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Haven't you been away for the past week @Thank(space)you? (apologies if I've got the wrong person). Now no one's expecting him to be awaiting your return with flowers & chocs or anything, but after not seeing you for a week you'd think he would have made sure to be around today - especially as you'd discussed it earlier in the week. And it's a Sunday, there's no football on...ugh. I don't like the way he's going to let you know later, it feels like he'll try and booty call you later on if he's feeling up for it, and not bother if he's not.

Honestly men are just one bloody disappointment after another. I'm annoyed at him on your behalf.
Yeah have been away all week, coming back today. He's then away Mon & Tues & has his kids weds & darts Thurs so next avaliable time to see each other is Friday. Provided he doesn't decide to make other plans that is 🙃

I just responded saying "oh" - he's left it on read. Half tempted to send another message saying "don't worry about later x" but I don't want to sound like a child having a tantrum.
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I have a bit of a weird one but I need advice! I met this guy online, we both had that we were looking for “short term, open to long” on our profiles. I’m mostly looking for short term/nothing serious at the moment, and I’ve been clear about that. I think we’re on the same page, he has been separated a year and has 3 young kids and has 40% care of them, and I think that’s why he’s not after anything serious either. He’s also been out of the dating game for a while, hasn’t done online dating before, and is a little bit reserved/nervous.

We’ve hung out 3 times, first time was a fancy dinner which was his idea. The next 2 times he came to my place and we had dinner and watched movies (he lives in the middle of nowhere so I didn’t want to go there yet which he understood)! The problem is we haven’t done anything!!! We’ve messaged about what short-term means in terms of a friends with benefits type thing. but not spoken about it in person. We haven’t kissed or cuddled or anything. I never usually make the first move because I have low self-esteem and I feel like I don’t know if they’re interested unless they make the first move. Another guy I met I invited to my place on the first date and we kissed and cuddled a lot, and slept together on the 3rd time, so I’m fine doing it, but only if they make the first move! He’s still in the picture and we’ve been sleeping together but I like this second guy a bit more I think.

The reserved guy’s coming round again tonight, part of me wants to initiate something, but then I wanted to last time but I held back because I felt like he was too good looking for me so I didn’t because I didn’t know if he saw me like that. But then why else would he keep initiating hanging out. I don’t really drink anymore so I can’t do that to loosen up, and he hasn’t been drinking either when we’ve been together. Do I assume he’s interested and just go for it tonight? I wish I was more confident, I feel like an idiot. I’m mid-thirties and have been with a lot of guys, it definitely doesn’t sound like it by this post though!
Kiss him! (Then report back here).
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i mean, the things that stand out in your post are: i don’t feel like i need to make the effort, i’m not ready for anything serious, i really don’t want to make the effort with someone, i don’t really want to meet him again etc etc.

if you don’t want to date, then don’t. you’re gaining nothing from going through it if you don’t really want to.
I think th e issue is that I can’t work out if its gut instinct or anxiety
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Not my thing. But I know enough about it to know it should be discussed and agreed beforehand, usually via text outwith the chemical buzz of sex as decent guys are going to want to know she isn't agreeing because she's scared in the moment.

A couple of years ago a young British girl was killed in NZ by a guy she met on a dom site. Part of the prosecution was another guy she'd chatted with, a genuine dom, who didn't meet her as he could tell she was innocent and naive to the scene. She didn't list hitting as one of her kinks and he said he couldn't imagine her consenting to it. It was so sad, and a reminder that even when we're murdered it's the woman's character on trial.
Yes that case (among others unfortunately) is always at the back of my mind when it comes to apps. I haven't used the no strings dating apps before but she is an avid user and the fact she has had multiple bad experiences has made me wonder.............. even more so now that you've said they tend to be safe spaces.
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The cutest builder ever is doing up the flat next door to me and we've bumped into each other several times and always get chatting. Inevitably I am looking like a troll - first time I was all sweaty after hauling my suitcase up on the tube and I was flustered because I didn't want him getting into the lift with me and blocking it. But I'm quite a chatty outgoing person when I'm not in a foul mood (rare!) and we had a nice exchange. Today I rolled out of bed and went to take the bin out (of course!) looking my absolute worst but smiled at him. And then when I came back from the shop we ended up in the lift again so I asked him how it was going and he said he was stressed as he has to get the project done by the end of the month. I told him he needed to negotiate for more money and he said 'I like you're thinking' and I told him I could negotiate for him.......... a bit flirty I guess?

He is super cute, a lot younger than me but I'm wondering if I should be bold here and fulfill a fantasy? Or just kick myself for not looking more presentable?
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I’ve been trying out a lot of meetup groups. Great way to make friends but unfortunately haven’t encountered any single men yet… Plenty who are already in a relationship but keeping it quiet though 🙄
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What the fuck is in the water with these men?!

