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I just had a butchers (pun intended) at the London Transgender Clinic‘s before and after photos of MtF ‘gender confirmation surgery’. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Looks like they remove the balls, split the scrotum down the middle and stitch the remains of the penis in the centre to try and resemble a clit. It just looks…wrong. Any male who willingly has their cock chopped off has got to be suffering from some form of mental illness.
Of course they are. The pervs leave themselves intact but those with mental health issues get their knob chopped off. Same with any 'gender affirming' surgery. It's just mutilation.
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I'm curious, has anyone actually ever had a straightforward answer to the question "what makes someone a woman?" (or a man I guess!) other than biological reality? I mean, if you can identify into womanhood it must have some identifiable characteristics. So what are they?

Not once have I ever seen anyone answer that question.

Also, WHY do they always think "AHA! So you're saying infertile women/women who have had hysterectomies etc aren't really women!" is such a gotcha? Not being able to birth children due to any number of factors as a woman is a totally different experience to not being able to birth children because, y'know, you're a bloke.
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Exactly. I’ve said before but as a teen I dressed what would now be classed as non binary style 😅 without even knowing it. Short hair, no make up, baggy T-shirts, baggy trousers. Never once questioned my gender, it was just my style and it was the 90s! We had more freedom then to be gender non conforming* as no one cared about labels. The obsession with labels and language is what is f*cling everything up and leading kids to medicalise their bodies when it’s literally just personal style.

Now as a woman in my mid to late 40s, I still hardly wear make up, I live in jeans, trousers and baggy jumpers and my husbands hoodies. And I have short hair on and off. STILL A WOMAN. STILL NOT QUESTIONING MY GENDER. Yet these internet freaks would label me a gender non conforming person. And those people can get to f*ck - I can wear what I like, still be a woman and guess what? I don’t have a gender identity! Yep you heard it, I don’t have a gender. I’m genderless (oh maybe I am non binary after all!). I’m a biological female that’s a fact but the rest is just me!

*not that this was even a phrase back then
Me too! I live in flannels T-shirts hoodies hiking gear and jeans. Still a WOMAN even though I dress like a lumberjack (pronouns = Tim/Ber)
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I see that the TiM has been evicted from Big Brother tonight. Looks like trans mania is not quite as popular as they would have us believe 🙄
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Propaganda is the word @petitspois

Despite the narrative that trans people are such a minuscule section of society, it simply doesn’t add up that trans characters are inserted into everything from cartoons for little kids to young adult dramas, soaps to big money Netflix series.

Even the BBC are at it. There’s a NB woman g paramedic getting her tits cut off in Casualty, and (IIRC) a trans character now in Doctors, a daytime soap for old people 🙄

It is propaganda. Pushing the agenda of harmless TIMs in women’s spacing. Normalising self-harm. It’s so creepy and insidious.
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I usually listen to Adam's podcast but won't be listening to this episode. I know Adam can take criticism to heart but I would love to message him about having Billy fucking Bragg as a guest. I don't imagine it would get me anywhere though. I have a feeling AB might be in the TWAW camp based on some comments on previous episodes (going back years so maybe his position has changed?) He has a wife and daughter so I would hope he's a bit more clued in.
Adam Buxton strikes me as the kind of bloke who knows full well that TW aren’t W, but definitely doesn’t have the bollocks to say anything other than TWAW.

Well, let’s be honest, that’s true of most men in the comedy and entertainment industry.
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TRAs are starting to descend on the MAFS thread. Why do they always have such an aggressive tone? It's very jarring.
dAiLy mAiL rEaDeRs :p:p:p it's so funny to me they think they're so educated and enlightened yet they're the ones who have literally been fooled by men to think men are a vulnerable minority that need protecting and allowed into our spaces just because they say so when it's men who rape, assault and kill us daily. Poor fools. If only they had more than one brain cell each.
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Interesting to see the same kind of people that would happily call me a Nazi in a heartbeat because I know that biological sex is real and matters, rush to immediately defend the brutal slaughter of Jewish families in their homes before their bodies are cold.

The same people that would label me as anti-LGBTQJDOKWNSHWKN+ because I believe in safeguarding women and children and not medicalising gender nonconforming kids, sterilising gay kids, telling kids they’re born in the wrong body- but are defending Hamas? What do they think life for LGB people would be like under Hamas rule?
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According to an "expert" neovaginas learn to behave like real vaginas over time. God give me strength.
"Used as a vag for long enough". How is that going to work then? I thought they were all "lesbians"? No disrespect to real lesbians, but their vaginas don't get used in the same way as the heteros (as far as I know, I can't proclaim to be an expert!) And a neovagina isn't ever going to have a baby pushed through it, so how is it going to learn how a real vagina behaves? 🥴🤣
(UK Tattlers, apologies for this post if you're eating breakfast! 😬)
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Oh and just a bit more about that Tiffany chap, when he first 'transitioned', the female prison officers had to explicitly tell their bosses that they wouldn't be strip-searching him. This is because as he was now apparently a female, he was entitled to be strip-searched by prison officers of his new gender. They quite rightly refused as he was still an intact male. But I wonder if they were successful in their refusal because he was such a violent prisoner? What do they do with other trans prisoners?

