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Loosely translated as 'I've got little counter argument'.


But JKR is fighting the good fight for the idiocy and evil that is gender ideology. She should be posting publicly to as many people as possible and on the one hand you say no one should be sending death threats and on the other that she should put all her settings on private? No fucking way, she is a heroine and if you don't like it then YOU don't have to read it either - it works both ways.

TRA's are, in the majority, mentally unhinged. If we say that if a man wakes up and feels like a woman then he is a woman this means that women do not exist by definition as womanhood is simply a feeling. JKR is fighting against this and for me, and millions of others, she is invaluable.
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I must say, I think that people who take one look at the goblins in Harry Potter and think "Jews!!" maybe need to realise they might have an issue with Jewish people...
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Scotch Mist

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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this thread and want to say how pleased I am that I've found it. I have very similar feelings towards this subject as all of you. But never been able to discuss/air my views in fear of being labelled transphobic etc.

I am part of a makeup group on a well known social media site and its headline includes "for biological women only". You get all sorts joining the page and coming in and creating absolute chaos by labelling all 143,000 members as transphobic because we just want a space that doesn't include men pretending to be women and taking over the group.In other makeup groups that allow non-biological "women", you can see a picture of a beautiful biological women and her make up and it will get 70-80 likes. You then get a trans posting similar and it gets over a 1,000 likes just because they are trans. And all the virtue signallers praising them and all the other shit that comes with it.

When did it become a crime that women that were born women that just want a space to discuss things with other biological women, without men being present. In todays times it has never been more apparent the treatment we get BECAUSE we are female, yet men that want to be women seem to have more rights and allowances made for them than the ones that were actually born female

Everything I've just mentioned is barely every scratching the surface, and when I spent a few hours reading this thread last night I found myself self nodding in agreement and shaking my head in disbelief at the things I was reading. It makes my blood boil that being a biological female seems to get you persecuted for wanting to BE a woman and don't want men muscling in in every area of our lives because they've decidand they want to play at being a woman.

I'm very glad I've found this thread ♥
Welcome to the thread. This is the only forum I've found where we can express gender critical views. Most people have no problem with how someone wants to dress or live their lives, that's their business. What we do object to is compelled speech (having to use preferred pronouns etc) and being forced to believe something we know is untrue. It's the gaslighting that we are constantly exposed to that is irritating many of us.

As far as I'm concerned a man can wear a dress if he wants to, but he can't compel me to believe that makes him a woman. Thankfully more and more people are waking up to this nonsense.
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Sorry to go back to Sam Smith but I just saw another (trash) article about Alex Jones misgendering Sam by saying fisherman and it just made me think…what a master stroke of genius by him to claim a NB identify because of the constant attention and word count it gives him. If it’s not Alex Jones it’s Richard Madely ‘misgendering’ him. There will always be someone misgendering him because he is a man and this is what the world sees, regardless of how he dresses. His identity is not top of anyone’s list as people as trying to live their own lives. Your own identity is for you and you alone. If you are expecting the whole world to change you’ll be constantly disappointed cause - news flash- the world does not revolve around you. I’m not saying all NB people think this way but it seems like many do and I find it so bizarre and unreasonable.

I saw that young actress in the last of us, Bella someone, is saying she’s NB and doesn’t like being referred to as a powerful young woman. What a sad state of affairs that you have that level of misogyny in you at 19 years of age. And talking in interviews about wearing a binder. It’s honestly horrifying to me. I remember reading about Chinese women binding their feet so they stayed small and thinking how barbaric and sad that was. All to fit an ideal. It seems like we haven’t progressed any further. I thought we were supposed to love ourselves as we are? That’s what I teach my kid anyway. I say you only have one body, treat it well and look after it.
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I had an email from someone at work this week bottom of their signature 'he/him'. I don't give a shit about your gender. Just do your job and answer my question.

A male in the gym class yesterday (there were several this isn't a problem). Bright pink tracksuit, cream headband, lovely pink hair though. Picked up the lightest weights and then was doing a Meghan Markle style dying swan arms out curtsey like a fairy while the rest of us were just exercising (squats). Rolled my eyes so hard I saw the inside of my skull. We could all see them in the mirror in front of us. Not one other person was flapping around like a wounded duck.

Their view of woman is so warped from normality.
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That's so fucking warped. How does anyone think this is okay!???
It’s so far from ok. Yet it’s championed in broad daylight. Girls are done for 😣

The ‘my imaginary willy’ is beyond disturbing. What girl actually thinks this?? Is this gender dysphoria? If it is then this is surely evidence of how it is a mental illness, much as they’d like to say it isn’t. How can it not be??
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The problem is society is being sold the story that transgenders are in danger and that's why the empathy is there to allow them "kindly" into female spaces.

It's always women's spaces. Protect the transgender woman by giving them women's spaces. Protect the trans gender man (a lesser threat) but still give them the fluidity to choose to access women's spaces if they feel nervous, whilst still slagging us women off.

