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The lips look so uneven in this snap.
you know I feel amir began messing around with Asian girls because he probably thought they would be easy to silence because that’s what the trend is when Faryal confronts them it’s a ‘you will get hate and Shame’ :/
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Awww look at Amir acting like the "doting dad" playing in the pool with his children, he is such a good father that he just had to make sure it was filmed & then posted for the world to see 😂

Amir it's funny how you forgot what a "doting dad" you are when you were sending your dick pics to another woman. According to Faryaal Hussain Amir has admitted to his lawyers & to her that he has had sexual intercourse outside of his marriage & she also said their have been 6 other girls that have also come forward with evidence.
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All of them including sumzz are coming off awful out of this and if the Khan's had any sense they'd have a social media break for a few years.
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The videos with that Aymen guy are so fucking cringe. They were going through the messages and showing how much people earned and it was literally quids, they are probably only being able to con kids with a bit of pocket money. I don’t know how it works or if it’s a pyramid scheme but I wouldn’t trust these fugly bastards that can’t string a sentence with my money

They used a helicopter taxi like everyone else and made out they were in an episode of succession
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Ok, whack wannabe gangster is giving seriously DERANGED VIBES now. “If you contact Amir again I will slit your fu***ing throat” IS THIS DERANGED CHICK FOR REAL?!?!? She is going to get hurt. She is really giving serious enabler, crazy ass stalker vibes. What self respecting womannnnn threatens another woman like this when it’s actually HER desperate husband chasing other women??
Faryal forgets she's 6 stones behind the phone/keyboard, she can barely slice a cucumber lol.

@Jeronimo Amir's been messing around with these girls, lying about his marriage status and then abusing the fact that they're Muslim/Asian to shame them into silence. They both deserve everything they're going to get from this.

He's got that low iq abuser mindset, so if he wasn't rich he'd be one of those stereotypical taxi drivers/takeaway/off license workers grooming underclass white girls.
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Who’s this Aymen guy Amir is with? Is it a scam
He’s a scam. Not sure exactly how but if they’re begging people to join their trading group amir probably gets a cut somewhere and aymen too. The more I see this aymen the more I hate him
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Do you think she reads this site?
If so Faryal, that blue outfit yesterday.... it's what they make the "tarty" characters wear on coronation Street in the 1980s, get some proper fashion advice.
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Is one of the reasons she won’t leave him because of their faith and divorce isn’t allowed? It could rules be broken due to his behaviour? Sorry if this sounds ignorant it’s not something I have any knowledge of.
No. Divorce for valid reasons isn't frowned on in Islam.

She won't divorce him because she wants the lifestyle/clout.
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Well-known member
Lmao the whole article was full of lies!

“I don’t think I was cheating, it was just a few texts. But I regret doing it” - fucking hell sending your dick pics and demanding nudes from someone isn’t a few texts

“Amir whisked model Faryal off for a romantic kid-free holiday to Mykonos last week, travelling there by private jet.” - it wasn’t a romantic getaway with that fat fraud and his prostitute present. For fuck sake she didn’t even step on the private jet which was only used between islands once for pictures

“I want to get back into training and I have been asked to do a few exhibitions. There’s also a few TV shows I want to do.” - he is a sexual predator he should not be on any tv shows at all from now on

“The pair were introduced at a New York restaurant by mutual friends in 2011” - come on now this one is all Faryal, stop lying!
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Amir was always poor at making good decisions. He left a diamond who was there for him from day 1 for trash. He knows Fakey don’t love him and is in it for her own reasons. I rate this Aaakilah girl!!!
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Chatty Member
^ 💯 agree with all of the above! She keeps acting as if she has some authority over the tabloids and is misleading her followers into thinking they’ve bowed down to her and removed the stories about her but nope, it’s literally the “sexual harassment” claims from 7/31, which even Suzi Mann said was misrepresented.

Faryal looked like a slippery eel in that hideous getup. Wtf was that look?! And Safa Dubai has to be the most obnoxious looking midget with her fake Ariana Grande hair. These women look SOOO lame trying to behave like gen-Xers, especially with the overly gesticulating “singing” and swaying back and forth…uncomfortably cringey and fake. Amir has some balls posting up that picture of a different woman being a bit handsy with him…guess he knows that Faryal won’t be offended since she’s already “forgiven” him. Part of me thinks the reason Amir treats Faryal like trash is to get back at her for creating drama in his family.
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Chatty Member
At this point just divorce him and accept that he doesn't want you. He'll continue cheating and disrespecting her. She'll become more and more insecure and turn her hate towards the girls he cheats with instead of him. Is amir's money really worth being publicly humiliated because your husband has cheated on you for the 100th time? Do either of them actually care about the kids?
neither of them care about the kids. Amir cares about his ego and Faryal cares about control: controlling their image and his finances. She knows even if she took him to the cleaners in a divorce, she wouldn’t dare accept that someone else might replace her. She knows that the new woman would immediately overshadow her in tabloid coverage and that’s something she could never accept. Anyone remember when she dragged Lamaisah to Dubai to desperately follow Amir while he was out philandering off with Alyzeh Gabol?
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So Amir's been sending dick pics to other women since 2016 & Faryal has been aware since then & been threatening the other women since then, even making fake accounts to message & harass them saying she is going to slit people's throats, even harass the women's mothers & wishing death on innocent children she's deranged. I think at this point Amir is looking for an excuse & hoping Faryal leaves him he's obviously not very good at deleting any evidence & not that bothered if Faryal finds it he's probably hoping Faryal finds it & fucks off but she won't 😂 he even went after that transgender model & got turned down & Faryal was still sat there. Poor Lamaisah, Alayna & Zaviyar imagine when one day they read all these stories about their messed up parents.

Faryal if you want to "slit" anything maybe it should be Amir's dick 😂 Amir & Faryal have a transactional relationship at this point he shags about & then when he gets caught cheating he buys her forgiveness with material things handbags, shoes & now a car that she was begging for & Amir laughed at her face. Amir knows he can "buy" Faryal back because that's how low & cheap she is she has a price & can be bought. Imagine having a handbag, shoes or car that constantly reminds you "oh that's the time my husband cheated & fucked that woman" Amir won't get in line so what is Faryal going to do go after the whole female population because "her husband" is a dirty perv who can't keep his pants on.

Omg I just seen Amir's post on Insta with the whole car reveal I'm dying of laughter 🤣 it's so cringey & fake & "classy" Faryal with her puffer fish lips & a hole in her jeans exposing her butt to top it off. Faryal is that what your worth is a G wagon 😂 They both have zero self awareness & can't see how stupid & embarrassing the pair of them look.
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