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I can’t stand how she constantly complains about not being fast enough or states that she’s a slow runner, when she constantly smashes out times like this.
But then she’ll always preach about speed not mattering and telling others not to worry about it too much. She’s so wishy washy.
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I’m 100% sure she posted a story talking to camera a few weeks back saying about how her legs give her a lot of pain when she runs so she has been considering getting the loose skin removed, which is fair enough. But why then has she posted this about her legs again saying she’ll never change them?

I don’t know, I just find she flip flops so much with her narrative and the story she tries to portray online. Has anyone else noticed this?

Change them if you want to change them, but don’t then try and play out as though you’re fighting the good fight for not changing for anyone when a few weeks ago you told people you were going to get surgery to change your body. (Let’s also not talk about the other cosmetic surgeries she claims she hasn’t had…)

Ive also just noticed on uploading this screenshot that she looks to be wearing some kind of chunky heel too which she’s tried to keep out of shot, which will no doubt also alter how her legs look in this photo - why is nothing consistent with her? It’s all a weird smoke screen


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Thank god someone thinks the same!!! She is absolutely horrid. I too found her so inspiring but then within a matter of weeks she gave off this ‘I’m better than you’ vibe. She absolutely loves herself and never engages with her ‘fans’ Can not stand her 🤢
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I noticed in her saved "lifting" stories she does like 3 deadlifts at 100kg. Idk about other people who go to the gym to keep healthy, but my goal is to develop grip strength and reach 10-15 reps with good form as I progress to heavier weights. I would never brag about 3 reps just to say I deadlift double my body weight...nobody who is a real coach talks like that?
She has mentioned before that she prefers power lifting rather than traditional strength training so heavy low reps with a focus on compound movements would make more sense if that’s what she’s aiming for.
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Her content is SO stale. It’s the same old thing over and over - to give her the benefit of the doubt, I imagine as her followers grow she feels the need to repeat herself a lot, but she forgets how many people have followed her for a while, and it gets tiresome fast seeing her posting the same shit over and over.

The mental health side is interesting, I’m totally with you on that! It’s such a tough battle - and being someone who has been open about her own struggles with mental health and bingeing, she hasn’t really gone into much detail about it, which I imagine would be helpful for a lot of people (more so than repeatedly seeing her in gym wear that’s worn to show how small she is - Eugh). Has she gone into it much on her podcast?

I can’t bring myself to listen to it, so good to have your feedback on it - sounds like I’ll give it a miss. She’s very me me me at the moment and I love how the ultra she just did is now her new narrative, saw she referred to it in plural the other day it’s like hun, you ran it once, stop.

There’s little bits where she starts to open up but then cuts it short, could have been a great tool to help people get started but she seems to be more focused on her ultra journey. A lot of us are at the starting point feeling overwhelmed and needing to get the basics in place! I hope if she’s reading here she takes this as constructive feedback.

I’m trapped in the binge restrict cycle and finding it hard to get out of. Keep falling back into old habits, self loathing etc. I’m not huge and I’m fairly active but the diet is quickly spiralling out of control and I can’t get a grip on it. I’d love to know the details of how she combatted that, the self discipline techniques etc. I’d love to be able to run one day but I need to get the diet under control first as that plays the biggest part in a fitness journey. I get we’re all different but I feel this would have more of an impact on her followers and listeners Instead of the before and after regurgitated reels. 🤷🏽‍♀️

There’s 3-4 years of her middle part of the journey that are what I’d be interesting in too. Getting over the first hurdle and then staying committed to it - which is where so many people fail
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Todays insta story “I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face - the way you look is the least important thing about you”. I’m sorry, but the hypocrisy with this woman is the worst I’ve seen in a long time. She is obsessed with photographing herself. Her poor boyfriend 😭
Used to follow her and found her refreshing compared to other fitness girls online. A reply she made on Tik Tok from last year - she said “I don’t show much of my body because I like to remain as modest as I can online - even if I hadn’t lost weight I wouldn’t get my body out :)” Queue the bikini photos and constant body shots 😏 She’s delusional.
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“Feeling stuck with your own wellness” … lol what 😂 that’s the most silly “before and after” picture ever.

