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Chatty Member
He doesn’t need to be pissed off to shag another woman, this wording kinda makes it sound like Faryal is causing him cheating.

And what’s with the romanticising of the thing he had with Aakila. He cheated on her too and likely not only with Faryal. He can’t have loved her that much either

Most likely she just kept a low profile because of her family background. Doubt they would have approved of her being with a guy before marriage if traditional. Suppose she had a lucky escape not ending up with a serial cheat and liar anyway.
Guys like Amir will cheat no matter what, they dont need an excuse.

I wonder how his new book will do
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Amir should be grateful his parents pushed him into boxing otherwise he’d be in one of those grooming gangs
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Well-known member

He even looks like a greasy pervert uncle now lol
Lmao who slid into his DM’s?! He does the sliding the greasy bastard, he was literally pestering that girl for dirty pics and he still lying

Just go home and make love to your wife, whichever one it is in this pic
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Well-known member
Although this thread is about her we shouldn’t let him off the hook. He is far worse.

Her complexes came from him.

He cheated from day 1.

All his uk mates (yazz etc) are no better because they choose to hang around him desire knowing what he does.
He’s 100% worse. He’s making a mockery of his marriage he made before God… Adultery is level with Shirk. she’s not perfect but she isn’t the one cheating - her motivation to stay is obv mainly money but also likely also the stigma of being a divorced pakistani lady with 3 kids. if he’s not happy and wants to be promiscuous he should be initiating divorce and then doing what he wants. I know you guys keep saying faryal has dirt on him but do you think he cares since he cheats on her 24/7
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Chatty Member
What is she actually going to the police with?? No crime has been committed and the girls all have evidence of her husband cheating.
I'm not going to be popular here and I've unwatched this thread as I'm bored off her plastic face and his cheating allegations. I'm bored off other women thinking it's acceptable engaging with a married man. I'm bored of AK, he just needs to keep it in his trousers and not be so desperate. However, can you imagine a Man being unfaithful and his wife getting endless abuse...because that's what happens. Women don't support women. He is the one that cheated not her. I bet people are saying horrible horrible things about her and her children. I'd go to the police if my children were being targeted.

They are both idiots and both need to step away from the limelight. 👀
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Well-known member
She’s an idiot but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with how she chooses to dress. I show more skin but luckily I don’t have a massive army online attacking me for it.

Married women can and should dress however they like and I doubt her kids will give her a hard time about it, vast majority of people aren’t that judgmental.

The religious quotes inbetween the pics IS definitely weird but generally how she and others dress - who cares. All these pics are or of Muslim women and many are also mums 😉 Not covering IS a sin but obviously less a sin than zina or backbiting. Why is Faryal singled out so much for showing skin. It’s honestly so weird.
I personally don’t dislike her because of the way she dresses. I dislike her because shes a bad mom and wife, a rude bitch, and fake/superficial/shallow etc etc. But the way she and some other muslim influencers dress is unacceptable. She’s worse than these other influencers because she acts like she’s religious and then continues to dress and act inappropriately…that’s why she gets singled out. That’s why her and Amir get more hate than other muslim influencers…because they’re hypocrites. Atleast these other muslim influencers don’t act all religious.

Btw, you can still show some skin and look classy. Look at victoria beckham and kate middleton for example. These muslim influencers that wear really revealing clothes should learn from them lol.
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Make It Stop

VIP Member
If Mamadoom introduced Fakeyal to the chapal during her youth, she wouldn't be such an autistic bitch.

The way she shames Amir, in-laws (in the past) and her kids on social media is triggering.

What sums her up is that incident where she faked the screenshot to Amir that Joshua was in her DMs. I don't think any normal couple could have reconciled after that kind of viral humiliation. Like how could she face Amir after that lol. The thirst for clout and money in her isn't comprehendible.
Your use of the word autistic is highly offensive.
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Active member
That hairstyle looks so bad on Faryal if you see her Snapchat where she's walking & promoting that Aymen guy it looks like thin spider legs hanging off her head. Faryal has like 3 strands of hair & to pull that hairstyle off you need alot more hair.


This is how it's done properly.

Money must be slow for Faryal no one wants a lunatic psychopath who mocks children with disabilities to promote their stuff so she's now hopped on the Aymen scam & she's going on about how picky she is with what she promotes, no she's not she literally promotes any shit even if it's a scam & her followers lose money she doesn't care as long as she gets paid for advertising it. Until people started calling her out then she lied about trying to get them their money back.

