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Jfc, fod. You don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to understand why the twins are playing up at bed time. I bet he secretly LOVES the chaos because it gives him content.
Omg so staged! But if those two really did trash that room then they are out of control, they are 5 not 2. I certainly wouldn’t be filming it while they giggled under a towel!

Also sly, nice shot of the full potty 🤢


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They don't go to bed because you're shit parents, Simon. As well as morally bankcrupt, major consumer addiction issues, toxic relationship enablers and to top it off shit taste in house decor.
It’s the years of generally letting them do whatever they want for likes/freebies on the gram isn’t it as instilling a routine wouldn’t have helped with the comedy routine would it

And I’ve had four boys with a small age gap between them so I think I can be a smug bastard and say that 🙃
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His latest stories are pissing me off so much. He really need to start looking AROUND him and realize that he fucking has it all and is so lucky. I’m on lockdown with 2 small ones, working full time, and with few options for walks. What I would give to have the beach on my doorstep for that daily sea walk. And who on earth takes the kids for a walk in the winter on a wet ground without a wet suit? Oh yeah an insta twat who’d rather have his kids freezing for content. ASSHOLE. And don’t get me started on Glen casual walk looking like a poet as soon as she sees the camera. They’re insufferable.
Yes same. I know I'm still very privileged - my family and friends are healthy (my brother had it but feels fine now), I have a safe job / income.... but I'm getting really frustrated in my 1 room appartment in the city centre. If I am not at work (only work part time at the moment and have long shifts so most days I'm at home) , I get up and walk two meters from my bed to the desk to write my master thesis. I would kill for a walk at the beach now. (I know it's still first world problems) but Slymon not acknowledging his privilege and complaining all the time is next level ignorance.
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They won’t buy pricey nightgowns and whatnot, they’ll wait for Sainsbury’s 25% sales like I do. Twins will get hand me downs from the older girls so that they can tag fancy brands with a “oh this was hiding in the cupboard” type comment. And then they’ll seethe with jealously as ST’s girls get sent clothes.

When Sly does finally post about school meals it will likely be swipe up links telling his sheep who to donate to as he does a mental health walk through the woods. He’s not capable of much more.
Apologies, nothing whatsoever to do with fod, but I have a birthday around Christmas. As a little girl one elderly maiden aunt used to buy me pyjamas and say the top was for Christmas and the bottoms for my birthday. I loved her and I wasn't greedy for presents so I loved the pyjamas. It wasn't until I grew up, understood the family relationships, how she was looked upon by her part of the family, and found out that she didn't have a penny to her name that I knew how sacrificial her giving was.
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Chatty Member
I echo everyone talking about Sly’s inability to recognise his privileges. I live by the sea and I genuinely tell myself all the time how lucky we are to live near it. It’s like he wants to be miserable so he makes the twins miserable so he can video himself being miserable.
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Ahh thanks @houseofhoop for doing the title.

Congratulations on the thread title @Hatchet_job . I’m afraid I can’t take any credit for the latter part and that was defo a collab by @rainbowlemon Here, @ExhaustedDad with this beauty and special shout outs to the funnies that couldn’t be used cos “rules” @Titfer 🤭 @Coffee-Addict naughty 😜

Happy new year and happy new thread Trolls. May 2021 #bekinder to you all

So off we go, buckle up it’s a biggie and soz I got a bit bored half way through so stopped with the tags from last thread.

