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Chatty Member
Can we assume Abbie got kicked out of school because of her violent behavior? Coupled with the Massive denial of Sweet Girl's defiance?
Could that also mean Abbie's homeschool teacher left cause she wasn't willing to be pushed around by her? Massive denial again?

I wonder how long before Piggy ships Abbie to a home?
If they had taught her when she was growing up maybe she would have a chance. What were they waiting for? She has not progressed past 18 months. Now they have an overweight adult stuck in the terrible twos.
That is actually my assumption as well. At the very least, I believe this was not a choice they made but that the school just told them there is nothing more they can do for her.

But I’m on the side of aggression/tantrums . Abbie is now fully sure she can get whatever she wants at all times. She’s gone completely spoiled because of Asa. So when she gets to school and they try to get her to do simple tasks it’s a “nope. I realized you can’t make me do anything, give me my iPad so I can go lay down. Oh and I’ll try to steal everyone’s food at lunch time so you’ll have to feed me separately”

I get the feeling JSA was beginning to see that the only way to handle her … was to warehouse her. And they certainly aren’t going to do that I would hope. So instead just tell the parents they are no longer equipt for her.

but if that’s the case… why hasn’t Asa tried to sue them yet lol
I don't think she got kicked out at all. They paid for her to be there, brought attention to/free advertising for the school, plus Abbie wasn't the only child like her there. Doubt it was anything as dramatic as being kicked out.

Ass had mentioned a few times they debated on sending her back to jsa or not. So it was an idea in the making for over a year (at least.) I think the "homeschool " decision was purely to provide them with more content.

Plus they wanted Ab in the program that taught life skills, independence stuff, but she was removed from that in jsa after a short time. She was placed back into the program she was suppose to age out of. The school essentially told them that she can not be in any more advanced programs. Sure that was a kick to their egos.

But nah I don't believe they "kicked her out."
This also makes sense.
I didn’t know about the being kicked out of the advanced program. Was it because she couldn’t complete the needed skills?

I agree tho,
I certainly don’t think it was dramatic at all. Drama would equal content/complaining/suing/defaming from Asa. It was probably more quietly done.

No matter what, JSA know how he is. Whatever happened, wouldn’t be surprised if JSA made sure to have all their crossed T’s and dotted I’s before doing anything with Abbie. They know Asa’s eyes are filled with 💰💰
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Just got home and need to read back a bit, but just saw this. Lauren is killing it. She still has more to lose, but look at the 7 month difference!
But dont be sad, P. I bet if you have 7 month changes too! New gunt, new weenus, the disappearance of your knees! :ROFLMAO: 🐳:ROFLMAO:

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That stupid old lady bun though....she has such pretty hair and ties it up 24/7.Pretty face too but uses a filter almost all the time.
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Does Kylie not have a degree? I thought she did? Maybe I’m getting them mixed up. If she had a degree and behavior experience, could she not alternatively certify?
I thought she did. She played volleyball in college with Summer, I thought they both went to NY together, but maybe it was at the Florida college before Summer transferred.
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Chatty Member
Are we sure Isaiah isn’t going to UNF. They have a Masters concentrated in behavioral analysis. Local university pretty much anyone can get in. Don’t see why he wouldn’t go there.
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Also, when in a Master's program, you have to maintain a certain GPA. I had to maintain a 3.0 for my program, if he is struggling now, just wait!! I noticed he said the school and Asa muted what he said, but he flashed the acceptance letter. I am hoping one of you experts on here, can screen capture and blow up the letter, so we ALL know who "accepted" him?!?!
The logo looks like Florida Tech.
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Chatty Member
I think that is exactly what happened. I think she told him how she felt and she did not want him filming in her home anymore or filming her children. Good for her if she did. I hope her and Crystal have a wonderful life in Oregon, far far away from the garbage family in FL.
So was the last sighting the cousin’s birthday party? They seemed cool then, well maybe they were tolerating each other but Assa did record the party.

