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Caster Semenya is currently doing the rounds bitterly upset, that her career as a world class athlete is over, and trying to challenge this.

She was born DSA, with mixed physical characteristics and heightened testosterone levels. But was a brilliant and fast female runner. Now, rulings have been made that if she wishes to compete as a woman, she is going to have to take hormones that suppress the amount of testosterone in her system.
She is incensed and thinks it is entirely unfair to change her normal body hormones, and is campaigning to allow her to compete without reducing her testosterone levels. Because when she reduces her testosterone levels, she is unable to run as fast!

I do feel sad for her, and also for the way she is being encouraged and manipulated...BUT ...surely this proves the advantage that testosterone gives to female athletes!

How fair has it been for all the other female athletes who have been racing against her, who had normal female levels of testosterone and were beaten?
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So I don't know if this is the thread for this but...

What is with making Harley Quinn an icon for small girls? I've seen 2 girls of around 7 or 8 in Harley Quinn costumes for Halloween wearing 'Daddy's little monster' t shirts which I think is creepy for small children. The whole Joker/Harley Quinn thing to me glamorises an abusive relationship where an intelligent woman is manipulated and emotionally destroyed by a messed up man, why are we selling that in kids toys and costumes 🙈🙈

I see teenage girls wearing highly sexualised costumes, dead cheerleader etc, and it jars with me, I don't want to see a young girl dressed as a victim of violence when there are real woman being murdered
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Honestly, God love J.K. Rowling. She's said she's willing to go to jail if Labour brings in its ludicrous law to make it a hate crime to misgender someone. She says that she'd obviously be happiest working in the library; wouldn't mind the kitchen but might shrink stuff in the laundry😂

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I just wanted to share an experience I had today which made me feel even more afraid of how much GI is brainwashing people.
I work in healthcare and as part of a training course I attended we had to review questions around physical symptoms and one of them stated 'Women only: period cramps, menstruation' and someone on my course shouted that 'it's not only women who get periods'. I really had to hide my internal rage at the echo of mumbled 'yeah's across the room. This individual has similar demographics to mine (namely late 20s biological woman) and it really did disappoint me. GI is infiltrating so many seemingly normal and intelligent groups of people. Only, and only, biological women get periods, no one can fucking tell me otherwise. There are times when I think the tide is turning, and then others which just make me fearful of how far this is going to go.
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Its a very topical topic and features on many threads because trans have indoctrinated themselves into all media but i can't believe how much I read on threads shouting "anti trans/trans hatErz".
. If you're GC or against drag it's called transphobic (erm they're not transpeople!) and you should "be kind". However, they're not being kind when they relish in a GC woman's suffering eg Amanda Abbington, hate JK Rowling or fail to care for everyday women and girl's rights.
And then they want the conversation to be shut down, except when they want to continue to have their say.
The ignorance winds me up and unless as a poster you question those views, other people will only read the one side and take that side as fact/correct.

Rant over!
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I'm new-ish to these threads, just joined and started reading along in the last week or two, so this has probably been said already; I just can't get my head around how any other misappropriated view of oneself is deemed dysmorphia and treated as a mental illness but when it's to do with the genitals or gender, bob's your uncle, fill your boots?

We wouldn't stand for a skinny person thinking they're fat and taking extreme measures to address it - that's body dysmorphia. Likewise for the opposite (reverse body dysmorphia). Rachel Anne Dolezal was absolutely crucified for identifying as a black woman having been born to white parents. Why are those vilified but thinking you're a different gender is okay (even encouraged)? From a logical perspective, I genuinely don't get it. Surely if you can identify as a different gender, you can identify as a different race, culture or body size? Why is one okay and not the others?

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Jeffrey Marsh and Munroe Bergdorf have both publicly said on their socials that young people can talk to them privately if they are troubled about their gender without telling their parents. This is grooming, just like when any adults try to get children or teens to confide in them secretly online.

the trans lobby have managed to conflate the 70s homophobia ‘they are coming for your kids’ with the pushback they are getting now and bring section 28 into it. Back then the cause was for children to not be specifically taught that homosexuality was wrong.

Now the cause is for children to be specifically taught that gender ideology is correct when it is fictional nonsense that can’t be backed up by any science.

gender ideology is homophobic because it denies same sex attraction (as sex is not important) so while the TRAs have muddled it with their inclusive umbrella, I propose most gender critical people are not confused and oppose one and not the other. (Some will be homophobic as well, it’s inevitable but I don’t see it being fundamental to being GC)
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After reading the original article, I googled and found this one, where ‘Jacob’ explains that
“Conceiving was fairly normal. I don’t have any specific dysphoria (gender-related distress) around sex.”

and also, For Jacob, being pregnant was a welcome respite from body dysphoria. But since pausing hormone therapy in order to conceive, he’s been unable to get back on testosterone, which his GP refuses to prescribe unless he starts again from square one with an expensive and lengthy private referral process.