  1. After hating them all & wishing the twins would choke Sly was feeling feelings about them growing up Awwww 🥰thanks for the capture @Behelzabobs ya little devil.
  2. @Axatogrind asked for suggestions for a FOD festive bingo card and you guys delivered
  3. Sly is still using the twinnies as click bait, slowmo video of Twinnies jumping off the beach wall into his grifting loving arms Fear not our @Axatogrind got this
  4. Regardless of slowly sneaking the twinnies back in to his posts Slys followers were scampering off and he hit an all time low of daily/monthly averages
  5. But after reading here, Glen gave him his Christmas money early and he looked to the land of the rising sun and boom 💥2000 new followers. Mr can you tell me where my love has gone he’s my Japanese bot
  6. Recognising that 8765432 shots of her not swimming was dull af, ST bought a 9 week old kitten to spice up her content yay 8765432 photos of the kitten 🙄
  7. Sly continued tagging large brands in a desperate attempt to be recognised 👋🙌👋 hey hey I’m here for the lols.
  8. Meanwhile, over on HOH, things were very quiet, no wonderful DIY or displays of the house but then we got the decorating the Christmas tree and their tradition to buy a new decoration each every year, but as @SmeatonsStar pointed out it’s the barest tree ever
  9. Back on FOD we had “Avocardos” and guess who’s back, back our Glen. All four of the vaginas around the bush and lots of creepy follower comments 🤢
  10. As our nation discovers a new mutation of COVID and higher tiers are enforced, Sly offers us his photoshopped newspaper headlines, for the lolz
  11. Then a lovely story about drinking cocktails whilst in sole charge of his kids 🙄
  12. They “bought” a wreath, then he discovered last years wreath and he’s gonna recycle that baby #ecosly
  13. ST did a vitamin Ad
  14. Lol Sly gave us death by quiche - another hilarious video about out of date food
  15. Then serious Sly told us about charities - ahh thank you Sly, we’ll be out clapping for you, our hero, tonight 🙄
  16. Holy shit...he got a gift (or PR product in FOD parlance)...4 Christmas baubles 🙌😲...dang that blew the special family tradition. Sly it’s a start mate 🤭 who knows next gift might be a holiday for four to the Maldi... maybe not.
  17. Ooops she did it again. ST breaking the COVID rules and posting about it on the gram. From Kent (tier 3) to London, the night it was put in to tier 4, to experience Christmas at Kew Gardens. She’s catching on quickly you see it now you don’t.
  18. Sly posted old content about the twinnies and Christmas lights.
  19. On HOH he built a lean-to shed...he’s so talented, he knows it just takes practice (page 22)
  20. He showed us last years Christmas “tablescaping”
  21. They went on a very long walk and the girls got a taxi back but him and his mate pablo had to walk back 😩😭
  22. He has a hurty knee - @GetOffMyLawn brought the giggles with her “wahhhmbulance” but suggested maybe stop all the walking and take a paracetamol
  24. He did his best to pretend they were in Kent (pre-recordings anyone?) but then, unlike Sly (unless there’s a scandal) he went silent
  25. Then came NYE and she was rolled out again - YAY GLEN 🙌
  26. And just like that we’re in 2021 and sly is back with an abundance of shit content that didn’t happen - snack theif & forgotten password
  27. His following hit 918k but then FTOTM - first Tuesday of the month - he got his bot money and he’s got the gold package with added “Clemie” & emoji comments
  28. More Lols from Sly as he mashes up COVID Hokey Cokey - as numbers of deaths and infected rise to record levels - nice work Sly
  29. Glen loves Sly...but in the kitchen dressing room...with a hammer 🔨 BIG TIME
Nice one @Dogmuck. Funny how he wheels Glen out as a Christmas treat, Happy Christmas, here’s my racist wife who hides out for the rest of the year!
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Father of Daughters #43: New dog, old tricks, churning out desperate content in the hope something sticks
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I wonder what her posh mates like ST think of her appearance in that....hardly one to talk about over lockdown canapés!
I imagine ST is a bit gutted she didn’t get to suck someone off on z list reality TV show...I mean who wouldn’t want that...oh and be their legacy? 🤷‍♀️
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Guysssss....I finally made a new burner!

Will try not to get blocked 🙊


He’s such a dick

Showing off his wedding ring to show the’re still on!

he’s a dick

Shaming the child. Went for a walk yesterday and my recently potty trained child weed himself but I didn’t make a big deal out of it or shame him, his had got wet (on a wet beach strangely enough) and he shamed her and moaned about her to his 900k followers. Prick!

Glad the older one has rebelled, probably doesn’t want to be filmed at every step!

He’s a dick.

And pimping Pablo too now he’s desperate!

Alice was right.




