorrent but he should never have been put in that position.
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me from mid-America

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I’m beginning to believe that Markle might very well be crying into her pillow.

She’s savvy enough to know that future money deals, future Hollywood “friendships”, political possibilities...all are hinged on their ‘images‘ with the public. Thats why publicists, PR professionals, and bots are employed. Since the day of the wedding, they have been trying to sell themselves as Woke royalty...battling “institutional racism, spouting calls for ‘kindness’, simplicity, and especially truth. They both truly believe their fecal matter has no odor.

Markle misjudged on the Woke noise. She thought she could deceive and if Oprah let it slide, no one would dare correct her. She didn’t expect to be roundly outed in the comment sections of newspapers in the US and the UK.

They both expected to be more adored than dull Kate and William in the UK. They later expected to be the Hollywood glamour version of Michele and Barack. But it’s not working out that way. They have made far too many missteps. Their images are cratering.

I think Markle is smart enough to sense this. She has gone quiet to try to figure out some damage control. But she can’t control Harry. His response has been to lash put on public display a churlish, petty, self-pitying man-child. Gone forever is the carefully crafted fun-loving soldier Prince we thought we knew. She cannot be pleased.

The Me You Don’t See...yeah, now we HAVE seen him...and her. Her unforgiving abandonment of her Father, his public trashing of his entire family, the flashy greedy lifestyle...the hypocrisy that presumes they NEED to have the very things they are asking others to deny themselves...because they are SPECIAL.

They monetized their own cruelty and Oprah was thrilled to be cut in on the take. i don’t know how they “build back better’ from that. I would bet Markle is trying to figure that out right now. My opinions only.
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me from mid-America

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This outing of Harry’s obnoxious real personality has had a strange secondary effect on me. I have always been the greatest Diana devotee. I have long detested Charles and Camilla. But in the past months, watching Harry, I’ve begun to wonder how much of Diana we are seeing in Harry? The demanding, petulant vengeful personality that her son has revealed...might well be the just like the woman Charles had to live with and try to placate. Maybe the ‘genetic pain’ isn’t from Charles, it’s some form of emotional instability he inherited from his Mother.

Now I find myself becoming fond of Charles and rather skeptical of Diana. This is the response that all of Harry’s drama has evoked in me.

Diana was so beautiful, but she was unsuccessful in every relationship. So was Harry until the hustling actress came on the scene. I do believe she manipulates him...but I am also beginning to believe that living with someone as angry, entitled and self-pitying was he is...must be no picnic either. They truly deserve each other.

Chelsy, finally...I understand.

Fox news also doesn't show unaltered facts, either
I trust no media. If one can, read offical transcripts, request court documents, or sit through their god-awful hearings and decide for yourself.
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To clarify Archie's first word....

Archie's first word was crocodile.
But 3 days before, in the garden with the Archbishop of Canterbury present, he said "Grandma Diana."
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Harry has managed to undo a lot of the good he's done for mental health with this. Overall, it shows that the only mental health issues he cares about deep down is his own. The way he glossed over Dax Shepherd's own experiences was awful and dismissive. Continuing to attack his family who are grieving his so heartless. But none of that matters to him because he needs to present himself first and foremost as the most victimiest victim that there ever was.
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As a millennial who can't stand the fake woke culture and the Markles, I have to say the sentiment in my age group is pretty grim. So many fake woke are screaming down with the racist RF and supporting Meghan and her idiot, and these are supposedly educated, middle class folks.

I mentioned casually in conversation that while the Harkles had every right to break off from the RF if they were unhappy, I wish they've stop airing all their dirty laundry and upsetting his aging grandmother, I got accused of being racist and hateful. Because having common decency and family values is now hateful and backwards. These same people believe in race baiting, being a perpetual victim in life, and using sex and complaining as a leverage in life instead of working hard but that's apparently "modern and inclusive."
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I like this one. This guy can read the room and sounds like a tattler.
I know some people avoid clicking on the Sun, so .....

A FORMER adviser to senior US politicians on British relations tells The Sun that his fellow Americans will soon turn on Prince Harry and his wife Meghan.
Lee Cohen was an expert on Anglo-American matters for the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.
He is now a senior fellow at the UK think tank the Bow Group and the Danube Institute, and writes:

LAST year I met a New York-based British journalist who was aghast to learn that I - an American - harboured extreme doubts about our American-born Duchess, Meghan Markle.
I shocked him when I said that I could not immediately embrace someone like her — not because of background or ethnicity — but because she gave no hint of interest in the public role upon which she was embarking, or the great heritage into which she was marrying.
Time has not removed my reservations.
It's now not so much her disinterest and incomprehension of royal service that damns her in my mind, but her wholly ego-centric stance which has brought her to deliver assault-after-cringing-assault, culminating in March's Oprah interview in which she and her husband besmirched a Family, a great heritage, and a nation that welcomed them with hope and enthusiasm.
Certainly many of my countrymen, like harry and Meghan themselves, remain convinced that the withdrawal of the Sussexes from royal life was caused by (take your pick): a bigoted system, poor parenting, unresponsiveness to mental illness - you name it.
In short, the blame must lie anywhere but with them and their inability or lack of will to rise to their roles.
With recent events, though, even on this side of the Atlantic, more critical, assessments are starting to be voiced.
On both sides of the Atlantic, everyone loves the Cinderella story. But as they have gotten to know Meghan, the Brits saw what she really was - an ambitious self-promoter with a social justice agenda.
Now Americans are getting a chance to see what the couple are really about and the fairytale, replete with evil in-laws and half-siblings, is wearing thin.

