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My best friend of 30 years has completely removed me from all social media for simply mentioning that I was buying Hogwarts Legacy :(

I’ve always agreed with her on everything about gender no matter what I really think. One little thing seems to be enough to completely remove me from her life.
Sounds like you’re better off without somebody like that anyway
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TIM/F trans identifying male/female
AGP autogynephilia (men who get aroused by the idea of themselves as a woman)
GC gender critical (most on this thread)

Can I just say how nice it is to have more and more delurkers on this thread every day at the moment, anyone else feel there’s been a marked increase in new posters? 🥰
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technically Lia still has his dick - he just got his balls removed, which is hilarious.
The poor, silly young man. I'm sure once upon a time if your son said he wanted to be castrated, you could get him sectioned for his own safety.

I have CAIS which is an intersex condition and I was born with internal testes which were removed when I was a teenager (unnecessarily as it turns out except for the convenience of the NHS and to tidy me up onto the "normal side") and I can promise Lia that life without naturally occurring hormones produced by your own gonads is shit and has lifelong health implications.

For an athlete to do that to himself because of a fetish or a mental illness is genuinely heartbreaking to me. Since I was a teenager, even with HRT (which has caused irreversible damage to my liver) I've had such bad health across all the systems of my body, essentially living like I'm a little old lady for the past 35 years. Human beings are not lego models: you can't take out a blue brick, replace it with a red brick snd say "no difference". Everything in us is interconnected.
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Fucking fuck offffff. Now being GC means facism is my fault? If she was so miserable at school why didn’t her parents take her out, love her to another school, homeschool her? I got bullied horrifically at school, physically and verbally assaulted, no one gave a flying fuck. I am so sad that teenagers are being stabbed and they died, but the TRA’s are absolutely wetting themselves that they can attack TERFS.

I wish the media and people cared so fucking much for the THOUSANDS of women murdered and raped each year.

View attachment 1958507
I was thinking the same. Where is the outrage about misogyny? Apart from feminists who then get called all sorts. It’s tragic what’s happened to Brianna but no more tragic than any other child killed. They are rabid in their hatred of women with voices as if standing up for womens rights caused this child to be killed. It is nonsensical but it fits their agenda. Bunch of loons.
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It's insane how black women have somehow been included into trans women, why on earth did this happen? And when have any white women said black women are not women?
I really hate when they say stuff like "historically Black women were not considered women and you're doing the same to us by saying we're not women." I don't remember who but there is a Black feminist who responded to this by saying: Black women absolutely were considered women (which is why they were raped and used for forced breeding and domestic labour) but were not treated as human
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Look obviously you have never climbed a munro in a gif outfit or glass hooker heels or you would know how hard it is for performative trans to access the outdoors!!!
Female hiker here. The problem with trans being so performative in the context of the outdoors is the outdoors doesn’t give a shit and most of their ideas of femininity (dressing like a hooker….) just don’t fly. Dressed in largely the same styles of clothing male and female hikers dress for the elements however it’s still pretty obvious who is a man and who is a woman because biology.

that being said many folk seem to prefer to hike with a companion of the same sex unless it’s their own family- I certainly prefer the company of female hikers as I feel as though there’s a different dynamic…. Male -heavy groups can be quite competive but maybe that’s just my experience from when I was younger.

I’m not making my point very clear but basically the outdoors strips away such performative extreme gender nonsense and leaves you with reality. And if you’re wearing inappropriate shoes Mother Nature will err let you know.

also a lot of them seem to adopt performative disabled identities and accessorise with walking frames and sticks… bizarre and sad.

Dylan M should watch real women outdoors like all the women who’ve done PCT/AT/CDT/ other trail videos. Indisputably female and not a hiking heel in sight.
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Mr Krabs

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The goblins in Harry Potter are not antisemitic.

What is antisemitic is that people have seen characters with big noses and decided that they must represent Jewish people. That’s very telling. Also people were more than happy to enjoy HP for years apparently despite it so problematic, why did they not speak out then? Until JK spoke up, even on the most liberal corners of the internet I never saw a single soul mention any kind of racism in the series.
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My best friend of 30 years has completely removed me from all social media for simply mentioning that I was buying Hogwarts Legacy :(

I’ve always agreed with her on everything about gender no matter what I really think. One little thing seems to be enough to completely remove me from her life.
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I've been reading a thread on Hogwarts on one of the big gaming forums and it's all so bizarre. A bunch of men, mostly north of 30 and into middle age banging on about what a vile, hateful person JK Rowling is, without of course ever specifying anything that she's actually said or done. Saying they can't let their kids play this game because children need protected from views like she has. What views? That only women have periods? That women should have women only spaces? It's just total misogyny and really quite creepy cult-like behaviour.
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Sometimes I feel like both sides of the gender discussion are so separated and far apart that any valid points get lost in the middle.

One of my oldest friends transitioned about 10 years ago now, it took some time to get used to new name and pronouns but she was very relaxed about mistakes and we got used to it quickly. Her family were a bit shocked but went along with it all. And now she seems so much happier and more confident, she has a boyfriend who didn't realise she was trans until she sat him down before their first date, she just lives her life and we talk about the same things and do the same stuff as before, she hasn't changed her personality, she doesn't post about it endlessly on SM, she just gets on with things. She didn't really know what her sexuality was at all until her boyfriend asked her out and she thought she'd give it a try, previous to transition she'd never really dated anyone at all.