When do women get the right to feeling safe without making adjustments in what should be their safe spaces?
Absolutely this. As other posters have pointed out, numerous times, this is a male problem.
If men like pretending to be women, but they're worried that they'll get the s**t kicked out of them if they go into the gents toilet whilst dressed as Baby Spice, then why aren't they asking men to "be kind"? Why aren't men being told that they have to accept trans women in their male spaces and that violence isn't acceptable against these individuals? Why can't a man swim in a men's team whilst wearing a woman's swimsuit? Why can't a male cyclist call himself Emily, wear his hair in pigtails and compete in a men's race?
Why should it be our problem?
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Imagine a former anorexia sufferer writing a children’s book with a labelled picture like: ‘disgusting fat thighs’, ‘saggy fat boob lumps’ and ‘gross doughy tummy’ etc. I can’t even think of equivalent comparisons. It wouldn’t be published to start with.
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Nicola Sturgeon is stepping down. Saw that coming after the backlash from the gender bill, it was clear she was losing control and hated it. I didn't think she'd step down so soon though.
YES! she's a danger to women but she did peak a lot of people on the way out.
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I find this kind of stuff a bit sinister because you know he doesn't believe one word of that, JK might as well stick her hand up his backside and make his mouth move. 😂

Why not just report him to Twitter and get his tweets removed like everyone else? I dunno, a billionaire sending threatening legal letters because she got annoyed by a few daft tweets looks a bit petty.
This isn't the first time you've held JK to a higher standard than the people literally threatening her and comparing her with Nazis.

How about people just not tweet horrible and untrue things about her? Surely that's actually the petty shit you should be calling out.
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Kids killing kids. No feminists want this. We want more diversity and acceptance within the sex classes so a boy can be ‘feminine’ without feeling he can only enjoy the things he likes by pretending to be a girl. More gender non conformity as standard, more boys with long hair, girls with short hair. Less homophobia and less bullying.
Tragic this family has lost their child, same as all the other knife murders of young people. Willoughby has lost the plot. It might be a hate crime, but GC feminists did not influence the murderer.
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Wtf!!! Noone is barring anyone from getting to the countryside. They'll claim they are being denied everything 😂
To be fair, it IS very difficult to climb over a stile, or wade through a muddy puddle whilst wearing 5 inch heels and a tight skirt #thestruggleisreal 🙄

I posted a similar moan several threads back. My local FB page has set up a popular men's walking group, it was aimed at guys who may be having some MH issues, especially during/after lockdown. It's been well attended and seems to be doing exactly what it says on the tin.
A separate walking group was set up for "women and anyone who identifies as non-binary" essentially anyone. Of course, we can't exclude TiM's, because we might hurt someone's feelings. But we can't walk and talk about our MH issues in a safe space, because we're not allowed to have one. 😬
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Scotch Mist

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I found this on the Internet and have copied and pasted because as it's well stated. Trans is like a religious experience for some of these people, rather like someone finding God and then feeling compelled to tell everyone about it to try and bring them into into the fold.

"Nobody cares that you’re trans until you start trying to make them care. Are you wandering into female spaces while looking and acting like an obvious male? Are you taking selfies in female lavatories to show off to people online what a woman you are? Do you try to make every conversation and interaction about you and your gender? Do you expect or even demand preferential treatment? Do you dress and/or act in a very provocative or attention-drawing way?

And above all, don’t make the mistake that people in this discussion all seem to make which is to assume that your gender and problems are everybody else’s primary concern, or that they are obliged to help you out in some way. Nobody cares, and nobody owes you anything, nor are they obliged to inconvenience themselves in the slightest for your benefit. Sounds harsh, but that’s reality.

I’m afraid that so, so often these claims of “I’m trans, I’m not safe, I’m persecuted” actually translate to “I’m a raging narcissistic fantasist who isn’t getting my own way.”


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Actually I posted the evidence (I still have it too) and this was a very disturbed young person. Absolutely, the kind of person I don't want around my own 17 year old daughter. Red flags everywhere. Why should women and girls be paying the price for people with issues like this? No.
I’d heard that Brianna’s social media accounts showed an interest in “sissy” content, and I’ve also see clips of him wearing a school uniform with the most minuscule skirt. Quite disturbing to see. Of course any concern re. a teenage boy turning to this very pornified view of girlhood will be swept under the carpet now he’s a martyr for the cause.
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What peaked a male friend of mine is when I educated him with this very possible hypothesis "if your daughter is in a changing room and there is a boy or man present in that room who can undress or see your daughter undress because he identifies as a female, is that OK?
Is it better to keep him safe or your daughter? Would you allow a man/boy in your bathroom changing clothes alongside your daughter changing clothes?".

Thought process changed, job done.
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I've been reading a thread on Hogwarts on one of the big gaming forums and it's all so bizarre. A bunch of men, mostly north of 30 and into middle age banging on about what a vile, hateful person JK Rowling is, without of course ever specifying anything that she's actually said or done. Saying they can't let their kids play this game because children need protected from views like she has. What views? That only women have periods? That women should have women only spaces? It's just total misogyny and really quite creepy cult-like behaviour.
Not sure if it's the same place, but there's a UK based video games forum I've been reading for nearly 20 years that is exactly like this. So many comments about how hateful and awful JK is from middle aged men (like me, heh). Any questioning is accused of being in bad faith, or responded to with links to three hour videos highlighting the 'insinuation' and 'dog whistles' in what JK has said. The one woman I know who posted in the Hogwarts Legacy thread had to grovellingly apologise in advance for playing it and say that they understood if anyone wanted to de-friend them.

Obviously me feeling so out of step with a community I have been part of for a long time is a non-issue compared to women actually impacted by what's being pushed under the guise of trans rights, but I'm just flabbergasted at how genuine concern women's rights is instantly dismissed as transphobic/bigoted/nazi-ish. I'm glad this thread exists to help me feel like I'm not going mad!
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