So, not dysphoric around sex and happy with pregnant body. No wonder the GP doesn’t want to prescribe any more testosterone - they probably feel they’ve been taken for a mug.

I think it is the ultimate hypocrisy when a woman says she wants to become a man but then decides to do the ultimate act that only a woman can do...get pregnant and give birth...and then tries to pretend that she is a father.
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I’ve noticed that the same people who were sharing memes about poor trans people (in the light of Rishi Sunak’s speech at the Tory party conference) are now the ones sharing memes full of “what about Gaza?”, “what about Palestinians?” and a whole slew of Gaza fundraising links.

Maybe I’m being too charitable and they’re actually being blatantly antisemitic, but I can’t help but feel that so many lefties just parrot the same things and support the same causes (trans rights, Palestine) because it’s their groupspeak and what Good People do?
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I'm currently on my second ban from reddit for pointing out that transwomen are men. It's crazy how much of an echo chamber that website is - so many young people, particularly the kind to become incels, are hearing all these insane things about how they can become an actual woman, have "female orgasms", periods etc. Seeing them all complain about "trans misogyny" while they're playing woman face really hits home how disgusting this all is.
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According to an "expert" neovaginas learn to behave like real vaginas over time. God give me strength.
I just had a butchers (pun intended) at the London Transgender Clinic‘s before and after photos of MtF ‘gender confirmation surgery’. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Looks like they remove the balls, split the scrotum down the middle and stitch the remains of the penis in the centre to try and resemble a clit. It just looks…wrong. Any male who willingly has their cock chopped off has got to be suffering from some form of mental illness.
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Why else would this person film themselves in a restaurant unless they knew they were going to be misgendered?!?
Imagine living your life like this, thinking people give a crap about your hurt feelings. And constantly correcting them. Those waiters are rushed off their feet and don’t give AF about this guys pronouns. Absolutely delusional. Find peace from within yourself instead of trying to change everyone around you because It.Will.Never.Work.

As a woman over 40 (and fat to boot) I am now invisible in life. But I don’t go about begging people to ‘see’ me because why would I do that. It must be exhausting trying to make everyone around you centre YOU. The sheer narcissism of it.
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Re: Hallie on BB.

He has said "I want..." at least 30 times this episode.

Lots of tantrums and aggressive behaviour towards the camera and in the diary room.

He is a product of his environment, which is sadly true for a lot of his generation, who have never been told no as their parents are too busy trying to be their friend. I mean his mum has told him the biggest lie of all, that he can be a girl.
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Paedophile who dressed as woman to abduct girl is jailed for 20 years | UK News | Metro News

Oh instead of any confusion over whether or not this person was trans or transitioning.... (Andrew Miller, 53, who also uses the name Amy George,) ......we are now just using the word paedophile to define them!!!!!

And people wonder why some TERFS want the right to question the definitions of women and the right to self identify!!!!!
First of all I would like to say my thoughts are with this poor girl and her family. Lord Arthurson’s sentencing statement is truly stomach churning stuff. And also well done to Lord A for issuing a sentence that will help protect other young girls.

However the TRAs and their apologists including the metro can get in the fucking bin. THIS is exactly the risk that people who oppose self ID have been warning about. Miller has “lived as a woman” for years, been known as the “trans butcher” and now when he uses that “female” presentation to enable him to commit the most horrific of crimes they try and wash their hands of it and claim he was a “cis man” dressed as a woman? Get to absolute fuck with yourselves.

If Humza Youseless had any decency he’d now shelve the GRR bill and bin Shona Robison who has as far as I can gather not admitted she was wrong when she said that no person needed to ID as trans to commit crimes far less apologised for how she’s shat over the women and girls of Scotland( in particular the victim in this terrible case
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Attitude Magazine have named their Woman of the Year. Just an utter insult to every woman. They can fuck off and stay there.

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Ha ha, the 'Amish/Abe Lincoln beards' bit is hilarious 😂 from the examples I have seen that's a fair comment, imo 🤷‍♀️😂.

What exactly about being asexual needs 'protecting'? Surely you are either an asexual woman or asexual man with no interest in having sex, why does that need legislation?! 🤔
More to the point why does anyone need to know. Fucking tired of having all this irrelevance foisted on me. I'm also tired if having random strangers kink shoved in my face. You want kink great but keep it fucking private because I don't consent to being part of it.
I'm old school, sex is great but it's a private thing between consenting adults and that's how it should stay.
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Saw a man today- a huge man- with long grey hair wearing the tightest, most spray painted on pair of spandex leggings I've seen since 1988.
He looked pathetic and I'm sure I wasn't the only person on the bus grossed out by him.
Funny how there are always articles in the news about women being asked to cover up or change clothes if they happen to be wearing a sports bra or booty shorts in public but this sad old freak can stroll down a bus aisle making sure everyone gets an eyeful of his tackle. School kids included.
Fuck that dude, seriously.
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