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Scotch Mist

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This is the real shit women get thrown at them
"Taliban fighters have stopped the sale of contraceptives in two of Afghanistan’s main cities, claiming their use by women is a western conspiracy to control the Muslim population."

Congratulations we're back to living in the middle ages 🤬
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The ‘nurse’ is doing community incontinence care in people’s homes apparently. All those poor people that just need help and this weirdo shows up in his dress 🤢 Vulnerable disabled people or the elderly who may not even recognise that they’re being used as part of someone’s fetish while he’s in contact with their most intimate areas.
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The highly significant point made by guest Marie Louise "the modern midwife" was why has women's health particularly maternity care been left behind? Why are new procedures researched and funded (eg knee replacements) but not women's health, why has it taken 200 years for a new birth device.
Misogyny, pure and simple. It’s blatant.

There was a brief period on Tiktok (trends change so fast) with women discussing not being given pain relief for coil insertion, cervical biopsies etc because doctors told them the cervix has no nerve endings. Because the textbooks say the same. Obstetric forceps are literally medieval. This complete and utter resistance to modernise and change practice only happens in women’s health.
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Interesting how stating actual facts is transphobic and is deleted yet the whole of tattle is steeped in misogynistic threads and they are a-okay. The patriarchy is alive and thriving.
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18 months/2years ago it was me who would post these links first and keep calling everyone out, (plus others obviously, all of whom I am eternally grateful for). It is so nice now that this thread has grown and new people have joined, the thread and discussion have both grown so much, especially among the younger women.

It's really quite heart warming.
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Sometimes I feel like both sides of the gender discussion are so separated and far apart that any valid points get lost in the middle.

One of my oldest friends transitioned about 10 years ago now, it took some time to get used to new name and pronouns but she was very relaxed about mistakes and we got used to it quickly. Her family were a bit shocked but went along with it all. And now she seems so much happier and more confident, she has a boyfriend who didn't realise she was trans until she sat him down before their first date, she just lives her life and we talk about the same things and do the same stuff as before, she hasn't changed her personality, she doesn't post about it endlessly on SM, she just gets on with things. She didn't really know what her sexuality was at all until her boyfriend asked her out and she thought she'd give it a try, previous to transition she'd never really dated anyone at all.

I do find it hard that people would want her to use men's toilets, acquaintances and colleagues etc don't even know that she's transitioned as she passes very well. She's not performative in how she presents, I'd say similar to me in that sometimes she dresses up a bit and other times she'll be in comfy trousers and a hoodie!

But she started transitioning at 21, nearly 10 years ago now, and things definitely seem to have changed a lot since then. It feels like now the debate has become so heated on both sides there's no room for meeting in the middle to discuss genuinely difficult situations like what to do with teenagers. I don't think there's any easy answers at all, but I look at my friend and don't see any of what some GC people accuse trans people of being, just a person who was struggling and now isn't. I'm not saying there aren't issues in the trans community (especially online!), I just think it can be easy to assume everyone trans is like the people we see on social media!

Me and her often say that there's weirdos in any group of people you chose and it seems in the trans debate these are the people with most visibility!
The issue is that biological women are not being listened to. Whenever they raise concerns they are screamed at, belittled, threatened. Women are just asking to not be erased and this current trans movement sees that as an attack.

I don't think anyone would have an issue with your friend cause they are just looking to get on with their life. I don't have an issue with a trans woman in my space of they are living their life as a woman, presenting as a woman, behaving as a woman and have transitioned physically to be a woman. I have a MASSIVE issue with men playing dressup demanding access to these spaces. I also believe if a woman has an issue with a trans person in their space that it should be respected and upheld. I don't understand why a trans person's feeling are somehow more important than a person who lives as the gender they were born.

I also has a massive issue with how grown adults are trying to take advantage of vulnerable teenagers just to validate their existence. It pisses me off majorly, leave children alone and get therapy.

**Edited to add: I don't believe you can physically transition to being the opposite gender, chromosomes don't lie after all. What I meant is someone taking hormones for a number of years and having had their penis removed. For me having their penis removed is a big thing as that is what men use to assault and rape women. I don't think you in good faith can consider yourself any kind of woman if you still have one.**
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Chatty Member
I’ve had to unfollow someone on fb who is sharing links to candlelight vigils for Brianna murder. She works at a uni and it’s fully under the spell. Think I posted before about it, posters all over the place with clear photos of men and women but with things like, ‘“I love this uni!” Jess, 21, she/her’ 🤦🏻‍♀️ Where are the candlelight vigils for the elderly women pushed down the stairs by their husbands/sons? Oh I forgot, no one gives a shit. A woman not far from here has just been killed and her daughter in a critical condition, by a local scumbag. One article in the daily mail and gone. No nationwide vigil for a 40 something year woman killed by a man.
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Somerset girl

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18 months/2years ago it was me who would post these links first and keep calling everyone out, (plus others obviously, all of whom I am eternally grateful for). It is so nice now that this thread has grown and new people have joined, the thread and discussion have both grown so much, especially among the younger women.

It's really quite heart warming.
I've only just found this thread and have been reading all day! I've always been a feminist and have been increasingly worried about how the trans agenda is harming women's rights. I've also read with horror the findings about the Tavistock clinic and the impact on children.
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I’m in a FB group for women who enjoy the outdoors. It clearly states women only. Some TIM started complaining that he’d been discriminated against by something someone said. That started a pile on of women falling over themselves to fawn over this bloke. It beggars belief.
He then posted about the difficulties LGBT people have accessing the countryside. What’s next, shall we agree to buy blokes dressing up as women a car?
Honest to god, the victim mentality is astonishing. Who is stopping LGBT people from accessing the outdoors?? Feels like the very air we breathe and the grass under our feet is all TRANSPHOBIC now 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Being LGBT is not a bloody disability but it seems that some deranged individuals think it is! While genuinely disabled people quite often do have barriers to accessing the outdoors. Let’s help those people instead!