I do find it hard that people would want her to use men's toilets, acquaintances and colleagues etc don't even know that she's transitioned as she passes very well. She's not performative in how she presents, I'd say similar to me in that sometimes she dresses up a bit and other times she'll be in comfy trousers and a hoodie!

But she started transitioning at 21, nearly 10 years ago now, and things definitely seem to have changed a lot since then. It feels like now the debate has become so heated on both sides there's no room for meeting in the middle to discuss genuinely difficult situations like what to do with teenagers. I don't think there's any easy answers at all, but I look at my friend and don't see any of what some GC people accuse trans people of being, just a person who was struggling and now isn't. I'm not saying there aren't issues in the trans community (especially online!), I just think it can be easy to assume everyone trans is like the people we see on social media!

Me and her often say that there's weirdos in any group of people you chose and it seems in the trans debate these are the people with most visibility!
I think for every person like your friend, who many people wouldn’t take issue with (but rightly could), there’s 10 anime obsessed AGPs flashing their penis from under their miniskirt
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Lia Thomas is now 🍆less

I’d heard that Brianna’s social media accounts showed an interest in “sissy” content, and I’ve also see clips of him wearing a school uniform with the most minuscule skirt. Quite disturbing to see. Of course any concern re. a teenage boy turning to this very pornified view of girlhood will be swept under the carpet now he’s a martyr for the cause.
Yes. Their content also showed sexual exhibitionism and one photo (I posted it here but it was removed) showed them with his 🍆 out in the woods while wearing a tiny skirt and fishnets. At 16. Other images and videos showed them filming in women's bathrooms in tiny skirts.

I'm sorry this 16 year has been murdered, I genuinely am, but they needed help. A lot of therapy kind of help.
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Leftie group I'm in has had multiple posts about Brianna and how trans kids need protecting. I'm not being funny but all kids need protecting, and before anyone pops up here and compares that to saying all lives matter regarding BLM, it's not the same - trans kids are not dying at a disproportionate rate in the same way Black people face institutional racism and are targeted by the police. Why is this one child more important just because they IDed as trans? It's tragic, the same level of tragic as every other child who has been brutally murdered, but it's NOT "the latest in a long line", it's NOT "down to JK and her army of TERFs" and it's certainly NOT the only recent murder of a child that deserves attention.
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The current TRA movement is narcissism on a grand scale. Co-oping Brianna Ghey's murder is a prime example and what narcissists always do - take a tragedy and make it about themselves. A child has been murdered in circumstances we don't really fully know at the moment and they're making a circus of it.
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I think the reality is that the majority of people think they way we do here on this thread and if they don't it's more than likely because they haven't really thought about it deeply enough.

I was "peaked" last year inadvertently by my hair dresser (a gay male) during pride week. We were talking about the under reporting in Irish media about such a big event. He said there had been a falling out between the LGTBQ advocacy groups and the media over things the Irish media had published about the trans community. I don't know what specifically. He also brought to my attention the high suicide rates amongst transitioned individuals...

He wasn't even a raging anti-trans person, he just knew more than me as he was closer to that community to me and made me aware of certain facts... which then encouraged me to look deeper into things.

This is why the trans community are so eager to shut down all questions and scream bigot/terf. They don't want anyone asking questions or looking too deeply because I genuinely don't think the community (as it is now) would stand up to any real investigation. Their focus on young children and vulnerable young adults and attempts to isolate them from their families gives me the hee bee gee bees. There is no non-sinister reason for that in my eyes, it's grooming simple as.
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Never posted on this thread but been lurking for the past few days.
I'm finding alot of posts very interesting and I've been trying to talk to my husband about my concerns I've had. For example trans using female changing rooms, the whole fact that our rights as women is slowing getting worse before it even got better the latest conversation we had was about a video my son sent me from tik tok of a girl recacting to the trans community calling people transphobic because they are funding a transphobe (JK) basically we don't agree he says I'm coming across transphobic because I don't like the way it's all changing and as a woman I feel violated at times. So it's good to read thos tread because he started to make me feel guilty.
Eta *people buying the Harry Potter game is funding a transphobe
Eta *people buying the Harry Potter game is funding a transphobe
Honestly just tell him you're quite happy to be transphobic if that's all it takes. I proper terfed it out in the gym reception when there was an AGP male in the ladies changing room. I flat out told the receptionist that I was a TERF and proud of it in a loud voice. The number of women that came up and thanked me when they found out it was me that put a stop to the perv coming in our changing room was heartening.
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Unfortunately it isn’t possible to tell by looking at someone whether they are one of the ‘good’ ones or not, and that’s kind of the main point. Other men, who don’t identify as women, can also be good, but we’ve no way of knowing about them, either. This is why single sex provision exists in the first place.
Someone who went through puberty as a male still has much more in terms of body strength than a woman, regardless of how they identify. To be honest, I do look a bit askance at any biological male who wants to invade womens spaces now - it shows a typically male sense of entitlement. Even those who ‘pass’ better can often still be clocked fairly easily when they walk and it’s not fair that women should have to put up with feeling uncomfortable.
Safety is a big issue when men are in our spaces - and, of course, 'not all men' etc. We should also emphasise that it is not just about safety - it is about privacy, dignity and respect for other religions/cultures - any man who is in a female single sex space is not respecting any of these things.
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