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A short, sloppy Live for your viewing pleasure. Teatling says a few lines. I don’t know about y’all, but I am not looking forward to him moving home. There is something about him that is grating. I don’t look forward to possibly seeing him in vlogs once he is back on the daily teat routine. Pig said she was exhausted. Those chicken wings and 6 inch finger sandwiches must have done her in. Lol.😂 She said they were going to bed early. It was 10:30. 🙄 She then pulls an unidentified object from her hat hair. She never said what is was, but it sure did look like a piece of shredded cheese to me. Nom nom nom.
Look who else is 42 , just like Twatty Beast 🧐
I'm sure they look like this from their Slimelife use😂😂😂😂
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DCP usually gets a bunch of stuff wrong, because he just cribs his work from random posts on Tattle without following the entire thread or employing any critical thinking. The only good thing about him is he gets Asa's panties in a wad.
Ya I am really surprised how many think this dude does any kind of research or work on his own. He literally just regurgitates things people tell him. He doesn't verify or do leg work. He has in the past, word for word, said things he read others post on here. He has absolutely zero original thoughts. And women are so quick to jump on his dick for attention that they are constantly spoon feeding him information (correct or not) and inflating his ego. Him and Ass would be best buddies if they both weren't such huge narcissists and there isn't enough oxygen in a room to sustain both egos at once.

Plus he is a douchebag and pretty scummy.

But like you said anything that gets to the Maasholes is fine with me. I don't watch the videos but I do enjoy the fallout. And can imagine the fit P throws (only if it directly affects her) stomping her foot and shedding fake tears. Then Ass cussing, making threats, planning revenge, and raging threw the house. Poor Abbie is on her own the whole time. Hope she made extra dehydrated apple slices because it's tequila for dinner tonight.
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Oh Priscilla made a big deal about his internship, right before they headed off in the tin can last summer. It was the reason GB had to stay behind.

There is a way to double check to see if he graduates and with what degree. It is posted online, just like the Deans and Chancellors list. ;)
Didn't Boy Wonder do a vlog or IG post about some of the internship being "stupid" or something similar?
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Hello there. We have a winner! @Srsmom for the WIN! ❤❤❤
This title made me LOL as soon as it was posted yesterday. New thread coming soon!

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Guess my comment from a couple hours ago is right on the nose for today's firehose of bullshit, huh. :rolleyes:
That’s twice in one day you’ve made me cackle! The first was the visual of Asa as a turtle on his back unable to get up after Abbie has knocked him over and now firehose of bullshit 😂 never heard that expression before. I’m definitely stealing that one and adding it to my repertoire. Thanks for giving me a few giggles today. And yes, your previous comment was bang on the money.
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I love how he makes a before and after with the morgue shit he put on his face. Your supposed to show the same area of the face for comparison. Not a front shot and a side shot. We aren't that naive.
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I am about to say something nice for a…
I realize that the dried fruit has a lot of sugar content, but it is a real food. No additives. No food coloring. No Hydrogenated, GMO, ultra processed shit. He may still talk entirely too much, but I will give it up for Moobs for at least trying to change it up. The almond milk and low carb cereal, though processed is not a bad thing either. I feel like someone clued them in to Abbie’s physique, maybe even Dic (I like the misspelling…so it stays.😹) McDreamy. Regardless, these are good changes. Now let’s see how consistent they stay with it all.
Oh definitely. Reading here and some of the recent comments on his vlogs finally got thru his thick skull
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Or to Val Brooks of autistic interpretations Whew…what a messed up abusive whackadoodle she is
Oh gosh, she is such a whackadoodle in her own form! I have never seen someone so disconnected. I swear it is almost Asa and Priscilla, rolled into one person…
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What does a drunk, angry Abigail Lorraine look like? Geeezus! Let us pray they won’t sink that low.
I feel like I have Maassive burn out. Cursive is not important. Hair flips are a dream come true. Motorcycle boyfriends. What in the hell is wrong with these people? Watching them is like going back to a gas lighting relationship over and over again. Thankfully, you guys are fantastic sounding boards! Anti-Maassive therapists if you will. 😂😻❤😻😂
It will be appalling if they do allow her to drink alcohol. It would be like giving a toddler their bottle with a couple of White Russians thrown in there instead of the usual boring milk lol. However the amoral, intrusive part of my brain is curious and trying to imagine what a drunk Abbie would look like. So far all I can picture is this guy Taz 😂 seriously though I hope they never allow her any, not even a bit, she’s confused enough about what’s going on most of the time anyway, may have a nasty reaction mixing her meds and alcohol etc. Just seems unwise all round. Wonder if they’d lose guardianship if they allowed/encouraged it 🤔


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Also FYI i recently found court paperwork that Asa knew about 1st daughter since at least august 2010. They started A&P repair shop 11/2010 in Pig’s name. He even waived his right to a paternity test. He voluntarily admitted she was his daughter and started paying the bare minimum of child support. He must have stopped paying after a while b/c then a certified letter was delivered to Candy Cane Lane Bryant’s house and Wide load Wayne signed for it. of course he never notified the court of the change in income. That’s how he got into arrears the first time. So for sure they’ve known about the child for 13 years of her 19 years of life. I have a feeling he knew the first daughter’s mom was pregnant which is why he hightailed it back to Priscilla and immediately impregnated her. 1st daughter DOB April 2004 and Abbie 5/12/2005 SMH. 🤬🤬
Fantastic research ! Especially as I thought I read recently that he was claiming not to know about his daughter until more recently
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[FA 158 Thread Suggestion

Assa horny so what does he do, pick up “Last Call”
girl Cilla Sue.
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And even if like they said it didn’t last long , why not just pack them away and bring it out or set up the swing and see if maybe she likes them again? They are so full of shit it makes me sick. She’s bored out of her mind. Give her something to do besides “ cutting” fruit and “ dehydrating ) it. Let’s take bets how long this fruit dehydrating lasts. I give a month 2 tops.
He will film a whole bunch of cutting and dehydrating fruits and insert them every now and then to show it's an ongoing thing. Chances are he does it over 2 days and is so done with it. I mean how much chips can one eat? Ok I know Abbie will shove anything down, but those are a lot of chips. Shall see how far he takes it with the Farmer's Market idea. P may give them to neighbours or ship one out with every Dumblab order.
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