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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this thread and want to say how pleased I am that I've found it. I have very similar feelings towards this subject as all of you. But never been able to discuss/air my views in fear of being labelled transphobic etc.

I am part of a makeup group on a well known social media site and its headline includes "for biological women only". You get all sorts joining the page and coming in and creating absolute chaos by labelling all 143,000 members as transphobic because we just want a space that doesn't include men pretending to be women and taking over the group.In other makeup groups that allow non-biological "women", you can see a picture of a beautiful biological women and her make up and it will get 70-80 likes. You then get a trans posting similar and it gets over a 1,000 likes just because they are trans. And all the virtue signallers praising them and all the other shit that comes with it.

When did it become a crime that women that were born women that just want a space to discuss things with other biological women, without men being present. In todays times it has never been more apparent the treatment we get BECAUSE we are female, yet men that want to be women seem to have more rights and allowances made for them than the ones that were actually born female

Everything I've just mentioned is barely every scratching the surface, and when I spent a few hours reading this thread last night I found myself self nodding in agreement and shaking my head in disbelief at the things I was reading. It makes my blood boil that being a biological female seems to get you persecuted for wanting to BE a woman and don't want men muscling in in every area of our lives because they've decidand they want to play at being a woman.

I'm very glad I've found this thread ♥
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JKR has the money to pay the right people to defend her reputation and I see no reason why she should tolerate being called a Nazi and a bigot and a potential cause of murder, simply for recognising that biological sex exists, and telling people to eff off who come after her.

That second part really aggravates some and I am here for it. JKR drives a certain category of activist totally crazy because she is a woman who is simply too genuinely rich and successful to be cancelled. She says what most people think if they had “eff you” money. And some just can’t stand it. She’s the real deal. The vast majority of women (and men) agree with JKR in the real world, largely because she’s just saying the truth. Twitter isn’t remotely accurate as a barometer of what the actual public thinks or votes on.

As a lesbian, I am very naturally sympathetic to anyone struggling with their gender the way I did with my sense of self and sexuality, but also as a lesbian, I absolutely very much know what a woman is and won’t be gaslighted about it. Call me whatever name you like…
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Nicola Sturgeon is stepping down. Saw that coming after the backlash from the gender bill, it was clear she was losing control and hated it. I didn't think she'd step down so soon though.
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Sometimes I feel like both sides of the gender discussion are so separated and far apart that any valid points get lost in the middle.

One of my oldest friends transitioned about 10 years ago now, it took some time to get used to new name and pronouns but she was very relaxed about mistakes and we got used to it quickly. Her family were a bit shocked but went along with it all. And now she seems so much happier and more confident, she has a boyfriend who didn't realise she was trans until she sat him down before their first date, she just lives her life and we talk about the same things and do the same stuff as before, she hasn't changed her personality, she doesn't post about it endlessly on SM, she just gets on with things. She didn't really know what her sexuality was at all until her boyfriend asked her out and she thought she'd give it a try, previous to transition she'd never really dated anyone at all.

I do find it hard that people would want her to use men's toilets, acquaintances and colleagues etc don't even know that she's transitioned as she passes very well. She's not performative in how she presents, I'd say similar to me in that sometimes she dresses up a bit and other times she'll be in comfy trousers and a hoodie!

But she started transitioning at 21, nearly 10 years ago now, and things definitely seem to have changed a lot since then. It feels like now the debate has become so heated on both sides there's no room for meeting in the middle to discuss genuinely difficult situations like what to do with teenagers. I don't think there's any easy answers at all, but I look at my friend and don't see any of what some GC people accuse trans people of being, just a person who was struggling and now isn't. I'm not saying there aren't issues in the trans community (especially online!), I just think it can be easy to assume everyone trans is like the people we see on social media!

Me and her often say that there's weirdos in any group of people you chose and it seems in the trans debate these are the people with most visibility!
It's hard to believe that someone who transitioned at 21 passes at all. Most TIMs never pass and especially not when they transition after puberty. Dylan Mulvaney and Caitlin Jenner don't pass even with the benefit of surgery after surgery, stylists, professional photographers and lighting, and filters. So it's hard to believe that most people who see your friend walking down the street don't see him as a male.

A lot of trans advocates believe that "terfs" hate the very existence of trans people and that we want them all dead. That isn't true for 99% of us. Most of us couldn't begin to care less about men who want to wear a skirt and put on eyeliner and call themselves Sally. What we do care about is when people try to harm women's protections, sports, safe spaces, terminologies, and activities all in the name of pandering to people like your friend.

Where do you think your friend should be housed if he committed a crime? What if he committed a sex crime? Does the fact that he's a "normal" trans person make a difference in where he should be jailed? We know that more than 90% of TIMs keep their male genitalia so it's safe to assume that your friend has as well, so which locker room/changing room should he use at the gym? You'll probably say that he would only ever undress at home, but there are obviously a lot of TIMs who would walk around naked in a women's locker room, should women not have any privacy from those TIMs in order to validate or appease "normal" TIMs like your friend?

Which sports team should your friend play on? The women's or the men's? You'll probably say that he's not athletic and doesn't like sports, but what about the TIM's who do? Which team do you and your friend think that a TIM should play on?

