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I think it’s bloody ridiculous that people compare people they hate to Nazi’s. It loses the actual meaning of what Nazism is and the horrific things they did. JKR has an issue with transgender women being in female spaces but she’s not advocating for their total eradication, she’s not asking to put them in camps and gas them, force them to wear badges that identify them, campaign to make them stateless, sterilise them, perform horrendous experimental surgery on them, destroy their places of work, etc etc.
Can’t remember who it was, maybe Tracy Ann Oberman to India Willoughby but India made comments comparing someone to Nazi’s and Tracy Anne shut her down. I think it was them but can’t check as I’ve been blocked by IW, so apologises if I have the wrong people.
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Spotted on a Derbyshire hillside this week. Apparently terfs like hiking too!
When I was in Thailand last year I saw an adult human female sticker on the back of a toilet door in Bangkok’s central world shopping centre and it took my breath away. Love the feeling of solidarity worldwide.
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Sometimes I feel like both sides of the gender discussion are so separated and far apart that any valid points get lost in the middle.

One of my oldest friends transitioned about 10 years ago now, it took some time to get used to new name and pronouns but she was very relaxed about mistakes and we got used to it quickly. Her family were a bit shocked but went along with it all. And now she seems so much happier and more confident, she has a boyfriend who didn't realise she was trans until she sat him down before their first date, she just lives her life and we talk about the same things and do the same stuff as before, she hasn't changed her personality, she doesn't post about it endlessly on SM, she just gets on with things. She didn't really know what her sexuality was at all until her boyfriend asked her out and she thought she'd give it a try, previous to transition she'd never really dated anyone at all.

I do find it hard that people would want her to use men's toilets, acquaintances and colleagues etc don't even know that she's transitioned as she passes very well. She's not performative in how she presents, I'd say similar to me in that sometimes she dresses up a bit and other times she'll be in comfy trousers and a hoodie!

But she started transitioning at 21, nearly 10 years ago now, and things definitely seem to have changed a lot since then. It feels like now the debate has become so heated on both sides there's no room for meeting in the middle to discuss genuinely difficult situations like what to do with teenagers. I don't think there's any easy answers at all, but I look at my friend and don't see any of what some GC people accuse trans people of being, just a person who was struggling and now isn't. I'm not saying there aren't issues in the trans community (especially online!), I just think it can be easy to assume everyone trans is like the people we see on social media!

Me and her often say that there's weirdos in any group of people you chose and it seems in the trans debate these are the people with most visibility!
Exercise of authority and regimes which are forced onto people (in this case women) to their detriment, where if they don't obey said oppressive regimes there are real world consequences.

Trans Ideology:
Well placed men, who have worked behind the scenes with the people in power to have anti women legislation and policies brought in silently, via government, local government, schools, prisons, hospitals, large organisations et al (thanks Stonewall), without question, discussion with women or, women's groups. These new laws (2004 GRA & 2010 Equality Act, 2010 Annex B) - it was decided that although there were indeed risk to women, women were acceptable collateral damage to appease TRA's. This opened up women's spaces and womanhood to males who identified as women. If women speak out (JK Rowling, Helen Staniland, Helen Joyce, Kathleen Stock, plus 1000's more) they lose their jobs, get cancelled and abused, sent death threats etc - IE real life consequences. = Oppression.

What people didn't and still don't realise was that these essentially were self ID laws. They just need to fill in a simple form for the passport and DVLA offices and bang - the are women. Anyone can say they are a woman and be placed on a NHS hospital ward (Annex B) this has happened several times one notable case in 2021, where a woman was told she couldn't have been raped because her attacker said he was a woman, the man has now been convicted of rape but it was preventable. These men give intimate care to children and the elderly as women, they are sleeping in women's housing in prisons, they are rife on NHS hospital wards (there are staff pleading with the NHS to repeal Annex B!) without question, women's spaces are now mixed sex, they take our jobs (But not our lower salaries) our school scholarships, they want our sports, our language and the removal of 'woman' as a sex class. We are silenced, dismissed and ignored.