So was meant to be seeing my guy tonight. Messaged me when he was leaving work and was going to pick some stuff up before he came to mine to stay for the night. Fast forward a few hours…
View attachment 2374119

Only yesterday he was sending me this
View attachment 2374123

Like what???!!! He’d been so consistent. It had honestly been amazing and now I’m blocked?! I don’t understand 😭

Oh wow! How long has he been MIA?
What age is he? How long have you been seeing him?
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My fellow daters, how do we deal with the need for constant reassurance? Anxious attachment has been kicking my bum 😶 I haven’t really brought it up in therapy yet, I’m trying to keep myself as busy as possible but my brain is just going slightly mad at the moment and making my already existing anxiety so much worse.
Have you read the book attached? By Dr A levine & r heller? I found it super helpful
Didn't he tell you to pull when you were away? Or am I getting mixed up? He said you were nuts to want him??? Either way you survived yesterday sis, you got this xx
Oh yeah I forgot about that

He's been grovelling like mad today
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should i tell him i'm starting to like him and want some exclusivity this weekend?

long story short - been speaking every day for a month, if i don't text, he texts me and vice versa. met twice about two weeks apart each time. we are very intimate when we see each other and have briefly thrown out the idea of me going on the contraceptive pill. i feel like that topic coming up again would be a good segue into exclusivity but i'm not sure and don't want to potentially ruin the date with serious chat. we will go to the cinema in the late afternoon, get food then back to his where i'll sleepover again. this time we will use a condom💀

one of my friends is telling me to keep going like this until the 3 month mark, then bring it up?!
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I’ve got one guy who is messaging me but his chat is dry and as my heart isn’t fully into it I’m finding it boring as well.

I have one single male friend who lives near me who is nice company and I am thinking about asking him if he wants to just hang out so we can go to the cinema and things like that if we don’t have anyone else to go with 🤣 but I don’t know how he would take this (I worry he might think it’s a come on) but I am seeing him next weekend at my friends house so I could suggest it then? I know from my friend that he often doesn’t have anyone to go places with so maybe we could tag team some things. I really do need to make more friends so if that comes out of OLD then that’s ok too
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Thank you all for replying!

The reason he gave me was more legit than the nan falling but I get what you all mean about lame excuses 😅 my friend and I had a discussion about his excuse, it feels a bit too deep and personal to be an excuse but you can never be 100% that's why I'm feeling like I want an answer sooner than later!

I'd be messaging to see whether he's placeholdering me or not once and for all!
If we are going to be meeting up then then I'd like a bit more frequency than what's been so far, I'm not interested in someone whose gonna talk the game but only pop around every equinox or whatever 🤣

Would asking to meet for drinks sound like asking out on a date date? 😬 I'd be meaning for it to be more chilled than that, I'd be thinking I'm meeting up not having a date?! So if I messaged I'd probably just say meet up!

His message seemed out of the blue not to lead onto a hook up suggestion straight away, and he seemed sincere in how he was talking. I wasn't flirting cause I was testing the waters almost with it being a couple of weeks since we last spoke, and I think he could be too. He knows I'm on on dating apps so maybe not sure if I'm interested still - but that works with the placeholder thing too!

If I did message him and I got a dubious excuse or a vague time frame then that's when I'd be like fuck off 🤣 might not necessarily say it to him, but his answer would be clear as day even if he won't say it directly.

As would ignoring my message, and if he did that and then messaged me a couple of weeks later like this time then I'd ignore his message too (I know you'd say block but I've mixed feeling about blocking etc - just gotta be strong with the ignore game and either you're not fussed by them or you'll remove them when you're in a positive mindframe later on in life)

We don't live in the same town, but are a 15 minute train ride away from each other with pretty regular trains into the evening. I quite like that as it gives us our independence, that's really important to me after previously living with a partner.
He's also more social than me, so I know that he'd be doing stuff like that but good?! Always need a balance of friendship and relationships it's healthy?
The difference would be once/if we've established something between us we should both be open to make the space for them in our lives (again, that links to above where I said I'm not interested in talking for months for a once in a while fling) and maintain that - if it can't be maintained then its not working 🤷‍♀️

Oh he also doesn't hate my cat it was all said in jest 😅 but my cat did jump all over him in the night but he was cuddling her the next morning. He'd been camping several nights before so probably bigged up a night in a bed 🤣

I was a crazy cat woman when he met me 8 years ago he knows what he's getting himself into 🤷‍♀️🤣
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Hey girls, new to this thread so hope you can help. Just started talking to this guy I met in a night out a few weekends ago. We been exchanging a few messages since then on the daily basis but we aren’t talking all the time.
We got a date this Saturday and while I’m not looking for anything serious at the moment I have a feeling he might have a girl..
There are 2 main reasons why I’m thinking this:
1st he kept asking me what’s my work schedule bc he wanted to video call to arrange the date, and kept asking me for my break time so he could call then. He didn’t have same break times as me like 3 days in a row but he was so keen to video call at our break however didn’t offer to video call after work? I found it a bit shady (we did video call at my break, he took it at the same time as me after 3/4 days)

2nd I’m not much of a person to text at all times during the day & I think he isn’t either, however it seems like there’s a trend where I never get any messages from him past 6:30pm.

I am not looking to get involved romantically but don’t want to go out with a guy who already has a girlfriend .. what do you all think? Any advice?
(In person he is lovely, I really liked his vibe)
Do you know his name or number? Can social media stalk if you know his name. If you know his number see if you can get his name via PayPal or Snapchat or WhatsApp?
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