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Everyone has lockdown fatigue. Most people have stopped listening therefore stopped following the rules.
The only reason I still follow the rules is because I have a duty of care for my class and I dread ever being the reason they get ill or have to isolate. The same applies for my immediate family as well.

However those who are WFH around me are becoming very complacent with the logic "I'm WFH, they are WFH so its all okay"
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Not that I’m thrilled about it, but I could cope with a proper lockdown if they closed the schools (key worker and vulnerable children aside, like in the first lockdown), stopped students returning to universities and stopped people flying in and out of the country. There’s no point in closing takeaways and B&M‘s if you’re going to continue letting people fly in and out of the country and keep schools open. The flight thing in particular infuriates me - unless you can prove that you are going somewhere for genuinely essential reasons, of which there are not many, you have no business flying anywhere at the moment.
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Being a T4er already I almost feel like what more can they possibly take from me? As long as they still allow me outside to walk or run come at me Boris! (If they take this off me I will revolt I refuse to be one of those people who were running around their gardens lol)
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Chatty Member
They should be thinking more carefully about who gets the vaccines. They have prioritised NHS staff, for example, but from what I can tell where I live, they have just offered it to any NHS staff. For example, my best friend is a psychologist and has worked from home consulting via video calls for the past 9 months. She has been offered the vaccine. Seems silly when she has not come into contact with anyone through work, where as I, as a teacher, have to work with up to 130 kids a day plus trying to battle through corridors packed with kids who don’t social distance 🤷‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Test positivity in London 27%!!!!! (Nicola just said)

I remember the WHO back in the day saying if an areas positivity rate is above 5% then the epidemic is not manageable!

I can’t believe it’s gotten this bad AGAIN.
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Am I the only person who is actually quite impressed with the vaccine rollout so far?

I think we are doing quite well to have vaccinated a million people in less than a month with a vaccine that has very specific storage and handling requirements and a health service already at breaking point.

I know it could be faster but we aren’t doing badly at all really, now we can open up vaccination centres without the storage issues it should be accelerated too.

I dunno, I get being annoyed about other stuff but the vaccine roll out is a massive task and i don’t think it’s going too badly just yet 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I think part of of problem is that a lot of businesses shut in March that didn't have to a prime example is McDonald's. We also had a lot of garages shut and our local timber merchant. When it went on longer than a few weeks they started opening up again.

So part of the issue is that March was a lot quieter than the lockdown 2.0 as businesses can't afford to shut unnecessarily again. If the government say they can open they will.

Also there was the fear first time around that has gone this time. I am classes as a critical worker, I have been in the office every week (with about 10 others) since this started so that the other 50+ staff can stay at home. In March/April I thought I was going to be pulled over by police to question why I'm on the roads etc. I had a copy of my "critical worker" letter in my glove box just in case I needed to prove why I was on the road. O thought I would need to prove I was doing doing mums shopping for her while she was shielding etc. But we know now that isn't happening.

Tier 4 is the same as lockdown and I don't see how putting everyone in the same measures will make a difference.

It was novel 10 months ago and everyone rallied together. But lockdown fatigue has well and truly set in.
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Iconic Member

eh. eh.
This is going to be a fantastic year for the united kingdom
now is the time to take action
you MUST stay at home.
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For those nervous and edge... I've found an early gin has really helped. And a huge bar of Dairy Milk Daim (other respectable chocolate company's are available...)
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I used to wish for WFH life.... And it probably wouldn't be so bad if I could actually do my job properly and visit people rather than having to video call them all instead which just doesn't work for most of the people I have to support. I live at work now effectively. Living alone has been tough, much tougher than I ever thought it would be as I'm isolated bar my work laptop and work phone. I go days without physically speaking to anyone (I do WhatsApp my friends) Xmas day was on my own. Caved and asked my GP for medication which has lifted my mood slightly. I just want an end in sight. Something to look forward to. The thought of going out for dinner on my birthday in May. Just something positive. The only person I'll probably physically see in the next week or so will be in a supermarket or the guy doing my MOT! Can't even look forward to simple things like having my hair done as that will be cancelled I'm sure. I know there are many bigger issues but when you're stuck in, alone, For the best part of 9/10 months it begins to squash you down.
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Wee Nippy got the jump on Bumbling Boz again. Whether you think the decision is right or wrong, the way they conduct things in Scotland is far more impressive than South of the border.
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There should be a huge crack down on enforced quarantine (in allocated hotels as per other countries) if the borders stay open for essential travel. Thing is, we love a loophole as a nation. If given an inch, a mile is taken, on the whole. It’s in our social makeup unfortunately! Whilst some people will follow rules to the absolute letter (even when there’s no logic to them), others won’t at all and the vast majority will follow them with the occasional bending to suit their personal situation.
Interesting that some of the people I’ve seen calling for total lockdowns and closure of some of the shops that are now deemed as essential were also saying how ridiculous when some supermarkets weren’t allowing people to buy certain things a few months ago. The issue is there cannot be an essential definition that fits the entire country; not even close. I don’t think people are necessarily having the time of their life in B&M for the sake of it but I know people who are going because getting out of the house every couple of days and seeing other humans is essential for them not to go crazy and in my experience those shops do tend to be better spaced out and less busy than the supermarkets so may feel safer for some people. You’ve also got others who don’t feel comfortable on public transport at the minute so can only go out for what they can carry and so have to go out more often. Other shops were allowed to open because it was deemed unfair that supermarkets that had a home or clothes section were allowed to have the monopoly but other retailers weren’t.

People are fed up. The governments handling of this to date has caused a great amount of fatigue and the mainstream media’s constant sensationalism has meant people are no longer shocked or even believing of the headlines. Even if we locked down the borders as Aus/NZ has, the minute they’re open cases will increase because this virus is all over the planet. The same way the army enforced lockdown Spain had hasn’t meant they’re free of it either. Stricter measures will help take the pressure off of the NHS in the next couple of weeks but until the warmer weather and annual dip in flu / viral cases we’ll see covid blamed for it when the hospitals are on their knees every single winter. The schools need to close because it will stop so much mixing and the focus absolutely has to be on rolling out the vaccine. I hope Boris gives a strong and clear plan because the thought of an endless lockdown happening again will be absolutely terrible for people’s mental health.
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Chatty Member
Husband and son (25) went for tests this morning. Hubby has lost taste and smell son has bad cough hubby is negative son is positive 🤬🤬. Hope for us it’s mild and none of the rest of us catch it as hubby has MS and I’ve got heart issues 😭
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Chatty Member
"I know sometimes we get criticised for moving fast but that's what you have to do in a pandemic."

Matt Handcock this morning ... sorry whaaaat? 😂
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How long do people reckon this will last? I hope it’s just for january. Some news reports have said til Easter.

If anyone has the nerve to invite me to a Zoom quiz I’m telling them where to go 🖕🏼
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