Over the past few days, US headlines have been crying fury, and this can be expected to feed through to general opinion.
To many Americans, on substance, the latest episode in the Sussex circus is revealing - and quite serious.
Speaking to Dax Shepard, the Duke claimed in consecutive sentences that he both knew and didn't know what he was talking about on the subject, but even so the First Amendment was "bonkers".
At the very least, this proclaims a deep lack of common sense - and lack of self-preservation instinct: the First Amendment is part of the bedrock of America's core beliefs, protecting freedoms of speech, religion, the press, right to assemble, and the right to petition the government - rights, by the way, inspired directly by English traditions of personal liberty and Common Law.
One wonders how often previously Harry has been saved from putting his foot in his mouth by adherence to the Royal Family's convention of avoiding controversy.
With his departure from royal service and British shores, the protection in that restraint has fallen away.

It doesn't seem yet to have dawned on Harry that whether or not he's representing his birth country, criticising his host country is unlikely to bring him many admirers there.
US commentators did not hold back across social media.
Former NBC personality Megyn Kelly : “'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.' (Lincoln or Twain or someone smarter than Prince Harry.)"
Dan Crenshaw: "Well I just doubled the size of my Independence Day party."
TV personality MeghanMcCain "We fought a war in 1776 so we don't have to care what you say or think...That being said, you have chosen to seek refuge from your homeland here and thrive because all of what our country has to offer and one of the biggest things is the 1st amendment - show some utter respect."
There will always be elements - the same ones which seek to punish American institutions and historical figures for perceived social justice conflicts - that will passionately defend the fallen royal couple no matter their behaviour.
But with each new muddled Sussex observation, unsubstantiated claim and disloyal act, ever more Americans will come to realise that the couple's failures rest on their own shoulders rather than on the British nation or the institution of monarchy.
In reality, this tawdry pair are now just another celebrity couple - let them be Hollywood royalty for as long as that lasts, but should they continue to enjoy the highest of honours from a country they've abandoned?
While it would be as wrong for an American to insert himself in the affairs of a sovereign nation as it was for Harry to criticize his host country’s law, nevertheless, I can only admire the growing chorus of Britons demanding theremoval of the special status the Sussexes still are accorded from Harry’s birth into royalty.

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That was one of the reasons people loved old Harry (now apparently completely fake Harry) because he seemed fun and someone people wanted to have a pint with and watch a game.

Now of course he's revealed himself to be a constant whiner and the only thing he can say is how much his family sucks and how much better the world would be if everyone did what he thought they should and stopped criticising him and his wife.
True story. One of our pals married a somewhat lesser version of smeggy years ago and he was isolated from us and his birth family, drinking was forbidden. He went teetotal and constantly trilled(on the rare occasions he was allowed out) like a fool about his wonderful wife and how happy he was with this new regimented life. On and on and on, to saturation point. Anyhoo, at another pal's wedding he attended alone he had a drink. Then another, and another till he was blootered 🥴. Then he spent the whole evening cursing his boring life, complaining about his wife and in laws, and ended up literally bawling like a baby begging his pals to tell him how to get out of a life he hated. Some found it funny. I found it tragic. By the next time we met him he was back to being the Stepford husband and trilling how great his life was.
In vino veritas guys ... every time.;) Somebody get hazza drunk FFS!
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Chatty Member
Remember when they said the Oprah Interview would be the last they had to say on it all and that they now wanted to move forward...

That aged well 🙄
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Haznot has no idea what mental health means and his theatrics are cheapening the actual suffering and anguish that people with serious mental health issues experience.

That being said, I do think he is not mentally right, and Meg and her enabling pals (Oprah, Gayle, etc.) are encouraging his alarming and disgusting behavior. No doubt that the Harkles get paid when he drops bombshells like this and it sets Smeg up for an eventual divorce with $$ and accusations against H of being mentally unwell, and Meg expects to come out a martyr. I see they have also doubled down on the race baiting since that's the favorite thing of the woke these days.

Also imagine being heavily pregnant, sitting your husband down, and telling him you want to kill yourself and how you plan to do it, but ending that conversation with "I won't do it because I don't want you to lose another woman in your life." That is mental abuse and gaslighting at the highest level.
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I don’t think Cressida and Chelsy ran because of the stiffness of royal life, they left Harry because he’s a cunt and didn’t want to marry him.
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