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There are going to be some sections of society who are going to love that ‘finally’ a trans person has been murdered in England. It will back up their claims that England is evil and they need to seek asylum.
RIP Brianna. It is an absolutely horrifying tragedy that this young person’s life was taken.

It is totally possible and plausible that Brianna was targeted and bullied for being trans/ lgbt (I say ‘lgbt’ because as I understand it Brianna had only been trans for a few months, so before that may have been a target for being gay or otherwise gender nonconforming). Personally, I do think it probably was a hate crime.

One of the major attacks feminists and other gender critical people - including the Grand High Witch herself JK Rowling - have made on gender ideology is because of what it does to teenagers and children, by putting them on a path towards surgical interventions and hormones that can seriously damage their bodies, apparently without good evidence that these interventions improve mental health outcomes.

It’s a real stretch for them to think we’d endorse any kind of violence against trans people, particularly against a child.

On the other hand, many trans rights activists have always vastly overstated the risks trans people, particularly transwomen, face, for instance publicising Trans Day of Remembrance here in the U.K. even though trans people are statistically less likely to be murdered here than everyone else. They constantly use rhetoric about not being allowed to exist, trans genocide, etc etc, so I can easily imagine there are some of the worst among them who are out there quietly hoping this was a hate crime.

Brianna was a trans girl but before that was presumably a boy with gender dysphoria. Given that the vast majority of kids with gender dysphoria grow out of it, it’s possible that in a world without the negative influence of gender ideology, Brianna would’ve just grown up to be a well-adjusted gay guy at peace with ‘his’ body and identity, with no need for elective hormone treatments and surgical interventions. It’d be disrespectful to Brianna to speculate about that too much, but it is a possibility that the TRA’s don’t want people to consider, in favour of a narrative in which they are blameless and we are evil and always harmful to lgbt kids.

I hope Brianna was happy in this life and the murderers are punished with a long sentence.
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I think people are leaping on the Brianna Ghey murder as for them this is FINALLY a high profile murder of a trans person which proves the LITERAL VIOLENCE which puts trans people in danger every day.
Exactly. All I can see are TRAs positively revelling in finally having a trans murder they can shout about. To give them the sense of victimhood that they desperately need. It’s so distasteful and the actual victim seems to be a minor player in the entire debate.

I mean the numbers of people directly linking JKR and the release of Hogwart’s Legacy to this crime… absolutely fucking batshit insane.
There are people openly calling her a murderer online now, I would imagine her security team is currently extremely worried.
I actually worry that someone is going to attack her in public. Look at what happened to Salman Rushdie, decades after the fatwa.
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The teen trans social contagion phenomenon is a rerun of the the eating disorders and self harm that ran through teenage girls in previous decades. All are ways of controlling a body that feels out of control and symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is not to minimize any of these things, being a teenage girl is really hard, and all of these things cause permanent damage or worse. We knew about this for years, if mental health provision for children and teenagers was better, we might not have so many who desperately do the latest thing to feel better.

There are so many factors, the pornification of the culture, the rise in isolation and internet only interaction, transing away the gay… it’s like kids are being hit from all sides.
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Well well well…..Jack “Beth” Douglas suspended from the Scottish Rainbow Greens. This is the violent TIM that Lib Dem, Green, and SNP politicians were applauding when that horrendous bill was passed.
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I had quite the debate with my daughter (who has been sucked in by the whole ‘trans women are women’ schtick) about this sort of scenario. She said it wasn’t a valid point as it’s not going to happen that often.
Even once is one time too many, but it’s getting to be every week now. One day if she has a daughter, I hope she’ll bear in mind how her and her age group facilitated this nonsense.
When people say this to me, I ask how many women are acceptable collateral damage to them, to save the feelings of men who think they're women. One? Ten? Why is their answer not zero? Why are women the ones who have to suffer?
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They're turning her into a martyr. I fear it's heading straight for a similar situation to Charlie Gard/Alfie Evans where the family almost gets swept aside by the mob of grief ghouls. And teenagers are a particularly emotionally unstable group for this to be affecting.
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political differences aside, I think she is a capable individual. I'm not sure why people are happy about this because the SNP are still in power ultimately and still support the bill. So, it'll just be someone else and not sure who will be as capable as Nicola.

Also, I wonder what her reasons will be? has she had it?
Most people are assuming that it's because of the gender bill - and that probably has something to do with it - but it looks like there is a police investigation into her husband's handling of funds for the SNP - and, notably, he didn't attend the press conference with her.
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Paedophilia isn't a orientation, it's a perversion, just like being a rapist isn't an orientation, just like beastiality isn't.

