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They are both terrible parents putting the opening of a kebab above their kids but she isn’t a cheat.

He is.

The community allows this.

If she cheated the entire community would turn in her and she would feel unsafe. It isn’t fair that he is “allowed” to cheat openly.

The mosques taking a cut from his dirty money to keep their mouth shut too. She needs some slack for not being a cheating wife. That’s how bad this is.
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WOW fakeyal is a nasty bitch for mocking that woman’s disabled child. Fakeyal your kids are slow themselves but you’re too dumb and careless to realize. Stupid bitch. No wonder no one likes you except for your dumb loyal followers. Faryaal Hussain said that’s not the worst of it…and honestly I’m not surprised.

Karma is finally biting fakey and amir in the ass and I’m loving it…they’re probably shitting themselves right now😁
They honestly don’t seem to care. They’re going about their lives like a happy family when clearly they have major issues. The people arse licking in Faryal’s comments make me laugh so much. I hope the western media pick up on the story and cancel them once and for all.
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She’s gonna regret this photo shoot with that plastic Ken doll

they both look like the Russian version when he was a man and a woman
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Married dude messages you, don’t engage, even if he says his marriage is a sham.

AK should not be messaging women, they also shouldn’t be responding. It’s common knowledge he is a serial cheater. But if there is fame and notoriety to be had, possibly influencer deals, cash rewards for press, that may motivate certain ladies.

The wrath of F is merely a small price to pay.

It’s a repetitive behaviour.

F and AK should divorce, they are damaging their kids. And any ladies engaging with AK can expect nothing long term. They are many, and easily discarded and replaced.
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Lmao you can imagine them at home or out for dinner, “Amir shut the fuck up, I need to snap my pasta and don’t be getting me in your fucking snaps either, we’re supposed to be on a break!”
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Faryal saying in her post people want to tarnish her reputation what reputation your married to a cheat that's facts! & that's what people are saying. She's ruining her own image & reputation by still sitting there with the pervert. People who speak out are just telling the truth & if anyone is ruining her "reputation" it's Amir & herself by accepting it. Faryal thinks everyone wants to see her downfall by being married to a man like that she's already having a downfall everyday. Anyone who questions her choices are just completely baffled to how she can sit there, justify it & still call a dirty man like that her "husband" & "father of her children" Faryal says it's none of anyone's business how she deals with her husband that's because she deals with him by using blackmail. Faryal saying why would Sumaira want to entertain Amir when everyone knows his "track record" which begs the question Faryal why would you still want to stay married to him & let him be around the children knowing his "track record" aswell?

A mother that truly loves her children especially one that has daughters would never ever show them this example & saying Lamaisah can't go on tik tok well maybe Amir "her father" should have thought of that before. Faryal goes on about her children don't deserve a broken home it's already broken acting like as if the kids are going to be on the street Amir will still provide for them. Faryal your just worried about yourself & are basically just as dirty as Amir by being in a man's bed who is like that & knowing fully well he's like that aswell. Faryal uses her children when it suits her it's sickening when most of the time she's not even with them & when she is with them the nannies are still doing everything even though she's there. This woman knowing Amir's "track record" continued to pop out more kids with him literally after every cheating story & after his dick had been elsewhere Faryal got on her back for Amir to "secure" the deal. Why would you continue to have more kids with him when he has proved he is a shit husband & father. Faryal has zero true connections with anyone it seems like her own parents have had enough of her aswell she never visits them anymore or they never visit her either or see the kids when they practically raised the kids when they were babies, guess they are of no use to Faryal anymore since she has nannies now & only had a connection with her parents when they were being free babysitters for her.


This sums it up perfectly by Faryaal Hussain 👏🏼
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I think it’s really sad on the few occasions they take the kids out to eat, the kids are placed away from the parents next to the nannies, most times with a iPad too
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That sumz girl is just as bad. Sorry but it does seem like she's clinging onto her 15 mins of fame by revealing one thing at a time. At the end of the day, she messaged a married man. Yes she didn't send nudes but cmon. She knew the conversation was going one way. Amir is in the wrong for cheating time and time again. And Faryal is in the wrong for threatening women and making disgusting comments about kids.

