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VIP Member
Comparing her to other “Muslims” that dress worse in terms of modesty isn’t the correct comparison.

The other women probably get as much insults from Moslems but we aren’t looking for it.

Her issue is she chases money above everything.

She isn’t an independent entrepreneur she is an abused wife. She is no different to the older generation who sat at home suffering beatings by their husbands and not leaving except her “beating” is emotional.

She is backwards. That’s the irony. She thinks she is a modern Pakistani yet she has a backwards mindset. She thinks by showing flesh in Dubai and Shisha places she is projecting a modern Asian woman but instead she looks tacky and “new cash”. She has no education or grace.

The pair of them use “your” incorrectly and that’s quite something.

She is an abused wife who is putting up with public ridicule just to keep up an image.

Her botched face adds to the ridicule.

Backwards mentality.

Sucks up to the mussarat family (similar trashy cash look but less Asian).

She is lost but he is far worse. Uncle taxi driver with a sexual problem.
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OK I am not religious at all, but it does annoy me when people post pics of themselves on a prayer mat - that is your relationship with God, it is sacred, a time for prayer and reflection, it is not something to take a pic of for Instagram likes. And then two pics later show off your crop top and materialistic narcisstic weird.
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Amir is a pervert & sexually harasses women these are not just flirty messages there is a sick disgusting pattern that he has, literally every woman he messages he sends photos of his dick to them he obviously gets some sort of sick kick from it either from their reaction or from them seeing it or commenting on it. If that happened out in public like on the street or in a park somewhere & a man exposes his dick he could get up to 2 years in prison for Indecent exposure but for some reason sending a photo is not as serious when it's just as bad he is still exposing himself making these women look at it & then getting a kick from it.

He's also harassing women for nude photos & when they tell him no or they don't feel comfortable he still carries on trying to force them & guilt trip them into sending them. If that happened in reality & not over text that would count as sexual harassment, these dirty perverts know they can get away with alot more over texting & Faryal sending death threats is also a crime. How come Amir & Faryal haven't come out with any evidence or voice notes? If they are claiming the women were the one's blackmailing Amir or were in the wrong & were some desperate fans harassing Amir? That's because there isn't any the only wrong people in this whole thing are Amir & Faryal.
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Faryal unfollowed Sheeraz after I posted she's followed him after putting her statement up. He hasn't bothered since he unfollowed her around the time she went on her Maldives trip.

So Faryaal Hussain is saying she's being threatened. N wonder what she means by the rest of it. Faryal said in MTKs to Khadija she gets all his bank statements n goes through them.


Someone put this comment up on Faryal's statement yesterday, whether it's true or not who knows.


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Amir is so stupid. promo for his book says “a night in with amir khan”. I think it’s fair to say he’s had his fair share of nights in with strangers and been in trouble for it 🤣
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They've got to be one of the most shameless "celebrity" couples around. Made worse by the fact that they're supposed to be from a conservative background.

You don't know anything about most other major boxers' family lives because they know the importance about keeping privacy.

These twats do such silly stuff that'd shame most people into not showing their faces in public again.
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I think Sumaira & Faryaal Hussain should have come out with the voice notes straight away don't know why they were even giving Amir & Faryal so much time to give an apology or giving them a chance. Faryal & Amir clearly don't give a crap they only care about themselves & they were hoping all this dies down & goes away they were never going to apologise for lying because that would expose what fake, lying hypocrites they are from their own mouths. Sumaira & Faryaal Hussain would have gotten alot less hate if they exposed Faryal's vile voice notes straight away but they actually gave Faryal a chance & kept the evidence & posts aimed at Amir but since Faryal is supporting, enabling & hiding Amir's dirty ways they had no choice now.

If this comes out in the UK press 'Faryal Makhdoom mocking disabled children' then yes they are done for their name will be mud & no one would want to be associated with the 'Khan's' no TV show or brand would want their name associated with a person who attacks & hurls abuse at children especially children with disabilities. I definitely think the voice notes are real otherwise like Faryaal Hussain said "Amir & Faryal can only sue for defamation if anything that's said or put out that is false & everything her & Sumaira have put out is true & Amir & Faryal know it's true"

I think Amir was being cocky & saying "if the "lawyer woman" has evidence why doesn't she tell the police instead of posting on social media" Amir is only saying that because it's more damaging for him & Faryal if stuff gets out on social media because their whole lives are based on social media & all their followers will see it & it will get out faster to the public & tabloids, where as with the police it will take ages months & months before anything is done that's even if the police decide to do anything (which im guessing they won't they have bigger problems to deal with) & by that time everyone will forget & move on. I'm so glad Faryaal Hussain is not backing down it must be so tough & stressful for her but she is not scared of Amir & Faryal's power or money good for her, I think anyone else would have given up by now & that's what Amir & Faryal were hoping would happen.
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I just saw the video Sumaira is in tears because AK/FM have hacked her IG. Shes saying it’s her form of income so that’s messed up.

