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I had to chuckle at the first one. I know it’s a bit disingenuous but it sums up how some paint JK Rowling as a poor victim.
Leaving aside her history of abuse, do you not consider someone being persistently doxxed, stalked and threatened with rape and murder by literally thousands of people globally to be a victim?

Interesting perspective. Thanks for letting us know where you stand.
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Wirth regards young people today, the internet is all pervasive and insidious. I was outraged when I saw a group chat the boys in year 6 had where they posted pics of women with the caption 'shag, marry or rape' then they all waded in with their responses. I decided to bring it up on a night out with some of the Mums to just get 'boys will be boys' from most of them.

Yes, boys will grow into men and still a significant proportion of them are violent misogynists. Great.
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Brianna was certainly failed by media that presented it as normal for children to think they can change sex, as hateful to name biological reality, and that is now trying to use Brianna's death as a political gotcha
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Brianna absolutely should have been free to dress and present however without being murdered. But I don't see feminists celebrating Brianna's death en masse, and the police have stated there is no evidence that it was a hate crime. So why are so many people now claiming GC feminism somehow caused this?

A friend is now receiving threats and harassment on her account (for a business she runs) because she shared a meme calling Sam Smith "he". She's tough as old boots and can handle it but I wish she didn't have to
I don't see how Briannas death has anything to do with feminists. She was stabbed by a 15 year old boy and a 15 year old girl. It's a knife crime issue. Being trans doesn't exclude from the dangers of the world we live in.
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Chatty Member
I’ve just looked back at the offending thread- not sure what’s hateful or transphobic about saying people with dicks aka MEN aren’t welcome in women’s changing rooms? As if it’s not enough being called bigot/TERFs by blue haired TRAs, it’s also by lefty leaning, ‘normal’ women too. Please use group changing rooms if you have no problem with men in yours and leave the women’s only to us.
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I sometimes think you are trolling us Ensay.
What a surprise that a man can’t understand why a woman would choose to speak out against gender ideology & in support of safeguarding women and girls?

What a surprise that he can’t understand why JKR doesn’t want to keep quiet just to make her life easier?

Give me strength.
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I spent yesterday shopping with a friend and her daughter who has Identified as male for the past year.

I watched this woman whom I'd always felt was pretty sane, send her 11 year old daughter into the men's changing rooms alone!

I couldn't breathe with the shock and fear!

I can't be friends with her anymore.
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It's not about holding her to a higher standard, I hold everyone to the same standard. I should make it clear that I think insults and accusations on Twitter definitely aren't OK, but they happen and probably always will - especially in Elon's new "freedom of speech" Twitter.

I don't post on there anymore, but when I did, I had all sorts of things thrown my way - from general insults, accusations, homophobic slurs, etc among many other things. It's not pleasant, but I reported and blocked them. I probably had more reports rejected than upheld, even with some really shitty stuff, but I moved on. If money was no object I still wouldn't have pursued legal action because what's the point? Anyone who knows me would know I'm not any of the things some of those trolls said.

You're not gonna change people's minds by threatening them with litigation and that's pretty apparent in those tweets from that idiot yesterday. He might as well have said: "I don't believe a word of this, but I'm saying it because I'd rather not lose all my money". It's a hollow 'victory'.

We'll change hearts and minds through better discussion and debate - preferably in person (I like YouTube podcasts for this reason), rather than mud slinging, threats and suing on Twitter and I think anyone who uses it knows that deep down. It's a cesspool and best avoided.
JKR lets a lot of slurs slide. She frequently invites people to delete before she gets lawyers involved. She drew the line here at being called a Nazi, and instructed solicitors when the poster did not back down after she interacted directly. I can’t blame her.

Consider if she DOESN’T get lawyers involved to get tweets taken down that posters won’t remove when asked. I would expect that a post saying, “oh look, JKR was equated to a Nazi and notably took no action against this accusation, therefore we can guess it’s true…” would be RTed 3,000 times.

Taking the high ground is all very well, but Rowling is constantly harassed by people well-prepared to roll in the gutter. At some point you push back.
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There was a report on ITV news last night about JKR, it had clips from her podcast. The report was rational and even featured her tweet that caused all the shite, the 'we used to have a name .... wumpen' tweet.
JKR came across as intelligent, unflappable and sincere - she my little terfy heart soar 🤍💜💚
Only at the very start and listening to her talk about her loss and her domestic abuse… did feel a bit teary. Reminded me that I had a convo with my Mum when that beautiful head teacher was shot with her little girl and we both had a cry over a quote from one of the woman’s close friends that read something like “it just shows that you can be the most strong, successful woman in a position of high power but you are still always at the mercy of a bad man” 💔 listening to JK speak, this is what it means to live as a woman not fucking dresses and lipstick. To lose babies, to feel much more magnitude and vulnerability if you move away/abroad, to feel at the mercy of dangerous men, to never escape your social position or physical vulnerabilities because of your biological reality.
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I’m in a FB group for women who enjoy the outdoors. It clearly states women only. Some TIM started complaining that he’d been discriminated against by something someone said. That started a pile on of women falling over themselves to fawn over this bloke. It beggars belief.
He then posted about the difficulties LGBT people have accessing the countryside. What’s next, shall we agree to buy blokes dressing up as women a car?
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I think schools and parents and TV and films need to focus again on teaching kids about puberty. Not just the biology and sexuality, but about growing pains, hormones, social anxiety, fear of growing up, body dysmorphia , etc. What I think kids are missing in general is being told that yes puberty can be a right mindfuck, but that we all go through it and we all progress into adults. We should be focussing on supporting the tackling of intrusive thoughts, and teach teens to respect the process, to nourish themselves physically and mentally, to engage in society e.g. part time jobs, hobbies, volunteering. Getting out there and making a difference or at least taking part in something that's part of the bigger picture.

