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Even Princess Anne getting in on the "This is how you relate with the public, Smeghan" today

Can you imagine HFEW speaking to two randoms in the street, and not demanding they be dismissed and swept aside Wimbledon style.
You’ve just reminded me, didn’t they issue some kind of edict just after Archie was born and they were still at Frogmore? That none of the locals were to try and interact with them in any way whatsoever when they were out and about?
No looking at them, asking to see Archie or even talking to the dogs.
I seem to remember that there was a big hoo ha about it all and the locals were up in arms about having to divert their gaze if they saw them.
Then some hasty denial being issued saying it was all a misunderstanding.
Yeah, sure it was.
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Chatty Member
What triggers Harry’s Anxiety ‘ travelling back to London!!! Thanks a lot Harry ... Don’t F##King come back then😡
Still catching up so apologies if already answered

I'll bloody well tell you what triggers his anxiety about returning back to London and the UK - it's the sure and certain knowledge that his family and the whole nation are very disappointed and angry at him.

That he "royally" f*cked up with his constant whining and bleating and throwing his family under the bus.

And because he won't have all his supportive woke friends and wifey around him to back him up when he has to face his family, 'cos the nasty b*tch is as spineless and two-faced as he is!

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I still think Charles should be King. Succession is not a popularity contest like how Harry's wife probably thought it was. If it were then we'd have an elected head of state instead. Plus, I just don't think William is ready yet with 3 young children. Charles will have a strong team around him and William will be by his side. There'll probably be initial backlash bringing up his past, but that'll settle after about a week or so.
Don't know if this has been posted yet but D Express says today that Charles's team at the Palace are behind calls "by Palace aides" to strip No.6 and Snakebite of their titles. Charles is a Scorpio and bears a grudge in this case more than justified.
I don't think Charles should be skipped over as King as that would set a bad precedent, and it is rightfully his turn. I believe he will be a good king and may surprise us all with how good. He's got Camilla William and Catherine at his back and I'd be very happy to have that solid crew at my side in the trenches plus the other family members.
No.6 has got nobody except leeches and fraudsters around him.
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Well-known member
Don't know if this has been posted yet but D Express says today that Charles's team at the Palace are behind calls "by Palace aides" to strip No.6 and Snakebite of their titles. Charles is a Scorpio and bears a grudge in this case more than justified.
I don't think Charles should be skipped over as King as that would set a bad precedent. I believe he will be a good king and may surprise us all with how good. He's got Camilla William and Catherine at his back and I'd be very happy to have that solid crew at my side in the trenches plus the other family members.
No.6 has got nobody except leeches and fraudsters around him.
I really feel like Charles is a safe pair of hands for the monarchy and people will come to see it more when he is King. He is dependable and caring and will do a good job.
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It's time for him and his offspring to be removed from the line of succession. He's publicly said he hated being a royal, he doesn't like Britain (as far back as Afghanistan) and London is triggering for him. How could be fulfil the duties of a !monarch of disaster ever happened? Who in parliament could object based on this ?
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mystic cat

Well-known member
It's time for him and his offspring to be removed from the line of succession. He's publicly said he hated being a royal, he doesn't like Britain (as far back as Afghanistan) and London is triggering for him. How could be fulfil the duties of a !monarch of disaster ever happened? Who in parliament could object based on this ?
Yes surely if he hates life in the RF so much., then being referred to as Prince Harry or the Duke of Sussex must hang heavy on him. Surely for his own sanity he should tell the RF that he wants to give it all up and only be known as Harry husband of Meghan Markle. He can then have all the privacy he wants. I wont be holding my breath on that one though.
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All this whinging ginger prick and his FEW have done is make me appreciate and love the Cambridge's more. The latest updates on the Cambridge Instagram account are just lovely❤❤❤💖💖💖.xx
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That clip of Harry on the beach saying he knows his Mum is proud of him...

I think his Mum would be worrying herself sick about him and would be trying to get him to come home.
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Wu Tien

Well-known member
The Montecito Songbook Collective has had a slight detour from reality and has written a new song best warbled to the tune of Werewolves of London:

I saw Smeggy with a Whole Foods bag in her hand
Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain
She was looking for a nest called Kensington Palace
Going to cause the royal family some pain
Golddigger in London

If you hear her howling around your chicken coop
Better not let her in
Little old lady got disrespected late last night
Golddigger in London again
Golddigger in London

He's the ginger bearded prince who is as thick as mince
Lately he's been hiding out in ‘cito
Better stay away from him
That grey polo shirt is looking pretty grim
And smells like a three day old Cheeto
Dim prince of London

Well, I saw Smeggy walking with the Queen
Doing the golddigger in London
I saw the ginger whinger talking with the Queen
Doing the dim prince of London
I saw Hazza drinking a pina colada at Soho House
His hair was thinning

Dim prince of London again
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Youngish people in their 20s who’ve attended university by any chance? I work with ‘em so I feel for you, especially if you’re in that demographic yourself. I really think it’s helpful to remember that the vast majority of ordinary people, particularly of the non-uni-going variety, non-Arts&Humanities types, either never think about this stuff or think it’s utterly deranged.
You hit the nail on the head. Usually well-educated (we're talking top schools here) and living in large liberal cities here in North America in the 20-35 years old range.