Yeah the frequent Lara Croft or whatever comparisons are weird. Like she’s trying to tell people they can be an action hero. She is clearly not mentally well and being so obsessive with her body. It takes many years to grow and heal, not just 2 years and suddenly she’s a coach. I think it is starting to catch up on her.

“Extraordinary is accessible” is also such bizarre tagline, like assuming everyone is dying to be extraordinary. I just want to get through next week tbh 😅 no way in hell I have energy to contemplate how I wanna be extraordinary. If you chase that illusion, you’re gonna crash and fail lol.

She’s doing the 444 coaching to talk about it in her socials and boost sales. 🥱

Honestly I would radmire her tireless promotion if she didn’t bring this superior attitude and constantly showing her body as if she’s the gold standard that everyone wants to be. I have a pretty similar figure and height to her but I don’t want the frame she’s working to achieve at all. I’ve been there and done that, and carrying so much muscle mass slows me down and I don’t like feeling so heavy in general life even when I get good flexibility 😅

Of course she has £5k+ lying around collecting dust 👏👏 so brave and heroic
Literally my thoughts when I checked out the cost to do that ultra, I was like… wat?

don’t get me wrong, a passion of mine is fitness and outdoor activities but I refuse to pay £50 to join a 5k when I can do the same route alone the week after - the amount she’s going to be paying to compete the desert ultra is jokes 🤣
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Exactly. She’s so cringe. I called her out for something recently and instead of apologising or anything I was instantly blocked! Hate her even more 😂
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I saw her pop up on my reels that video about her trying to run between the trees. Very inspiring. Gave her a follow. Anyways I’ve started my own running journey and needed something to listen to on my runs, bored of my own music.
started listening to her podcast. Up to ep 16.
All very inspiring almost as if it was all too good to be true….
Wondered if she had a thread…..
Hello everyone 🍿🍿🍿
Welcome! ❤🔥 enjoy unpacking the last few threads!
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Omg as if she said those things?! She is more obsessed with how she looks when she’s running than anyone I know! Every time she posts online it’s showing off another stupid outfit she’s wearing, trying to pretend she’s ‘Lara Croft’ or some other whimsical character she wants people to associate her with.

She is *always* trying to show she is better than the average person, this is why her online narrative doesn’t add up. She tried to create a community where running was open to everyone, but still had to be this tiny person online and show off how fast she was / what her heart rate was and how it was better than others. Honestly, I don’t know why more people haven’t woken up to her shit yet - how is anyone following this, seriously?

Also, the garmin watch updates and her endless trainers/sports gear updates are tiresome. How can she act like she’s like everyone else, but still shows off all this expensive gear she previously preached that you ‘didn’t need’

Make it make sense.
Hang on, what is this? Doesn’t she make out 444 is all her own doing, why then is she using herself as a client story using a ‘before’ photo where she is clearly just pushing her stomach out, and an ‘after’ photo where she is sucking it in.

If she’s such a great ‘coach’ or ‘teacher’ as she’s given herself the qualification and title of in her latest stories (🙃) then why can’t she just do this for herself, surely others are paying her for her coaching, aren’t they? Oh wait no, everyone who has signed up thinking she will be coaching them actually gets palmed off onto someone else and just gets sent generic Google plans to follow - yep, got it.
“Feeling stuck with your own wellness” … lol what 😂 that’s the most silly “before and after” picture ever.

Yeah the frequent Lara Croft or whatever comparisons are weird. Like she’s trying to tell people they can be an action hero. She is clearly not mentally well and being so obsessive with her body. It takes many years to grow and heal, not just 2 years and suddenly she’s a coach. I think it is starting to catch up on her.

“Extraordinary is accessible” is also such bizarre tagline, like assuming everyone is dying to be extraordinary. I just want to get through next week tbh 😅 no way in hell I have energy to contemplate how I wanna be extraordinary. If you chase that illusion, you’re gonna crash and fail lol.

