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WTF is this post 😂😂 You post before and after photos bodychecking EVERYDAY. ‘Dang’?!? 🤣

Now this angers me. She is posting the Spotify ‘educational’ podcast chart on Monday when she released an episode on Monday. Guarantee that at the end of the week, that chart looks very different when the other podcasters have released their episodes. Very misleading.


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Oh for crying out loud. It’s like she literally scans the internet for what is trending and just jumps on it.

Also, ‘update her qualifications’ with ‘new teachings’ does this mean she’s going to study a proper course, or is she just going to give herself some made up qualifications for this stuff she now talks about… seems fishy to me!
I think she will talk about the therapy she got for her BED recently that she posted about on instagram. It was so obvious she had this problem 🤦‍♀️ I’m guessing she is gonna do a short therapy course and offer more “help and advice”.
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live laugh loathe

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I’ve heard this too. Have you been on her coaching programme? I hear it’s all regurgitated nonsense
Yep. £180 a month for a copy paste workout plan (mine has three ‘routines’) and …. Not brilliant food. I’ve not heard from her in three weeks 🙃
It’s not even her in the workout videos (the little
Guidance ones to show you form etc). It’s some random bloke. And there’s lots of ‘files’ of past workshops etc from her various employees but no guidance on what they all are, any filtering system, or anything.
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Long, long time Cassia follower here (pre-weightloss) and can confirm I watched it happen in real time. I won’t discredit the hard work she did to get where she is but now, the constant body checking and superiority complex she developed along the way is the most shocking part of it all. Cassia used to have such lovely fashion and now, the ill-fitting clothes just to show how tiny she is, really make it hard to believe I ever saw her enjoy dressing properly.
It’s almost like she has to prove how small and petite she is by wearing shit that literally hangs off her?
As for the botox, she used to be very open about how much work she’d had done and how she had wanted to get it dissolved but I guess vanity got the better of her there!
It’s a shame to know her programme/business is a scam because her story is very motivational, and like I said, I saw it happening in real time and it was very impressive and inspirational at the time.
Yeah that stings. I’m always rooting for the underdog, but the fact she is from money and her dad is a dietitian did ruin the illusion for me. it’s somehow way less impressive if someone who has all the support in the world becomes successful.
I’m not discrediting her work, but essentially she just lost weight and had work done then started an Instagram.
her story is a bit stale. And knowing her programme is a bit of a scam too is just deflating. It’s all smoke and mirrors on Instagram
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So the app that a huge bunch of the fitness influencers do their online coaching on is called Lenus. It’s basically just a pyramid scheme. One of her ‘fitness pals’ is an agent for them and represents Cassia and a bunch of other well known influencers. The app is all pre programmed, so she’s not really offering personalised coaching at all. There defo needs to be more transparency. I reckon it will all come out very soon how dodgy it all is.
Literally this! Iv done three coaching plans with various people and they’ve all been the same set up pretty much! So I don’t bother anymore Iv just self taught myself what works for me…. I have never done 444 tho and the price she charges is pretty industry standard. One of the coaches at my gym is £300pm

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VIP Member
View attachment 2264137So this is the ‘holistic’ trainer who says, I quote, “I have no interest in having filler in my lips” and believes there may be a little residue in her top lip 🫣
Let’s be real, she has cheek filler, Botox and her lips are overfilled and migrating.
The delusional behaviour continues. Does she think her followers are dumb?
Yeah, I personally didn’t take much notice of the chatter around filler before, but this angle makes it look SO obvious. Just own up to it for crying out loud. Why do these people think it’s better for them to lie about this stuff?
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VIP Member
She’s full of 💩 and an absolute narcissist.

All her content is regurgitated, and the same before and afters she’s been posting for years. It’s all so toxic and the exact opposite to what she preaches about.
She really is.

it’s all the same regurgitated shite - she flips and flops from the narrative she’s trying to weave, it’s wild to me that more people haven’t caught on to how much bullshit she spouts.
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does anyone know how much her course is? I actually want to join but I don't want to offend if I get accepted and can't afford it and have to decline?
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View attachment 2264137So this is the ‘holistic’ trainer who says, I quote, “I have no interest in having filler in my lips” and believes there may be a little residue in her top lip 🫣
Let’s be real, she has cheek filler, Botox and her lips are overfilled and migrating.
The delusional behaviour continues. Does she think her followers are dumb?
Just checking back at this thread. I’d unfollowed her out of feeling annoyed with the constant selfies and bodychecking. Checked in recently and it’s seemingly worse than ever. Weight loss is great and everything, but it’s devolved into pure narcissism now. Can we talk about the fact she has almost definitely had a nose job and eyebrow lift?
So real and authentic. I’d never judge someone for plastic surgery, but chalking your transformation up to running and losing weight is just false advertising. She looks like she’s changed races.


