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Her heart is full, and so isn't the padding she stuffs in her bra, she's also full of shite, and full of stoopidness. Anyone care to add to this list?
Her heart is full of one thing.... Crisco.
View attachment 2308372
She receives mean messages, tries to say the BIGGEST thing she has gained is confidenceā€¦and then turns it into some bullshit sisterhood sales pitch. What a fucking moron.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
She was ugly in 2018. Even uglier now. Biggest thing she has gained is about 109 lbs and 73 extra melanoma spots.
If PMFM was so unbothered by mean comments she wouldn't need to run to FB for an ego stroke.
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And another thing.
Why do they only buy Abbie new clothing when its time to go to camp?
Its CAMP, not a fashion show.
How about sending her to camp in the raggedy ass shit we see her in everyday, and save the new clothing for home?

Big P: pointing to the flower sheets repeatedly while they both ask her to pick one.
Abbie: of course reached for the flowered ones they were pointing to.
Asa: "Oh the flowered ones?"
Humper translation: "OMG Abbies such a girly girl Princess choosing her own flowered sheets!! "
Gag me. :sick: :sick:
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@Nattyduke I saw mentioned me in the last thread, so just wanted to say thank you for checking on me

So yeah, been sick for the past 3-4 weeks. Last thing I wanted to do was watching FA while I was feeling the way I was. Got a little behind on school, but even with absences still got an A on anatomy. This is the final week of this term. So even if I have to retake my communication class, (literally due to me not completing assignments) I still got Anatomy down.

So Iā€™m several weeks behind on FA. Any thing crazy ? How are their view numbers?

Much love to yā€™all! Got a lot of homework to catch up on but Iā€™ll try to drop back in later
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Abbie looks depressed AF
Safe to say: Abbie was not a happy camper at Camp Touchy Feely. Shame. And Pig says itā€™s her favorite place to be in the world. Translation; itā€™s Pigā€™s favorite place in the world to dump her.
And I agree about her poor buddy. Abbie didnā€™t seem to want to join in any reindeer games group activities, probably didnā€™t want to get in the pool unless forced (which I doubt they forced her), probably didnā€™t want to hike. Pretty isolating for the young buddy to have to sit with Abbie all day while she rocks, honks, eats, or does the spider hand thing. Iā€™ll bet the buddy doesnā€™t get much sleep either. Hopefully they have a few buddies for Abbie to switch off and give each other breaks. Makes me tired just to think of having to babysit and toilet Abbie all day by yourself in the Florida heat.
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Vegan for the Animals

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Itā€™s super hot and not only is she wearing the most hideous outfit ever, but itā€™s black and the top has long sleeves! Really summery! And those trousers make her legs look even fatter and shorter. She hasnā€™t a clue about fashion.
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My 14 year olds just got back from a week at their medical camp. The campers all have massive paperwork that is involved in talking about their needs. The counselors are then paired with a camper, based upon their daily needs. I have one teenager that is really mostly self sufficient (and prefers it that way). His counselor was very new and laid back. While my other teenager sometimes needs help opening things, using a wheelchair, bathing, etc. His counselor was a trained Ped nurse in cardiology. He also has had parents be his counselor too.
When I see the pictures from ā€œCamp I am Touchā€ it literally shocks me that 1-most of the counselors seem to be young high school and college kids and 2-the inappropriateness of what is shown (campers between the legs, manhandling, etc).
As others have said, if I seen these pictures, my kids would never be back to that camp..
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Yes. Please get him help while heā€™s young and starting out. If he is able to get a job (and that will be hard with this out there), behavior like this will get him fired and earn him a reputation that will tank a career.
The whole Massive Family has forgotten a very important thing
The internet is forever

If I was a prospective employer and I looked him up on youtube it would be an immediate no, especially working with vulnerable youth and adults.
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Thanks for the new thread!