All 3 are in the wrong. I feel sorry for the kids.
I agree! This whole thing is just getting so messy. I don't quite understand why Faaryal H was messaging Faryal M's friends if that photo of her kissing her ex was actually her, cos why is that even relevant? Faryal does not care about her kids or their well-being, she only cares for herself. But this whole thing is just dragging on and on. Just release everything at once and stop this dripping of info here and there, its silly
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Faryal your getting used everyday 😂 your Amir's secretary, wipe his ass, popped kids out for him & then get humiliated constantly by him because he can't keep his pants on. Amir treats you & the marriage as a joke he gets to have his cake & eat it because he knows your the only woman dumb enough to accept that dirty disgusting behaviour all he has to do is throw a gift at you. Your the doormat "wife" sat at home whilst Amir is in hotel rooms with random women & then facetiming you from his mates house to trick you. Amir tells other women your marriage problems & slags you off telling them how shit it is being married to a deranged psychopath like you. Faryal your voice notes have revealed the real you & your evil malicious streak.

Amir knows your an idiot for staying with him but your to thick to see it he's loving the fact women are fighting over him & making themselves look like fools while he sits back & laughs, He only throws a gift at you when like the other comment said "you behave like a good little doggy then you get a treat" 🤡 Why didn't Amir buy you a car before getting caught & exposed? in fact wasn't he laughing at you & why didn't he invest in your make up line before?

When these women contact Amir why isn't he telling them "I'm taken & my wife's a boss queen" like you keep going on about 😂 instead he's loving the attention & begging for nudes & telling them how miserable it is being married to you. Obviously your duck lips & fake stuck on football's are not doing it for him. Faryal was acting like the poor innocent wife who didn't know anything but she's known for years & even been joining Amir in trying to keep the women quiet.
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wow…instagram has just given too much confidence to girls that have NO business thinking they’re a “moDeL” lol…how do you look all lumpy and dumpy like this and up to her nose in arrogance. Who the F is she anyway acting like she knows what Sumaira sent to Faryal and Faryal said to her. Faryal doesn’t even tell herself the truth, she’s in a constant state of denial. View attachment 2306185
That sue girl looks like a cheap hooker
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I just don't understand what Faryal is trying to gain from contacting these women that Amir fucks then hurling really crazy abusive stuff at them & sounding like a complete lunatic psychopath, like yes Faryal it's horrible being cheated on no one deserves that & it's hurtful & the worst thing ever for a wife but Amir "her husband" is the one who is putting her in these situations. If Faryal was saying these things to Amir everyone would say good on her she can say whatever she wants to him he's the one completely in the wrong & causing it all but she's acting like the women are married to her & owe her loyalty. Just like Faryal said "she owes nothing to Sumaira & the women" that's just how the women owe Faryal nothing either it's Amir who should be saying no to them but instead he invites it & in fact goes looking for it & hiding it.

Faryal sounds so crazy & deluded on another level saying "I’m the biggest Asian, alright, and girls like you look up to me" & “Have you seen the state of you? You think you look like me? B*tch, you wish you looked like me.”

Faryal no one wants to look up to someone who has zero respect for themselves & accepts gifts for getting cheated on again & again. No one looks up to someone who dumps their children for months whilst in a diffrent country following a man around that humiliates her & No one wants look like you even you don't want to look like you 😂 that's why you keep getting shit injecting into your face & then still use 20 filters & Amir must like "the state" of these women he's constantly fucking them.

Faryal these women are not forcing Amir to fuck them he clearly wants to, the problem is not the women the problem is your dirty husband. Also saying to someone "“I hope one day you die with cancer, b*tch" just shows the level of evil that's really inside her, Like fine call them sluts, hoes whatever because at the end of the day they slept with a married man but wishing death on children, mocking children with disabilities & wishing cancer is just fucked up. Like what must go on inside her head to come out with stuff like that. Also it's so hilarious how Amir & Faryal tried shutting up the The Sun yesterday with the 'sexual harassment' term & Amir was so proud of it but then The Sun ran this story on Faryal today 😂 the tabloids aren't scared of Amir & Faryal if they have proof & evidence they will post it. Faryal & Amir need to go hide under a rock 😂 Faryal's getting exposed big time.
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Chatty Member
Despite all the talk about being a modern independent woman is there anything more ‘paindu’ than always going after the women when your husband wants to cheat on you.

