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VIP Member
Nothing is consistent at the moment. We might all be pretty much narrowed down to two tiers, but within those tiers there are so many inconsistencies.

Primaries are allowed to open... but only in certain areas. Secondaries shut. Some of the primaries that are open expect the kids in, some are saying parents won’t be fined if they don’t go to school.

The message is to stay at home in T4, but many workplaces are asking staff to go in even if they worked from home previously.

The divide is bigger than ever. No wonder people are arguing.
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Nichola Sturgeon gets such a bashing on here and so many people get such a free pass.

England always comes across as so self-centered, Scotland doing something because it is best for Scotland is not anti-english. NI doing something different and it is own interest (dubious when it is Arlene speaking, granted 😂 ) is not anti-english.

The UK doesn't fucking start and end with England :rolleyes:
The comments on here about the devolved nations always give an insight into how many people have the little-england mentality without realising.
And they wonder why independence is sought after.

I’m Scottish, I’m not anti-English. I have family who live in parts of England, friends who are English. I wouldn’t wish harm on them and I feel sorry for the ones lumped with Boris and co when they did not vote them in.
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I had to do a zoom board game last night with the in laws for my husbands birthday. Painful.
We were forced to do a zoom present exchange with the hubbys brothers family. Was so hard to fake excitement over a box of biscuits that I couldn't even eat as I'm gluten free
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I hope am announcement about the schools is made quickly as I have to iron uniform. I'm not doing it unless I absolutely have to. I'll be angry if I do it and then they close the schools. I hate ironing.
You have had all of Christmas to iron the uniform. Instead you have spent your time watching Dirty Dancing and poking around chat forums. Shoddy 🤣
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Has anyone else’s internal dialogue been replaced by a long continuous scream yet or is it just me?
This whole situation...aggggghhhhh 😱😣I still have moments of complete disbelief that this is all happening.
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VIP Member
Have to laugh at the people saying shops like B&M aren’t essential. Maybe not to you, but they are to some. Some of my family live in a big council estate who’s only local retail is a small Iceland and a B&M, they are miles away from the nearest supermarket. There are a lot of elderly/vulnerable people in the area who would need to take buses or taxis to the nearest Tesco or Asda. Close B&M and these people would be up shit creek without a paddle. Not every area is as privileged as others. What’s non-essential to one town is everything to another. Think on it. It’s not just about you!
Exactly! People are forgetting that B&M and the poundshops sell shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, soap, sanitary items, toilet roll, cleaning products which are essential. When I lived in uni halls that was where I bought that kind of stuff from because it was cheaper than the supermarket. Same with some branded foods. I used to buy beans, bread, chocolate and stuff like that there as it was cheaper than buying them from a supermarket.
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VIP Member
Did you check the date on it? It might be leftover from last year when everyone was too terrified to put them in their trolley, incase Brenda shouted at them...
I'll be honest, I just crammed it in my mouth.

This thread today is like my household with everyone sniping at each other. I need another egg.
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VIP Member
No matter how shit things are just remember we now have THREE vaccines (if you count moderna). In July my cousin postponed her wedding until 2022 as she is high risk and said she wouldn’t feel happy to have it until there was a vaccine out, and I remember thinking the possibility of a vaccine even by 2022 was quite ambitious... but it’s been done very quickly. I feel like this is the final stretch of the race, and it’s the hardest part because our feet hurt (metaphorically) and we’re tired but soon we will have crossed the finish line and think “wow I can’t believe I made it through that”.
I feel very hopeful tonight for some reason, but my emotions are quite unstable at the moment. Probably be the opposite tomorrow 😂
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Joe Wicks doesn’t have to get involved again, the New Years honours list has already been done and dusted. He can stay home and drink baileys and eat celebrations.
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Government have really lost control haven’t they. They only had a limp grip to start with but now it seems that everyone is making their own decisions and ignoring everything that they say. All because they’ve not worked WITH groups and councils.

Great supine protoplasmic invertebrate jellies, the lot of ‘em.
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What's the point? Even if they go proper proper proper lockdown, to the degree of closing absolutely everything including supermarkets and delivering food boxes to every house for a month or two - as soon as it's over people will travel in from abroad and set everything off again.

I think lockdown has been tried repeatedly and it doesn't work, blink and the NHS is back to being overloaded again.
But the point of a lockdown is not to eradicate the virus - the government ruined any chance of that with their initial herd immunity plan and refusal to close borders.

The call for a full lockdown now is due to the fact that the NHS is absolutely on its knees - working at beyond 100% capacity and in many instances that’s with elective treatments delayed and reduced staff. A lockdown to reduce the speed of spread would give them a chance to get back on their feet, to a degree.
Also the transmissibility of the new variant strain means it is now spreading faster than ever which is only going to compound the issues we are already seeing - anything we can do to reduce this surely needs to be the logical step.

we have 2 approved vaccines - if the government can get their heads out of their own arses long enough to pull a cohesive vaccination plan together, then this, in parallel with a full national lockdown for a short period of time (I think around 2 months probably) would mean we could maybe move towards some form of normality for the spring.

continuing on our current trajectory is decimating the country - physically, emotionally, financially. One final push by everyone to do their part would get us out of this nightmare sooner in the long run even if it feels harsh at the time.
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Chatty Member
My mum who is a nurse has just been told she is getting her vaccine tomorrow 🎉

Give her a chip in each arm 😂
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I’ll be really pissed off if a lockdown with school closures is announced today. Not because of it actually happening, but because of the delay of doing it as usual.

Spent all weekend worrying about school return today. I was nervous, I could tell he was nervous although both of us were trying not to show it. Felt like a ghost town this morning, very quiet. Will be interesting to hear what numbers are like today.

If they do a reversal on the schools today they’re going to cause a lot of confusion for children, not to mention dragging anxious teachers in for a day or so just to then decide it’s not actually safe.
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Chatty Member
There are different sub totals of deaths too aren’t there. So a list of people whose primary cause of death was listed as Covid (I think it’s around 70k now) and those who have Covid on their death certificate (80k plus now) but national figures only reflect and widely report the first number.

Dr John Campbell is worth watching as he explains it all really well and does daily videos on the situation.
Exactly! I’m sick of people complaining about stuff like this when it’s easily accessible. Downplaying the number of deaths because they don’t understand the data, downplaying the number of cases and posting on here everyday “yeah cases are high but how many tests have we done??” Implying cases are only high because we did so many teats.
People complain about the government treating them like children while they read a Sun headline and make judgements based only off that.
All the stuff that people point out as being conspiracy like (difference between 28 days and other timeline, how many tests, ages of positive tests) is available and updated every day on the dashboard if people were interested they could just look!
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Can’t believe I’ve been so stressed about going back to work today and spent my entire weekend planning for this half term for this to happen L O L love u bozza
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