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Lamaisah in Amirs snap saying “you don’t have to record everything when you go out” - honestly very sad but also the child is smarter and more sensible than her parents
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Imagine catching your husband slagging around for the hundredth time but you choose to ring the other woman and threaten her rather than chop your husband’s dick off?
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I don't normally post but I have to say something after what Faryal posted on her stories & how ridiculous it is the amount of hypocrisy coming from Amir & Faryal. Faryal claims she won't leave Amir because he's her husband & father of her 3 children. Faryal he's only your husband on a piece of paper everything else a husband & marriage stands for he has shat on like cheating, lying, betrayal, no respect & breaking trust so what husband? stop trying to make out the public are dumb & as regards to father of her children if they got divorced he will still be their biological father so her idiotic rant makes no sense. Why not admit your staying with Amir because of fame & wanting to be next Kardashian she goes on about how she doesn't want Amir's money but she does want fame. The fact Faryal's still staying with him after this & after the numerous other cheating incidents clearly proves their marriage is a business deal or they have some type of sick twisted arrangement between them so Amir was telling the truth for once how their marriage is just for show. Faryal seems to be ok with Amir's behaviour as long as it's not made public because it makes her look like the desperate, embarrassing clown that she is. Amir has clearly shown what he is again & again but for Faryal to sit there accept it & even make excuses for him sick sick woman "I don't want my marriage played out in public" says the woman who was desperate for a reality show airing her dirty laundry but now wants privacy. Faryal wants people to think she's a Saint for staying & putting up with Amir's cheating what does she want a "well done sticker" it's embarrassing, yes 1 mistake you fight for your marriage but not 10 years & 3 kids later your just humiliating yourself at this point.

The fact Faryal's blaming the other woman for entertaining a married man proves how stupid & manipulative Faryal is herself trying to twist the narrative just like her dirty husband tried to do the woman may be wrong for entertaining a married man but only way she can entertain him is if he let's her, Amir could easily blocked her & told Faryal about it but no he lies, hides it & even sends his dick pics to her & wants pics in return. Faryal claiming the woman took screenshots so she could gain from them shut up Faryal you knew exactly why she took screenshots so she had proof of dirty Amir's ways incase no one believed her & now your mad about the screenshots because she has proof that Amir's the one harassing her for nudes. Faryal didn't you yourself take screenshot of Haroon's dick & post it on social media did you think about Arifa? You also claim to have dirt on Amir that will destroy him so stop making out taking screenshots means Sumaira wanted to gain from it some people take screenshots for evidence unlike you Faryal who takes screenshots to blackmail her disgusting husband so that he's forced to stay with you when he clearly doesn't want to be with you, he doesn’t love you or find you attractive anymore & goes after anything that moves but as long as he puts a fake post about "with a wife like mine why would I need to look elsewhere" your satisfied. Amir has looked elsewhere all throughout your marriage a dumb post doesn't mean anything his actions prove everything.

Faryal you can try sugar coating this as much as you want, going into damage control & even using & mentioning your 3 children but the fact is your "husband" is the one going to other women telling these women your marriage is fake & how your not really together & begging them for nudes, your not worming your way out now Faryal everyone can see you for the fame hungry woman you are now. The language Amir uses to describe women hoe, rat & slut just shows his character & what he thinks of women as objects if the women are hoes Amir what does that make you then? Faryal is just as manipulative & conniving as her dirty husband, Amir & Faryal both deserve each other I hope they never leave each other because they are perfect for each other a match made in hell 😂

