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Chatty Member
Losing weight is her whole personality, she has nothing else
I feel like she could pivot it into just lifestyle and wellness. She doesn’t need to post every day that she used to be bigger. It’s so boring and she’s so in love with herself 🥱
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Just got served her TikTok video about training for the Paris marathon that was mentioned earlier in this thread where she is moaning about not being fast enough.

why also does she say her training has been tricky with knock knees, yet in the comments someone has asked about it and she’s like “strength training fixed it for me” - so you don’t struggle with it anymore? I don’t know much about it, but how is she complaining about it one minute and then telling someone else she doesn’t struggle with it anymore?
She is such a twat. There are issues there that a therapist would need a month to unpick. Definitely narcissistic behaviour 😬
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I signed up to her online coaching before it moved to 444…. Biggest regret. £100/m for absolute tosh. Jumped ship so quick, the ‘check ins’ were literally a sentence or two.. along the lines of ‘keep going’ - when I wasn’t making sod all progress because no one had actually coached me..: just uploaded some random exercises to do and utter random food choices!
biggest waste of money 😭
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I’ve also noticed how she always says things like ‘your joy is my joy’ / ‘friends always, friends’ when people tag her in stuff - notice it’s always for the benefit of who is watching? She always shares things from people who are actively signed up to her programs or are lining her pockets in some way. When I first started following her (before she blew up) I’d DM’d her a few times saying how much I enjoyed her content, how I found her inspiring to get out and go running - did she respond? Did she fuck. Nothing. Yet if you’re paying her, she’ll engage with you as there is a benefit to her.

I don’t care of course as now I realise she is a joke, her content is garbage, but for someone so obsessed with building a community and being nice, she is so lazy with engagement. I’ve messaged other people who have millions of follows and almost always get a response and it just shows they give a shit that people take the time to reach out. I dunno really what I’m rambling with, but yeah, just left a bad taste in my mouth that she Only cares if you’re giving her money.
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Does anyone find this image quite alarming? Like verging on anorexic? I’m a very lean girl myself, so I don’t look at every thin woman and call her a skeleton lol. But this is giving emaciated
I"m new to this thread and I'm confused by her hybrid training. In this pic it doesn't look like she has much core strength which is really important for lifting properly. I got into strength training this year and it's not fun to do ab exercises but I still do them after every gym session. I noticed in her saved "lifting" stories she does like 3 deadlifts at 100kg. Idk about other people who go to the gym to keep healthy, but my goal is to develop grip strength and reach 10-15 reps with good form as I progress to heavier weights. I would never brag about 3 reps just to say I deadlift double my body weight...nobody who is a real coach talks like that? I would feel so awkward posting that if I had clients.

She clearly pushes herself with running and works with a trainer, but she's not someone who is very advanced or experienced in either running or strength training. So I think for motivation she is great and enthusiastic. But she doesn't come across as a fitness professional. Esp with the constant updates on how she is always working, just finished a 10 hour day etc. Like girl have you never had a job in your life?! It's so fake and annoying. I wish she kept her fitness as a hobby and showed us her journey that way than have made it her employment and posting for engagement/monetization.
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Now I’ve finally managed to sort out cancelling my ‘coaching’ with her, I feel a bit more comfortable posting on here.

She doesn’t deserve the name “coach”. I’m working with another actual coach now who costs less and is significantly better value. The difference is night and day.
Would love to hear more when you feel comfortable doing so, well done on being able to cancel
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Does anyone believe she actually was living her most joyous moments running in an old T-shirt using trees and songs as signposts? I don’t quite believe it tbh, mostly because she spends so much money on her appearance for me to believe it (fillers, Botox, eyebrows, fake tan, designer clothes, most expensive garmin watch in the market etc). Probably she looks back and is romanticising memories and to appear more “relatable”.

I remember listening to an episode of her podcast in Sept last year with her running coach Finlay and he comes across as an absolute douche with her, both are sarrogant, dismissive and catty about runners in their community. Here are some gems from Cassia in this podcast:

“I don’t think running has anything to do with look like… it’s so freeing to be part of a sport.. that’s so about moving ahead in your life without being obsessed with how you look.”