It's wrong. You cannot change your sex and society should not be forced to play along with their demands. It is a lie.

If the governments want to allow trans people to lie and make a mockery of legal documents and change statements of fact (birth certs) then they must do it for everybody. Stronger checks and balances must be brought in and third spaces for trans people to.

Under no circumstances should women have ever been put in this position.

I also know a trans identified male who has had the full surgery etc over 10 years ago, I was very supportive initially - but he is a man and he knows that more than anyone. He works for the RAC and has an unsurmountable time off, usually for hangovers which he calls dysphoria. The RAC can't get rid of him because trans is a legal minefield and he would take them to court and probably win - just because he's trans. (But I'm sure they'd love to). He is very manipulative and loves the fear women feel if they don't play along.
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"Children referred to GIDS were ten times more likely than the national average to have a registered sex offender as a parent."
I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, sorry if it has, but this stat really made me shudder.
It speaks to abuse, because I can well imagine wanting to change my sexed body if my father ( I’m assuming it was a male parent but very occasionally it could be the mum) had abused me. How can professionals not see this as the most gigantic red flag?!
I have been a primary teacher for 20 years and gone through countless safeguarding training sessions and this factor would jump out at all my colleagues.
There HAVE to be prosecutions of staff at the Tavistock. The negligence is akin to the biggest child abuse scandals of the last century.
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Scotch Mist

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There are people openly calling her a murderer online now, I would imagine her security team is currently extremely worried.
I would like to see JK Rowling do more to expose the sheer nastiness thrown at her online. Ok it would be pointless sueing any of the TRAs who are basically inadequate keyboard warriors holed up in their bedrooms but it would be refreshing if a TV company put out a program about it supporting her. Of course it wouldn't suit the BBCs current agenda but it's about time more people realised what's been going on instead of blindly accepting that JK is a threat to trans people.
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My best friend of 30 years has completely removed me from all social media for simply mentioning that I was buying Hogwarts Legacy :(

I’ve always agreed with her on everything about gender no matter what I really think. One little thing seems to be enough to completely remove me from her life.
Your lifelong best friend? Wtf? Sounds like she needs to go and speak to a mental health professional because that’s not normal behaviour. I’m so sorry and hope you’re ok. I’d be devastated.
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Princess She-Ra

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I’m a member of a ladies Facebook page in a Scottish city. A couple of weeks ago there was a big post by a trans woman looking for accommodation in the city as they were moving here to access better medical services with a very smug selfie- queue all the ‘stunning and brave’ comments 🤢. I thought ‘here we go’

But last night someone posted anonymously looking for advice as their niece had told them that they wanted to be a trans gay man.
There were some genuine replys to signpost advice but I’m very pleased to report that when anyone suggested Mermaids or the Scottish LBGT group, people replied with links to reports on the dodgy goings on at both institutions. When some else started with the suicide chat, there were directed to the information that the Samaritans were advising not to say what causes suicide and that the statistics weren’t recorded properly.
I think the lady recieved a very balanced amount of replies. I was very pleasantly surprised!
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Sneaky version 😆

I haven’t ventured to the comments yet , generally I try to avoid the bottom half of the internet!
Brilliant article, thanks for sharing, so frustratingly true.

I was part of a FB group for adults who had abusive/narcissistic mothers growing up. I felt such a kinship with the character Harry growing up preceisly because of how unloved and unwanted he was by his family.

I had members of that group telling me I should never read those books again or share them with my children because of how transphobic they were when I shared how I look forward to being able to read them to my own children. I asked and never got answers as to why and in my then vulnerable state felt great shame for being so blinded by my love of them that I didn't see the hurt they caused others.

I have since recovered from that vulnerable state, re-read the books and did my own deep dive into JK Rowling to determine where her transphobia began and came up empty handed. It angers me that in such a vulnerable state people felt the need to cow me with untruths, especially in a place designed to be safe for adults dealing with their wounded children...

