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Vegan for the Animals

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There’s been a few vlogs recently where Fat Fuck Priscilla has mentioned eating or making salad. Does she think that it makes her seem healthy? I bet Stinky Pinky and a lot of her Slimelife ‘buddies’ eat virtually nothing but lettuce leaves and she wants to be the same as the anorexic in-crowd. Shame she has to spoil a good salad by adding all kinds of fatty shite to it and then making it into a sandwich. If she keeps eating all those huge portions, fried foods, cream, cheese, etc…by this time next year, she won’t be able to use a scooter to zoom around. She’ll be bedbound. She can hardly walk now, certainly not for any length of time and instead of trying to reduce her weight, she uses a scooter and gets even less exercise! She can swim a lap in the pool for the vlog, but she needs to be doing at least twenty laps every day and we all know that’s not happening. Losing weight is difficult, but she has a pelethon and a pool, which most people don’t have. She lives in an area where she can walk around, but doesn’t unless their filming. She could walk the dogs, but doesn’t. She had surgery and failed. It’s hard to feel any sympathy for her because she has opportunities that many others don’t, not to mention she just isn’t likeable. She’s immature, selfish, lazy and delusional that she’s living her best life. Her ‘best life’ will be over soon if she continues the way she’s going and Asswipe’s not going to be far behind her.
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Drugged going to an appointment the other day and now drugged going to a restaurant. I wonder if they ever consider the long term effect all these drugs might have on her. I’m not anti drug. I understand drugs can help people, but Abbie is already on several drugs and they give her extra doses when they want her zonked out and compliant. I take a drug that can cause osteoporosis, but it’s necessary that I take it so that outweighs the risk. However, they’re giving her extra medicine just because they want her to be quiet and not make a scene. What health issues might that lead to in the future? They think of themselves always.
The worse one, to me, was when Isaiah had college "friends" down for the weekend. They had Abbie so sedated she was barely mobile. The ENTIRE weekend.... it was hard to watch.

No one should get drugged to make shit easier. Medication is there to help the patient not the people around them. If they need sedation or mood altering substances it should be because it helps THEM and ease pain/anxiety, prevent harm, allow rest
etc. NOT because it makes it more convenient for someone else. Bet P was the type of mom to give cold medicine and benadryl to make small kids/babies sleepy so she doesn't have to deal with them.

They do nothing to actually help Abbie. They want quick fixes. And it isn't even quick fixes for Abbie. It is quick fixes for them. The fact that their ability to go eat food, and drink, at a restaurant is so important that they would rather drug Ab, force meltdowns, than compromise or go without.
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Where I live it's all legal. Psychadelics are too, and I love it.
New video
Stop lying, Asa. Abbie can't comb her damn hair. Abbie does the same motions she has done for years and no progress has been made. Abbie can't untagle the tangles in her hair,,,, PERIOD!!!
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The worse one, to me, was when Isaiah had college "friends" down for the weekend. They had Abbie so sedated she was barely mobile. The ENTIRE weekend.... it was hard to watch.

No one should get drugged to make shit easier. Medication is there to help the patient not the people around them. If they need sedation or mood altering substances it should be because it helps THEM and ease pain/anxiety, prevent harm, allow rest
etc. NOT because it makes it more convenient for someone else. Bet P was the type of mom to give cold medicine and benadryl to make small kids/babies sleepy so she doesn't have to deal with them.

They do nothing to actually help Abbie. They want quick fixes. And it isn't even quick fixes for Abbie. It is quick fixes for them. The fact that their ability to go eat food, and drink, at a restaurant is so important that they would rather drug Ab, force meltdowns, than compromise or go without.
I think about all the parents that strive to NOT have to give their kids meds if at all possible. Parents that put their wants and needs on the back burner in order for their children to be happy, healthy and safe.
I have no clue how long the effects of Hydoxyzine last, but I am willing to bet that shit lasts a lot longer than the 30-45 minutes those assholes spent in the restaurant. They like to throw out things like OCD…compulsion. The only ones I see being driven by compulsion are their asses and the need to feed anywhere but at home. I just cannot imagine drugging my child so I could go f’ing eat at Cava. SMH.
And another thing..😂
From my POV it looks like The Maassives would rather spend their time in the pool, monitoring comments and hate messages…making low budget Slime commercials…as opposed to getting the F out and preparing a meal….knowing damn well they would be heading to Target later. Abbie loves lentils. Make her some. If they need take out chow..Hello drive thru…they are certainly no stranger to that modern luxury.
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I can't imagine leaving the entire daily care of someone like Abbie or my son to an inexperienced teenager. He'd run all over them because he simply could. He is A LOT. Every need/want has to be attended to. He wouldn't enjoy being with a ton of other people and would be a huge flight risk. Even the agencies we have worked through for his aides don't just stick him with anyone. That set up might be okay with others, but it wouldn't be for him. As much as I would love for him to attend things like that, I'd literally be stressed out from worrying about him and his safety.
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I wouldn’t be caught dead on one of those scooters! First of all, they are somewhat dangerous, especially the way the ride them, weaving in and out of traffic, riding on the shoulder, etc. NO WAY! Secondly, they look ridiculous and I have limits, haha, and wearing a crop top? That’s a hard NO! Why not walk the lovely streets of the town…what can you see zooming around on a scooter?
Don't you know other people in Key West have taken secret photos and videos of the giant lady in a two piece and a helmet perched on her giant noggin slugging around on a scooter?? What I wouldn't give for one of those secret videos showing up on TikTok!
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Awe! Poor Atha. Stomp your furry feet a few more times and maybe your beastly mate won’t be a big, obese, laughingstock target on the internet. Go ahead…stomp…We’ll wait. 😂 Conch fritters anyone?
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I vote "no" because he's the type of prick that will double down when wrong.

