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Iconic Member
When do we reckon we will hear from BoJo?
hear from him or hear something of value from him? 😂
I can hear a dog barking but it’s not adding anything worth listening to, the postman is gone 😐 it’s now just pointless sound.
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How long do people reckon this will last? I hope it’s just for january. Some news reports have said til Easter.

If anyone has the nerve to invite me to a Zoom quiz I’m telling them where to go 🖕🏼
I had to do a zoom board game last night with the in laws for my husbands birthday. Painful.
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Chatty Member
I was looking forward to tier 4 ending so I could get my hair done. 2020 was not the year for blondes and apparently neither will 2021!
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Lol at me thinking I’m safe in tier 4 cos nothing else can shut and then I’m reading all these posts about shutting takeaways.

please no 😅

I saw that pic of Boris with a five guys on his desk so counting on him being as dependent on fast food as I am keeping them open 🙏😂
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What's the point? Even if they go proper proper proper lockdown, to the degree of closing absolutely everything including supermarkets and delivering food boxes to every house for a month or two - as soon as it's over people will travel in from abroad and set everything off again.

I think lockdown has been tried repeatedly and it doesn't work, blink and the NHS is back to being overloaded again.
Because it buys us a bit of time, and takes the pressure off for a bit. Plus it would give us a chance to get more vulnerable vaccinated which on turn would further reduce the pressures.
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VIP Member
if they ban outdoor exercise it’s just ridiculous. Going for a walk/run on your own in an outdoor space is not contributing to the spread.

If it’s for more than a couple of week it’s will likely cause more health issues than it fixes. Mental health and obesity are a couple that come to mind but also exercise (particularly walking) is prescribed to help in getting people back to health after an injury or operation. I just think they will get such minimal gains from it.
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This is exactly how I feel. I hate the whole “because of some selfish people we will never be out of lockdown” - the pandemic isn’t going to dissapear if we all follow the rules unfortunately. as it is now at a stage where it is widely circulating. The comparisons to other countries are completely redundant now. If we had locked down harshly when we had a couple hundred cases, and stopped all foreign travel then yes possibly we could have eradicated it. The reality is, we didn’t, and this isn’t society’s fault.
Yep. ‘Some selfish people’ is the phrase that winds me up so much at the moment. A lot of people are breaking the rules, some a lot more than others. Define selfish... is it seeing a dying family member on Boxing Day when you knew it would be the last time you’d see them? Is it nipping to Home Sense to buy some tat for your house as you’re so miserable at home you just need to do something? Is it popping to McDonald’s when it’s not ‘essential’? Yes of course some people are taking the absolute piss with the rules, but where do we draw the line? What makes one person’s actions the reason we still have Covid vs another’s? It’s not clear cut.
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I think I’m at my lowest point of the entire pandemic. I’ve lost all hope and all faith with it. I’ve cut Boris a lot of slack as I know it can’t be an easy position to be in but I wish we had a leader who would just be a bit firmer and a bit more decisive and not either all the time. Now even the vaccines seem like they can’t just be straight forward with this change to the gap between 1 and 2 and the talk of just giving more people the first vaccine...I just can’t see how we’re ever going to get back to normal life anymore 🤦🏻‍♀️
I feel like no matter what Boris, people won't be happy.
Another full lockdown, people will complain.
Tiers, people will complain.
Nothing, people will complain.

He def fucked up in the past but I am honestly willing to cut him some slack. It is a lose-lose situation for him tbh.
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VIP Member
A lockdown needs to happen, a proper one. The click and collect nonsense is still inviting people to mix.

It’s not ideal but what else is there now?
What's the point? Even if they go proper proper proper lockdown, to the degree of closing absolutely everything including supermarkets and delivering food boxes to every house for a month or two - as soon as it's over people will travel in from abroad and set everything off again.

