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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
How he got at SJ
What a sly snake! Rowly clearly lying here as he knew EXACTLY what Wheeler was after and that the £500 ‘fee’ was a lie! OMG Rowly you POS! Saying you won’t mention SJs ‘PAST’ when you KNEW that this was an unspeakable crime! You were willing to turn a blind eye to a p3do so that you could obey your master and get some dirt on DJ, who by the way, had done NOTHING to any of you!
scum! SHAME ON YOU 🤬
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Adhd and autism is classified as mental illness anything that effects the brain
I think you're quite vulnerable and for some reason enamoured with his reaction videos that are, on the whole, awful. If you check the back catalogue its whatever zeitgeist draws people like you in. He's managed it a few times, hence the existence here.

Some of your comments sound like him through his cult. Its the only way I can fathom someone digesting eveything hes done then stepping out to defend him saying "you'd hate him even if he did good".

There are multiple ex members here that have been forgiven. People have had different responses and needed more time for that.

His claims about having multiple disorders are as spurious as him being a millionaire twice over and living in his girlfriends garage asking their school children if they'd sit on adults faces. He's said, in lives that he likes the sympathy.

The real world is hard, vulnerable people like to interact online from their safe space. Unfortunately due diligence isn't done and people fall prey to the lies of social media.

If you are compus and want to pay someone as despicable as Dan to play a song you can play yourself, have at it. But don't challenge how people feel about someone from a naive position of some ren youtube videos and zero historical insight. Eveything in the wiki has evidence it isnt just trolls as Dan is probably telling you.

Tattle does have some threads purely as they dont like people and he tries to play on that.
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A million excuses. A million self diagnosed conditions. Taking shed loads of legal and illegal drugs to try and control supposed MH issues and self diagnosed conditions. No visits to the GP to try and get it all sorted out properly though. BS and excuses for shite behaviour and an insult to people who deal with all these things daily without being a massive asshole

There’s something not right with him at the moment, you can see it in his demeanour. I’m tempted to think that he’s missing Kaz, but I actually think what he’s missing is her constant adulation and praise.
How is he affording all these drugs? Why anyone is donating to someone who is being so blatant about his current drug use is beyond me. Plus he swore blind he was clean of Coke and would never go back to it!

Sam, if you are genuinely trying for a baby with this pathetic excuse of a human being you need your head examining. No baby should be put through having him as their father and the chaotic life it will lead to.
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
And the Bear With Me Show is REBORN 🤪

IF he has genuine fans, trust me, their goodwill will soon run out.
His girlfriend, dad and ass-klingers Rowly and Kaz will stick around but no one else will.

This reminds me of when I was a member of 8020. I would genuinely tune in every morning for a motivating live, until it became his vanity project!! Just him and Sean and Kaz literally just chatting about their days or some other irrelevant anecdote. We were all expected to be enthralled 🤷‍♀️ it was SO boring 😴
When numbers plummeted he went mad at us all for not supporting HIM!
We were PAYING HIM for a product that he was no longer delivering.
No one has the time to listen to 3 ppl chat away about nothing, we all have lives and jobs.
Only his absolute die hards hung in there- about 4 people, but still Dan couldn't see that his new hit or miss format was the problem

Ahh the utter arrogance of the man!
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So now he's just off his fucking head on DMT all the time. No wonder he's not left the house in days. He sent Sam out to try and sell off his gym equipment the other day (which has been sat on the driveway rusting under a tarp for weeks) while he hides out in the garage tripping his nuts off and talking bollocks into a camera all day...What a fucking life... this man is literally a waste of oxygen. He contributes absolutely nothing to the world, other than keeping the local dealer/s in business.
How much is it going for, asking for a friend
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Rod J

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While Stinky has failed many times there has always been that one mainstay that has always been there with him throughout the years.
Is it Rowly the Rat, Clevers, Sean, Sam or Kaz i hear you all ask ??
No its those fucking pants.


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Yep, i watched it. He absolutely refuses to take even the most polite constructive criticism. That's why his show will never take off or do well. He doesn't listen to his audience and they go elsewhere.
Those Ren interviews were brilliant but him ranting like a drunk uncle at a bbq throughout is just irritating. He won't be told though, and people will vote with their feet🤷
Do you know what I'm gonna be 💯% translucant on here and I don't care who sees it, do your worst.
All I can say, is I fell for it once and got bitten then and an idiot like me fell for it 2nd time because of other circumstances you can say nieve, stupid, mentally ill, needing something that wasn't there. I must let others make their own choice, and yes I loss something that has been holding me up for past few months but I'm cutting all ties and moving on I can not allow him or anything else hold me back to get better if anything it made me worse continuing on this destructive journey.

I'm now here 💯% spreading the word of that ass who only ever thinks of himself. Cons and swindles money out of some good people who I grew to like that's not right.