I have just joined an online perimenopausal support group and already my heart breaks for all the shit we as WOMEN go through, y’know, biologically. That old bigoted chestnut - BIOLOGY. I’m just waiting for it to be infiltrated by a TIM but I’m ready and waiting with my hormonal rage if they do 😈
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Ive read a few horrifying articles about the reality of German brothels. Young girls being trafficked in from Eastern Europe, women having to have sex with dozens of men a day in order to pay the fees the brothels charge, ‘drive through’ brothels, legalised ‘gang bangs’, BOGOF offers, loyalty cards where you visit 10 girls and the 11th is free - basically everything reduces women to nothing more than a commodity, a product with no humanity. This is in a country that many hold up as a bastion of civilisation and human rights. This is the reality that the people who parrot ‘sex work is work’ don’t want you to think about.
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I know this borders on whatabouttery but there has been a lot of news coverage this week about both Brianna Ghey and Nicola Bulley. Both very sad situations.

The police released sensitive information about Nicola, who is now being painted as an alcoholic and was unable to manage going through the menopause. The speculation into her private life has been invasive and completely uncalled for. But we are used to seeing women being dragged through the mud by the media.

Brianna, meanwhile, has been held up as a saint. Vigils taking place across the UK. I don't agree with digging through social media accounts but the information is out there and they were quite evidently troubled. If you mention that perhaps Brianna lacked support and was a vulnerable teenager - nope, you're transohobic.

Notice the difference in how they have been presented in the media, despite both being women (well, we know that Brianna was trans identifying). Nicola certainly has not been treated with the dignity she deserved. But it seems fine to speculate and speak poorly of her, because she is a woman and that is how we are treated, and we just have to accept it.
Also Emma Pattison (the headteacher killed by her “family annihilator” husband, who’s now being subject to headlines implying it didn’t need to happen if only she didn’t make him feel threatened by being successful.) It’s “transphobic” to mention Brianna’s evident mental health issues but perfectly ok to imply the other two are at fault for what happened to them
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Chatty Member
Couldn't find new thread...started panicking 😂

I had a (brief) convo on reddit with a parent who doesn't fully believe their kid is trans, based on a few reasonable things. They said that around 45% of the born female kids at their kid's school now identified as trans, and they felt that number was (rightly) absurd.

The whole post was deleted 🙃 parents can't even express they have doubts now, you can't even put the words out there to get support from others and you're silenced. It's bonkers.
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It's the women that get me in this debate. We know a lot of men are vile but SO BLOODY MANY women are supporters of men dressed up as women. They are practically queuing up to throw away our safety, our rights and our place in society.
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It is funny how these TIM want to be part of our sorority. Being so happy to be accepted as “one of the girls” and still can’t accept women gathering to defend their own rights and helping each others to fight against all this.
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There are people openly calling her a murderer online now, I would imagine her security team is currently extremely worried.
It is extremely worrying, the rate at which women are murdered and attacked backs up the concern which is sort of the whole point of JKR's stance on the matter.

People blaming her for the death of this child are just showing that they lack basic comprehension and processing skills and show just how easily influenced they are by others (mob mentallity).

They are in fact illustrating the concept of social contagion perfectly.
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Do these women not wonder why single sex spaces exist in every single country in the world? you only have to look at the local court reports to see just how rare it is for a woman to be in court for a violent offence, let alone something sexual. Men come up every single day.
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People like to compete in the Oppression Olympics, plus so many people seem to be scared of being average, mundane. I embrace being boring, lol, but it seems so many are conditioned to think they have to either be oppressed, quirky, different, neurodiverse etc. It's like you can't just be a boring person from a boring town minding your own business anymore 😂 No, now you have to be All the Genders at once and self diagnose yourself with 20 + disorders. Making a mockery of biology, genuine sexuality, genuine disabilities etc in the process. It comes across so desperate to be honest.

I think the world overshares now. Let's get back to some personal privacy, self-motivation, and reduce the need for external validation outside of friendship and family. Why do we need to perform in our e-signatures and on socials all the time? It's sick.

About time!
100%. I would have given anything to have grown up being mundane, able to blend into the background and not be such an open target for all the racism I experienced because it robs you off so much. For me it was my childhood innocence, not being able to enjoy being myself because my parents always reminded me that people would judge/treat others from my own background based on how I behaved/spoke/my level of education etc. I cannot - and never will - understand the desire swathes of people have to compete in the Oppression Olympics. It's not a quirk or some kind of clout to have been born with markers that put you on the back foot and make you feel like you have to beg for your human dignity to be respected. A life of struggle is not a flex or something we should lionise - especially when we think about the tropes of a "strong Black woman" and "resilient Asian women." And this is something I feel always gets missed out in DE&I conversations - I honestly switch off during such meetings at work because they're so shallow, performative and ineffective. I abhor this identity politics, the pointless culture wars that's come to many parts of Europe via the USA and I don't understand how or why it's taken such a hold here, when the overall history of countries like the UK and within Europe are so different to that of the States. I'm sorry for the long post. Your post more or less articulated what I've been feeling for years and it makes me so sad, angry and (if I'm honest) hopeless. I'm happy to see more new people and everyone posting here: it gives me a lot of solace
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