Sorry about the long post!!!!
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I'm not sharing the pictures attached to this because, even though they're blurred...
But here is comparison to when the gender ideology crowd bleat that calling a transwoman a man is LITERAL VIOLENCE and we're killing them.
No, mate.
Murdering your spouse because she doesn't want to cover her hair and grinning having done so.

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I saw that young actress in the last of us, Bella someone, is saying she’s NB and doesn’t like being referred to as a powerful young woman
If it’s so triggering maybe she ought to fuck off and wait for a non binary role to come along. As a woman, I find it outrageous and offensive that they have cast someone non binary to portray a young adult female. Same goes for Emma Corrin and Emma D’Arcy (who went to an awards ceremony as ‘a little bit trans’ because she wore a skirt over a pair of trousers).

Honestly, I do actually wish they’d all piss off or STFU. Bunch of attention seeking, narcissistic (non gendered) wankers, the lot of them.
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Chatty Member
I was on another thread (SH) and I said "It is not transphobic to say, as a woman, that you don't want dicks in your changing room" and a mod deleted it. But she let it stand that other people called the person who originally said what I repeated transphobic. Why is that ok?
Yup. It always gets removed and you get told there's a gender thread for "that discussion". I guess some threads move so quickly (like the JM one) but it's a forum and stuff always goes slightly off-topic. Suppose it's easiest to remove it so it doesn't end up in arguments, although I see other posters with views very similar to the ones on this thread. It seems to me there's a view that this thread is "transphobic", yet when people actually read and listen to what we're saying, the penny drops.

Well well well…..Jack “Beth” Douglas suspended from the Scottish Rainbow Greens. This is the violent TIM that Lib Dem, Green, and SNP politicians were applauding when that horrendous bill was passed.
How anyone can think these people are anything other than violent men is beyond me.
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Does Roald Dahl (from the grave) consent to his intellectual property being tampered with?!

If I were a parent right now i’d be buying second hand versions of the original classic kids books, so that I could have a selection of proper kids books for them to read rather than these 1984 like redcated/censored doctored versions.
I think its dreadful to tamper with Roald Dahls books, for all sorts of reasons, but mainly because of the fairy tale factor, which a lot of his stories contain.
Roald Dahls books aren't brilliantly written, they can be cruel in places, but they are funny and they are good stories, perfect to encourage children to read! I don't think many children or adults would actually see the Roald Dahl stories as real, they are full of nasty horrible baddies who are evil and sympathetic heroes who can do no wrong.
Fairy tales were partially written or told to scare children and to keep them safe, all the kind of don't wander off into the woods, as you don't know who might be there.... Partly written to make children believe in a better life, but to also believe that its important to be kind and know how to behave well at times. eg You dont want to tell lies and end up like Pinnochio kind of thing! They are sanitized cautionary tales, which need an element of fear to work, even if its imagined fear! They need nasty baddies that nasty things happen to, to see good overcoming evil!

The whole point of characters like Augustus Gloop is that he is meant to be a caricature of a child who is greedy and fat, that he has indulged himself in far too much chocolate and sweet treats. That's meant to be a bad thing! And it is a bad thing, its totally unhealthy to be overweight as a child. If you change this you change the whole meaning and the whole point of the story!
The Twits is a nasty book, but, very funny, how on earth would you change this, without losing the whole point of the story? Its also a lovely short book, beloved by reluctant readers, cos they can finish it quickly!

I don't think changing the language of a book, is actually going to change the character of people or of children. There will always be sadly some who are picked on and some who live a charmed life. What matters is the tools and skills given to counteract and challenge this.
If a child is taught not to be racist or a bully or unkind to others, I think they are likely to be oblivious to most of the language in any case.

Whats next? will they sanitise Tales of the Unexpected? Or sanitise the horror film genre, in case they upset anyone?
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I was just about to post a twitter screenshot of this. Does the man have no shame?
But this is not true. He clearly wasn't. According to his social media, he was a disturbed young man, into Anime porn, drugs, drink and was very insecure about his looks. In one video he posted he clearly had AGP tendencies - I don't see why we can't speak the truth about this young man and use this as a very good example of what having gender ideology in our schools and being rife online is really doing to our kids?!