She’s doing the 444 coaching to talk about it in her socials and boost sales. 🥱

Honestly I would radmire her tireless promotion if she didn’t bring this superior attitude and constantly showing her body as if she’s the gold standard that everyone wants to be. I have a pretty similar figure and height to her but I don’t want the frame she’s working to achieve at all. I’ve been there and done that, and carrying so much muscle mass slows me down and I don’t like feeling so heavy in general life even when I get good flexibility 😅
Is anyone listened to a podcast recently she mentioned she’s doing des sables…. I’m sorry but she took herself out with an injury doing 2 marathons back to back and now she wants to do a 156 mile desert marathon, I don’t understand who or what she’s trying to prove here?

i 100% feel she does this only for the recognition, not because she truly wants to spend 5 days sleeping and racing through the desert.
Of course she has £5k+ lying around collecting dust 👏👏 so brave and heroic
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Who remembers her saying she’ll never do ads etc because that’s not who she wants to be. Now she on freebie Adidas trips (when she’s only ever worn Nike) and is now a Gymshark salesperson. I mean good for her getting that £££ but she’s lost any authenticity.
I did wonder about the Adidas thing when it came up? Have literally never heard her reference Adidas once, always promotes Nike, then all of a sudden she’s working with them and it’s a “dream come true” and something she had on her “vision board” - like what?
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When she first went viral on tiktok, I went and scrolled back as far as I could on her insta. She also had highlight stories documenting her workouts.

She bought an exercise bike and would post that she’d put an album on and cycle with the bike turned up to maximum resistance for the full album. Not sure how that narrative shifted to only working out at home with a single dumbbell.
She said joke. Absolutely in love with herself, can’t cope with the videos with the crop tops and her eye fucking herself constantly
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She just posted another story about getting the loose skin removed from her legs (I should have screengrabbed it as I knew it wouldn’t last long) and she’s already deleted it again.

I think there’s nothing wrong with wanting to change things, but if your brand is based on preaching to be yourself, doing things naturally, then this just isn’t it.
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Weird how I asked why she barely cracks a sweat and then she said that. Must read here 👀
Hahaha giving herself away methinks
WTF is this post 😂😂 You post before and after photos bodychecking EVERYDAY. ‘Dang’?!? 🤣 View attachment 2334406
Now this angers me. She is posting the Spotify ‘educational’ podcast chart on Monday when she released an episode on Monday. Guarantee that at the end of the week, that chart looks very different when the other podcasters have released their episodes. Very misleading.
Yeah, that’s so BS - she uploads and checks how she looks every day so this is ridiculous. Also, for someone who preaches about not comparing yourself to anyone, etc - why does she always make out she’s Lara Croft? C’mon girl.

interesting point about the podcast chart @ElizabethBB - veryyyyy misleading on her part then. But then, this is the job of hunfluencers isn’t it? They have no real idea how these things work so when they think they’ve had a win (which more often than not, they haven’t) they post about it to reap the praise from their audience who know no better.
Also, with the podcast - what else could she possibly have to say that we don’t already hear her bang on about on her stories?? 😂😂
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On her bs again today on stories - I thought she didn’t wear shorts because of her legs?

Also, why does she wear a full face of makeup to go and run 21k in 30 degree heat? Oh yes, it’ll be because she’ll need to upload stories during it saying how amazed she is at her body she’s constantly surprised with…


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Chatty Member
Yeah that stings. I’m always rooting for the underdog, but the fact she is from money and her dad is a dietitian did ruin the illusion for me. it’s somehow way less impressive if someone who has all the support in the world becomes successful.
I’m not discrediting her work, but essentially she just lost weight and had work done then started an Instagram.
her story is a bit stale. And knowing her programme is a bit of a scam too is just deflating. It’s all smoke and mirrors on Instagram
The work she’s had done started years before the weightloss which is likely why it looks so out of proportion with her face! It’s a shame she didn’t just commit to having it all dissolved because her lips are awful.
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Why does she keep calling herself a powerlifter? I am guessing she doesn't actually know what one is 😬 also, how the frig does she not end up a sweaty mess when she runs miles in the heat. I ran 3km today and the sweet was stinging my eyes 🤣
Yeah I find that weird - also the constant arm flexing and eye-fucking herself on Stories just sends me into orbit 😂

Same here. Like everything she does, she tries to make out she’s this real standard of achievable fitness but she’s not at all. Just shows blistered chalked up hands now and again but that’s it, but not anything about actually getting fit and how hard it really is
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