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VIP Member
This is a weird question, but you know on Hinge can you make it where you can block someone straight off the bat?
So if I join back up can I block that guy that I called it off with doesn’t know I’m back on the sites 🙃🤣


Chatty Member
Sorry its a long one

When generally is the best time to ask someone to be in a relationship with you?

Me and this guy have been talking all day/night in between working and other priorities, we have been meeting frequently having sleep overs, days together, spending lots if time together. He's mentioned me to his friends etc.

I know when I was there the other day he got a bumble notification and I wasn't sure if it was a someone has liked your profile or if it was a someone has liked a message you sent one. I deleted my bumble quite early not for him but I figured I was talking to him, I had alot to get on with work wise etc so it was good to just see what happens. I mean he is entitled to have the app and he maybe didn't get any likes for ages or whatever. But I can't stop thinking about it however innocent it may be.

We have spoken about seeing other people I said I really liked him and he said he likes me too and doesn't want to see other people, and would be upset if the person he was seeing was having sex with multiple people.

But he also says he scares easily, it's like I understand we have both been single since April/May with the breakdown being a few months before. And whilst i don't want to ask yet for him to be in a relationship with me yet, I don't want to be waiting months and months worried il scare him off but I also want to commit to him as we are really good together there is alot of chemistry.

He is 38 so you'd think the being scared easy is something someone younger would say, and whilst I am happy taking it slow it's also confusing for me messaging all the time, spending days/nights at each others houses and alot of the stuff we do is very relationshipy like we act like a couple always holding hands kissing touching talking about everything and anything infact being with him is easier than anything iv been in before.

So should I be content with how we are now?
We started talking meeting etc over a month ago and it's been a constant thing.


VIP Member
Do you know his name or number? Can social media stalk if you know his name. If you know his number see if you can get his name via PayPal or Snapchat or WhatsApp?
How do you find their name by pay pal I’m chatting to a guy who seems just to good to be true. I can’t work out if he’s a shit texted or has a girl.


VIP Member
I have a bit of a weird one but I need advice! I met this guy online, we both had that we were looking for “short term, open to long” on our profiles. I’m mostly looking for short term/nothing serious at the moment, and I’ve been clear about that. I think we’re on the same page, he has been separated a year and has 3 young kids and has 40% care of them, and I think that’s why he’s not after anything serious either. He’s also been out of the dating game for a while, hasn’t done online dating before, and is a little bit reserved/nervous.

We’ve hung out 3 times, first time was a fancy dinner which was his idea. The next 2 times he came to my place and we had dinner and watched movies (he lives in the middle of nowhere so I didn’t want to go there yet which he understood)! The problem is we haven’t done anything!!! We’ve messaged about what short-term means in terms of a friends with benefits type thing. but not spoken about it in person. We haven’t kissed or cuddled or anything. I never usually make the first move because I have low self-esteem and I feel like I don’t know if they’re interested unless they make the first move. Another guy I met I invited to my place on the first date and we kissed and cuddled a lot, and slept together on the 3rd time, so I’m fine doing it, but only if they make the first move! He’s still in the picture and we’ve been sleeping together but I like this second guy a bit more I think.

The reserved guy’s coming round again tonight, part of me wants to initiate something, but then I wanted to last time but I held back because I felt like he was too good looking for me so I didn’t because I didn’t know if he saw me like that. But then why else would he keep initiating hanging out. I don’t really drink anymore so I can’t do that to loosen up, and he hasn’t been drinking either when we’ve been together. Do I assume he’s interested and just go for it tonight? I wish I was more confident, I feel like an idiot. I’m mid-thirties and have been with a lot of guys, it definitely doesn’t sound like it by this post though!
Get some sexy underwear on stuff that makes you feel hot and let him catch a glimpse


VIP Member
That's exactly what it is!
My Saturday night date has taken charge which I like, (he has also taken note if I've said anything)

Hinge is shite

Wasted so long on there. I've actually matched with loads of lovely lovely blokes on tinder tbf
I tried bumble the night before & was disappointed beyond belief so got hinge thinking surely it will be better. Maybe I need to give tinder a go then! I have already hidden myself on hinge 🤣


Active member
I’ve been chatting to a guy who I met on Hinge. I feel like we really get on (over message). Lots of back and forth chat. Haven’t met up yet (arranged a date for Friday this week) but last night he said that in past relationships he’s always been very “casual”. I’m very much looking for a relationship and this has thrown me a bit because to me that doesn’t sound like he wants the same thing as me. Should I meet up with him on Friday anyway, or is this a warning sign? Part of me wants to meet up and see if we do actually have a connection, but then another part of me thinks that he’s been upfront about casualness and that isn’t something I want, so it would be best to cancel the date and stop talking.

What do you think?


Well-known member
Tell me I'm overthinking!!

Neighbour and I were messaging yesterday, and I mentioned I'm going out with my sister in Leeds. I said my sister is newly single, she didn't really go out when she was with her ex. He said something along the lines of that I should let my hair down & go pull someone, I said I'm not interested in that.

I just feel a bit weird that he's said that? I know we've only been on 2 dates but we have been talking for like a month & we have our 3rd date planned so I dunno? I just didn't expect him to say that.
Do you know if he's dating other people? Or did he say it to get a reaction? What was his reaction when you said you weren't interested in that?


Chatty Member
Thank you!! I just quickly searched Camden street food on Instagram and it looks insane! I’ll research more tonight 😍

Aww yay! Great minds 🥰 I will feel less alone knowing there’s another dating tattler there 😂
Just bare in mind the train strikes 😪


Active member
I have a bit of a weird one but I need advice! I met this guy online, we both had that we were looking for “short term, open to long” on our profiles. I’m mostly looking for short term/nothing serious at the moment, and I’ve been clear about that. I think we’re on the same page, he has been separated a year and has 3 young kids and has 40% care of them, and I think that’s why he’s not after anything serious either. He’s also been out of the dating game for a while, hasn’t done online dating before, and is a little bit reserved/nervous.

