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So they went away for a pre birthday treat to Longleat....and she filmed the entire thing! What part of that was special when she's got her phone out filming herself the entire time for content!
Getting showered & it.
Going on a tour round the it.
Going to it
Opening it
Toasting it
Watching the it.
Going to it.
I'm surprised she didn't film them shagging! 🤢
They literally have no conversation or chemistry without "Noey". What a sad relationship! And this before they even get married?!
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View attachment 2206248
This is the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen! What child wants brown balloons?? Jesus, just let him have some colourful, tacky balloons even if it doesn’t fit your aesthetic.
To match his beige banner and cake for the photoshoot they did. Poor boy doesn’t even get to experience colourful sprinkles or icing on a cake ffs. She needs to lighten up and have some fun and let go of everything needing to be beige and aesthetic especially when it comes to Noah.


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She looks dead. Dull skin, no sparkle in her eyes, miserable
She looks so so so unhappy. Her stories this whole holiday have been really strange - it’s like she’s seen all of the content influencers usually create whilst on holiday and tried to do the same, but the whole feel of her holiday is so miserable and lifeless. Where are the photos and videos with genuine smiles, laughter, Noah being excited to go into the pool, Noah excitedly banging his highchair tray in the evenings, Gemma with a cocktail or even cuddling her baby in a way that isn’t just to look cute for Instagram? Instead it’s weirdly set up videos on a timer or posed photos trying to portray a type of holiday that we all know just isn’t possible with a toddler.

I just can’t put my finger on it but her whole life seems fake and all for Instagram. Recently her content misses the mark so badly - people don’t want to see perfectly filtered images and clearly arranged flat lay photos of your bag and suncream anymore - where is the real life?!

Influencers like Lucy Carter, Kristy Green, Hattie Bourne etc at least show real life and their children being children instead of just posting a world of beige.
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The way she forced herself to have her hair down in the mini insta vlog and looked uncomfortable the whole time after it was mentioned here just a few days ago that she never has her hair down/is ripping her hairline back.. Gem, love, wait a few weeks at least so it’s not that obvious you read here.

Also, I don’t know if it’s just me but she does not appear to have a single maternal bone in her body when interacting with Noah.
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How os he hitting his head more than the average child though? My house is 90% hard floor and I never had a problem with my kids hitting their head to the point where I thought I needed to buy a helmet for them. Unless he's intentionally banging his head off the floor in anger or something. If he's just causing around then her house is no more a hazard than anyone else's. I genuinely think she believes people will say what a great idea it is. I can't get my head round it.
It’s the weirdest thing ever and the fact she’s AFF linked it is even more f*cked up

I have known kids intentionally bang their head eg my little girl did it when tantruming during a phase and it passed quickly thank god but she was like I dunno, 18 months old!? Not a little baby! And no where near often enough to justify a helmet 😂

That poor boy Being shown to the world like that against his will, so cringe for him when he’s older to know that not only did his mother embarrass him online to hundreds of thousands of people, she made some cash off it as well. Gross
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Gemma trying out from her comfort zone
Completely ripped off Elle’s outfit, it astonishes me how she will copy that women with no shame and make it so obvious that she is doing so. Personally I think it is quite creepy and weird like if I was Darby I would probably want some form of restraining order as she copies literally everything down to her pictures, outfits, locations, house, aspirations, conceiving a child etc 😂


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Everyone should home educate to be fair...... Keep kids out of these gov run indoctrination camps ffs
The way things are going and the things being discussed. Like all the gender nonsense etc.. if I was having kids right now I'd be scared. My 10 year old son came home yesterday and told me and his dad that a girl in his class is attracted to ALL genders. He told her there is only 2 and she was arguing with him! Bloody ridiculous. Kids shouldn't be thinking about that kind of stuff anyway! Not blaming the school for that one coz it's obviously social media but some schools are teaching stuff like that. I have no problem with people being gay but I don't like how it's being discussed in schools. Just let the kids be kids. Sorry to derail the thread😂
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She's now having a sort out of Noah's clothes he's grown out of. Asking does anyone know where they could be donated? Try Google Gemma and look for places local to you, dead easy really. Oh no, we wouldn't know you'd done it then.
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Did anyone notice how many times she spoke about her childhood? Matilda, Mrs Doubtfire, Noah’s tent, the Easter bonnets, those little yellow Easter chicks… I’m starting to wonder whether she’s trying to relive her own childhood through Noah? She wants him to grow out of the baby stage so she can play with toys and do more activities that SHE wants to do.

