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I said it years ago, when she first got married she would tweet nasty digs about tabinda’s girl, taking the piss out of her teeth
Her kids can’t even talk and are so neglected
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Chatty Member
Faryaal H is annoying me….for God’s sake leak everything already
right…and can these keyboard warriors stop writing essays in the smallest font possible? all the multiple cut & pastes and reposts are just becoming annoying to decipher. i would rather do a word search puzzle 🤭
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Sue’s been reading this forum🤣 Bitch needs to chill. She calls us godless people but she got pregnant before marriage, dresses like a hoe, and talks shit about Sumaira and others. Also, her and fakeyal act hard behind their screens but wouldn’t do shit in real life. Dumb clowns🤡


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Faryal looks like a joke how can she think it's normal & fine to sit with that dirty cheating man at a birthday party yet call & message these other women & wish they died. The women didn't cheat on Faryal Amir did he knew he was married. Faryal has some serious issues, she's insecure as hell, has no self esteem & has some deep rooted anger problems with the amount of sick abuse in the voice notes. Faryal doesn't want to accept she's also a problem in this if she's unhappy about Amir cheating leave simple. Faryal is trying to make the women feel guilty & bad for what they did but Amir is at a party celebrating. Faryal can't divorce Amir because then she would have to accept she is to blame for picking this type of man for a relationship & is partly responsible through the bad choices she has made, her ego can never accept or handle that but by putting blame elsewhere she can carry on living in denial.

Hearing Faryal's voice notes im guessing she's said worse to Amir but he doesn't give a crap rather than actually fixing up he just throws a gift at Faryal & job done because that's easier. Faryal knows Amir doesn't give two shits so she's trying to make herself feel better lashing out at someone to take the blame off her & Amir's back. These two idiots need to look closer to home before blaming others & look at themselves that's where the problem lies. Faryal can't use the stupid excuse of Amir's rich & famous so it's the women that go after him & "force" his pants to come off. David Beckham's rich & famous I don't see him in the papers for shagging anything that moves, I'm sure he gets loads of messages off women everyday maybe because he actually knows how to say "NO I'M MARRIED" & then blocks them, See Amir it's not that difficult. Faryal before blaming the women maybe blame yourself for allowing this behaviour of Amir's to carry on for 10 years, she's put up with it & allowed it for so long she can't leave now & accept some responsibility in all of this.

I was googling why some women blame the other woman if their husband cheats & take the husband back again & again. I just find it really interesting because me personally I could never do that if my partner cheated that's it I'm gone. Point number 6 describes Faryal they all describe Faryal but number 6 is EXACTLY her.

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Mrs. HI

I think this has backfired for Faryal .. she thought because this latest woman is a pakistani woman she could silence her with the “shame” will look bad. Good on Sumz for outing the sleazy pervert.
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Chatty Member
Someone please tell Sumzz too it may be that Amir would want to settle out of court to avoid negative publicity, esp as his solicitors. have gone quiet about the defamation case. He has NO case and will NEVER win seeing as though he lied on tv.

I hope she asks for a huge amount AND a public apology. She has him by the balls and can basically name her price at this point. Without the apology though he potentially go after other girls who dare to speak out. Make an example of them both and tell the WHOLE story. Yes. Faryal has a family, but so did you, and you did not deserve to be called a liar and all sorts from someone who thought their money and power would bury you.
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So funny how you can see faryal on amir’s snap hiding so to pretend she’s not out with him and his family. Wearing a cap like she’s undercover. She is out with him and his family but just asking not to be posted as she’s clearly embarrassed at what a doormat she is. It’s ok she has a new car though 😂
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What is she actually going to the police with?? No crime has been committed and the girls all have evidence of her husband cheating.
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He thinks girls like this won’t say a word out of shame yet he should know from his wife women now speak up!

She didn’t think twice about making some money out of him. Good for her.

He looks slimy and old. A married dad of 3 chasing a 25 year old. He has daughters and sisters yet he always acts like he doesn’t. They all want their sisters to go to a good home but behave like dogs themselves.
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Well-known member
"10 years I don't know how I did it." That's it? Must b a horrible relationship if that's all she could say. Amir's sole role, apart from financially providing, is to kiss her arse for his past mistakes till he goes into his grave.

Did sum1 force u to stay? Force u to pop 2 more kids? The only reason Alayna was born was becoz Amir said himself he'd been telling her for months he wanted a divorce. The only reason Zaviyar was born was becoz Alayna was a girl. Hence the gender reveal 3 months into the pregnancy.

U don't know how u did it? Must have been hard to live with a millionaire who got u fame n followers handed on a silver plate n a reality show which was her dream.

Does any1 remember the msg her friend leaked at the start of her marriage where she called Saj a perv (yet doesn't mind all the other pervs) n that watch she's going to be bigger than Kim k. Been searching 4 it but can't find it anymore

Every1 goes thru hard times n unhappiness but trying to make out she hasn't stayed for her own personal gain is laughable.
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Well-known member
These two are are such an embarrassment. I hope for their children’s sake they split , I also hope the children are sent to live with stable family members. Not one of them are hands on parents and with them they will just have a childhood being brought up by hired help. Either of them are exactly swimming in work. They think because they live in Dubai have a nice house and expensive things , they’re giving their kids a good life. There not. Faryal is not motherly at all you can tell miles off by the way she interacts with them, them kids are just meal tickets to her and pawns in a game. It’s sooo sad
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Chatty Member
If Faryal and Amir ever divorced, she would immediately drift off from z-list status to complete irrelevance (and of course be replaced by someone else) and her ego would never allow that.

who would accompany her to her freebie dinners in Dubai and London? KenDollDubai? nope, Farhana Bodi? nope. Remember how much she used to suck up to the Mussarat and Mirza sisters? They all ditched her too. Without Amir, she’ll never get another opportunity to attend a doner kebab shop grand opening or have free hookah, oh and let’s not forget the cringey over the top meals at NusRet, OPA, and CznBurak. 🤪🤪🤪
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VIP Member
Although this thread is about her we shouldn’t let him off the hook. He is far worse.

Her complexes came from him.

He cheated from day 1.

All his uk mates (yazz etc) are no better because they choose to hang around him desire knowing what he does.
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Mrs. HI

Faryal has missed the point here that her husband has a big issue with staying faithful & goes looking for pleasure elsewhere. Instead she had lashed out at the woman involved. I don’t recall her doing that in the past when it was White women. This has been a deliberate attempt at silencing Sumz & other because they are pakistani women who she can threaten with the “shame” narrative. Any decent wife would have kicked the dirty husband out! This is what happens when you chase money & fame and behave like a hypocrite with the religious quotes & trips to Umrah / holy pilgrimage. Notice how her mother had not been around to patch this mess up! She seems distant from her own family too. They are probably telling her what she doesn’t want to hear. I hope all these women Amir has used & preyed on get some justice & he stops & gets help. Disgusting behaviour 🤮 poor innocent children involved think about them.
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Think it's so sad the way they both living it up and posting as though nothing has happened. Defaming and telling lies about people doesn't seem to affect them in anyway 🙄
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She loves Andrew Tate wow!!! These women really are sad.

That Sue has less than 3500 followers on Instagram, and has about 4 pics of her done up by a make up artist - that doesn't make her a "model" as she claims in her bio. These chavs don't understand social media at all.
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