So it looks like P's dad was stepping out on Big Candy. I wonder why? And I'm not surprised to hear that Bruce deserted his 1st wife. Fidelity is not a strong word for the men in that family. I wonder what happened with Casie May? And when did he meet Jessica? What were the grounds for those divorces? So Donna is his 4th? My biggest question is why does Asshat look so much like Cassie May? That family has so many skeletons in their closets.
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Hahaha...job???? GB wouldn't be expecting have a job. He's planning on grifting for a living like his parents.
He has no role models for a genuine work ethic. Wonder what any of them will do when the gravy train dries up
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Atha and Pigcillerpot are going to Key West. They are taking their mobility scooters. šŸ˜‚
She says one of the thingth that needs to happen on this trip isā€¦
She wants to sit on the beach, in a chair all day, with a Tiki Bar that has drinks, and of course, food. šŸ½šŸ˜¹šŸ½
She said when you have kidth, that is not something you get to do all the time! šŸ¤£
Bitch is probably drinking in the pool right now.
That is far as I got, LOL!
Except Pig doesn't have Kidth she has adult children. One profoundly intellectually disabled...but still.... you have adults Pig..and you don't even help with Abbie. I wish the humps would stop enabling this lifestyle for these Scamsters.
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So GB wasn't in town either? Where did he go? They send her to camp and clearly by the pics they post daily....she is not doing well there..yet...they just leave her there.
They wonā€™t go get her. They use it as a week of respite. They really dont give a shit if sheā€™s happy and having a good time. I doubt they even think about her when sheā€™s there. It sounds horrible but they want a week without her. Who cares if sheā€™s miserable! They are having a good time and someone else is taking care of her
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His back hurts? Maybe he shouldnā€™t lift his 400 lb mother. Iā€™m interested to see if they leave Abby home when they go to slime fest in dc. Thatā€™s probably why gb quit camp. He needs to babysit. Knowing that he drinks alone scares me that he could be the only person in charge of Abbyā€™s well-being and he could be trashed.. also Abby looks awful. She shouldnā€™t be that pale after being in the sun at all. No one in her family is that pale. She needs some bloodwork done. She just looks ill.
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FireShot Capture 032 - They Said She Needs To Talk To Them - YouTube -

Peleton sighting!

I can't believe the Decorating Maven of White Trash allows it to stay in her view.

Looks like Priscilla's droop is contagious, too.


This dumb fuck is rambling about trying to reschedule an appointment for Abbie and the office not being able to do so because she was over 18.

Because, if you read between his lines there, they had not yet gone in to the office with the guardianship paperwork and filled out the necessary legal forms for these medical professionals to cover their professional asses about federal privacy laws.

Yes, asshole, you do have to provide paperwork and fill out legal forms showing your adult-aged daughter doesn't have the legal rights and protections 99% of those above 18 have. Guardianship is a big deal. You just cried about it in the vlog before last, how it removes all of Abbie's legal rights as an adult. Do you think a doctor's office will just take Priscilla's slurred word for it?

No, there's no better way to do things and it has nothing to do with "the system." This is an uncommon situation surrounding literal constitutional rights - something you are a real big fan of, scooter, so you should fucking know better - and there are procedures in place to protect people. Would you want, oh, I dunno, any random Tattler (for example) to be able to call Abbie's psychiatrist's office and pretend to be Priscilla and have access to all sorts of information you don't want out there? Because that sort of thing is exactly what you're asking for by mocking the need for "forms" you clueless weirdo.

Christ, no wonder he never went to college. Stupid.
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Awe! Poor Atha. Stomp your furry feet a few more times and maybe your beastly mate wonā€™t be a big, obese, laughingstock target on the internet. Go aheadā€¦stompā€¦Weā€™ll wait. šŸ˜‚ Conch fritters anyone?
View attachment 2332225
oh asshatā€¦ why would you ever admit that those jet skis are meant for 3 people! Your fat ass of a wife almost meets the weight limit on a jet ski meant for 3 fucking people. If thatā€™s not a wake up call I donā€™t know what is
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And why say that to Summer, who has known them for 10 years, even living with them for a few years?
Wouldnt she "know" GB already?
You're right, I think he was pointing out this new behavior.

I went back and watched the part after Izzy was acting a fool. I wanted to be sure I was not misleading in my initial post.
This is what Atha said to Summer. Summer nodded yes in agreement, but she wasnā€™t very convincing.
I feel like the song remains the same.
We have been watching these vlogs for years. When have we EVER seen this type of weirdo shit from Izzy? If this is how he is all the time, they damn sure kept it out of the vlogs.
Maybe this is an example of how he is maturing into a fine young man? Maybe his inner being is coming out after loving on Camp Diddle campers? Who knows?
He is ā€œoffā€. We see it. They live it. They have to knowā€¦you would think.
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I am dying! We just arrived at our beach condo in beautiful Gulf Shores & our management company must have a new employee!! Look at the note left in our kitchen! Does someone have a new gig!?!


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Why is it such a big deal that abbie dips her oreos in milk? She shouldn't have to do that unless she wants to. Let her enjoy the oreos her way.
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