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Chatty Member
Isn’t Meg’s big news going live today?

Edit: never mind, she just posted it’s in 13 hours which makes it 8am tomorrow?


Well-known member
It’s so obviously clear that Tina got Louie at the time because she thought her time with Banks was not going to be full time riding him, with his injury? Now she’s qualified for Badminton 2024 with Banks, it makes sense as to why she’s sent Louie back, as she’s got Banks back on board riding full time. She must have been desperate to take little Louie back home to drive 9hrs one way to drop him home 🤦🏼‍♀️
Olivia Towers is pregnant, I had no idea 💙
Tina’s vlog with her lesson with Olivia was very good, I really enjoyed it.
I have only seen the trailer part of the vlog and absolutely loved what Olivia said, it made such sense. Will deffo be watching the vlog - and I never usually bother


Active member
Yay ELS Eventing has qualified for Badminton Grassroots 100! So pleased for her and it'll be great to see her compete against other influencers like Meg. What did Tina qualify for? The 90?
Same as me!
I wouldn’t go out with the fox hounds round by me, they are brutal and so bloody rude.
I had a nasty fall and horse a nasty injury out cubbing last year, they just pissed off and left us, I was so bloody angry.
Horse was really hurt too and I had to nurse him home.
Never again and I say that as a seasoned hunter!

I would go out with the Narvally bloodhounds now, seeing Lucy and Justines vlogs,
So is cubbing hunting fox cubs? Just wondered, as how can hunting cubs be legal since the ban? Also I'm surprised bloodhounds are faster, as they're right lollpy lumps! Or is that just because they use bloodhounds on a drag hunt, because they are better at following a scent than foxhounds?
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Chatty Member
There's going to FOUR vlogs on the Ireland Horse Shopping trip!!! That is really getting your money's worth :ROFLMAO:
It will be hilarious if at the end there is no reveal.


Chatty Member
So I’ve posted enough for you guys to know I don’t like Tina and don’t believe she’s as squeaky clean as she comes across. So much for worrying about Banksy’s age and going just for the fun etc… no, she pushed him for the time. Feels guilty, but still did it. The roads and tracks etc take up to about 30 mins I believe and if my “older” horse was then feeling it XC, I sure as hell wouldn’t be pushing him for the time. Unless I was putting my competitive wants before the horse of course….


Active member
Wow! Your choice of course but God forbid her business manager sees this!! Meg earns plenty. She and her property development family are extremely privileged. Don't worry about meg - I guarantee she has more in the bank than you and I!!
People buy her merch and her book, surely they’d be excited to part-own a horse she’s competitive with, especially with micro shares. Also not shocking that anyone on here wouldn’t be interested.


Chatty Member
Same here, I don’t mind the ones who are consistent, that are using the brands they promote, or have been with them for years.
It's the constant and conflicting brands that are the most irritating imo. I'll kind of give a pass to the clothing brands, because who wears only one brand of clothes (although there's a limit especially when it starts saturating the influences so everywhere you look it's F&F as far as the eye can see) but the horse-specific items - boots, tack etc - that are especially frustrating because most people probably change these every couple of years at MOST depending on wear, maybe not for years and years eg for a well fitted saddle you get checked regularly. And I don't see why the brands don't do more to secure exclusivity


Active member
On the subject of Esmè and the Lister clippers, have you seen the god awful job she has done of clipping the grey pony - don’t follow her, but I do follow lister (and have clipped exclusively with Lister clippers professionally for over 20yrs!!) they shared her post and I was shocked that it was being used to promote the brand.
I agree I don’t think she just clips him Due to crushing disses as Mickey coat is very short she also does it to keep him clean.
I reckon Meg’s new horse isn’t one we have already seen. She said she had seen more and although she said a few times she couldn’t put them on because the owners weren’t happy, the last time she said she couldn’t put them on for some reasons… I think those reasons are it would ruin the suspense!
I thought that to. Maybe she’s got a whole vlog dedicated to that one horse.


VIP Member
Poor poor RWC - all the shooting for her brands is SUCH hard work. Does she not realise that field management and grooming is something we all do just for the welfare of our horses 😡
Also, watch this space, she is going to be selling more of her gifted stuff shortly.
Of all of them I think it is RWC the gets my back up the most
Totally given upon her, she cares more about how everything looks than her horse. Her attitude when people were suggesting she get a good work up on Vossi because of his behaviour when jumping was awful. She was rude, snotty and arrogant.
Lilpet or whatever she’s called has done a vlog explaining that she sold Joey some months ago. Fair play to her for admitting they weren’t suited and so she did what was best for both of them and has sold him to a more suited home.


Active member
Im pretty sure she didn’t have her insured but it would depend on the policy you take out how much value you put on and if you had loss of use I think
I’m pretty sure you only get the sum of money if the horse is put down on welfare grounds.


Active member
I'd imagine the early vlog drop was because she had an early flight & so she didn't have to go radio silent on Instagram and deal with people asking if everything was alright with Ari or Dee or the foals etc.