I think lockdown has been tried repeatedly and it doesn't work, blink and the NHS is back to being overloaded again.
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VIP Member
I think outside meeting will be banned, anything non essential like builders merchants will be click and collect only. Parks etc shut.
parks shut like like lockdown 1 , garden centres shut , I can’t remember what else was shut ... at the moment I’m tier 4 , you can get Costa , McD’s , anything you like , last time you could get pints in. A pub as takeaway ! That’s all wrong
March was mad , it was literally a ghost town
This time a local home furnishings shop ( think grey , crushed velvet, mirrored dressing table a right Hun shop opened because they sold eggs and flour ! They’d never sold eggs and flour but found a loophole
I do get it , small businesses need to stay afloat
I just don’t know what they can do
Do Chinese’s , pizza express and Indians really need to be open ?
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Well-known member
I’ve woken up so annoyed this morning. Annoyed that all our key workers, NHS, teachers and other school staff, supermarket workers (plus more) have got to go back to work with even more risk because people are selfish and done what they want for 2 weeks.
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I think this pandemic would have been a while lot easier to manage and process pre social media. The constant bombarding of news stories which are a mixture of Chinese Whispers , fake news, exaggerated news, real news is really bad for the mental health of people. I Just don’t know what to believe. Its so frustrating and there is still no real light at the end of this horrendously long tunnel.
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Leadership? What is she doing other then was was done in March last year that didn’t work. Leadership my arse.
It did work. Infection rates came down and the NHS wasn’t overwhelmed. The virus isn’t going anywhere, all they can do is suppress it, vaccinate and wait.
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I’m so stressed at the thought of homeschooling again. My job is 9-3 constant teams calls and it’s very full on so I can’t see how I can do both (single parent so no help). My employer was very supportive first time around but my project is so demanding currently I think patience will wear thin.

my son is below where he should be academically to (performing at the year below level) so I can’t see how i can help that either 😭 got such a pit of the stomach feeling.

I know others have it much worse but just need to offload my brain a bit here without other adults to talk to here.
Year 1 teacher here! I'm sure I speak for all teachers when I say: try your best, do not put pressure on yourself and put yours and your son's health and well-being first. I know how hard it will be for parents, I'm completely in awe of what they achieved last year to keep their children safe and happy as well as managing full time jobs. Every child in my class returned to school happy, healthy and ready to learn which is a testament to the parents and families.

To make you aware, there will most likely be some changes to these school closures as schools had to have a fully functioning online learning policy and provision set up by end of October in preparation to transfer in class learning to home learning at an instant (in case bubbles closed etc). This means where the last lockdown was very much 'childcare/don't worry about learning', education will more than likely be a priority this time, meaning children will be expected to learn at home. However, it is the school's responsibility to support and communicate with individuals. They will most likely be working around the clock over the next few days to be supporting parents and families with this. Your child will be a priority in terms of learning as he is working below the expected standard so I'm sure the teachers will already be considering what to do to help you.
I for one will be providing parents with simple, easy to access activities at least for this week: art, free writing, maths they have already done for revision and super simple games to play. I would never suggest parents stick to a strict 6 hour timetable, that's barely possible as a qualified teacher let alone parents suddenly doing two jobs!

Sorry for the super long reply which literally has no useful advice... but I hope it helps a little. Stay safe x
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VIP Member
I feel like no matter what Boris, people won't be happy.
Another full lockdown, people will complain.
Tiers, people will complain.
Nothing, people will complain.

He def fucked up in the past but I am honestly willing to cut him some slack. It is a lose-lose situation for him tbh.
I do agree with that, I know whatever he does people are going to complain. But when he does something I wish he’d do it properly. So much of it has felt wishy washy to me right from the first lockdown. And he has waited time and again for things to get worse instead of acting earlier. Even today he says he knows he’ll need to introduce tougher measures in a few weeks, why not do it now? Why do we have to wait for things to get even worse? I’m just having a vent, I’m not saying I’m right, it’s just how I’m feeling tonight. I don’t feel like he’s leading this firmly enough 🙁
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Watching BoJo now he’s said tougher restrictions will be announced “soon” - why is everything soon or in a few days. Just bloody do it for god sake
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