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Mom Needs Coffee

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8:24 in the video.
I’m pretty sure she pooped her shorts
I’m not going to post a screen shot but if you go to that moment, Abbie is facing Cilla and Asa shoots her from behind. Abbie is making noises and looking to her mom like she needs something . It looks like she has a load in the back of her shorts. It was literally right after that shot she is in new shorts

Could be wrong, but that’s what it looks like to me. Combined with the fact she looks uncomfortable
Yup I see it. A huge lump. Unless she is hiding what the hell lump was under Pissasses striped dress.
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I'm dyin'😆😆 can you imagine the look on their faces when they saw her asphalt black soles👣😲😝🤢

I was cleaning out my storage and found these 2 gems, first of all who raises their arms up like a bird to hug their daughter, most will bend down and encircle them. Second Abby can't even reach her arms past Cillapotamus' hips.
And then we have summer draped over the island, with her hair and dandruff dropping all over it, who does that at someone else's house. Oh yeah I forget, we're talking about a pigsty, a literal pigsty🐷🐖🐽
That 1st picture is a true 💎 gem
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Those are tax forms related to how people earn income.

When you work a "normal" full time or part time job, say as a chef or a secretary or veterinary tech, you're paid by the hour or as a set amount of salary per year. At the end of the year your employer provides you with a form called a W2 (and it also goes to the IRS) which breaks down how much you were paid, how much was sent to the government for taxes, how much was taken out for things like insurance, stuff like that. Most people who work get a W2 at the end of the year.

A 1099 is a form that shows income earned over $600 as a non-employee. Asa doesn't work for Youtube as an employee. Youtube pays him a portion of their earnings on content he created. He gets a 1099 form for each payment made to him over that $600 and a copy of the form is sent to the IRS. Priscilla isn't an employee of LimeLife. They pay her various commissions and bonuses in exchange for her selling their products. When she gets paid, LimeLife does the same 1099 situation.

They're probably dealing with many individual 1099 forms each year - multiple from Youtube, LimeLife, Facebook, Patreon, Tiktok, Instagram, sponsorships, any stock footage Asa's licensed, whatever other side hustles they've (Asa) monetized. It can be a very complicated situation after a certain point!

To further potentially complicate the issue, they probably don't get those tax forms under their actual names; they likely get them issued to one of their Limited LIability Corporations (LLCs), which is a business and not an individual person.

And, in a nutshell, if the Social Security Administration receives reports of potential fraud, and if they investigate the situation,
the publicly available information (not even considering tax information and other financial information we have no way of knowing) we have right now indicates that Asa should not be receiving $862 per month as the representative payee on behalf of Abbie; the NC house alone would disqualify them.
Jail time is highly unlikely, but if an SSA investigation proves what Asa has shown on the vlogs, the federal government will demand that money be returned to them.
If they defrauded the government I don’t think their LLC’s are protected. Wouldn’t they still have to report income from the LLC on their personal income taxes?
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Why is she draped in a bedsheet?
Because Omar the Tentmaker loves us.
I’d bet money that he will be taking courses of some kind and she’s just calling it MBA. He couldn’t Have applied and been accepted in a matter of two weeks. Smoke and mirrors. No way in hell GB has the discipline for a masters. Especially living at home
With the drunks at their beck and call
Seems like his master program can be done online...Capella University for one...
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These aren’t the finished products. Cilla was recording for her reel, and I took screenshots.
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She looks ruff in these photos. Must be when she pulled the all nighter trying to sell makeup.

View attachment 2139764
If she put 1/2 as much effort into losing weight as she does in selling SL, she’d have met her goal weight by now.

And as for calling Abbie “sweet girl”….a “girl” who attacks her mom and draws blood? I think that might be ironic? Is that the correct word?

View attachment 2139768

Kinda like Ass wearing a t-shirt that says “ Be a kind human” or something like that.
Today's was "be kind to everyone " I think.
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I’m watching from the U.K. Shame the weathers so rubbish today as a lot of people have planned street parties and outdoor bbq get togethers with family and friends (any excuse for a piss up over here ha) . And yes, Ginge will be scowling away as usual, I hope he gets the candle treatment like his wife did at the Queens funeral service lol.
He got The Princess Royal's Plume 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
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