Also she blatantly didn’t like the matcha but pretended she did 😂 and it annoyed me how she scooped a spoon of chocolate mousse and put the teeniest amount in her mouth 🤦🏻‍♀️ (That might just be a pet hate of mine though)
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Has she edited/airbrushed the photo of Noah? I’d never dream of doing it with my daughter even if it is just smoothing her skin and brightening her eyes. He’s a baby and you’re already editing his face😭😭
I thought the same when I saw it to be honest that she might have done. It looks like a filter she uses on herself which makes the nose pointier and like it has highlighter on the end?! I think she forgets that the reason people started following her was because of HER, the old her anyway, not Jamie or a child that shouldn’t be shared to thousands of strangers. When she puts reels of him in the bath and stuff I just don’t get why any parent would EVER do that!?

I don’t think I can take much more of her. I already unsubscribed from her YouTube. Everything she does now is either dull or fake & calculated for content and I have no interest in kids being paraded for cash. It’s all a bit sick for my taste. The poor baby isn’t even safe in his own environment from having a camera shoved at him and then shown online. Jamie put a photo with a comment like we’re patiently waiting for him to hurry up and take his first steps… why?! So you can film it for god knows who?! And get him to sell walkers and shoes? Get a proper job and stop relying on a baby to bring in cash for likes 🤮
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The filter she uses on her ig story ads make her look like she’s fucking dead. How do brands think that’s a good look for promoting their skincare? Oh yes, buy this to look as dead as Gemma!

Flabbergasted that her weekly work contribution is a cleaning video? That’s it? One video a week is enough work to live a life of luxury? Fucking hell. She has so much time, she could pump content out and actually become way more successful. She missed out so badly when Elle Darby was cancelled, if only she had an ounce of passion for her work, she could’ve been the top influencer for the UK beige girls club.
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Jamie not remembering to put a nappy on his kid for overnight. I feel like he did that on purpose because how can you forget. The freak.
Weaponised incompetence - now she can't stay anywhere overnight without Noah as Jamie "can't be trusted". Another sly way to keep her isolated.
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Chatty Member
Gemma would never shelter Noah from the internet, he brings in too much money. It’s disgusting that we’ve seen his face, know his name, where he lives, exact date of birth. We shouldn’t know anything about her baby.
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Don’t give her ideas! Everything she’s been doing in the past couple of weeks was things that have been mentioned here! She would never even think by herself to give to someone less fortunate. Can just imagine her “I’m so humble, cozy come along to donate with me” video. A la Elle Darby when she was posing with random people to prove she was no longer a bigot 🤮

Like mentioned above she gets so much food for free from hello fresh and then does things like M&S food & grocery hauls on top. So much must get wasted as it’s not possible they eat it all between 2 adults. She could donate so much of it
It’s sickening the greed. Always make a mental
note of the brands who gift to bottom feeders like Gemma and Elle so that I don’t purchase from them
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I would like to put it out to the group that I refuse to believe ANYONE does their skincare routine with 22inch curls cascading around their face ? Unless it’s a fake portrayal for Instagram

surely any sane person scrapes every possible bit of hair up away from their face?! Please confirm this for me
I hate doing anything with my hair in my face. Mine is the same length as Gemma's and would never have it out for skincare (it's up and wear a headband) also people that clean or exercise with their hair down! How!?
Same with her bloody long sleeves when baking. Drives me insane lol.
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