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It won't be announced until 8pm either, que some very upset children first thing in the morning and lots of very stressed parents trying to bat away the questions with a forced smile :(

Does anyone know if school closures will come in with immediate affect?
Or do they have to pass it through parliament on Wednesday?

“Why could I go to school yesterday?”
“Well, Boris said it was safe”
“Well why can’t I go today if it’s safe?”
“Hmm, Boris says it’s not safe today”.
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Chatty Member
There is, you can pick it up during your weekly shop. One visit to one shop. Not two to two shops mixing with different people. These shops just encourage people to have a browse (not aimed at you) to pass the time. Supermarkets sell everything people need, other shops need to move online and be closed.
And if you forgot the item on your weekly shop or didn't realise you needed it? Are you banned from washing your clothes for 5 days until you are allowed out for your once a week rations trip??

Bloody hell this is like March all over again when all the nosey parkers came on here to whinge and list out what people had in their shopping trolleys.

"Only" going to the shop for washing detergent! The horror. Someone re-open the stocks.

Kim you don't need clean clothes, people are dying!
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I'm opening the posh gin I got for Christmas. Fuck Dry January, this needs the strong stuff!

My 10yr old daughter is already upset at the prospect of Boris' speech - she was so so excited to be back at school today with her friends and now he's potentially whipping that from under her. Only good thing is she got a phone for Xmas so can keep in touch with her bestie. (She's an only child so found the original lockdown VERY hard)
What I find funny (I don't have children) is that imagining myself as a child I would have thought I would be SO happy to be able to not go to school etc. It is funny how you forget that school is as much about socialising as it is learning, especially in primary. Wishing all the best for your daughter ❤
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Click and collect is the way to go no one and I mean no one should be browsing shops! The amount of people claiming to be essential shopping but actually off out for the day is beyond ridiculous and pure selfish. No one is going to die or at any risk if we don’t get the wallpaper or filler we need right this second I’m sure it can wait a few weeks? If it means we can sort this crap out. Peoples wants and desires can surely be put aside for now if it could save lives 🤷‍♀️

Ohh dear you racing around B&M buying yet more plastic waste tat Hun🤦🏻‍♀️
No I'm not 'hun' but I wouldn't judge anyone who was, and if they did decide to visit B&M I certainly wouldn't assume it was for plastic tat.

For the record though because you've decided to be so unnecessarily rude - my boyfriend has been to B&Q, Wickes, Travis Perkins and The Range looking for materials today (you and other judgmental people on here might call it 'browsing') for his job as the websites aren't accurate when it comes to what's in stock, and don't even get me started on 'it should be click and collect'.

They don't prioritise trade over the general public and if lockdown one happens again he can kiss goodbye to any of his income because he doesn't have time to queue for 2 hours plus each day to try and get supplies for the work he's doing. He also can't afford to order materials miles in advance online in case people decide to cancel the work he's doing for them and then he ends up out of pocket.

Also, for the record, he wasn't entitled to any support from the government as his business was less than 3 years old so yeah, once again, stop judging without thinking about people's individual circumstances 'hun'.
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People calling for a lockdown v1 all over again - I live on my own and have chosen my parents to be my support bubble as they are older and vulnerable, but they live nearly 250 miles away. I’ve bubbled with them because I don’t want to bubble with anyone else and it helps me to know I could go and support them if I need to. This means meeting one other person outside for a walk is my sanity saver, I don’t do it often (one or two times a week) but by calling for a lockdown v1 I’d lose both being able to bubble with my parents and see any of my friends - I’m not sure my mental health could stand it again, I only coped last time because it was the unknown.
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Must admit that the thought of having to shield again absolutely fills me with dread. I'm not going out much anyway but at least at the moment I have that option. If it's reintroduced here then that means back to not leaving the house at all. Just about managed last time as hubby was home on furlough and we had the nice weather for sitting out in the garden. This time he will continue to work and I'll freeze my tits off if I sat in the garden
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where I am in Aus, is on the beach. We were restricted from sunbathing but were allowed to swim.

The police would get in their quad bike and monitor the beaches by driving up and down them all day everyday handing out fines until people realised it wasn’t a fucking joke

If that’s what it takes to get people to realise, then maybe it’s something to be looked it. It certainly worked.

Hell, I was out to dinner and nightclubs/bars on the weekend with packed full dance floor.
It can be done
I’ve said it so many times I’m boring but I’d much rather a hard lockdown for a few months to get our freedom back as opposed to what we have here in England now. I think Australia made the right call, I do remember seeing online though that there were protests and people’s deeply opposed to it and trying to make trouble for the police. I wonder what those people think now compared to how we are in the UK
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My children went back today 5 and 3 and I'll be absolutely furious if he announces school closures aftrr letting them re open today! My little girl will be absolutely heart broken I'm worrying so much about whats going to be announced! I'm so upset at the thought of explaining to both of my kids that they can't go in tomorrow after being allowed in today! I'll just be absolutely furious

I obviously agree with a lockdown and school closes if necessary I just would have rathered it yestedsay before my kids were allowed back to school atleast I would have been able to tell them they were having a longer holiday rather than them having to be upset at being told they can't go in again now. I can imagine alot of parents of children who went back today will also be furious with boris after him insisting the whole weekend that schools are safe and send our kids to school
It won't be announced until 8pm either, cue some very upset children first thing in the morning and lots of very stressed parents trying to bat away the questions with a forced smile :(

Does anyone know if school closures will come in with immediate affect?
Or do they have to pass it through parliament on Wednesday?
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Haven’t commented on this thread in ages but just want to vent. I feel we clearly need to have another tight lockdown but many people will not listen! My husband is in the army and he and his colleagues have literally done fuck all the past 9 months, he has been at home for around 6 of those months.. same as everyone else in his rgt. I on the other hand have been working in a GP surgery and am up to my eyeballs with work. It’s made me furious, they could have been used to make sure people aren’t mixing and breaking the rules but instead he and many others have had full pay to sit on their arse at home 🙃
Sorry just needed to vent.
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It’s my 30th on Sunday. I was supposed to be going on a girls trip to New York. Obvious we scrapped that months ago.

please please please just let me have a takeaway food is my one joy in life 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼😂😂
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I'm hoping Boris announces another lockdown. I know it will be hard for people but I genuinely think it's the bet thing to do for a couple of months whilst the vaccination program gets up and running, and we get the most vulnerable people protected. The tiers are not working and some people are not following the rules.
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under the ivy

VIP Member
So he's announcing it tonight, for it to go through parliament on Wednesday, to be enacted on Thursday I presume? Cue the rush of people to hairdressers, supermarkets etc. End the speculation of stuff, just say it how it is on the day re: Sturgeon. This is what whips up fear and panic.
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Iconic Member
pretty sure this is the same recording they used in March. The tv mag didn’t say “repeat” though. 😕
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Chatty Member
Fuck me. Really? Like actually really you think we need to be more like Lithuania? Making sure people aren't outside 'without good reason' that's as bad as rooting through someone's shopping to see what is 'essential'. Maybe you should consider a move to North Korea if you think we need be constantly watched by the state...
Its hilarious when people think our measures need to be more like China, Russia, Vietnam no, we should never model ourselves off these absolute train wrecks of countries. Open a fucking book 😂
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