Consent can not be given in any of the above, that is what turns them on. Every paedophile knows it's wrong, that's why they want it. It's not about sex it's about power.
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Yes I agree. Maybe this teenager was being harassed or bullied for being trans, but given the level of indoctrination that goes on in schools these days and how many young people are captured by the cult I find this surprising. There could have been a row about anything between the young people involved. Of course nobody should be murdered and the perpetrators are solely to blame for this terrible act but I'm not going to automatically assume it was because Brianna was trans until its proved.
To be honest so many teenagers identify as trans these days, and so many teenagers are involved in knife crime these days (though much less than trans of course), that it was only a matter of time before there happened to be a victim who identified as trans.
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Brianna absolutely should have been free to dress and present however without being murdered. But I don't see feminists celebrating Brianna's death en masse, and the police have stated there is no evidence that it was a hate crime. So why are so many people now claiming GC feminism somehow caused this?

A friend is now receiving threats and harassment on her account (for a business she runs) because she shared a meme calling Sam Smith "he". She's tough as old boots and can handle it but I wish she didn't have to
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Chatty Member
For those of you in Cumbria ...

I'm bi and I am absolutely sick of pride being everywhere. I don't WANT people to look at me differently, I don't want a rainbow police car or rainbow road markings or rainbow flags on public buildings. I get the point of LGBT groups for staff, that's fine, but nothing feels more othering than seeing companies feel they have to make an outward show of acceptance for you with flags, posters, rainbow bloody cars.
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Good on JKR. These wee dweebs think they’re untouchable with their accusations and threats. IMO she’s got every right to be as petty as she damn well pleases. Saying she doesn’t just feels like another way of saying ‘shut up terf’. If I was her I’d throw everything I had at these loons so I’m glad she’s not just sitting back and letting say crazy illegal shit about her. And let’s face it, she will likely have a team all over it so not much she personally has to do.

About kids and social media, I don’t let my kid on any of it apart from you tube which I do closely monitor what he’s watching (minecraft and roblox videos pretty much exclusively). He had a time limit of 1 hour a day on either the iPad or a games console. He absolutely hates having a limit and it’s caused a lot of arguments but I stick to it. A lot of his friends don’t have limits though. One parent I know struggles with her mental health and just lets her son on his phone (yes he’s ten and had a phone!!) all the time, even at a club he was at with my son where he was meant to be playing but she let him have his phone so he just sat at the side looking at it! I said to her ‘take that phone off him and he might go and play’ but she just shrugged. She has given up. This boy I would say is suffering with depression as you’ve never seen a more miserable child. I want to shake this mum but what can you do. It is absolutely draining to constantly fight against technology with your kid as it has such a draw and they get so easily addicted. This might sound a bit pathetic if you are not a parent to a child today but it is bloody hard. My son is slowly becoming one of the last in his class to have a phone and I know next year it’ll be even worse but I’m going to hold out as long as I can.
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Some of you will remember the Biden nuclear adviser (or something) who stole women's luggage from airport carousels

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Scotch Mist

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They're turning her into a martyr. I fear it's heading straight for a similar situation to Charlie Gard/Alfie Evans where the family almost gets swept aside by the mob of grief ghouls. And teenagers are a particularly emotionally unstable group for this to be affecting.
Yes I agree. Maybe this teenager was being harassed or bullied for being trans, but given the level of indoctrination that goes on in schools these days and how many young people are captured by the cult I find this surprising. There could have been a row about anything between the young people involved. Of course nobody should be murdered and the perpetrators are solely to blame for this terrible act but I'm not going to automatically assume it was because Brianna was trans until its proved.
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I feel like some are weaponising this poor teens death for their own agenda. Not a single mention about how women are murdered every single day.
I note that many GC accounts have been very respectful in what they have written about this awful murder.
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I’m planning on listening to the podcast with JKR tomorrow on my walk. Looking forward to hearing her side of things. Anyone else listened to it yet?
Yes! It took my breath away that JKR was so willing to participate (invited them to her home) and be so deeply candid about her experience of domestic violence. Hasn’t even touched upon the trans stuff yet but I know she’s going to come across as smart and rational.

The fascinating thing was the podcast is setting the scene which shows she’s always been monstered. First by the evangelical Christians, now by the Left.

Could this actually convince a lot of misinformed people thst she isn’t evil? I already think Hogwart’s Legacy being so good is causing the anti-Potter tide to turn. I saw a Tiktok video tonight where someone posted a screenshot of JKR’s original “transphobic” tweet saying “So this is what people were upset about?”

People in the comments saying “We owe her an apology”, “She knew where things were headed three years ago” etc 😳
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That is good news. With regards to the U.K., I’m sick to the back teeth of the Tories, but it worries me what might happen if Labour get into power. They seem determined to press on with their gender reform bullshit despite what’s happened in Scotland and the polls saying the majority don’t want it.
Labour have stated loud and clear that if they get into No.10 they will bring in self ID. I could not in any good conscience vote for Labour, the LibDems or the Greens as this is the intention of all of them. I personally, will be voting Conservative because 'Woman' as a independent, stand alone, sex class is more important than anything else.

As a mother of daughters, I must vote to save their rights, even if today they may not appreciate it.
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