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But it isn’t though is it? And you keep adding to it by talking about people talking about her, it’s like a self fulfilling prophecy. Like all the people who bang on to the Daily Mail and Twitter about how irrelevant Meg and Harry are yet can’t stop talking about them.

This is why I like Alanna Clark, her content is fab for this. Just watching her current vlog with her trainer helping her sort some problems out.

I’d go with Flo and Evie for eventing and Alanna for dressage, they get the balance really well, think they all take what they’re doing seriously but also are fun to watch. Also love an Ashley Harrison vlog, the family and friends in hers really make for fun viewing along with the horse side.

My moms favourite thing to tell me was that buying a horse was never the problem it was keeping one and once I had one I knew how right she was, lol.

Sorry, Smokey not Joey. Joey is This Esme’s horse. Watched a vlog from her yesterday having a lesson on him, it was not pleasant shall we say.
Esme? Her riding was getting a lot better I hope she hasn’t gone backwards


Active member
I think Tina wants to focus more on show jumping and that’s what she means s she commented that she only had to be away from home for 2 hours to do that whereas it’s a lot longer and more time consuming doing eventing.


Well-known member
At the end of Karl Cook’s round when the announcer was saying something about Robert Ridland, was that George Morris they showed in the stands? Unfortunately my connection was really pixelated, but I swear that was the posture and overall essence of GM.
No. George Morris has nothing to do with the team USA set up as he was banned from the sport in 2019. He is also a much older man. It was Eric navet, Karl cooks trainer.


VIP Member
The horses Meg has seen are all well into the 15-25k bracket so there is clearly plenty of budget there.

I think many of the posters here are really out of touch with the prices at the moment and are expecting her to have a £2500 budget.

Well bred, quality unbacked 3yos are pushing 7-10k so stands to reason a 4/5yo that’s seen a bit of the world and has an amount of talent for the very competitive grassroots market would be 15k plus.
Oh I admit I’m clueless, last pony I bought cost £1250 and that was over 20 yrs ago and was considered expensive. Prices don’t surprise me, just the ordinariness of what she’s looking at, but then she thinks Winnie is special and I just see a very average, perfectly normal little pony.


Active member
I really liked the bay mare but not sure it's right for her.

Hope she doesn't go for anything under 15.3/16hh.


Chatty Member
Yes me too. A very sweet 4yr old and a good height! The second grey was sweet, but kept pinning her ears and getting upset in the mouth on approach to a jump. I know Meg said that the mare seemed forgiving by putting up with her pulling, but it could soon get fed up of it. She looks like she'd be like Addie into a jump after a while, with mouth gawping and head flinging. I think the fact Meg could jump her bigger made her want her over the first grey to be honest.
I’ve just gone back and had a proper watch and completely agree, I don’t think the second grey would make a pretty enough picture for a dressage test and I didn’t notice her ears pinned back on my first watch. I really like the first chestnut though, seems extremely sweet and eye catching. I think she really needs something that’s done at least a couple of BEs if she wants to get to novice, it’s clear she doesn’t have faith in her own horses because she trained them!


Well-known member
She (Tina) did the same with Voltaire. Was supported by them and then just went quiet.
They ended their arrangement with a lot of riders who didn't end up getting them sales some time in 2022 if I remember correctly.
I have heard not many great things about Voltaire as a company. I like the saddles but would stay clear as the support isn't there.


Chatty Member
I just had a look and there are 110 starters in their class :oops:
Is it top 10% that qualify? So essentially top 10.
Hope the weather is kind.


VIP Member
I’m on a lot of ID pages, never heard this brand recommended for IDs. The main brands are ideal and albion.


Active member
A proper Irish Sport Horse is also TB x Connie which is exactly what she viewed (the bay). I personally think it was exactly the right type for her.
I like the bay mare but i don’t think she buy her I say her mother will not allow it as the mother only wants overgrown pony type by the sounds of it. TB X connie is very good for eventing but a lot of them are very sharp it rare to see a relax on


Active member
I’m rewatching Meg’s day 2 horse shopping vlog and she must’ve bought the 6yo bay mare. Her voiceover sounds the most excited for that one. I like the mare more on second viewing but I wish Meg would’ve stepped outside her comfort zone just a bit more, it would’ve made for better content.
Nice mare. Meg looked a bit big on her - odd really as she didn't look big on the other 15.2. I can understand her feeling more comfortable on a smaller horse. I'd imagine she'd planned a younger horse for content, but has realised she can have fun at 80 on this one for a year (although it's been nicely started so I'd not linger at 80 for long if it were me as then both horse and rider lose confidence at bigger heights)


Well-known member
YT or insta?

I’m very intrigued to see Tina and Olivia Towers, they’re such different characters that I’m struggling to see them meshing, Olivia is all about the horse and not into the screechy best buddy schtick that Tina always has going on.
Insta, And Evie now vlogs on YT. They are just fun, lighthearted hard working young women


Well-known member
I am going to go against my previous comments on Wimpy any say I think she will be a super dog mum! I know cats and dogs are very different but her cats are cared for so very well, I am hopeful she gives the dog as much dedication. I think she will probably seek training, if not for anything other than a good plug and some touting for freebies! But I reckon she'll do ok with the pup.......


Chatty Member
Re: Albion, wasn’t Emily supposed to be getting a DR saddle from them too? I’m sure we can see it sat in her tack room but I don’t think it’s been fitted. Surely you’d have that done by now??