I used the word woman several times in this post to refer to adult human females, should I have said bleeding person or cervix haver to satisfy TIMs like your friend? Maybe your friend thinks that's ridiculous, but does he refer to himself as a transwoman or a woman? You'll probably say that he doesn't get into all that, he just refers to himself as Jane/Allison/Lisa. That's great, but it doesn't change the fact that many TIM's do want to co-opt the word "woman" for themselves and want to force women to use objectifying and degrading language about ourselves.

Does your friend admit that he's in a homosexual relationship? Or is he one to trans the gay away and pretend that a male in a romantic relationship with another male is somehow not in a gay relationship?

I don't mean to sound like I'm attacking your friend, but the fact that he's normal doesn't really factor into anything at all. What matters is that the trans movement is causing a lot of harm to women and girls, and gender ideology is harming kids. A red carpet is being laid out for rapists, pedophiles, peeping Toms, flashers, fetishists, and misogynists and 90% or more of their victims are female. The fact that your friend would never masturbate in the women's restroom or expose himself in public doesn't have any bearing on the amount of harm coming from the trans movement.
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I know this borders on whatabouttery but there has been a lot of news coverage this week about both Brianna Ghey and Nicola Bulley. Both very sad situations.

The police released sensitive information about Nicola, who is now being painted as an alcoholic and was unable to manage going through the menopause. The speculation into her private life has been invasive and completely uncalled for. But we are used to seeing women being dragged through the mud by the media.

Brianna, meanwhile, has been held up as a saint. Vigils taking place across the UK. I don't agree with digging through social media accounts but the information is out there and they were quite evidently troubled. If you mention that perhaps Brianna lacked support and was a vulnerable teenager - nope, you're transohobic.

Notice the difference in how they have been presented in the media, despite both being women (well, we know that Brianna was trans identifying). Nicola certainly has not been treated with the dignity she deserved. But it seems fine to speculate and speak poorly of her, because she is a woman and that is how we are treated, and we just have to accept it.
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Really? A 16 year old has just been murdered and your response is to say they aren't far off from being a flasher, with no evidence to back up that statement. Says more about you than anyone else. 🤢
Actually I posted the evidence (I still have it too) and this was a very disturbed young person. Absolutely, the kind of person I don't want around my own 17 year old daughter. Red flags everywhere. Why should women and girls be paying the price for people with issues like this? No.

There were 3 other 15/16 year old murdered by knife crime in the UK last weekend, where is the vigils for them?

If TRA's don't like my resentment, then they shouldn't have bred it.
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I'm so fucking tired. I feel like I've slipped into a parallel universe where nothing makes any sense and wanting to protect women is a disciplinary or police matter.
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Fucking fuck offffff. Now being GC means facism is my fault? If she was so miserable at school why didn’t her parents take her out, love her to another school, homeschool her? I got bullied horrifically at school, physically and verbally assaulted, no one gave a flying fuck. I am so sad that teenagers are being stabbed and they died, but the TRA’s are absolutely wetting themselves that they can attack TERFS. Also, why is having concerns about safety for women and girls suddenly mean we are promoting and encouraging violence against trans people?!

I wish the media and people cared so fucking much for the THOUSANDS of women murdered and raped each year.

View attachment 1958507
I've been away from the GD threads as I had a lot going on IRL. This post caught my eye and I wanted to share my thoughts on it. A very good friend of mine shared this on her socials and it annoyed me. I didn't say anything to her because she doesn't know I'm a TERF :rolleyes: and I also don't have the inner strength to argue or fight people in general. It took so much for me to stay quiet because I'm so tired of this shit. I'm tired of these idiotic people gaslighting everybody, of it being in our workplaces, of being lumped with the Far Right if you don't agree with them, forcing everyone to be on edge because of their own issues and not caring where this will lead everyone. It is stupid to lay the murder of Brianna alongside with what migrants and Black people experience. The TRAs do this time and time again. They will stand on the shoulders of marginalised groups, hijack their narratives and their histories, and use it for themselves like parasites. They don't care what being a woman entails in different countries and communities. This type of "activism" is plastic and performative. I'm so tired of this shit, how easily it takes hold of people and without question. Earlier I felt so helpless and angry that I just cried. Here we have deeply troubled people destroying their societies for the sake of it because they want to cosplay womanhood, while there are women fighting for the right to go to school, to not be mutilated, to dance and sing in public without fear of arrest and/or murder
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Scotch Mist

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"A teenager has died, in utterly horrific circumstances, and trans activists’ first thought is to use it to settle scores on Twitter and to reheat their unreasonable demands. This is ghoulish behaviour, and they should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves."
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If it’s so triggering maybe she ought to fuck off and wait for a non binary role to come along. As a woman, I find it outrageous and offensive that they have cast someone non binary to portray a young adult female. Same goes for Emma Corrin and Emma D’Arcy (who went to an awards ceremony as ‘a little bit trans’ because she wore a skirt over a pair of trousers).