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Blinkin Nora. So she's not even qualified in anything 🥴
She’s not, but my god doesn’t she act like she knows it all? 😳

Also, side note, but the fucking filming herself on screen at EVERY SINGLE podcast episode she records grinds my tits. I can’t bare it with the thick veil of “can’t believe this is my life” blah blah blah.

Long, long time Cassia follower here (pre-weightloss) and can confirm I watched it happen in real time. I won’t discredit the hard work she did to get where she is but now, the constant body checking and superiority complex she developed along the way is the most shocking part of it all. Cassia used to have such lovely fashion and now, the ill-fitting clothes just to show how tiny she is, really make it hard to believe I ever saw her enjoy dressing properly.
It’s almost like she has to prove how small and petite she is by wearing shit that literally hangs off her?
As for the botox, she used to be very open about how much work she’d had done and how she had wanted to get it dissolved but I guess vanity got the better of her there!
It’s a shame to know her programme/business is a scam because her story is very motivational, and like I said, I saw it happening in real time and it was very impressive and inspirational at the time.
Thank you so much for your insight, this is brilliant - you’ve confirmed a lot of what we already thought which is great!

For someone who preaches about size not mattering and being yourself she really does like to show off how small she is, it must be so triggering for a lot of people and I imagine is doing a lot of damage for people (myself included) trying to lose weight. She really needs to take a step back and look at what she’s saying and putting out there, I think the shine is really starting to wear off and she needs to stop being so snowy and inauthentic, especially with what we know about her background and her filler, etc.

It’s crazy she actually used to be so open about the Botox but now she has a platform she’s trying to rewrite the narrative and make out she’s never had any work done when a blind man could see she’s lying 😂🤥
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Oh wow, that is mad! She comes across sweet in some of her content so it’s crazy that she’s happy to schlep this copy and paste shit, especially when she preaches that she’s “not like other fitness influencers who market you on your weaknesses” seems she’s just like the lot of them. Money hungry with no real concern for her customers.
Now we know what’s funding the lip filler and veneers 😂 a con
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Her use of y’all sends me West. Debating unfollowing as I’m realising she doesn’t actually post content that helps others, all “me me me”
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Mmmm, I have started to feel like this - I feel bad as I too followed her as she felt really refreshing and real, but the constant updates on “wow look at my life now” and parading around photos and videos of how she looks just don’t feel genuine anymore.
I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt when she kept repeating her life story about “can’t believe how far I’ve come” as being down to the amount of new followers she must be getting so updating them, but it’s just become a relentless stream of the same rubbish. I just don’t get it anymore.
She’s gone from feeling like “one of us” to now pushing this “I’m coach” mentality like she’s just above everyone else. Ah, maybe I’m waffling, but yeah.. feeling less and less into it the more I see, which is a shame as I really rated her. Maybe we’re all just wising up to influencers and their many guises now.
Totally agree! The tone has really changed the past couple of months. She’s was so desperate not to be like the other girlies, but now she’s even worse! The constant body checking, and flexing/posing is the total opposite to the vibe she was about just a few months ago. It’s such a shame as she really was one of the good ones.
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New member
Curious - she’s always posting these transformation pictures from her clients. Has anyone here actually gone further than enquiring about the cost of coaching and seen what she actually does? I’m always a bit sceptical of these fitness coaches who can seemingly offer these drastic client results within like 2 weeks - just curious to see what her approach is.
A lot of talk about it on red-dit for her and her 444 coaching program. More than one person saying she’s the Brittany Dawn of the Uk 😭
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A normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60-100. I really don’t get it… a resting heart rate in the 70s is not bad, so it’s like she’s trying to prove she is better than the average person?
Also always showing off her expensive shit like this garmin watch (yes I’m jealous because I can’t afford it but also if I could afford it I wouldn’t brag about it like she does??)


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