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I see that the TiM has been evicted from Big Brother tonight. Looks like trans mania is not quite as popular as they would have us believe 🙄
Of course the kid was evicted because they're trans, not because they're annoying and unpopular.
They were 'terfed' out, I guess.
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I was hate watching a tiktok live as I do of one of them saying he 'hadn't had the big moment *yet* but from what I've read from others who used my surgeon it's a full body experience'
I bet it was a male surgeon as well, telling them they can have a female orgasm 😂

Let's be honest, there's a lot of men who think they can just boop you on the labia and you'll reach a screaming climax 😂
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Well I've read thread #2 and found the link to the original thread but wanted to pop back to the present to explain how I got here... I'm in the Popsy clothing group and there were some rumblings and someone mentioned this thread. It's a fairly innocuous group with clothes being sold and people posting about their lives but there are 2 trans women who posted about being in a relationship and you'd think they had cured world hunger with the acclaim and love being given to them. One subsequently left the group, perhaps because there's a HPesque design and they obviously have an issue with this (screenshot of their post in the group and their anti JKR rant below) even though the company haven't acknowledged the inspiration so JKR won't get a penny.

The other person is still very active in the group (I haven't included any of their content here but can be seen on the Popsy thread) and having read up a bit I now think they are AGP, posting very regularly, very self centred and, sorry to be harsh, not female presenting other than wearing a dress, and yet getting love and support left right and centre on how great they look. They don't. Nobody is willing to say 'you have thinning hair, it looks terrible at the front and we can see your nipples in almost every photo. Sad really, be a man who wears a dress if you want, but don't say that makes you a woman 🙈


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Substitute their sexual organs with any other body part and there would be no discussion, it would be a flat no. Absolute madness.
This is the bit that always blows my mind. You're not allowed to get tattoos or filler or breast implants or anything, really, as a child or teen. What if you really IDENTIFY as a tattooed person...? Too bad, it's irreversible and you can't be trusted not to make a dumb tattoo choice at that age.

But you can swap genders?

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I nearly had to be taken out of the room for a lie down over the "male menopause" Funny how nobody mentioned it when women were happy to shut up and suffer in silence but as soon as women get comfortable talking about it, it's all "what about the men?" Does my fucking head in.
EXACTLY! I get equally angry when I hear about men getting “postnatal depression”. Finding it difficult to adjust to fatherhood, struggling badly with lack of sleep, etc is understandable but it’s not postnatal depression! It’s a natural reaction to a baby shaped bomb going off in your life and upending everything.

It bears no relation to what women experience, aka all of the above plus dealing with the physical trauma of birth plus a hormonal shitshow. Not the same thing.
Hope it's okay to crosspost but there's a trans woman in the Popsy group who has gone from wanting to have their own identity reflect what they feel inside (and I think fair enough, if that's what you want) to now joining the ranks of the TRAs, and I'm sure being used as a shining star of how we should all be more tolerant. But the insidious message I'm getting is "give me access to your vulnerable children who are feeling mixed up" and that makes me queasy.

Edit to add... There's so much trans representation in the media, we don't need more surely ? View attachment 2530036
What a fantasist. He’s doing an access course with designs on a degree but reckons he’s well on the way to doing a PhD already 🙄
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When I watch American films the girls in sororities don't usually look like a young Hagrid.
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Winthropp Tuesday

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I've seen more straight women propping up this ideology than I have LGB people. And the silencing of women - LGB and straight - has come from straight people in positions of power.

The majority of LGB support I've seen, was very obviously garnered by deception and becomes less and less every day as more see the truth. Whereas the straight women supporting it double down.

One thing I would like to point out is that most people do not know what an AGP is. They haven't experienced it. When you say transwoman to them, they picture a slightly built very camp gay man who has no sexual interest in women. Exactly as I once did until my ex turned out to be an AGP and my eyes were opened.

You are entitled to your views, they don't upset me personally, but do keep in mind that you don't know how powerful and insideous this cult really is. Nobody who knows me believed anyone would ever be able to make me question myself. But by the time I left, I was a shell. I walked around with my eyes on the floor because I believed everyone would think I was awful for leaving him. That was 3 and a half years ago. And I don't know if I'll ever be fully recovered. I spent a month in a psychiatric ward this year due to he self hatred I still feel, causing me to hit myself repeatedly in the face with the buckle end of a belt.
I just want to offer you some support and solidarity - you should never have had to suffer in this way.

I've mentioned on these threads in the past - but my ex-partner was AGP (this was about 8 years ago) and when he 'came out' to me, I was still in my genderwoo phase - so believed he was 'actually' a woman when he said he was.