I think, our parents had to go out and make money to feed families after periods of financial depression, our grandparents and great grandparents all had to muck in to war effort whether than be fighting or growing food or healing the sick.

Our great great grandparents did not sit idle at home, no, very likely they didn't get a childhood, they would have either been married off or working in order to survive. Now I'm not saying we need to go back to young marriages or working up chimneys as kids again. But it has not escaped my notice as a 30-something kid from the 90s, which is not THAT long ago, that teens now don't have what I had:-

- only 1 telly that was in the living room which was shared among my siblings and my parents. Watching TV was a communal exercise that we looked forward to after homework or on a Saturday Night (remember Gladiators and Fort Boyard, anyone?)

- actually going round friends houses to socialise and going to the park to run off steam, rather than sitting chronically online.

- family time that is not taken over by mobile phones/ screen time. I remember family dinners were spent talking about our day, and being almost counselled by my parents if anything was bothering me. (I appreciate not everyone has a good family life, but surely on the whole, more adults and children are glued to phones these days and don't necessarily prioritise meaningful and sometimes difficult conversations these days).

-fads were often more localised and too longer to "take off", whereas now whole ideologies take off online worldwide, within weeks/months

- youthful indiscretions, mistakes, goofiness etc were not posted and shared online, you weren't cancelled by thousands for saying the wrong word, more likely we had someone take us aside and explain why not to do/say the thing again, and your character was allowed the opportunity to improve/grow. For example at school there was a trend to say "you dropped your gay card" and other stupid things like that. We all did it, we were reprimanded and we understood it was wrong. If it were now, someone would have filmed us and we'd lose everything for the rest of our lives, because you're not allowed to make childish mistakes these days without severe social recriminations.

- I don't think 90s kids' egos were pandered to, a lot of us got sense knocked into us, now it's like adults are afraid of teens.

-schools educated us on facts and generally encouraged debate and didn't overtly indoctrinate us towards one political persuasion over the other, from what I personally recall.

-parents were able to tell us when we were in the wrong, now parents fear the schools/police will come take them away for questioning.

-schools didn't get involved in hiding stuff from parents.

-there used to be places teens could go to blow off steam and have fun, where are all the roller discos, adventure parks, youth clubs now? You barely hear of Brownies/Guides Scouts etc these days, and even those have been captured.

- parents could generally trust counsellers to help their children resolve issues, now, some counsellers will actively steer kids towards harmful medical procedures or harmful behaviour.

Every generation faces battles but it does seem that today's teens have the most technology and opportunities at their disposal than ever before, but they seem typically so miserable, egotistical, and demanding. It's refreshing when you meet good kids who are untouched by all this ideology.

When you think about it, it seems so sad, and these kids are being told that all adults are bigots or boomers or whatever, so they don't want to relate to us and have calm, considered debate.

Not all teens, obviously, but it is blatant that kids are suffering with social contagion. They are being fed lies on an unprecedented scale, so quickly, so intensely.

I don't know how we solve this other than schools going back to facts and healthy debate, kids having less screentime and adults having frank conversations with kids to manage expectations. It seems so desperate now 😞
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I'm really pleased I found tattle some months back, and am now brave enough to post. It has really made me realise I am not mental in my way of thinking. Thanks to everyone for posting the links from twitter etc as I dont use these platforms so don't see them otherwise, I've learnt SO much because of these threads.
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I am old. in 1983 (13) I was OBSESSED with Marilyn to the point my mother got worried, as ignorant mothers do. I was also into the Thompson Twins, Culture Club, OMD, all those androgynous bands. It's kind of normal, when you are exploring sexuality, right? I hated the male gaze but I didn't understand it because I was young and "conventionally" pretty. I didn't get why men were looking at me on buses, a school girl. Now, I am freaking old, but I still want to feel safe. I don't want to be judged on my appearance, that's not my worth. I certainly don't want men with balls who think they are women moving in my space. I am so tired of this. You have a Y chromosome, you are a man imo 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
What on earth does Sam Smith look like? Dressing up as a pornified exaggeration of a woman, how stunning and brave, you know how it is.

He has obviously put on weight but fat or not, he looks utterly desperate. Put some fucking clothes on and stop attention seeking.

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I caught some of Woman's hour and the conversation was about tearing in childbirth.

The below midwife-now inventor was talking.

'Malene Hegenberger was tired of using her hands to hold back the vaginal wall, handling women’s delicate, damaged and bleeding tissue while she struggled to see what she was doing.

She set about the challenge of creating a solution. Four years and 88 prototypes later Malene is the first midwife for nearly 200 years to bring an obstetric device to market. She became only the second midwife in history to develop an obstetric device – the first being Marie Boivin who died 181 years ago in 1841'.

The highly significant point made by guest Marie Louise "the modern midwife" was why has women's health particularly maternity care been left behind? Why are new procedures researched and funded (eg knee replacements) but not women's health, why has it taken 200 years for a new birth device.
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There are people openly calling her a murderer online now, I would imagine her security team is currently extremely worried.
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I expect they can’t find their way to the countryside because the roads aren’t painted with rainbow stripes.
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Fucking fuck offffff. Now being GC means facism is my fault? If she was so miserable at school why didn’t her parents take her out, love her to another school, homeschool her? I got bullied horrifically at school, physically and verbally assaulted, no one gave a flying fuck. I am so sad that teenagers are being stabbed and they died, but the TRA’s are absolutely wetting themselves that they can attack TERFS. Also, why is having concerns about safety for women and girls suddenly mean we are promoting and encouraging violence against trans people?!

I wish the media and people cared so fucking much for the THOUSANDS of women murdered and raped each year.

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