The story with the obviously upset twin has annoyed me. The poor girl is cold and wet but to be filmed being marched home while her dad is complaining about a wasted trip to the seaside because she and her sister got wet is not right. Put the phone down, comfort her, explain these things happen and they'll go back another day and daddy with four (!) children will remember to dress them more appropriately for a cold afternoon at the beach.
this this this!! 👆🏻
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What a cock womble! Dad dancing makes you look even more of a knob. You just aren’t cool.
Anyway, next trick for engagement I see is cooking... DIY expert - didn’t work, twins but no faces- didn’t work, wheeling out Glen- don’t worry, new puppy-didn’t work.... cooking is all he has left. Bless.
what FOD sees in his head v reality

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Only had my burner since Sat and blocked on HOH. Probably cause I liked a comment about Clemie bots (screen shotted it last night to show you)

View attachment 384920

Very sad desperate life they lead to be constantly checking for negativity. Like always looking over your shoulder.
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Why worry about the roof looking boring, look in the mirror and see the most boring git in Ramsgate. Who does he think can see his stupid roof anyway?🤑
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Im not so sure Dad ! I sometimes get a feeling he was in on the whole thing - that he knew she was on tattle and that he thought it was all one great big “ hoot “ ! That he is desperately clinging to his House of Hooper , ( House of crap ) what man knows the name of the calamine lotion pink in tje bedroom or the Pepto Bismol blush in the shed - i think he is as shallow and fame hungry as she is
Lol. I can imagine it playing out.

Glen - 'They're on to me Si babe. I'm going to throw them off scent and call you a Class A Twat'.

Sly - 'Great idea Clemie, you do what you got to do to throw those trolls off our scent. While you're at it, mention you've only managed camping to Devon for a holiday. I'll just go and finish our packing for our next free holiday'.
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Who has that much time on their hands to open and close drawers for likes? Wow, the answer to your question about who’s job is more important is pretty fucking evident given you spend an inordinate amount of your day filming utter shite!
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What the hell have I just watched! Two bastard kitchens! “it’s functional but we need to make it aesthetically pleasing” !?!?!? At the start of lockdown 3 and this is what he posts? Prettying up his fully functional second kitchen stacked with free Miele’s. How highly he thinks of himself! Holy hens teeth. And the basement! “You could make it into an apartment”. Second Staircase? He is unbelievable! The whole post was to gloat and show off the space he has whilst hoping someone gives him what he wants so his precious eyes don’t have the misfortune to look at the non aethletically pleasing second kitchen. Colossal cunt.

Privilege is wasted on him.

Think I need a break before I even try to watch the drugging the kids bit. *fans face*
There's those words again, aesthetically pleasing.

Someone needs to inform them what that means. Because their spare bedroom, master bedroom and adult living room are not what I call aesthetically pleasing.

More migraine inducing.

ETA - I forgot to include the kitchen dresser room. Where Glen's inner cunt glows.
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Here is a glimpse of what a non-insta kids play area look like, just an FYI for FOD. For storage area (lidl, 20 euros) we have an open shelf with toys stored in. we’re not in the farrow and ball color code I agree but kids like it because it’s made for their height, they can grab whatever they want. Then you can just put everything back in it quickly or for days when you feel a bit like Marie Kondo you can organise it only to have it destroyed again the minute they are back in. We also have kids seats, a kitchen and some chalk board, it’s not aesthetically pleasing because it’s a mix of everything they were gifted and it’s their space. And to think that years ago I felt like a failure for not having a beautiful space for my kids thanks to insta cunts.


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I’m so confused by this post. Firstly the write up is very wanky, careful FOD you don’t want a repeat of the IWD fuck up and secondly, why aren’t they using their fabulous playroom to play in?
ETA: I have 7 sisters and none of those things ever crossed our minds, but don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story.
What a load of rambling drivel.
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Because their sisters. It’s They’re ! That really hurts my eyes and English is not even my first language.
And it’s here not her!
Bad spelling and grammar always makes a story loose any impact.
‘Without much too resistance’ ??? Did you mean ‘too much resistance‘, oh bless FOD, typical, never proof reading.
‘The day we do, were screwed.’ Again, did you mean something else? Maybe you meant ‘They day they do, we’re screwed’
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