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I am finding this latest 'episode' quite dark if I am really honest. Now I do believe pretty strongly that he is a narcissist and everything he does is to find the right target and turn them into a supply by manipulating them to believe his bullshit. His monologue on his live the other day was the most one sided claptrap I have ever heard in my life! I have always rather enjoyed watching DJ and CJ as they are very real. As soon as they were in a position to, they told the truth and accepted their own roles in what happened in the 8020 days. That means a great deal to me as everyone (except wheeler) is redeemable. I even know that most of you here wouldnt piss on kaz if she was on fire - but I think she is a huge victim in all of this and it will take her a long time to get over it. I have been a victim of someone like this before. I would get into fights on the internet because my partner somehow coerced me to do it! I woudl apologise because after a 13 hour day in the office I was too tired to sort his own business books out whilst cooking his tea! I look back on that time and think how on earth could I let myself do all of those things at his instruction! I am a senior director in my chosen field and I have been successful through graft, determination and chutzpah - I am not hard as nails by any stretch - but I am ballsy and I do not suffer fools. Yet for four years of my life I fell for it! Coming out the other side has been the hardest thing I have ever done. Whatever you feel about Kaz, him talking nice about her is him still trying to control her. However it looks to me like she is grey rocking him. That takes balls all on its own. She will do it and she will be here amongst us I am sure, when she has the strength. It is hard for any one of to us to believe a man so ugly and stupid from the inside out could get away with the level of manipulation he has to date. But for most of us on here he did it through the power of a 3 minute tik tok in your FYP a few times a day... Imagine living that life every day. Kaz was sucked in along with her family. We were able to take a step out and look back to realise how bad he really is. She is only just doing that! I am not condoning any of her behaviour at all, but if she has walked away from him, she is only at the start of her journey to break free. Its a bloody long road.
I agree with what you say about Kaz to a point.

I agree in that we have all probably had to do things at work that we don't want to - he was her boss for an amount of time, and as we are led to believe, paid by him so yes, I get that she has probably gone along with whatever narrative he wanted cos it was her job and somewhat expected of her.

He's also made it well known that she has worked for free for him. That's the point my opinion changes. She has had perfect opportunity to drag herself away from his clutches and remove any association from him and his shit show and she didn't. That's the point (in my personal opinion) that she became complicit. She has blatantly lied for him, has nodded along in agreement to all the shit he tried to make us believe and she's chosen to put him above her own husband and child.

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It just doesn’t make sense!! Sam is a friggin nutter. How can her fanny not dry up every time she looks at him! I can literally smell his breath when he’s on line.
On the rare occasion that you see Sam out and about these days, she's a former shell of herself, she used to be so bubbly and confident, he's sucked the life right out of her. She just looks dead in the eyes. He's nothing but a parasite.
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Link to Dans rant about DJ yesterday. Aparently us trolls are responsible for Kaz having her tyres slashed
Wow he is so delusional he doesn't realise he is describing himself perfectly! Each time he tells the story he adds a bit more on. I'm sure all qualified therapists out there are quaking in their boots that their job is at risk as some charlatan from the tiniternet can just listen to the problem and solve it like that. The problem is there are always people out there who hang onto the hope that someone like him can help with a quick fix. All his friends and family (Sam and Rowley apparently) will of course back him up, Sam has no choice she can't get away from him but Rowley surely you can't be that desperate that you can't see the common denominator in wheelers downfall and issues is the big man himself. Lock up your cheque book Rowley, I can sense another big venture is coming your way and you my man are the last standing meal ticket
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
He has not worked FOR youtube for 10 hrs a day, or streamed for 5hrs a day for 2 years 🤣🤣🤣

He's streamed for a few hrs a day for a week or so, until he gets bored then he'll be back to re releasing clips of old material!!

He's a deluded fool. I'm sure youtube will be giving zero shits that he's moving. Oh, and he won't move, it's an empty threat- he gets money for song requests, he's not leaving that behind.

Bore off Wheeler, no one cares. I hope you go destitute 🥱
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Chatty Member
I’m assuming he’s talking about Israel not Isreal🤣🤣🤣🤣

someone get him some professional help. He’s well and truly lost it


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Here comes the hotstepper

Well-known member
His self awareness is NON EXISTENT!

It's truly laughable 😅

I might be wrong but his mum appears to have been in his life consistently, through all his ups and downs. She may not be perfect but he seems to blame everything on her and not his bio dad who walked out of his life!!

I get the feeling his mum and stepdad have had to give him tough love, ie- they said 'no' to him, and he spat his dummy out!

Whatever happened, we won't get the truth from Wheeler!
It's because he hates women wether that's his mum, sister, or a stranger. He knows we are smarter, stronger and more intelligent than him.
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
So Dan's new plan is to enter the World Series of Poker in Vegas next year. Apparently he is really into poker, has played regularly for years, and has won tournaments across the UK 😂😂.

Will all be streamed on Friday evening. He's also covering Coach Dan on Mondays, space Dan on Tuesdays, addiction recovery Dan on Wednesdays, and guitar Dan on Thursdays.

I give it a week 😂
Since when has he been a poker champ 🤣 omg!! Just like he has world records at everything, and was the call of duty champ last year after playing solidly for a couple of weeks 🤦‍♀️

He's beyond deluded, I've literally never seen anything like it. It's impossible to take your eyes off 🍿 🍿 👀
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Is he really claiming to have been a "full-time" "content creator" for 2 years? June 2021?