I don’t condone her actions whatsoever but AK/FM are literal scum. They think they can do what they like with absolutely no consequences. I cannot wait to see them get their comeuppance.

Who told this dirty guy to message other girls first place and then lie to GEO News and now they’re hacking accounts.

Let this be a lesson to us all as to why we should never associate with dirty people, you lie with dogs and you’ll come up with flies.
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It's hilarious how these arse lickers & enablers surround Amir & Faryal they are not true friends. True friends would tell dumb & dumber the truth not just say stuff to please them or say what they want to hear. True friends would say to them stay off social media, stop embarrassing your children & tell Amir to get castrated if he can't keep his pants on. Manaza trying to twist the situation & putting the blame on Faryaal H & guilt tripping her by using religion & the children is so manipulative they literally all have the same stupid mindset putting blame on other peoples lap. I'm glad Faryaal H saw through her manipulative bullshit & told her Maybe the parents of the children (Amir & Faryal) should have thought about them before doing & saying what they did. Well done Faryaal H 👏

Why can't these idiots understand this is not Faryaal H or Sumaira's fault none of this would have happened if it wasn't for Amir's actions you can't blame the one's that are speaking out if the culprit didn't do what he did then there wouldn't be anything to speak about. If Manaza wants to be a good friend go tell Amir TO PUT YOUR DICK AWAY & STOP BLOODY CHEATING it's not that difficult but Yazz & Manaza would never say that otherwise they would lose their z list connection to Amir & Faryal.
I watched some of the podcast Amir did with Yazz when he's talking about meeting Faryal Amir says "I think I was already in a relationship I can't remember" this fool seems to get amnesia when speaking to multiple women about whether or not he's in a relationship forget relationship this clown seems to forget if he's even married or not 😂
The other funny bit on the podcast is when they ask Amir how he knew Faryal was the one he literally couldn't think of anything he's so uncomfortable & squirming trying to think of an answer 😂

Faryal has zero self awareness & doesn't realise what a complete idiot she looks like by saying "get your man to swallow an air tag" how about Faryal instead having an ounce of self respect & not being with a man that needs to swallow one in the first place 😂
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Chatty Member
recap: the hubby’s ego is just as fragile as the wife’s manufactured body parts: however, a needle isn’t needed to see these 2 implode from their own toxic and trashy behavior. They follow, and unfollow each other like the changing weather…Faryal’s attempt at a Kardashian-esque reality show was cancelled, and now she’s desperately trying to hob-knob her way into Dubai bling. Meanwhile hubby Amir can’t let go of his glory days and has to remind the world 24-7 of his bouts in the boxing ring…
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Faryal was getting so much backlash for her comment on theshadeborough page she's taken her comment down.

Love Rosy Pirani for saying it like it is. Although Faryal doesn't follow her, Faryal likes Rosy's pictures on insta, I think the last pic of Rosy's she liked was a post from 10 July. I doubt she'll be liking anymore of her pics now.


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Fakeyal reconstructed her face and got silicone implants to resemble the type of women Amir was cheating on her with. Sadly lowlife men like him will cheat no matter how perfect their wife looks. At this point now, she is beyond caring about the cheating and is just desperate to hold onto the fame and money and he will continue cheating. What a toxic marriage.

Corpse bride is a total loser. She has the means to divorce him and continue living in Dubai and focus on her children. But she knows she will be irrelevant without him and probably can't bear the thought of another woman having access to his money. She obviously has soo much dirt on him that he is not able to even divorce her. What a shitshow
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At this point just divorce him and accept that he doesn't want you. He'll continue cheating and disrespecting her. She'll become more and more insecure and turn her hate towards the girls he cheats with instead of him. Is amir's money really worth being publicly humiliated because your husband has cheated on you for the 100th time? Do either of them actually care about the kids?
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F isn’t stable.

Insta isn’t a true representation of her real life. She can slap make up on, dress up, overfilter etc. That couple arrive home and their reality is miserable and toxic.