“There’s no proof that running is bad for your knees.”

“Many of my comments are like, wait until you get a knee injury… and I’m like waiting for these aches and pains but they’re not coming.”

😂😂 loool idiot with a knee injury a few short months later
Omg as if she said those things?! She is more obsessed with how she looks when she’s running than anyone I know! Every time she posts online it’s showing off another stupid outfit she’s wearing, trying to pretend she’s ‘Lara Croft’ or some other whimsical character she wants people to associate her with.

A normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60-100. I really don’t get it… a resting heart rate in the 70s is not bad, so it’s like she’s trying to prove she is better than the average person?
Also always showing off her expensive shit like this garmin watch (yes I’m jealous because I can’t afford it but also if I could afford it I wouldn’t brag about it like she does??)
She is *always* trying to show she is better than the average person, this is why her online narrative doesn’t add up. She tried to create a community where running was open to everyone, but still had to be this tiny person online and show off how fast she was / what her heart rate was and how it was better than others. Honestly, I don’t know why more people haven’t woken up to her shit yet - how is anyone following this, seriously?

Also, the garmin watch updates and her endless trainers/sports gear updates are tiresome. How can she act like she’s like everyone else, but still shows off all this expensive gear she previously preached that you ‘didn’t need’

Make it make sense.
Hang on, what is this? Doesn’t she make out 444 is all her own doing, why then is she using herself as a client story using a ‘before’ photo where she is clearly just pushing her stomach out, and an ‘after’ photo where she is sucking it in.

If she’s such a great ‘coach’ or ‘teacher’ as she’s given herself the qualification and title of in her latest stories (🙃) then why can’t she just do this for herself, surely others are paying her for her coaching, aren’t they? Oh wait no, everyone who has signed up thinking she will be coaching them actually gets palmed off onto someone else and just gets sent generic Google plans to follow - yep, got it.


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Chatty Member
Awesome 👏🏻 fyi the pics attached are her from before. She’s gone from basic white girl to Latina looking.
I’ve just screen shot a recent video (as it’s harder for the cow to filter)! You’d expect a thread to enter and exit where I’ve drawn the line…. Her brow isn’t slanted enough for me to think she’s had this treatment…. She has high up temple veins which would hinder thread entry possible blowing a vein creating a wonky look.

I do believe she has had advance Botox to achieve the shocked look… extensive around the eyes and to raise the brow. Extensive and expensive may I add. I can’t knock the work she looks great, runners Botox only lasts around 1-2 months so she will be fresh off the needle regularly! This is just my opinion though obvs! Threads arnt really popular the fox eye trend kinda evaporated when z list celebs such as Chloe from g shore had dreadful fox eye causing scaring so I doubt our cass would risk her looks…. Older people tend to use this around the jowls and neck to tighten. Threads also don’t last long they are like sutures and melt away quickly causing the skin to sag even further.

She defoooo loves a Sunbed aswell! Her skin does look great. Annoyingly. The profilo treatment will act as an under skin facial which I would put money on her having regular also.

I’m fairly new to her as like yourselves she came up on my feed as I do some running (and noticed my Botox literally melts away so quickly with it and have to have it a lot more regularly may I add) so if she does a question box I’m just going to risk the block and ask what Work she’s had done to her face. See if she lies. I’m fairly confident I feel like she’s too posh to say and too sly.

The nose job speculation hmmmmm I’m unsure as she’s obviously good at contouring and I don’t offer liquid rhino which she may have had to help straighten and she looks like she has a pixie tip lift…… ….. does anyone else know as I’d love to find out 😂😂😂🫠



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Chatty Member
The eye fucking is insaneeeeeee

I remember she also once posted a story doing her stupid strong man pose (I don’t know what it’s called when you flex your biceps either side of your head) and she wrote something like “sorry mum, I know you hate it when I do this” - yes, listen to your mum, you look ridiculous as you just look so self obsessed.

also, the crop top/bralet/bikini tops she exclusively wears as actual clothes drive me wild - that isn’t an outfit! Just screams of someone who lost weight and makes their whole personality about showing it off - her clothing choices look utterly ridiculous, IMO.
That’s all she is. Her entire personality is being thin now and running. Get a life 😂😂😂
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I really liked her when I first found her but something in the back of my mind was telling me there’s a missing piece to her story. Then I came across a post on Reddit from someone who knew her when she was bigger, claiming her dad forked out for a dietician, nutritionist, PT etc to start her journey. I too binge eat so I’m incredibly disheartened to learn that she’s not disclosed this. I don’t have the funds or family support to start my journey in this way, and have beat myself up for ages thinking if cassia can do it why can’t I 😔.