If he were a female prostitute (even at 15) they would be held to the highest moral standards because of misogyny.

ETA: He was also clearly gay. No issue with this whatsoever, until the trans stuff comes into play. This kid was dancing round a room at school dressed like an anime character. If he has done it there, he's done that same in the girls bathroom and some changing rooms. He wasn't far off flashing (IMO) - this is a classic example of who we don't want in the women's spaces. At 15 years of age!
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I find this kind of stuff a bit sinister because you know he doesn't believe one word of that, JK might as well stick her hand up his backside and make his mouth move. 😂

Why not just report him to Twitter and get his tweets removed like everyone else? I dunno, a billionaire sending threatening legal letters because she got annoyed by a few daft tweets looks a bit petty.
I disagree, I’ve seen some of the tweets directed at her (and others) and they are a bit more than just a few daft tweets. I hope she takes the f*****s to the cleaners.
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I’m a genZ and I’m happy to report I’ve seen quite a few people my age openly posting that they’re playing the game on social media 😁
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The ‘nurse’ is doing community incontinence care in people’s homes apparently. All those poor people that just need help and this weirdo shows up in his dress 🤢 Vulnerable disabled people or the elderly who may not even recognise that they’re being used as part of someone’s fetish while he’s in contact with their most intimate areas.
My mum is in her late 80s, has reduced mobility and has a carer to her home each morning to help her shower. One morning a male carer turned up, she refused him entry and called the care company telling them (in no uncertain terms) never to send a male carer again. Thank goodness her mind is still 100%.
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the response to Hogwarts Legacy online is nuts. I am really in shock. On Tumblr people post spoilers for every big thing that happens in the game to ruin it for people. Sorry there is a long somewhat garbled rant incoming here.

I know there is a bit of a thing with antisemitism and goblins and I haven’t looked into the history of that enough to make my own mind up about it, but with Legacygate it feels like the spirit of it is “we don’t want people to buy this game because Rowling is transphobic - how can we get them to stop?” rather than “we are concerned about antisemitism in this game.”

Part of what makes me think that is how vastly the backlash from this group outweighs the backlash they gave to other media or incidents flagged as antisemitic, and how otherwise fixated on trans issues they seem to be. I can’t recall such intense attempts to cancel any other bit of mainstream entertainment on the grounds of discrimination when it’s not been a matter of law - there have been wider attempts to cancel something but not with this level of vitriol. It’s wild when you consider that a) there is much more heinous shit happening out there b) at a more widespread level and c) to groups that are much larger and in terms of raw numbers should (but seem not to) be heard more.

I didn’t see this kind of intense anger about the Uyghur genocide or the Rohingya genocide, even though both were covered in the news for a time. Despite trans women being such a small % of the world, despite the relatively negligible impact this will have on trans issues, there seems to be more furore online about this than there is about actual, ongoing genocide. Some might call this “whataboutery” but surely actual violence should piss you off more than someone wanting to preserve single sex spaces.

I understand that a lot of people can’t take the fatigue that comes with discussing widespread violence and oppression at length - but what does that say about the impact of this game on trans people? If you get fatigued talking about violence and oppression but can talk endlessly about this, it’s either 1) this issue is more important to you or 2) even you recognise that at the very least, it isn’t anywhere near as significant a problem as actual violence and oppression, as it doesn’t distress you talking about it!

I also understand trying to stop a genocide is more complex than trying to stop people buying a game, but even thinking about media, you can still get away with referencing Rosemary’s Baby as a great work - you’re more likely to get shat on if you mention your love for HP. It’s just so wrong. There are so many conversations now about “death of the author” and it really pisses me off that it’s fucking JK Rowling being a radical feminist that’s been the catalyst rather than the scores of storytellers, actors and other entertainment figures who’ve been successfully accused of rape, abuse, intense prejudice etc..
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