This is the thing with the trans issue: it's easy to say let people be people and how does it harm you if someone believes that they are female when they were born male? The problem isn't with their belief, it's the expectation that we as a society must then buy into that belief and act as if it were real. There is no half-way house. So, once you accept that people can self-identify as female, then how do you stop them from acting as Andrew Burns/Tiffany Scott and Adam Graham tried to?

I was reading something Graham Linehan said the other day where he said that Eddie Izard is an intelligent man so he must surely understand that if he is allowed into ladies' toilets in his so-called girl mode, then you can't stop the Adam Grahams of this world also using their so-called girl modes to do the same thing. Who becomes the gatekeeper?
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They're not vulnerable, they are just fearful of being stared at in a derogatory way or, worse still, being laughed and they can't accept not being in a position of power. What did Margaret Atwood say? 'men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them'.
If you spend your life believing you are a victim, them you will be living in victimhood. Not being accepted about something or other is part of life, these flaky humans and their generation are going to be completely unemployable - a wasted generation all because the internet love-bombed them, mummy wouldn't say no, they put ego over education and now they are all entitled brats.
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Does anyone else have to sometimes take a break from this…? I feel validated in my views when I’m on this thread but also it depresses/angers/infuriates/saddens and frustrates me. And I don’t feel I can do anything about it! I have talked to a few friends who I was fairly certain were GC but otherwise I keep pretty quiet about it. No point to this post. Just a 😖😫 moment
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Attitude has been on a blocking spree, while hiding replies to the announcement of Dylan winning woman of the year. Someone shared this photo in the replies to the original tweet and I posted it on his thread; however I’m also posting here because it’s wonderful, apols if it has been shared before (I imagine it has)
Attitude are openly trolling women. For anyone who can stomach it, the Mulvaney editorial includes this gem:
Mulvaney’s positive, honest and gleeful representation has resonated with millions, and that’s precisely why she has also become the target of hate from anti-trans extremists.
The audacity and delusion involved in saying his is an honest and positive portrayal of womanhood sorry, girlhood is an insult to all women. This is what certain men really think it means to be a woman. The author of the article can get to fuck. And all these years Attitude have never deemed it necessary to have a woman of the year award, yet the day they do, they platform a man. Even the subheading is about ‘lifting up transwomen’; no acknowledgment of actual females at all.
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Why else would this person film themselves in a restaurant unless they knew they were going to be misgendered?!?
Someone on Twitter pointed out that the restaurant staff invariably don’t have English as their first language. So he’s doing a Jonathan Yaniv, intimidating and humiliating immigrants. I bet if he felt he could file a lawsuit, he would.

Of course he’s filming because he’s expecting to be misgendered. This is prime oppression content for him. I bet he laps up the sympathy in the comments.
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honestly, if someone called me a transphobe in real life I think I would laugh, it’s a completely made up word that means nothing. This is not to say that the TRAs screaming at women is not terrifying, angry men directing their anger at a woman is always frightening because they can turn to violence so quickly.
Calling us transphobes is a control tactic IMO. Same as when they say we are "right wing". It's designed to derail the conversation and silence women and it works well, especially the right wing one because people will then try to explain how they're not phobic/right wing, instead of talking about the concerns and problems with the TRA movement.

I've lost count of how many conversations I've seen on twitter where someone starts off with perfectly legitimate points and statements, only for them to get buried by paragraphs of them explaining how they're definitely not right wing.

If someone accuses me now I just tell them they're spot on, I'm so right wing I've got a shrine to Hitler in my room. I'm all the phobes and Isms. Because what are they gonna do? It's not actually illegal to be those things.
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Going back to ‘cis’ women being big supporters of all things trans, once you see it you see it everywhere. And what I notice on social media is that they LOVE to virtue signal on all things LGBTQ more than anything else. They will ignore women’s rights completely but post endless photos and lengthy posts about attending pride, flying flags, showing their kids flying flags, going OTT about supporting trans people, showing they are reading books or listening to podcasts by trans people. On and on. It makes me so embarrassed for them I do a full body cringe when I see it. WHY DO THEY DO IT??? An example isn’t even someone famous it’s the wife of someone I’m a fan of, Rob Beckett. I don’t know how I ended up on her Twitter page but first off she has the progress pride flag as her background picture. Weird, I thought, seeing as she’s a married ‘cis het’ (🙄) woman in her 30s with no link to a trans person as far as a know. Reading her posts it’s clear she’s exactly as I described above, to the point she retweeted a post a while ago saying ‘cbeebies should have a drag Queen doing storytime’ with her saying ‘Yes please’. It got no likes 🙈 she’s a mum of two little girls. Whhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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