Honestly, I do actually wish they’d all piss off or STFU. Bunch of attention seeking, narcissistic (non gendered) wankers, the lot of them.
I don’t think the NB fad will last much longer. There’s lots of pushback on TikTok and last year my partner, who taught PSHE to teens across her school, said that the kids were starting to roll their eyes every time she was forced to discuss it. Some even said it was attention seeking. Once the kids decide something is naff, it soon dies.

However, her school obviously had a whole school ethos that didn’t encourage pandering to the ideology. All their policies used sex not gender in them, she was deputy head and a massive terf! Also they had 5 trans identified pupils who relocated from other schools in S London because of bullying, and they explained to the parents that a separate changing room was provided as kids changed according to sex at their school. The parents seemed relieved at this. They said they would use preferred pronouns but would be teaching that sex was immutable. Within18 months all 5 of them started identifying back into their actual sex. They had been welcomed in the school by the other kids, not bullied, and had made friends and the fad just seemed to take its course. Sadly so many of the schools seem to be stonewall champions and lack good leadership.
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Nope. She chooses to put her thoughts out on Twitter, knowing the blowback she's going to get.

I should add that I don't think it's right people send abuse to anyone, but pretty much every single celebrity on Twitter who gives an opinion about anything will get that kind of treatment. It's not right, but she's not unique in that regard and I don't see people decrying the abuse other celebrities receive and making them out to be victims on the same scale.

I mean, Tattle exists because of famous people/influencers who take to social media but also complain that they don't always get 100% positive feedback when they do. I'm not saying anything that isn't said all over this site every day.

Maybe I sound harsh but I can't get upset over rich celebrities getting trolled on Twitter. Especially when she can make it so only those she follows can reply to her tweets and can switch off DMs to those she doesn't follow, etc.
Loosely translated as 'shut up, woman'.
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Unfortunately it isn’t possible to tell by looking at someone whether they are one of the ‘good’ ones or not, and that’s kind of the main point. Other men, who don’t identify as women, can also be good, but we’ve no way of knowing about them, either. This is why single sex provision exists in the first place.
Someone who went through puberty as a male still has much more in terms of body strength than a woman, regardless of how they identify. To be honest, I do look a bit askance at any biological male who wants to invade womens spaces now - it shows a typically male sense of entitlement. Even those who ‘pass’ better can often still be clocked fairly easily when they walk and it’s not fair that women should have to put up with feeling uncomfortable.
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I absolutely think JKR should take whatever action she feels like against the TRAs who try to threaten, defame and dox her. Women are always being told to shut up and put up. She has the means to stand up for herself and I 100% support that. Otherwise these clowns will just continue to abuse and accost her. People should be accountable for the disgusting things they say online. And that goes for both sides of the argument.
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I was on another thread (SH) and I said "It is not transphobic to say, as a woman, that you don't want dicks in your changing room" and a mod deleted it. But she let it stand that other people called the person who originally said what I repeated transphobic. Why is that ok?
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Oh dear, it would appear someone received a letter from JKR's lawyers. Enjoy the humble pie, JJ.


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I'm 35 (for reference lol)
I was just thinking earlier today, how as a kid although I liked so many "girly" things, I also liked a lot "boy" things. My Mum let me have, and enjoy all of those things.
Then as a teenager, I was stereotypically a teenage girl, but I struggled with that sometimes. I also had anorexia.
Then in my very late teens/early 20s I vividly remember thinking I'd be happier if I was a man. That played on my mind a lot, and then as time passed, it didn't.
I think it came from hating the way girls/women are treated by boys/men. And not wanting to be assaulted, harassed or judged like that any more. But I was always a girl/women, I just struggled with how the world treats us.
The reason I'm commenting this, is, if I was a teenager/early 20s now I probably would have fallen for this recent trans cultism, and thought I should be a he. Even though that wasn't the answer to what my problems was.
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I think people are leaping on the Brianna Ghey murder as for them this is FINALLY a high profile murder of a trans person which proves the LITERAL VIOLENCE which puts trans people in danger every day. Even though as already said in this thread, the number of trans murders compared to women murdered by men is vanishingly low. I've also seen on social media that there was possibly an argument over money leading to the stabbing? Who knows. My thoughts go out to Brianna's parents but I don't think this is the 'George Floyd' moment the trans army have been waiting for.
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So I downloaded a sample of the book on my kindle to see what it was like. There was the typical girl doesn’t want to wear makeup/shave legs/wear a skirt/listens to rock or grunge/not into girly things etc so then I read up on the author, and it turns out Lewis came out as a lesbian before coming out as trans. It seems to be a trend that young people struggling with sexuality or gender rules think they are in the wrong body.

It does make me wonder if, when I was young and read this, would I heave went down the trans route? I was very gender non-conforming when young, I was uncomfortable with my body growing up because attention from boys and men made me uncomfortable, even now I prefer buying t-shirts and shirt from the men’s section because they aren’t figure hugging. Looking back, it’s not that I wanted to be a boy, it’s that I fancied girls and the way I wanted to look emulated boys. I’m very much a woman, and I suppose I would class myself as a ‘soft butch’.

I wish kids would be taught that they don’t have to change their body so drastically just because they don’t ‘fit the rules’ of gender for whatever sex they’re born.
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