The more I think about Faryal's behaviour & how hard she went after the women practically wanting to murder them but didn't go after Amir makes me think Faryal doesn't give a crap about the cheating at this point Amir has fucked anything & everything & cheated so many times, she is more concerned with another woman taking her place. Amir & Faryal's embarrassing messages have been revealed all over the news & Amir has made a fool out of her again but she's not bothered about that because she thinks she's "winning" sat in her Dubai house & G wagon the clown 🤡 Faryal the only thing your "winning" is the prize for the biggest dumb doormat 😂
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Chatty Member
Never followed this influencer, stumbled here randomly but she used to be so fresh and pretty…why would she do all that to her face and the contact lenses too
I always Google her original face and still shock myself by the difference. Its not subtle, it's a whole construction!

Her worst ever make up was Wimbeldon. Her face was literally melting in the heat and was so overdone for Tennis.
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Well-known member
Good that the DM has reported this but why r they still reporting he's separated. They're living in the same house, he's investing in her business, they've been out dining, went to the cinema n he gifted her a car and they're still writing they're separated.

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Mrs. HI

This is very disturbing indeed. Looks like this has been going on for years. He cheats .. she lashes out at the women. FMK is concerned with the women keeping quiet to protect their public image and her ego. Suzie Mann is well respected & would have no ulterior motive to speak out
apart from speaking the TRUTH!! Good on her!
Are these 2 clowns going to say she is lying too?! They are both sick! They need to stop this toxic BS.
Faryal your husband has a problem deal with him rather than getting vicious with the women. You can’t keep him caged.. where the is a will there is a way. He will continue to abuse you & other women with his cheating because that is deeply entrenched in his being.
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Norfolking Good

VIP Member
I’d report it to the Financial Conduct Authority because is is blatant fraud. You are also not supposed to give financial advice without the relevant qualifications so a number of issues there. Shame on Amir to use his name to fish for poor saps who fall for this con.
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Chatty Member
Just wna say if amir kept it in his pants NON of this would hve happened. AMIR OWES FARYAL LOYALTY not the girls involved although they r wrong as well

faryal enables amir and it’s only a problem when it comes out to public but now the recordings of faryal show she’s not trying to fix the problm she wants to hide it and clean up amirs mess by keeping girls quiet

time to cancel these desperados
you can't expect loyalty in a relationship that started from disloyalty. I think multiple ppl on this thread said in the past how Amir was talking to or in a relationship with another girl and faryal still knowingly pursued him
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New member
Omg lol How do you guys know those screenshots are legit messages from faryal to Amir?
Someone that was part of the inner circle leaked them, I have more screenshots and pictures of her. I was also in contact with someone who knew her from NY, and years and years ago they sent me loads of pictures and screenshots they had of the thot ways of Faryal, but I've lost a lot of them,:( but kept a few (including the above screenshots) they are 100% real. Faryal knew Amir was in a relationship with Aakila Musa, but still chose to pursue him, causing him to break off his engagement to Aakila, and marrying Amir for herself. Now the hoe lives a life where she is constantly cheated on by Amir. Serves her right!
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Chatty Member
It’s weird how the parents and him don’t want the grandson at the wedding,

they all seem absorbed in fame and pleasing random influencers.

never seen such a departure from
Values for a grandson in a family as typical as this.
where did you get the idea that Amir’s family don’t want to see Amir’s son or have him present for the family wedding? It’s 100% on Faryal and Amir to never bring him to the UK bc they both severely lack parenting skills, and Faryal most certainly uses the grandson as a pawn. They could have easily hired a caretaker to look after Zaviyar if they didn’t want to be bothered with it, but nope - left him behind for her own selfish ulterior motives. I think they’ve only ever seen Zaviyar once, during his first Eid.
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Active member
Recent post from amir
Pretty sure that Indian lady already said the sun got facts wrong in her story.

Both need to get off social media. They're too toxic and immature for this super public lifestyle they've gotten themselves into through their own choice. The few episodes of their BBC show I watched just made me dislike them.

All you see from the content they put out is that they'd be better off divorced. All this cheap material stuff can never beat real love and respect in a relationship/family. No one is jealous of Amir or his wife/business arrangement.
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