I would also fall into that above category and so does my partner but the difference is we can't say a thing to anyone other than ourselves and our families. I suspect there are way more sane people than it seems but since none of us can say a thing or risk losing our jobs and becoming ostracized permanently from society at the moment, the only opinions anyone hears are the woke ones. It's cowardly and an insult to liberty and free speech, but to speak up publicly against wokeism or anyone whose part of a "protected class" (BLM, trans, illegal migrants, etc.) these days would mean having your life destroyed. As lazy as many people are, they become extremely active and hard working when it comes to cancelling others, while not hesitating to complain about the job market and receiving benefits. It's like living through the looking glass.

I despair. Honestly I do. You're safe here
Thank you. This place and the snarky comments section of the DM (don't judge me) are the only places where I feel truly safe sometimes! It's like the world has gone mad.
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VIP Member
What triggers Harry’s Anxiety ‘ travelling back to London!!! Thanks a lot Harry ... Don’t F##King come back then😡
His heart pounds to come to his homeland and family who he has betrayed in the most heinous way?

I hope those words follow him around for the rest of his miserable life. When he arrives at the point that he wants to come back for sanctuary and familial care, I hope he blocked at every turn.

I now despise him.
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Churchill's Ghost

VIP Member
Well......yeah. I imagine Chrissy T. will be claiming that too , Why not?
I'm afraid the S card will be the next MeTOO METoo METOO thing just because.

Apologies to those who are truly effected.

and another one using the S card because she has been called out
I call BS. She was off Instagram for like a week and then back posting her insane workout videos and clothes.

What I find interesting is the body language in every picture of PWBFEW and Mulroney where they are hugging. M is basically wrapped around her like an octopus (she has such weirdly long arms) and J is always leaning away. It’s weird and I think speaks to their pre-PWB dynamic. J was the one with the power and connections and money and M was the eager supplicant. That changed quickly as soon as she had the ring. I think she can’t completely drop J, as J has lots and lots of damaging information about M’s post-Trevor/pre-H shenanigans. She keeps her just enough in the “friendship circle” to keep her quiet
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New member
Such a toxic pair...getting paid very handsomely to be so! It’s definitely not sustainable as it’s going.
The potential of this USA/UK royal marriage in 2018 was could have been incredible...but it’s been a spectacular disaster.
Harry is doing more talking than he’s ever done before and is now looking thicker than chip shop gravy.
He’s let us all down.
Terrible for me to say this, but I’m looking forward to his karmic deliverance (is this a term or have I made it up?)
I just want it all to stop...this time last year I was already feeling fatigue from this pair...
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I do rather love Uncle Gary - and I think they all do too!
Haha he mentions meeting William for the first time and Kate is cooking and Willliam is making a cup of tea in the family kitchen. Being normal is not to be under-estimated and William and Catherine understand this, and it brings power to their extraordinary roles.
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I’m still disgusted that gingers grandad just died and he hasn’t stopped the attacks they are worse then ever.
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Meghan going on like she was a star before marrying Harry yet I remember when Reese Witherspoon was invited to the wedding and didn’t go and was like “I don’t even know her so I don’t know why I was invited” LMAO 🤣🤣🤣
No honey. You were at best a c-list actress, who's biggest role to date was as a supporting character on a cable show filmed in Canada. Please shut up
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She was called the people's princess she spent her time in the royal family breaking protocol
She was never called that by the British public and the term was never used while she was alive. It was coined by Tony Blair's speechwriters after her death. Then it caught on. But while she was alive the term did not exist nor did it occur to anyone to try and come up with a similar-meaning nickname.
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I hope t does go to them when they are 18 and by then they will be estranged from her.

I honestly think Charles for all his shortcomings actually seems quite decent. He walked her down the aisle when her father could not, he was often seen joking and chatting to her at early engagements.

Charles and Diana should never have married and that was the fault admitted by the queen. He loved Camilla and regardless of people's opinions the heart wants what the heart wants. He shouldn't have cheated on Diana that was abhorrent but he should never have been put in that position.
Charles changed the genetic pain by letting his boys choose there partners for Love... unfortunately Harry was Duped 😔
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