Sorry for the rant
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Sorry t

Sorry to sound dumb what does that mean
It’s the number of people who have realised what a charlatan Wheeler is; so you are the 230th person on here. (However Wheeler thinks we are all Dan Jones who has created 230 fake accounts on here 😂)
We vow to keep an eye on him and stop any attempt he has at exploiting often vulnerable people.
Personally I had Steve Rowland email my boss with copies of my conversations here and told him they were going to the press if they didn’t sack me 🙈 Both Wheeler and his suck up Rowland the rat are both awful vile individuals; it’s our promise here that we will always make sure newbies know exactly what the truth is about them.
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Chatty Member
One of the number 1 rules of any mental health support is to never promise a cure. There is no silver bullet fix all solution.

Dan’s back being dangerous again.
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Chatty Member
Everyone is so nice not wanting anything bad to happen to him… I would not be adverse to a little “being thrown out and having nowhere to go with the superman desk” situation.
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Dan Jones.

Probably thought hed be the last person ever for PE

Today he stepped forward

He said
Im here MFers

He did not finish last

Frank said it was complex carbs

I say it was sheer fucking will and love
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100% ..... Kristie had to get rescued by her family from that relationship and that's not by any means stretching the truth literally rescued from a narcissist bully. That's the power he controls over people where they can't leave on their own. How terrible must it be to have to be rescued when the opportunity came when he was out of the house.
Stinky would be filthy that she has moved on so quickly and by the looks so happy with the new baby and partner.
Last time I spoke to her she was still receiving police organised counselling to deal with the trauma that he put her through.
He must be beside himself that she has everything he wanted and can’t get, she has a new house, her dogs, a loving partner and a baby. Hes playing make believe in his moms garage wearing a stupid hat but somehow wants everyone to believe he’s happy and achieving his life’s dream 🙄
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Well-known member
I'm new to all this and wanted to just say hi.

and I read all the wiki and posts so far, I come from a place where insults were given but I didn't know about all the history. Being on the tale end of dan is not nice.
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
Where are Luke Hanna and Dr Idz when you need them, this is an awful thing to say and he’s just making shit up again. Pls tell me someone has challenged him on it.
One person commented saying he needs to look in the mirror.
He's a horrible human being.
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Trolly Rowly has gone to great lengths to find out who people are on here, find their SM profiles and contact their employers to try and get those people sacked.

He's also lied to said employees when referring to Wheeler as his "client" and has made threats to inform news outlets if they don't carry through his requests.

Yes Rowland, I have seen the evidence.

All of this is a hell of a lot of effort for a mate that clearly doesn't keep you in the same high regard you do isn't it? You do realise that hes asking you to do all his dirty work in order to keep his own hands clean don't you? ( well not literally, those fingernails are grim 🤮)

I know he will have given you the spiel that you are his bestest mate ( well since Sean fucked off anyway) and he would be lost without you ( without you feeding his ego more like) but let me put it plainly.

17 staff he had at the height of it all. Those same 17 people you classed as friends and colleagues. They have all now gone and you are the last man left waddling. Are you HONESTLY that deluded to not see the real problem is not all of us?

If you really can't see that by now then you honestly deserve each other.
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
More power to whoever this is, give it to the big turd both barrels!!
Hilarious that he asks is DJ is still miserable and!? - DJ has a family who adore him, friends who love him and a very busy life. He's not sitting in a garage high as a kite talking crap into an echo chamber of a handful of people, some of whom are wedged up his arse 'cough *Rowly*!'
I just dipped in to Rumble and he's doing an agony aunt kind of thing. Reading out someone's problems and giving advice..... isn't that Kaz's new format????

Not only should that slug not be giving anyone advice, he's nicked Kazs idea 😆 the man hasn't a single original thought in his head!!
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Velvet Veil

VIP Member
I absolutely agree with you except for the getting away from him. This stuff runs so deep and is incredibly dangerous. She has lied for him and she has been complicit in carrying through and going along with all of his behaviours but this is the bit that is a total head fuck.. She will have knowingly been doing all of the things we are angry with her for doing. But (and part of me hopes this is true as I am sticking my neck out for her a bit here) only now will she see that her behaviours were not her behaviours! Its so hard to explain as I was there with my ex partner.. following and reinforcing his behaviours - yet I look back and think how?? What TAF happened to make me behave in a way that at the time seemed totally acceptable but now with hindsight was not me at all! She will have faced his dantrums - and they will have been worse than anythign we have seen.. then he will have convinced her that she is the only person who can 'save him' and there the cycle continues. Please dont get me wrong, She was a total nob. So was I. If she really has broken away I suspect she will be incredibly remorseful eventually! If shes not then hey, so be it she can join him on cuntland. But if shes really made the break - time will tell.... Sam is also stuck massively in the same cycle...
Thanks for your insight.
I, for one, have no sympathy for her, but I'm always open to hearing other viewpoints.
Once we hear the reasons for her leaving we will really know her true character, imo.
She had multiple chances to leave, she could have gone when other staff members left. She lives in another country so getting FAR away wouldn't have been hard.
I'm not sure I can be as generous as you but I really do appreciate hearing perspective from someone who's been there! I hope you're doing well now 💓
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