Thanketh for the new thread and poll sister <3
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Mr. Loud and Proud put his balls back in Pig’s travel purse. Puss Puss deleted the comments. 😂 But I didn’t…..
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Comment to P from a humper.

View attachment 2319702

Dear Lord, hear my prayer.
Allow them to be open to this suggestion.
Guide their abundant arses to the beach, replete with snorkels and fins.
And may one of your angels catch it all on video for us.
In Jesus name, amen.
Dear Lord, pleeeeaaaassseee? Pretty please? Amen

And her comment that it got hotter eight hours south…. You don’t say, Piggy? Who knew that weather works that way… (Everybody except you. And we didn’t have to drive to Key West to find out.)

Thank you for the understanding and comfort. We miss him. I loved his paws. My husband taught him to raise a front paw when asked “who’s awesome?” Even as a very old dog, he’d lift a paw off the ground. The car feels like empty and I almost miss his toxic farts


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New video

What I learned
They suck as pet owners
Apparently her "guests" don't get the bougey olive oil and fig balsamic
Of course they ate and ran. There's NO FUCKING PLACE TO SIT
Wide load and Candypoo can barely walk .. what scares me is they are driving I'm assuming. I can only imagine the reaction time in an emergency
That chair is not long for this world unless it's heavily reinforced
Does Summer have a life
And DoucheBoy is well a huge douche
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Well, the road trip is underway and P posted a story.
Guess where they are, and shes SO excited because they can take their time since Abbie isnt with them?
A museum? A show? Landmark?
Goddamn Buc-ces.
🤣 🐽🐽🤣
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You know what I find ironic? Asshat getting emotional about Abby getting some of her rights taken away bc of guardianship. Yet he didn’t give a shit about her rights a few years ago when he claimed “children don’t have rights” and basically said she was his property
Exactly! She also should have the right to not have her parents exploiting her and putting every detail of her life out on the internet for their financial gain. Ever think about that Asa?? You took her “rights” away once you picked up that camera.
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By "mean messages " she means "true" messages that "call them on their bullshit."

Like was said she just wants the ego stroke. It's damn near a fetish.

Then ends it, after getting post engagement, with do you want confidence too? Ready to level up with me?

She is the one of the most transparent, self serving, disingenuous people. It's sad too because it means all the people she scams are vulnerable, lonely, gullible, and desperate. Only people who would fall for her obvious bullshit.
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So at the end she asks Abbie if she wants ketchup and Abbie nods yes. P says "you do" you're not really a ketchup kid. Then why did you ask her that in the first place????????
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Priscilla's parting shot after Abbie unmade her bed, dripping with resentment: "It's your room."

If that's the case why is the vanity in there taking up a bunch of space? Since it's her room why doesn't she have things she actually enjoys in there?
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Fa 163 suggestion
A jet ski build for 3 could barely hold Piggy"s knee. She gonna bust the stage in DC.
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If shes so confident why is she wearing a long sleeved shirt in 100 degree heat?!
Why does she have it buttoned under her boobs?
How can Asa not be mortified to be seen with her? Seriously.
This is just so, so bad! 🤣 🤣
I have some catching up to do here. Man Meow and I have been working on my washing machine. Man Meow has been this close to needing his jaw fixed too, so…vodka.
I agree 1000% with your take on how Atha must feel…being mortified.
Consider for a second if the gender roles were reversed.
Say Moobs weighed 400 lbs, was wearing a tank top that was 5 times too small. Belly hanging all out. IN PUBLIC. Riding his scooter. Nestled up to a table mangling a trough of something. How would Pig feel? Would she praise him for his confidence? Celebrate his “body positivity” with gunt pics all over social media?
I think not.
She would be mortified. Atha is no prize, that goes without saying, but FFS…Pig should have some decency for the sake of her partner….and her kids.
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I'm anxiously awaiting P's inevitable crash in a few weeks.
She will only be home from the Keys for a few days, maybe a week, before she jets off to DC with the hons.
More drinking and eating and outfit changes.
And then?
Back home with Abbie.
Back to the honking and yelling and mess and home school.
Shes going to be a bitch. :LOL: :LOL:
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