I reckon these days he’s making the ones he ends up in bed with sign non-disclosure agreements and that’s why we’re hearing so much about sexting etc, those ones just hadn’t gotten as far as having sex with him. I bet at that point he makes them sign NDAs to stop them telling their stories
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Everyone’s different so why not just live and let live. Personally I loved Victoria Beckham’s more sexy style when she was younger and I find Kate a bit dowdy and boring a lot of the time though I do like her style more lately, esp the trouser suits and evening gowns (I don’t really respect her turning a blind eye to William’s behaviour though and waiting for him whilst he tried his luck with other girls).

There are Muslim influencers who are more extreme and go from full on hijab to bikini pics and it is weird to me but to me that’s all it is, weird. They don’t get called out half as much as Faryal for how she dresses.

If if was about religion and not old fashioned sexism and misogyny Amir would get called out more because sleeping around whilst married is far worse.

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Faryal’s not a wh*re or whatever people want to call her. She shows a bit of skin but that’s as far as it goes. She’s not sleeping around, Her faults are her she’s turned into a bit of a nasty piece of work to cover up the fact her husband seems to want to go to bed with anything that moves and she’s a rubbish mother who happily spends weeks at a time it seems away from her kids as she seems to prefer holidays and having fun away from them :S

She shows as much skin as is fairly typical for a 30 something woman born in the west. Rather than a bit of leg or tummy showing I’m more erm shocked when she goes out head to toe in some ott logo but that’s just me 🙅‍♀️
It’s not about her being a whore, it’s the fact she’s an attention seeker, clout chaser vapid. And not likeable, and she’s a controlling narcassist. I do blame her to an extent for amir downfall.
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Chatty Member
FH is a chancer who’s good with marketing and PR. However, the arguments she makes do have merit but for some reason the public want to trivialise and minimise it to a simple guy who cheats on his wife and she acts like any typical scorned woman. It’s more than that. Pressurising women for sexual content then attempting to silence and threaten women is predatory behaviour. Not to mention purposely portraying lies about a person knowing the enormity of the damage it would cause for them in addition to knowing that you were the instigator. I can’t comprehend how and why anybody can support this. FH is annoying with the fact that she posts in riddles, drip feeding and using big words to make herself sound clever. However it seems Sumzz can’t afford a proper lawyer and FH is all she’s got right now. FH can’t represent Summz as she’s not qualified. she can only guide her to represent herself which is likely very long winded.
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This is wrong. Faryal is enabling amir and making it easier for him to be a cheating rat 🐀. Ratamir.

Ratamir needs to be exposed. This therapy will be ratamirs excuse, sometimes things get worse before they get better so with Z lister fame hungry faryal enabling ratamirs cheating ways this is probably just to stay relevant by having a follow ratamirs therapy journey.

annoyed that both of them tried to solely blame Sumz for ratamirs declared ‘boredom’ related actions
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Also she knows Amir would remarry, do u think Faryal would be able to accept someone else living her life if they divorced n Amir having more kids when it could've been all hers. This is all about control of his wealth.

When they had the robbery, Faryal said they made wills leaving their assets to each other. What does Faryal have to leave compared to him apart from her bags n a few watches.

When her bday comes, every yr she reminds ppl weeks before. She also has a post up right now captioned 'its my bday month', so every1 has time to send her freebies n gifts. She will never divorce n leave a penny of Amir's wealth unless she finds some1 richer to marry.

This time she's publicly supported him, went to Paris, didn't unfollow him. It shows how unbothered she is n Amir was telling Sumz the truth. Also all the talking she did thru slimy Sue that Amir's behaviour was only trashy n that Sumz was worse for exposing him n getting Sue to call out ppl from Sumz past to talk abt her.

I'm sure Yaz, Manaza etc all the suck ups, will be telling Amir look how Faryal always has ur back, when in reality she's saving her own back. If Amir went down, so do the perks of being his wife.
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After all the peadophiles and pervert scandals, the BBC should not be making another series with Amir the greasy uncle sex pest!
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