Now, I know what I know - having come out the other side of it, it really was 'just' cross-dressing and a sexual fetish around viewing himself as a woman...I got sucked into it and this horrible other world where he'd live as a man when out and about, but when he was at home - or in my home, he lived 'as a woman' and I had to participate in it. He was a very camp, effete man - though he most definitely was straight, and very much like Dylan Mulvaney in appearance and manner. Think that's one of the reasons I have such a weird feeling about Dilly.

No-one, and I mean it - no-one believed me when I told them what had gone on between us. I'm now married and my husband still thinks my ex was someone who was trapped in the wrong body (despite never having met him) though he's a believer in all this genderwoo nonsense.

It's affected me deeply - and I completely understand how badly this has impacted you. They are very real, deep wounds and your experiences have been traumatic. Sending you so much love and strength - I KNOW what you've gone through.
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Mulvaney has made a very smart career move. He’s gone from struggling nobody to celebrity virtually overnight. Most oppressed my arse.

Transactivism makes it abundantly clear that the vast majority of men will always put other men first and they don’t think of women as equal human beings
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I feel desperately sorry for that family but I’m not convinced that giving Alice exactly what Alice wanted would have made a difference.

In desperation, the family sought private treatment, but Alice was unhappy with the prescription she received.
This line in the article is interesting. Does it mean that Alice wasn’t given puberty blockers or cross sex hormones? Do Alice’s parents believe that trans identifying children should be given access to whatever drugs they think they should be entitled to? That’s exactly what Mermaids wanted GIDS to do.

Telling a child they’ve been born in the wrong body is bound to lead to crushing disappointment. Humans can’t change sex and taking drugs and I cannot believe that having surgery to become a simulacrum of someone the sex you wish you’d been born as is ever going to make anyone happy.

CAMHS is massively underfunded and thousands of children kill themselves every year because they haven’t got access to support. I have two friends who‘ve lost sons to suicide in the last few years. They’re utterly broken but national newspapers don’t write articles about them. This is a good analysis of the suicide myths.

Never forget that Harman defended the Paedophile Information Exchange.
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Feeling a bit despondent. My very close friend of 30 years has just told me that she will always stand by trans people as she empathises with them as a fellow oppressed minority (she is from an actual oppressed minority). I’ve never hidden my views from her and knew she probably wasn’t 100% in agreement, but never thought she wouldn’t see the problem with men in women’s spaces. She sees it as a thing that’s being stoked by the right wing press and that it’s being blown out of proportion. We won’t fall out over it as have too much common ground over other things, but she is my main buddy who I put the world to rights with :(.
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I don't get how someone can say its literally violence to misgender someone. Even if you think you're a different gender to how you present, there are probably a lot of middle aged women who have been called "Sir" by accident, or men with long hair who have been mistakenly called "ma'am" who have gotten over it very easy
When they hang their entire identity and self worth on something so minor like pronouns it is no wonder their self esteem is so fragile. I’m amazed they can get up in the morning in such a hostile world. Imagine if they had real problems? If the worst thing that can happen is other people not taking part in your delusion you are mentally ill.
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Lesbians and bi women have been on the front line since this whole thing kicked off. I remember being horrified reading about the "cotton ceiling" ... for the love of GOD, other than privilege what makes a man with a penis think he's going to be able to have sex with a same-sex attracted woman?! Lesbian and bi women have been turfed off their own dating sites by these pricks, had their bars and clubs infiltrated by them, and then been treated with contempt and humiliated for refusing to accept them as "one of them." Nah, they can all get in the bin.
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Chatty Member
Hi everyone, new to this thread. I am breaking my self-imposed ban on ever posting my views on this subject on social media.

I refuse to use pronouns or tell anyone what "mine" are in emails. I will use "they", so as to not go out of my way to cause offense.

I do not believe in self- ID. I do not support the use of puberty blockers in children. I believe women's sport and single sex spaces should be exclusively for biological females. My almost-teen daughter likes wearing uggs and pumpkin Spiced lattes.

I feel so strongly about these matters that when the inevitable general election happens, I am giving serious thought to selling my soul to the devil. I am a centrist, who over the past 30-odd years of my voting live, have voted for every main English party at some time or other, although the tories have become abhorrent to me over the past 15 years at least. But sell my soul I would on this issue.

I decided to start reading up on how each party stands on the topic, and so far I have found this article, which has piqued my interest and may save my conscience when in the polling booth.

I am enjoying reading all your views.
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