I also wish she would post more about the smaller details of her journey, especially the getting started and not just I was once bigger now look at me!!
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So she’s blown her knee out and can’t run, around the Paris marathon stage, but still ran the London one even though she said she was in pain.

Im sorry but she’s so dumb, OF COURSE she shouldn’t have ran both and it’s her own fault she’s struggling now. She only ran the London marathon to say she had and for the gram.
Preach! Feels like it was all a stupid push for her followers and so she could revel in the messages saying how ‘strong’ she is. She knows she wasn’t in the position to run two marathons.

She never takes her own advice and will literally do herself damage trying to create ‘inspiring’ content, she’s an idiot.
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Chatty Member
Long, long time Cassia follower here (pre-weightloss) and can confirm I watched it happen in real time. I won’t discredit the hard work she did to get where she is but now, the constant body checking and superiority complex she developed along the way is the most shocking part of it all. Cassia used to have such lovely fashion and now, the ill-fitting clothes just to show how tiny she is, really make it hard to believe I ever saw her enjoy dressing properly.
It’s almost like she has to prove how small and petite she is by wearing shit that literally hangs off her?
As for the botox, she used to be very open about how much work she’d had done and how she had wanted to get it dissolved but I guess vanity got the better of her there!
It’s a shame to know her programme/business is a scam because her story is very motivational, and like I said, I saw it happening in real time and it was very impressive and inspirational at the time.
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Does anyone believe she actually was living her most joyous moments running in an old T-shirt using trees and songs as signposts? I don’t quite believe it tbh, mostly because she spends so much money on her appearance for me to believe it (fillers, Botox, eyebrows, fake tan, designer clothes, most expensive garmin watch in the market etc). Probably she looks back and is romanticising memories and to appear more “relatable”.

I remember listening to an episode of her podcast in Sept last year with her running coach Finlay and he comes across as an absolute douche with her, both are sarrogant, dismissive and catty about runners in their community. Here are some gems from Cassia in this podcast:

“I don’t think running has anything to do with look like… it’s so freeing to be part of a sport.. that’s so about moving ahead in your life without being obsessed with how you look.”

“There’s no proof that running is bad for your knees.”

“Many of my comments are like, wait until you get a knee injury… and I’m like waiting for these aches and pains but they’re not coming.”

😂😂 loool idiot with a knee injury a few short months later
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Who remembers her saying she’ll never do ads etc because that’s not who she wants to be. Now she on freebie Adidas trips (when she’s only ever worn Nike) and is now a Gymshark salesperson. I mean good for her getting that £££ but she’s lost any authenticity.
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Chatty Member
Exactly this. It’s just some bullshit she will be peddling for the “oh you’ve got this babe, you’re such an inspiration” she’s so egotistical with everything. If she is sore then just tap out, don’t be a martyr about doing it and not adhering to the advice you give others. What a crock.

With you on this. You’d literally think she’d saved children from a burning building the way she has this hero complex about herself. You lost weight, great job. Now stop crying in every IG story and acting like you literally saved the world. She’s got the biggest ego I’ve ever seen, I think she should take some time to maybe focus on that for a while and give her head a little wobble.

I am all here for people bettering themselves and overcoming things, but the way she has rinsed and repeated this same sob story, being “surprised” at how far she’s come is so bloody boring now. How is anyone still lapping this up?

she got help to get to where she is now, again, no issue with that, but stop telling people a different story. Own your shit.
I do wonder if she gets new followers with the weeping routine and then they forget to unfollow her?? She would eat herself if she was chocolate, she’s nothing inspirational or special at all.
So she ran her first runs in those holey leggings when she was like 5 stone lighter? Ok….
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