A million inches cms

6000 people in the academy.

Storm cost 10 to 15 grand

8 stone 12 years

Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
Last time I spoke to her she was still receiving police organised counselling to deal with the trauma that he put her through.
He must be beside himself that she has everything he wanted and can’t get, she has a new house, her dogs, a loving partner and a baby. Hes playing make believe in his moms garage wearing a stupid hat but somehow wants everyone to believe he’s happy and achieving his life’s dream 🙄
That's awful. He destroys everyone he comes into contact with. Sam isn't immune, she will already have given SO much to him and lost SO much because of him. If she has ANY sense whatsoever she'll stop the trying for a baby nonsense.
No baby deserves to be brought into the world to an unhinged addict with no stability and a house full of chaos!!

Whatever reason Kaz left, she will be sitting and counting the cost now. Financially, emotionally and the cost to her family- especially her son who lost his mum for a while because needy Wheeler demanded her full attention!!

What an absolute mess 😳
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I've heard DW is getting back into stand up comedy. Remember his last clip of stand up from years ago.
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Kaz is as self-serving as Wanker. If that rat has jumped ship, you know he's definitely sunk.

I can't figure out Sam though. She's always stayed out of things, but who knows what her participation is behind the scenes. Though I do sway more to her being a victim. He makes my vagina curdle, so surely she can't be staying with him for the physical stuff. We all know how noxious his personality is, he brings nothing to the table financially, and he's a write-off in terms of ever expecting him to do or be better. I can only assume he plays the "if you leave me I'll kill myself" shit card on her. But you know what the best thing to do with someone who threatens that? Leave them even faster, and call an ambulance if they claim to have made good on their threat. If they were serious, well done you got them help. If it was fake, hopefully they'll learn not to do it again.
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Chatty Member
View attachment 2307438
Here we are ladies and gents as predicted!
How he has the audacity to show that picture when he now looks like he does I dont know!!
I wouldn’t take his advice if HE paid ME. Ended up fatter on his plan - him and his minions prefer to blame the client but I’m a healthy weight and in great shape now. Meanwhile Dan, Rowly and Kaz are huge. Dan shouldn’t ever ever be a coach in anything. He’s an anti role model. “Don’t be like Dan kids”. This is all about making a quick buck so he can have time off indulging in his many addictions.
I'm still trying to get my head around this convo from yesterday, in response to his matrix post. I think my old therapist would have called these examples of 'magical thinking'...

i know there are many belief systems out there that bring people comfort, but to me, this is just bizarre.
New low?
Dan spinning sob story about his mum again
Whatever happened- he chose it ,according to him, so no point in moaning about her!
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Here comes the hotstepper

Well-known member
Do you know what I'm gonna be 💯% translucant on here and I don't care who sees it, do your worst.
All I can say, is I fell for it once and got bitten then and an idiot like me fell for it 2nd time because of other circumstances you can say nieve, stupid, mentally ill, needing something that wasn't there. I must let others make their own choice, and yes I loss something that has been holding me up for past few months but I'm cutting all ties and moving on I can not allow him or anything else hold me back to get better if anything it made me worse continuing on this destructive journey.

I'm now here 💯% spreading the word of that ass who only ever thinks of himself. Cons and swindles money out of some good people who I grew to like that's not right.

Sorry for the rant
We have all been faithful ,supportive and loyal to him at some point then you slowly see for yourself that all those so called bullies were right all along. I felt such a fool for a long time because I didn't believe a word of tattle until I saw the evidence and was shocked ,how stupid was I ? How could I have been so naive ? I hate him with a passion he is a vile oxygen thief and deserves whatever shit hits him on the way down. He cons vulnerable ,people at their lowest and rinses them dry . ❤
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He's such a fucking diddy. YT provide him a platform FOR FREE, what exactly does he think he's entitled to? They have rules - terms and conditions to comply with in order to use their platform FOR FREE. Break the rules, face consequences.

Even your local fucking cafe has to pay for a licence if they want to play music. Get a grip Dave, you can't steal other people's hard work. End of.
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Chatty Member
Oh dear, Rowly! Oops, were you impersonating a lawyer!? That’s a criminal offence, and it looks like DBA has the evidence 👀 I hope it was worth it mate 😆
Of course it was worth it,Rowly and Dan are bezzas. Rowly would do absolutely anything for Dan and Dan would do absolutely anything for……….. oh wait 🙈🤣
How he got at SJ
Absolutely sick! Disgusting
Can’t we pretend to forgive Kaz so she spills the tea 😂
I was hoping we could head that way! Would love her to confirm what we already know
All the time they were both fully aware of the issues surrounding SJ, yet were prepared to turn a blind eye to it all just so they could get him to spill the beans on DJ....

Does anyone remember him & Kaz mocking us all on a live when DJ made himself known here, talking about " I am so excited and grinning like a Cheshire cat cos I know stuff they don't" and " hes completely fucked it now, they won't want to be supporting him after this"

Well that was all a sly dig at what he knew about SJ. And guess what, we are all still here and we are all still supporting DJ so that didn't end well for him did it?!
Ridiculous and so cruel. Wheeler has more in common with SJ in my opinion and you don’t try and take a whole family down because of one member’s actions.
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I wonder if Kirstie having her baby a week or so ago and being so very happy has anything to do with his recent relapse and subsequent daily high?
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