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Chatty Member
Ren’s commented on The Streets latest video. Showing he’s a genuine fan of their work. Dan just keeps banging on about Eminem, which shows how narrow his understanding and exposure to the scene actually is. And he misses the artists who actually influence Ren, and matter to him. Seems like a huge oversight for someone hyping themselves as an expert.
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Do what makes you FORFILLED people!

Wheeler was a millionaire twice don't you know, and lost it twice so let's ask him- a proven 100% loser- for some advice on success 🤦‍♀️
Honestly, I can't believe someone actually thanked him. The advice is like a piss take of a piss take. Alan Partridge would be proud 😆
Making ends MEAT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I had a nosy of the danwheelershow twitter account earlier. What a sad, lonely, desperate account. I was abit sad about the messages from Jason Melville? Saying Sam is a shell of her former self etc. He's destroyed so many people's lives. Why the fuck does he keep @Ing Elon musk. Like he's going to stop his day and go "STOP, I have an important tweet to read from Dan wheeler". And he's paying for a blue tick. 😂Anyway he wants to go to mars so I'll chip in fiver to make it happen.
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VIP Member
Dan is demonstrating his ignorance on all things science right now. Claims the sun controls all of the earths weather (wrong), solar flares cause earthquakes (no evidence of this). As Luke Hanna once told him, stay in your lane (dog walking/jet washing).
wouldn’t trust him with my dog to be fair.

Hes got experience though… he has kept his little lapdog Trolly Rowly on a tight leash by patting him on his head and tickling his stomach for years, and by the looks of it fed him a few treats too…
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I have no idea who Ren or Vik or Ben are, nor do I care. I am 100% certain that whatever small measure of “success” Dan currently imagines he’s enjoying will be completely screwed up and ruined in very short order, by Dan himself.
Same and the fact that within the space of a few weeks he’s being rude to people via email and alienating them and then lying to get money and subsequently changing the goalposts once he’s got the money means it won’t take long.
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I can accept shes been had but its also not an excuse for HER behaviour. Rose West

Are you talking about Sam, or Kaz?

Kaz didn't live with him she has a house, husband and child.

Your comparing things that aren't directly comparable..your personal experience is more akin to Sam.

Kaz left her husband and child and drove 4 hours there was plenty of opportunity to say no. But she was in love with him.

Sam had this bloody woman in HER house while king narc played tv show in her garage
Honestly i don’t disagree with anything you are saying hence I suspect kaz was at the end of a dangling carrot and thought he loved her. But the manipulation is the same and it does run deep. Sam is in all kinds of shit and is actually in a dangerous situation. Desperate men do desperate things.
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Have we had any whispers from the kaz camp? I reckon she’s cut off the funds, she once made a pass at wheeler, she’s had to walk away with her gob shut because he will tell all if she doesn’t. She’s shitting herself at home. He still mentions her now and again so he remains the nice guy. But she’s fucking seething, skint and realised her husband doesn’t want her either. I also want an update from the Scottish girl who used to appear regularly… steph!? What’s her story! There’s too many missing pieces to this car crash!
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I looked in on the live today on ramble. One person said in the comments that they had the live up on 3 different devices…. So divide the number of views with at least 21 and that’s closer to the truth 🤢
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Mad how his self diagnosed dyslexia disappears.

Also, this is really entertaining.
View attachment 2316205
View attachment 2316219
Its very much, illegal Dan, weird how once again you show how ill formed your opinions are

Remember how he tried to justify that Sam's daughter wasn't a minor because she was 16 - (a Yr11 schoolkid) therefore "What?! What?! I only asked if she'd sit on Paul Hollywood's face!"

Silly Billy Danny, you abhorrent prick
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His says he is offering his life coaching for free as penance for drug recovery and refusing money
And now your all evil and wolves in sheep clothing
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Active member
He really did wish her the best through absolute gritted teeth didn't he?

We all know he can't keep a dignified silence about anything,there will be little digs and hints maybe even sm posts about "knowing who your real friends are".

I'm absolutely here for this tea tbh
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Well-known member
God he’s the shit drama you just can’t keep watching isn’t he. Hi Rowland; a promotion today did you want to email in again you absolute stalker? 😂 don’t worry the police have you on file.
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VIP Member
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Who wants life coaching from an obese addict who sponges off his girlfriend while he plays songs in her garage wearing a cowboy hat? Anyone? No? Thought not 😂😂😂😂
I got as far as drug recovery before I pissed myself… what drug recovery?!!

We he that far under the influence that hes forgotten that he’s posted that TT the other day about living in a matrix whilst clearly off his tits?!
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