The other thing that makes me mad & it's really sad is how these two conniving fools use their children as soon as a negative story comes out they all of a sudden remember they have kids & start posting them on social media it's so sick how they will even use their own children to gain sympathy. Faryal wants others to think of her children when this woman leaves her kids for weeks in a diffrent country while she goes out smokes shisha & has her plastic boobs out following a man around that humiliates her while her kids are left with nannies instead of using that precious time to make memories with them. Faryal has zero bond with her kids the nannies are suppose to be there to help out not practically take on the roles of parents the nannies discipline the kids, bath them, take them school, do homework, dress them basically everything parents should be doing & now she wants to go on about think about my children did Amir "the father of your children" think about them Faryal? & now the dirty man is out with the kids acting like he cares & where's Faryal? probably getting her nails done or buying a new bag. Faryal has sold her self respect & dignity for duniya & materlistic things her & Amir both crave validation from fans, want admirers & fame that's the only thing they live & breathe for. The reason why they are getting humiliated is because God knows their intentions are not pure so they are getting exposed now. Cue religious quotes from Faryal & prayer mat photos & Amir taking his kids out & acting like the doting dad maybe even another Umrah trip & a few more shoes & bags for Faryal maybe even a car for her birthday that she was begging for 😂 seriously them two deserve each other & the funny thing is they both probably have dirt on each other so are stuck with each other in fear the other might expose it hilarious 🤣
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Meet the Cons, I can’t fathom. His wife accepts it all for the sake of a G Wagon!
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Has anyone seen the Ali Dawah video on YouTube? He is saying apparently the solution to Amir's cheating is that he needs to get multiple wives. I can't believe he is actually saying that & what I'm hearing it's so ridiculous. Faryaal Hussain has done a response video on Ali Dawah's video & I agree with everything she is saying.

The main reason polygamous marriages were allowed in olden times was because there were so many widows or women that got divorced by their husband by no fault of their own & those women were left with young children & no one to provide for them so in Islam if any man married a widow or divorcee he will get so much reward for it but only if the first wife was happy with it & allowed it. Polygamy is not a solution for dirty cheaters who can't even respect or take care of the first wife.
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I can't believe those voice notes it's horrible & shocking. Faryal's a fame hungry, greedy cow what have innocent children got to do with Amir "her husband" not keeping his pants on why is she attacking & going after kids for, does it make the insecure woman feel better hurling abuse at little kids. If she wants to curse the women go ahead but children who are unwell & disable that's messed up on whole other level. Faryal saying "your the one with a disabled daughter" & saying "I don't have disabled kids like you" is sickening so what is she trying to say that if her & Amir God forbid had a child that was ill they would see that as a problem. You love your children unconditionally no matter what something Faryal will never understand only things she loves unconditionally are her designer bags & shoes.

Faryal should be grateful having 3 healthy kids no loving mother on earth would ever curse another child especially a child that is sick, how does the witch sleep at night she must think she's untouchable 'karma' is real Faryal. This just shows she has no maternal bone in her body & doesn't even know the first thing about being a real mother who actually takes care of their children. Faryal has 3 healthy kids & can't even raise or take care of them & has 3 nannies one for each kid how would she know the sacrifice to take care of a sick child when she neglects her own children & goes off to diffrent countries leaving them for months. This proves what a liar & hypocrite Faryal is I can't believe the audacity of Faryal to type up a whole rant about "think about my children" & "my priority are my children" & then behind closed doors she's attacking & hurling abuse at other people's innocent children.

Faryaal Hussain said "Faryal mocked the children's disabilities & even wishing them death" wow Faryal all I can say is fear God wishing death on someone's kid. Faryal should be ashamed & if anything I feel sorry for her children they are going to grow up to see that one parent their father is a dirty cheat & the other parent their mother has plastic surgery beyond recognition & attacks innocent children. They are going to grow up seeing their messed up parents ways & their parents fucked up marriage & going to think that is normal.
I have a disabled child and he is theTHE biggest blessing Allah swt has bestowed upon my family . We are lucky that we have a person of Jannah with in our family . Her trying to use disability as a dig. Just shows how clueless and uneducated she is . Faryal love what families like mine have is priceless something money cant buy
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How can you one minute be preaching about Muharram then in the next show your nails or material possessions
I’d be too busy ripping my husband’s dick off, the dirty bastard
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Hey guys,
So back in 2017, in the middle of Amir and Faryals 'divorce drama', I remember looking at Faryal's posts, and I saw a comment which had tagged in a page and they had commented that faryal needed to see it, and this page was showing screenshots between Amir and his ex gf, I am assuming this is Amir's ex gf Aakila Musa. I am also assuming that Aakila was behind the page but again I dont know. I know this is all old stuff, but I was going through my phone and I came across it, I don't believe I took all the screenhots of what was on the page. The conversations seem to be between Amir and Aakila, and then Harry has also dm'd Aakila.
Idk if these are real or not, but worth a read
He was better off staying with Aakila. Just makes you think what made Amir dump a real woman and go for trash such as FM??