Happy people are not mean.

Insta captures a moment only. And the at moment can be fake, filtered, exagerrated.
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Mrs. HI

I don’t think it is a business arrangement, I think she is with him for the lifestyle but does want him to be faithful & sorry for his past mistakes. She clearly resents him & they have tried to put on a united front but Amir can’t help himself.
I don’t think she has the confidence to leave him. She thrives off his fame. Their work is mostly UK based. They have not made any progress in terms of career / making money in the UAE. I have not seen FMK do any big campaigns in UAE. It’s mostly bridal shoots in the UK for Make Up Artists. Hence she is coming back to the UK which is considered HOME… to do a Christmas Special! She couldn’t wait to move to Dubai her favourite place but now it the UK she is craving for. Fame hungry! The kebab shop openings must be calling!! 😂
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Faryal knew Amir's reputation before she married him having girlfriends, drinking alcohol & even whilst they were engaged he was in a strip club she had time to get out but she had an agenda & a purpose for wanting to marry him & it was not love or because he was a good man she didn't give a crap about that because the love, trust & respect has gone in the marriage but she's still sat there with him so those things were not her main motivation for marrying him. It was her lifelong dream to be a "Kardashian" her whole self worth & validation comes from designer things, money & fame it makes her feel important & wanted having those things & because those fake & materlistic elements are still there she continues to sit there & make a fool out of herself.

I felt embarrassed for her when she was getting in that G wagon she's literally saying "look at me I have no self respect my dirty cheating husband bought me off with a car" so Amir is saying she's not worth respect, loyalty & honesty which those things money can't buy but she's worth a car & Faryal is agreeing by accepting it, a car means nothing to a millionaire but can he give you the things money can't buy no he can't.

For most normal women once love, trust, & respect is gone from a marriage & there is cheating involved the woman leaves because everything that the woman married for has gone & been shattered there is nothing left to stay for even if the man was rich even if you have children you still have self respect for yourself & know your worth & know the reasons you married for. If Faryal chooses to stay with Amir that's her stupid choice look where it's got her so far a messed up face & body, 3 kids left with nannies & public embarrassment & humiliation. Only them two can actually stay with each other because they both have the exact same traits & personality. Any healthy sane person would not be able to live like that. Like I said before match made in hell.
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It is disgusting if she’s threatening people to try and save face but I don’t believe for one minute these ‘I heard from a friend she’s sleeping around’ stories. She’s malicious and nasty, but so is pretending she’s sleeping around with 0 evidence.

One of the guys would have likely gone public, sold a story or at least leaked it to the media, his mates with proof (pics, messages with dates etc). This is like the ‘open relationship’ BS and for the millionth time if that was true why does he hide the texts from Faryal? Does that seem like something a husband would need to do in an open marriage where the wife doesn’t care? 😅 Obviously not.

She’s just too much of a doormat to him to walk away. It was sad to see Arifa propping up the sham with her too. What a sad messed up way to live constantly needing to lie to yourself and other people to cover up your husband’s actions and downright nasty to go after just the women involved, as if the men you’re married to shouldn’t be held to account.
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F enables AK’s behaviour. AK enables F’s.

it’s a vicious circle neither of them want to break. am sure when AK’s latest fling is discovered, he love bombs F, she rages then forgives. has procedures / treatments. AK cheats again. there are surely so many more that F doesn’t know about. AK’s inner circle supports him. AK has her circle too.

meanwhile both share solidarity content on their various SM.

the kids are deffo being damaged by this toxicity. it would be better to split up and focus on raising balanced kids but they are both too self-centered for that.

I think on some level they both enjoy their chosen lives. each profits from the other. F has destroyed any good looks she ever had. AK could easily replace her with a younger model which he will likely do some day soon.
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did everyone see her snap and the nany walked past, last night.. the kids jus looked bathed and ready probably thanks to the nany as she was there and faryal just went over to record, so cringe she acts like a single women with no kids till she gets cheated on then shes mother of the year and a practicing muslim ...

her behaviour is basically promoting cheating, considering shes a "modern asian" and a married couple she should be helping to break the stigma of asian men cheating and wifes staying quiet .... pfff eat ur own words" pendu"...acts all modern, modern people dont allow cheating 🙄 ... and how she pretends to play tigs lol then switches camera and probbly runs to sit in the sofa on social media ... just an act pretending to stay for the kids... amir is just rotten no words for that man always caught with his pants down
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