We’ve hung out 3 times, first time was a fancy dinner which was his idea. The next 2 times he came to my place and we had dinner and watched movies (he lives in the middle of nowhere so I didn’t want to go there yet which he understood)! The problem is we haven’t done anything!!! We’ve messaged about what short-term means in terms of a friends with benefits type thing. but not spoken about it in person. We haven’t kissed or cuddled or anything. I never usually make the first move because I have low self-esteem and I feel like I don’t know if they’re interested unless they make the first move. Another guy I met I invited to my place on the first date and we kissed and cuddled a lot, and slept together on the 3rd time, so I’m fine doing it, but only if they make the first move! He’s still in the picture and we’ve been sleeping together but I like this second guy a bit more I think.

The reserved guy’s coming round again tonight, part of me wants to initiate something, but then I wanted to last time but I held back because I felt like he was too good looking for me so I didn’t because I didn’t know if he saw me like that. But then why else would he keep initiating hanging out. I don’t really drink anymore so I can’t do that to loosen up, and he hasn’t been drinking either when we’ve been together. Do I assume he’s interested and just go for it tonight? I wish I was more confident, I feel like an idiot. I’m mid-thirties and have been with a lot of guys, it definitely doesn’t sound like it by this post though!
Update please. Did you kiss him?


Well-known member
to be gentle, you are projecting a lot of hopes and expectations onto him - in particular thinking about what your hypothetical relationship would be like and how you would juggle the distance and your relationship and friends. doing this kind of build up and pedestal placement when he’s gone no contact for two weeks prior to this isn’t going to help you. it’s also interesting that you’re already assigning excuses to him on his behalf.

taking his excuse at face value. he didn’t text you for two weeks, he then started a very generic conversation with no flirting. you are hypothesising a lot about what he may or may not mean but ultimately, he was not flirtatious and didn’t give any indication that he wanted to see you. i mentioned his friends because you said in your original post that he’s been out with them socially while also dealing with the thing that meant he couldn’t message you.

it takes nothing to make it clear that you want to see someone. he isn’t giving you any indication that he does. asking him outright may be for the best in this scenario as you’ll get an answer either way as the longer this goes on the more your obvious strong feelings for him are going to grow.
I mentioned the hypotheticals of how I'd fit in with his friendship due to a comment by @katyazamo (I think) mentioned how I'd fit into things/him making time for me in the theoretical situation.
Might seem like I've planned it all out, but I've had an ex who lived in his town so have done the trains etc all in the past 😅 as well as its just generally being a place to visit locally!

We do usually share pleasantries before the conversation takes a debatiourous tone 😅 Our conversation wasn't really generic because it all did link back to when he came over the other night. If it had just been generic chat I'd have been more skeptical as to why he's popped up again but it was certainly deeper chat from him than we had previously - it's difficult with a forum not to post too much identifying information so I understand some of the confusion coming across.

I mean, it works both ways doesn't it? From our recent conversation I've not given him any indication that I want to see him - I've just responded to a conversation he started 🤔

I think my heads basically stuck between 'if you don't ask you don't get' and 'if he wants you..' 🤔

In regards to your last paragraph - I'd pondered in my first post - no reply/ignored or a vague answer is a definite answer even if he didn't intend to! It's just a case of getting my big girl pants up and taking the plunge 😅

Point is I DONT want stronger feelings if I'm sat around waiting to see if he's going to message me again, I don't want to waste my energy on that 🤷‍♀️ or be in a good place and have him message and it throw me off.
The what ifs would bug me. But then I am working within the law profession so that makes sense 😅
As much as I wanted to message him before he had me, I was telling myself to give a few weeks till like august to explore the apps etc then see what I wanted to do 😅

Again, thank you all for your advice 💜

@Morleybbz Wait, is he the same 'friend' who ghost you once a while ago? And wasn't he a douche with a girl he just slept with? Sorry if it's the wrong guy, but if not, he doesn't seem like a nice person or a good friend 😬
Same friend yeah, ghosting wasn't straight away after sleeping together. Was good communication which went shit, a few days ghosting but then a really positive response to conversation then this 2 week one...

I wouldn't have given him the time of day if his explanation for what's going on didn't seem pretty legit 🤷‍♀️ my friends seem to think it's reasonable anyway what he said

The girl he slept with would be what I'd call a placeholder after learning that word today 😅 his distain with her was more with her pestering him when he'd just broken up with his ex.

But this is another reason why I dont wanna sit around and find out if I'm a placeholder cause that's what I think he's done to that girl since school I just couldn't describe it properly!
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VIP Member
Sorry but I think your little guy is full of shit 😅

Edit: If you don't want a serious relationship 'right now', you should say you don't want a relationship, no 'buts' or 'maybes'. Saying 'you can't promise a relationship' leaves open the door for some hope that 'maybe one day...'. Men know that, they use it to to be able to 'date' because, let's be real, lots of women would not sleep with guys who would plainly say they just want sex. (I say that as someone who doesn't want serious/long-term relationships so it's not a judment on not wanting a serious relationship. Just be honest and don't play people). Also, how long is a woman supposed to wait until the guy decides he is finally ready?
Nah I totally agree with him if someone asked me after 6 weeks I would totally say I'm not ready and it's too bloody early!

It's then up to the woman if she decides she's happy to wait and see or if she wants someone who is immediately ready IMO 🤷‍♀️