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Agreed with above. He cannot be that well off now if he’s ALWAYS promoting a scam with aymen. Imagine being an Olympic champ and 15 years later your life is just scams and sexting lol.
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Good on the girl for not backing down they have fucked with the wrong one this time and this other girl came forward chances are more will too!!
Hes a disgusting perv and i dont think for a minute FAryal is in love with him shes always saying how he lost his looks or when he puts his arm around her she goes ewwwww no wonder he lool for affection in other women not saying its right but i do think its a business arrangment he can cheat and she can buy bags!!
Wait and see nice new bag mibi new jewellery and all will be forgiven
Their marriage is faker than her face
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"I think this has backfired for Faryal".
What's backfired for her? She's the only wronged person in this.

That lawyer woman whoever she is thinks blaming a woman is acceptable - as long as that woman is Faryal and not Sumzz. But tbf this isn't about the women it's 100% on Amir.
What are certain people unable to understand? The ‘lawyer woman’ is not condoning Sumz’s behaviour or knowledge of Amir being a married man. At no point has she justified any of Sumz’s actions. What she IS pointing out, is their initial narrative of being sent nudes in exchange of threats for money is a lie. She’s claiming that is a fabrication of the truth. And THAT is the point she wants outing. And I believe 1000% that should be outed AND cleared up. It’s one thing messaging women behind your Wife’s back - He’s then gone and lied to large public platform in order to to try and save his own sleazy reputation. He knew by doing that the implications for Sumz could be massive. He didn’t care. She might not be perfect (Sumz), I get she has a past etc. BUT to be lied about in that way PUBLICLY, is completely wrong. Why shouldn’t he be called out on it? And why should he get away with that factor alone?
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I actually think Faryal Hussain & Sumaira gave Faryal & Amir enough time & plenty of chances to just give a simple apology that Amir lied & Sumaira did not send any nude photos or blackmail him for money it would have stopped then & there & probably Faryal's voice notes wouldn't have even been exposed then. Sumaira admitted she messaged Amir & it was wrong of her to continue messaging a married man she never denied that she denied she sent nudes & blackmailed him & in fact it was Amir who sent dick pics & offered to give her money which was proven to be true with screenshots. Unlike Amir & Faryal who all of a sudden deny everything & get a bout of "amnesia" & can't even remember contacting any women. Until evidence is shown then they have a "sexting problem". If Faryal Hussain & Sumaira wanted to really go for them they could have released all this straight away without giving them an opportunity to say sorry that's all they ever wanted in the first place from those two hypocrites. Amir is the one who went to Geo News he thought his lies will get him through just like he does with everything else in life lies & gets away with it but this time it didn't work, it was only a matter of time before he messed with the wrong people or women shall I say.

Faryal stayed quiet enabling Amir's behaviour she was happy to let Amir go to Geo News say all those lies about Sumaira when it was in fact Amir & Faryal blackmailing & threatening Sumaira (& numerous other women) & it was Amir sending & begging for nudes. Faryal didn't give a shit then she's only piping up now because her own image & reputation is on the line with her mocking children with disabilities & kissing a man before marriage I'm glad she's been knocked "off her high horse" with her comment about "I never gave a man my number when I was single" she was single & pursued Amir facetiming him, having late night chats with him & thirsty for him to marry her. Faryal was a thirsty fame hungry little girl so she probably thinks all the other women are like that when no Faryal not all women are like you who want 5mins of fame that you keep going on about & actually it's more embarrassing & damaging for the women to come out & say Amir sent them dick pics who wants to be associated with that but they are doing it to stand up for the truth they are putting their reputation on the line whereas FARYAL & AMIR ARE LYING TO PROTECT WHAT LITTLE REPUTATION THEY HAVE LEFT.

Faryal your the one mocking & hurling abuse at innocent children with disabilities, threatening to slit throats & your worried for your children's lives & safety oh here she goes again USING her children when it suits her, your not worried about your children's safety when they are in the house with that dirty disgusting pervert are you? Or when they are left with random people whilst your in a diffrent country for months. Faryal is an outright narcissist she is just projecting everything she has done & twisting it around saying it's happening to her, I'm glad Faryal Hussain & Sumaira are exposing things everyday this way no one will just forget about it or it won't just go away because that's what Amir & Faryal want.
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Amir don’t give a shit about losing his kids, it’s more about losing half to fakeyal and his dodgy charity and other dirty shit being exposed by her
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Firstly, not sure how I’ve painted her as s saint when I’ve said multiple times I’ve said she’s selfish, materialistic etc

Secondly, his mum said publicly she wanted Faryal to wear a dupatta, which is absolutely ridiculous when she turns a blind eye to everything her sons do, and yes I can bet she keeps quiet about it at home too. I’m not from the same culture but my brother also had a blind eye turned to everything (inc sleeping around) whilst I was called a wh*re for showing my legs and so on. It IS paindu and backward to go after women but give the men a free pass to do anything and everything they like.

I think Faryal is paindu too for allowing Amir to cheat over and over and basically blame the women whenever he gets caught (I imagine for ever one she finds about there are probably 10 more she doesn’t t know about too). You would think she would want to break the cycle and not want to put her own daughters through the same crap but instead she looks like she’s trying to dull the pain by shopping and turning into a complete bitch.. and so the cycle continues.
I agree. Tbh these threads always bring out the worst types of people with double standards against women. These posters rarely say it outright but there's a strong sentiment that it's all Faryal's fault because she's got her chest hanging out. And Amir's actions are pretty much justified because "who would want a wife like that?!" I thought we were all trying to do better and not continue the same cultural baggage we grew up with that shamed women while putting men on a pedestal. But sometimes you do get some really odd comments on here.

Amir is a complete dog and previous posters were right - if he didn't have a successful career in boxing, he would've been driving a taxi picking up young girls to groom. Faryal is far from perfect, she could give Pete Burns a run for his money and her mothering skills are non existent, but it really didn't matter who he married, Amir would've been a shit husband and a shit father regardless.
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Faryal & Amir are not "separated" they were together the other day sucking on lollies like perverts this is a ploy from Faryal to make it look like she has an ounce of dignity & self respect because the heat is on her & since most of her followers are females they must all be asking the same question that if their idol Faryal is such a "queen" & "boss" why is she still sat there with that dirty man & accepting it so she's trying to make out she is thinking about leaving Amir, just like when she takes her wedding ring off for a few days & then after receiving a new bag & shoes she puts the ring back on the embarrassing woman 😂

Faryal needs to remember when Amir was going to divorce her he also called her names like 'leftovers' & 'gold digger' so he obviously has a tendancy to bad mouth any female that speaks out against him. I really think Faryal has serious evidence against Amir like drugs or maybe he has been abusive something that will cause him to lose custody. I remember when the drama was happening with her in laws they said "one day Faryal will come out & say Amir hit her aswell" what an odd thing to say unless they know he is capable of that. The birthday post from Amir are so cringe worthy like he thinks anyone is going to believe them, funny how he put "Happy birthday Princess Faryal" & not "My Queen" even he could not fake it that much because she ain't no Queen even he knows it 😂
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I'm dead 😂😂😂



Faryal "the classy boss queen" 😂😂😂

They both trying so hard to portray "everything is fine" but the sour moody look on Faryal's face says it all. They're just exposing themselves even more for the fake, lying hypocrites they really are the majority of comments are all saying the same thing Faryal's materlistic, Amir cheated so now bought a car, Gold digger didn't take much etc etc do they think the public are stupid & don't know what's been going on. There are a few arse lickers of Amir & Faryal still delusional & supporting them & saying people are jealous. What is there to be jealous of? I think most normal people would prefer to have a partner that is honest, loyal, trustworthy & kind instead of a car but then again Faryal's not normal.


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It's so disgusting what Faryal n this bully n that Myra makeup artist bully are doing. Making out Summz is the problem for going to the media n should've thought of Faryal n the kids. Tryna deflect from the real problem.

Hey Faryal when u showed Harry's dick pic to the world did u stop to think of how humiliating it was for ur SIL Arifa? Did you stop to think of her child seeing it in the papers 1 day? No right? So why should Summz think of u, y shouldn't she expose ur dog husband, like u exposed him on twitter in 2017 when u fell out with him?

Faryal is angry coz she made such a fuss of her 10 yr anniversary n she can't continue the narrative of Amir loves me more n Amir can't live without me.

She's never spoken up to all the other girls who exposed Amir in the past but coz this girl is Asian/ Pakistani Faryal's seething n thinks she can slut shame her for talking to Amir.
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